Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism is an intersectional feminist journal based at Smith College. Our goal is to make scholarship by and about women of color central to U.S. and global economic conditions; political practices; articulation of histories, geographies, cultures, and sexualities; and forms and meaning of resