News for the Smith College Community //November 30, 2000
A Busy Year for Kahn Institute Though it's only three years old, the Louise W. and Edmund J. Kahn Liberal Arts Institute has already explored the ecologies of childhood and celebrated Galileo at the millennium. Now, during 2000-01, the institute is sponsoring two projects that, like those of the past, bring together students, faculty members and visiting fellows in multidisciplinary scholarship. "The idea of the Kahn Institute seems to be taking hold at Smith," says Marjorie Senechal, professor of mathematics and director of the Kahn Institute since its inception. "The academic community is seeing it as a unique resource for scholarly goals, and we are receiving extremely high-quality applications for future projects." "Anatomy of Exile," one of this year's Kahn projects, organized by Peter Rose, Sophia Smith Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, focuses on the causes and consequences of forced migration, the dependency of the disposed, the sociology of alienation, and the politics and morality of refugee policies, with particular reference to events in the 20th century. Along with promoting research and holding meetings for institute fellows, the project is offering public lectures and discussions throughout the year on controversial topics such as mass asylum, the politics of humanitarian assistance, the conundrum of repatriation, the role of citizens' committees as lobbyists for refugees, and the spiritual plight of exiled intellectuals. From Thursday, December 7, through Saturday, December 9, the "Anatomy of Exile" project will host "Forced Out: The Meaning of Home," the first of two public symposia. It will feature a presentation, "Self and Circumstance: Visions and Journeys of Exile," by Professor Ruben Rumbaut, of Michigan State University, on December 7, at 8 p.m. in Neilson Browsing Room. At 2 p.m. on December 8, a panel, "Road Without End: Expressions of Exile," will take place, also in Neilson Browsing Room, with Orm Overland of the University of Bergen, Norway; Michael Gorra, professor of English; and Kahn faculty fellows Thalia Pandiri, professor of classics, and Gertraud Gutzmann, associate professor of German studies. Following at 4:15 p.m. in Neilson Browsing Room will be a panel titled "Evening Bells: Exile and Beyond," with Rumbaut and Kahn fellows Ingrid Sommerkorn of the University of Hamburg and government professors Donna Divine and Greg White. At 8 p.m., a lecture, "Loss and Recovery: Experiencing the Cambodian Genocide, Reclaiming a Culture," will be given in Neilson Browsing Room by Cambodian-American Arn Chorn Pond. The symposium will close on December 9 following a 10 a.m. series of presentations and commentaries titled "Alienation and the Meaning of Home: Several Works in Progress," in Seelye 201. In April 2001, a second symposium of the "Anatomy of Exile" project will honor William Allan Neilson, third president of Smith, and other founders of the Emergency Rescue Committee (ERC). Known today as the International Rescue Committee, it is a leading agency dedicated to protecting victims of totalitarianism and promoting assistance and resettlement. The other Kahn project this year is "Community Activism," organized by Martha Ackelsberg, professor of government, and Nancy Whittier, assistant professor of sociology. The yearlong project examines two different but overlapping contexts of activism: community activism in the United States; and activism springing from disputes over "borders." Smith faculty and students have teamed with community-based activists from western Massachusetts and beyond for the two-tiered project. "Community Activism" began with the September conference "Agents of Change: Celebrating Women's Progressive Activism Across the 20th Century," cosponsored by the Sophia Smith Collection, which marked the opening for research of the papers of eight 20th-century women activists and organizations. The colloquia and speakers scheduled this fall have focused on communities as both contexts for and products of activism. They also explore the interactions between activists and the state and international bodies. Late last month, "Community Activism" hosted Marina Alvarez, an AIDS educator and community organizer who served as an activist-in-residence for the project. And earlier this month, the project sponsored a performance by Deborah Lubar that dramatized women's struggles against discrimination with excerpts from three of her plays: Blood and Stones (1992), You Do What You Do (1997) and Naming the Days (2000). Also in October, the "Anatomy of Exile" project sponsored a presentation by Eric Reeves, professor of English and Kahn Fellow, on "Sudan: Suffering a Long Way Off." Before the lecture, Roger Winter, executive director of the U.S. Committee for Refugees, presented Reeves with a certificate of appreciation for his advocacy of human rights in Sudan. Spring semester events will continue these discussions with a focus on constructions of identity and on the processes of building and maintaining coalitions. "Community Activism" will conclude with a major conference next fall. A complete schedule of Kahn Institute
events is available on-line at, and
requests to be added to the mailing list should be sent to kahnevents@
Hardhats Not Required at Winter Party It's been a year of heavy construction on campus and this year's Winter Party 2000 will make a theme of it on Saturday, December 16, from 8 to 11:30 p.m. in the Indoor Track and Tennis Facility. All faculty, staff, emeriti, members of the 25-Year Club, plus a guest, are cordially invited by President Ruth Simmons to attend the Winter Party 2000, in appreciation for a year of hard work for the college -- amid a (sometimes loud) atmosphere of construction. Doors will open at 7:45 p.m. Bring your invitation. All the construction around us on campus is a sure sign of the college's progress. So the Winter Party Committee considered it fitting to kick off the first party of the new millennium with a celebration of that progress. As partiers arrive they will be greeted by a decorating scheme that will incorporate familiar construction site components -- tractors, heavy equipment, hardhats -- that we see every day around here. But more importantly, there will be a variety of savory hors d'oeuvres to tempt their palates. Beverage selections will range from assorted sparkling drinks and coffee to beer and wine. For dessert, Steve Herrell will scoop his own ice cream. To work off all the delectables, be sure to bring your dancing shoes (or work boots!) to bebop to the swinging sounds of the Don Bastarache Big Band. DJ Ali Glaiel will also spin your faves and play requests. Volunteers (energetic ones) will be needed before and after the party to assist with set up and clean up. If you would like to volunteer to help the Winter Party Committee, contact Peg Pitzer, ext. 2136,, Amy Holich, ext. 2404,, or Gary Hartwell, ext. 2441, If you plan to attend, please send your RSVP card to Phyllis Cummings by December 1, indicating whether you will bring a guest. Come to the Winter Party 2000 for fun, food and friendship -- hardhats not required. A Hospital's Fabled Past Comes to Life By Michelle Ducharme '89 Like many past and present Smith students, I have been intrigued since my days as an undergraduate by the complex of fabled, empty buildings that sits just beyond Hospital Hill. The Northampton State Hospital (NSH) looms hauntingly over the campus. And at times, when the winter wind has howled, I've imagined it to be the sound of the hospital's ghosts. So when I recently saw an article about Habeas Corpus, a memorial for NSH held on November 18, that included a multispeaker musical installment of J. S. Bach's Magnificat amplified among the buildings, I was interested. My desire to attend Habeas Corpus had to do partly with the artistic dimensions of the event, but more with the social and historic ones. Because my aunt taught a course in psychiatric nursing for more than 20 years, I had had some sense of mental health issues. But I realized I'd never before listened to the voices of those labeled "mentally ill." That changed on November 18, when I joined a standing-room-only crowd in Sweeney Auditorium for "State Hospital Testimony: A Moment of Oral History," part of the Habeas Corpus memorial. The session was designed to give voice to people for whom NSH and other state hospitals had been built. Though thousands of people were treated at the hospital during the institution's 144-year life, fewer than 20 former patients spoke at the event. Voluntarily taking the stage, each spoke without a script, making no apologies for form or content. There were no sound bytes. The former patients simply talked, some nervous and angry, others grateful and determined. "My first impression of NSH was that I was in some sort of hell," recounted a former female patient. Another woman recalled the wonderful care she received at the hospital in 1937, but how she was advised upon her release never to reveal that she had been a patient there. The stigma still haunted her in 1950 and nearly caused her to lose custody of her child. Some thanked doctors, nurses and other staff members. Others described the nightmare of having been trapped in a system wrought with abuses. One woman recalled having been raped by a staff member while tied in restraints. A man said he was on dialysis now because past lithium treatment had damaged his kidneys. Another former patient described having been in and out of NSH more than 20 times since 1975. "I'm glad it's closed," he said. "It's no fun being injected with medications that make you feel like a zombie, no fun being away from your family, no fun not having freedom. I love my freedom." Some former patients made the audience laugh with their anecdotes of pranks played on staff members. "I feel like I am running for president," one man announced. "Would you vote for me? I may be manic as hell, but I'm not crazy." At other times, the audience's discomfort was palpable after hearing the patients' harsh truths. Following the patients' testimonials, audience members trekked to the state hospital to listen to music by Bach. Some people walked around the buildings, others sat in the overgrown grass or stood quietly. I stood watching a broken upper window, where a tattered curtain fluttered. As the music resounded among the buildings, I expected to be moved, to experience deep feelings while I imagined the individuals who might have looked out that broken window. It was extraordinary to hear the music resound among the buildings. But even Bach's powerful Magnificat amplified through hundreds of speakers couldn't compare with the voices of people who truly knew the building from the inside. How to Avoid End-of-Term Stress By Eunnie Park '01 As all students (and employees) know, toward the end of the semester, many factors can cause stress: upcoming exams and papers, looming deadlines and holiday shopping to be done. But Hayat Nancy Abuza offers a solution for whatever it is that drags down our moods and threatens us with holiday depression. In a weekly on-campus drop-in meditation and stress-reduction class, Abuza, a minister and medical doctor, guides her students toward calm relief from the daily grind and offers a renewal of the spirit. Throughout the fall semester, Abuza has taught the techniques of relaxation and stress relief to students and staff. Abuza's class teaches stretching to relieve muscle tension and stress, and meditative breathing to encourage relaxation. It also includes a discussion of stress and ways of dealing with it, plus instructions for deep, guided total-body relaxation, she says. The class teaches practical relaxation techniques -- walking meditation and guided visualizations (using images such as a landscape to calm the mind and body) -- that can be used independently by students during the week. Abuza, who also serves as chapel assistant at the Interreligious Center, explains that her broad background in comparative religion enables her to teach meditation techniques from many different traditions. Her approach to meditation is nondenominational and includes influences from her years of studying yoga and Buddhist, Sufi, Jewish and Christian meditations, she says. Abuza's meditation program began last fall as a pilot project sponsored by the chapel. Meditation classes last year were offered in the living rooms of student residences. The feedback was so excellent, says Abuza, that this year's drop-in classes were organized with the support of the Rev. Leon Burrows, coordinator of religious life. Abuza points out that she is still available to come to different houses to lead relaxation classes. Identifying herself as a "roving meditation teacher," Abuza says she is often invited to teach meditation for different organizations and activities. In the near future, Abuza plans to design stress-reduction classes specifically for staff members. In the meantime, anyone in need of immediate stress relief can drop by Seelye 211 every Thursday, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., for Abuza's class. It is open to the public and every meeting is oriented for beginners -- a particularly welcoming atmosphere for end-of-semester newcomers. A Rug That Has Stood the Test of Time Each semester, hundreds of members of the Smith community and the public stroll in and out of Neilson Browsing Room to attend lectures, poetry readings and presentations. But how many of them ever look down and notice the rug on which they patter? How many appreciate the carpet that has adorned the floor of the heavily used room for nearly 50 years? The rug only endures with the special care and sometimes expensive maintainence of area rug specialists. The Neilson Browsing Room rug requires the steady attention of Steve Omartian, owner of Omartian Toros & Sons Inc., an Oriental rug specialist company in Springfield. Omartian's father and grandfather worked on the rug before him. Omartian describes the Neilson Browsing Room rug as a "Persian Mahal" style Oriental rug made of a "high grade of durable yarn." The rug was originally produced in Iran and purchased for $2,750 in 1955, from Omartian's grandfather, says Karen Eberhart, college archives assistant. Since then, three generations of Omartians have regularly maintained the rug's foot-worthiness. Every three or four years, the Neilson rug is cleaned and repaired, these days by Steve Omartian, and the Omartian company's 20-year employee, Cecil Hector. The process takes four days, says Omartian, during which the rug undergoes a thorough dusting, cleaning and finally restoration. Repair is required mostly to the rug's perimeter and fringes, but also includes patching and reweaving holes throughout, he explains. The rug, which measures approximately 20 by 44 feet, was cut down from its original size to fit the floor of Neilson Browsing Room. Its remnants were saved for use in repairing worn and damaged areas, says Chris Hannon, head of the Neilson Library reference department. "If you look at the rug very closely, you can find the areas that have been repaired over the years," she adds. Given its schedule of maintenance, Omartian predicts that the rug will probably last another 15 to 20 years. Until then, it's sure to remain underfoot in Neilson Browsing Room, providing a solid footing for hundreds of lectures and readings to come.
Change in
AcaMedia Deadline Due to scheduling conflicts around staff training in the Office of College Relations, the final issue of AcaMedia this semester will be delayed one week. The issue that was scheduled for distribution on Thursday, December 7, will be delivered on Thursday, December 14. The deadline for calendar items and notices will accordingly be postponed one week, from Tuesday, November 28, to Tuesday, December 5. All notices and items for the calendar pertinent to the dates January 8-28, 2001, should be received by 4 p.m., December 5. The first spring semester issue of AcaMedia, on Thursday, January 25, 2001, will carry an update on the college's new scheduling process using the Resource 25 program. ScoreBoard Cross Country Squash Basketball Swimming & Diving No PeopleNews this week. Sources of further information, if any, are indicated in parentheses. Notices should be submitted by mail, by e-mail or by fax (extension 2171). Collegewide Christmas Vespers Old Uniform Tag Sale Museum of Art Day Trip On-line Athletics News Mid-December Scheduling Faculty and Staff AKP Faculty Fellowships Students Technological Problems Submission of Papers Students should always keep paper copies of submitted work. Each year the Administrative Board is asked to judge cases regarding final papers or projects that have gone astray. The best way to avoid such situations is to submit papers to a person, such as the professor of the class or a departmental staff member who can verify receipt. Specifying time and location of delivery in such cases is advantageous for the faculty and the students. Students and faculty are also reminded that the college requires papers delivered by U.S. mail to be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. Study-Abroad Deadlines Attention January Graduates Final Frenzy Take Smith Home Student Positions Open On-Line Evaluations Mellon Fellowships Sports Mascot Needed Final Examinations Résumé Web Site |
Sources of further information, if any, are shown in parentheses at the end of event descriptions. An asterisk following a listing indicates that the event is open to the public. Admission charges, if any, are listed when known. Items for this section must be submitted on Event Service Request Forms. Monday, December 4 Lectures/Symposia Lecture "The Ancient Silk Trade: Mystery vs. Industry." Richard Lim, history department, will discuss the mystique of silk and its relationship to premodern, gift-exchange economies in Asia and Europe. Part of the Brown Bag Lunch series. Sponsor: Northampton Silk Project. Noon, Kahn Institute, Neilson Library Meetings/Workshops
Other Events/Activities Yoga class Noncredit, for students. All levels. 4:45-6 p.m., Davis Ballroom Tuesday, December 5 Lectures/Symposia Literature at Lunch Dean Albarelli, writer-in-residence, will read Raymond Carver's short story "Cathedral." Bring lunch; drinks provided by the English department. 12:15 p.m., Seelye 207 Lecture Stephen Tilley, professor of biological sciences, will speak on conservation biology and how the multidisciplinary, cutting-edge field works to protect the planet's biological diversity. Sponsor: Conservation Biology Club. Light refreshments served. 4:15 p.m., McConnell B15* Lecture "Illness and Healing in Premodern Russian Orthodoxy." Eve Levin, associate professor of history, Ohio State University, and editor of The Russian Review. Sponsors: Provost and Dean of the Faculty's Connections Fund, religion and history departments. 5 p.m., Seelye 207* Lecture "Israel and Palestine: An Update on the Conflict." A joint presentation by Allegra Pacheco, Israeli human rights lawyer; and Souad Dajani, a Palestinian and program coordinator for the Middle East and the Horn of Africa at Grassroots International. 7:30 p.m., Stoddard auditorium Performing Arts/Films Film Autumn in New York. Sponsored by Rec Council. 9 p.m., Wright auditorium Meetings/Workshops S.O.S. Community Education Coffeehouse Learn about volunteer opportunities at the Holyoke Children's Museum. Meet the director and Smith student volunteers. Refreshments provided. 7 p.m., Wright common room SGA Senate meeting Open forum. All students welcome. 7:15 p.m., Seelye 201 Religious Life Meeting Newman Association.
Other Events/Activities Language lunch table German. 12:15 p.m., Duckett Special Dining Room B Yoga class Noncredit, for students. All levels. 4-5:15 p.m., Davis Ballroom Swimming and diving vs. Springfield College. 7 p.m., Ainsworth* CDO Open Hours for library research and browsing. Peer advisers available. 79 p.m., CDO Wednesday, December 6 Lectures/Symposia Performing Arts/Films Concert Gamelan, an ensemble of percussion instruments. 8 p.m., Earle Recital Hall, Sage Meetings/Workshops Meeting MassPIRG. 7 p.m., Seelye 110 Religious Life Buddhist service and discussion. 7:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, chapel Discussion with Baha'i Club about topics relating to the Baha'i faith and life. 8 p.m., Seelye 211 ECC Bible study Topic: What It Is to be Human. Bring questions, frustrations and curiosities. 10 p.m., Bodman Lounge, chapel Other Events/Activities Classics lunch Noon, Duckett Special Dining Room C President's open hours First come, first served. 4-5 p.m., College Hall 20 Yoga class Noncredit, for students. All levels. 4:45-6 p.m., Davis Ballroom Thursday, December 7 Lectures/Symposia Lecture "The Place of Philosophy in Buddhist Spirituality." Geshe Ngawang Samten, professor and director of Indian Buddhist philosophy at the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, India, and visiting professor, Department of Religion and Biblical Literature. Sponsors: Ada Howe Kent Fund, Tibetan studies, East Asian studies, religion and philosophy departments. 4:30 p.m., Seelye 201* Lecture "In the Crucible of Apartheid." Sindiwe Magona, award-winning South African author, on her memoir Forced to Grow. Part of WST 101, Women of Color: Defining the Issues. 7:30 p.m., Stoddard auditorium* Presentation "Self and Circumstance: Visions and Journeys of Exile." Ruben Rumbaut, Michigan State University (see story page 1). 8 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room Performing Arts/
Films Play reading Slide, by Mark Van Wye MFA '01. Ana Zappa '01, director. Story of Edna Ferber's adventures while writing her novel Ice Palace. 7:30 p.m., Earle Recital Hall, Sage Dance concert Celebrations, Smith College's student dance company, presents a program of high-energy, creative dance styles. Come see original choreography and performance. 8 p.m., Theatre 14, Mendenhall CPA Film Autumn in New York. Sponsored by Rec Council. 9 p.m., Wright auditorium Meetings/Workshops Religious Life Hillel Chanukkah party featuring the group Klezamir, the Noteables and the debut performance of the Smith Klezmer Band. Good food, latkes, dancing, radical fun. 8 p.m., Davis ballroom* Other Events/Activities Language lunch tables Korean, Russian. 12:15 p.m., Duckett Special Dining Room (alternate weekly) Basketball vs. Trinity
College. Friday, December 8 Lectures/Symposia Panel "Evening Bells: Exile and Beyond." Part of the "Anatomy of Exile" project (see story, page 1). 4:15 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room Lecture "Loss and Recovery: Experiencing the Cambodian Genocide, Reclaiming a Culture." Arn Chorn Pond (see story, page 1.) 8 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room Performing Arts/Films Theater The theatre department's Fall Festival of One Acts will feature six one-act plays directed by students in the Smith Directing II class: Come to Leave, by Allison Eve Zell, Dana Rè '02, director; Sisters, by Cherie Vogelstein, Tama Chambers, Amherst College, director; Drive, by Neal Bell, Henry Jacobson, Hampshire '01, director; Candy and Shelly go to the Desert, by Paula Cizmar, Julie Baber '02, director; The Wrong Man, by Laura Harrington, Henry Jacobson, director; Trip's Cinch, by Phyliss Nagy, Johanna Linsley '01, director. 8 p.m., Hallie Flanagan Theatre, Mendenhall CPA Dance concert Celebrations.
See Midnight Theatre A collection of short scenes written, directed, and performed by students. 11 p.m., TV Studio, theatre building* Meetings/Workshops Religious Life ECC Fellowship Music, games and the fun aspects of Christianity. Dinner provided. All welcome. 5-7 p.m., Bodman Lounge, chapel Eastern Orthodox Vespers with Fr. Harry Vulopas presiding. Families and friends invited. Light supper follows. 5:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, chapel Shabbat Services Dinner follows in the Kosher kitchen, Dawes. 5:30 p.m., Dewey common room. Keystone B.I.G. meeting Weekly fellowship meeting of Campus Crusade for Christ. 7 p.m., Wright common room Other Events/Activities Language lunch table Hebrew, with Nathan Marglit. 12:15 p.m., Duckett Special Dining Room C |
Saturday, December 9 Lectures/Symposia Performing Arts/Films Holiday concert The Five College Early Music Collegium will perform medieval and Renaissance music of Poland, Bohemia and Hungary. Robert Eisenstein, director. 8 p.m., Sweeney Auditorium, Sage* Dance concert Celebrations.
See WOZQ concert featuring a performance by Daddy, a burlesque punk band. Tickets: $5. 8 p.m., Gamut* Midnight Theatre See 12/8 listing. 11 p.m., TV Studio, theatre building Other Events/Activities Sunday, December 10 Lectures/Symposia Performing Arts/Films Film Documentary by local filmmaker Barbara Allen about the Young at Heart Chorus and the group's trip to Amsterdam. Sponsor: English department. 4 p.m., Stoddard auditorium* Meetings/Workshops Meeting Baha'i Club. 4:30 p.m., Dewey common room Meeting Amnesty International
Meeting Smith African Students Association. All welcome. 4 p.m., Mwangi Basement, Lilly Meeting Feminists of
Smith Unite. Religious Life Roman Catholic Mass Fr. Stephen-Joseph Ross, OCD, celebrant, and Elizabeth Carr, Catholic chaplain. Dinner follows in Bodman Lounge. All welcome. 4:30 p.m., chapel Other Events/Activities Monday December 11 No events scheduled Tuesday, December 12 Lectures/Symposia Poetry reading Joy Harjo, author of six collections of poems and a member of the Muscogee Tribe, will read from her new book, A Map to the Next World, and play the saxophone. Booksigning follows. 7:30 p.m., Davis ballroom* Performing Arts/Films Concert Music in the Noon Hour. Monica Jakuc, piano, will perform music by Mozart. 12:30 p.m., Sweeney Auditorium, Sage* Formal informal recital Performances by music students. 7 p.m., Earle Recital Hall, Sage Meetings/Workshops Religious Life Meeting Newman Association.
Wednesday, December 13 Lectures/Symposia Performing Arts/Films Meetings/Workshops Meeting MassPIRG. 7 p.m., Seelye 110 Meeting Association of Low-Income Students (ALIS). All welcome. 7:30 p.m., Talbot Fussers Religious Life Discussion with Baha'i Club about topics relating to the Baha'i faith and life. 8 p.m., Seelye 211 ECC Bible study Topic: What It Is to be Human. Bring questions, frustrations and curiosities. 10 p.m., Bodman Lounge, chapel Other Events/Activities Thursday, December 14 Classes end Lectures/Symposia Performing Arts/Films Dance concert First-year graduates' original choreography. 7:30 p.m., Crew House* Film Nutty Professor 2: The Klumps. Sponsored by Rec Council. 9 p.m., Wright auditorium Concert "Hot Latin Hits." Voces Feminae will present a program of a cappella early music for treble voices, including works by Llibre Vermell, Palestrina and Victoria, and others. 8 p.m., Sweeney Auditorium, Sage* Meetings/Workshops Other Events/Activities CFLAC Winter Festival Faculty, staff and students are invited to the Center for Foreign Languages and Cultures to enjoy delicious international food, listen to multicultural live music by Four Score, and explore the interactive multimedia programs available in CFLAC. 3:30 p.m., Wright common room* January Completion Party An evening of celebration and recognition for the January 2001 graduates and their families, friends and faculty, including a ceremony in the Alumnae House Conference Hall followed by a reception in the gallery. Hosted by the Alumnae Association. 5 p.m., Alumnae House Friday, December 15 Pre-examination study period begins Monday December 18 Pre-examination study period ends Tuesday, December 19 Examination period begins Friday, December 22 Examination period ends Winter recess begins -- houses close at 10 a.m. Sunday, January 7, 2001 Winter recess ends-houses open at 1 p.m. Exhibitions "Haiku Winter: Works on Paper," an exhibition by Rebecca Shapiro '85. Through December 22. Alumnae House Gallery* "Agents of Social Change: New Resources on 20th-Century Women's Activism." A display of papers from the collections of eight women activists, recently opened by the Sophia Smith Collection. Through December 31. Morgan Gallery, Neilson Library foyer and Sophia Smith Collection, Alumnae Gym "Labore et Constantia: Rare books from the Dimock Collection at Smith College," curated by Mark Morford and Margaret Eaton-Salners '01. Runs through December 31. Neilson third floor* |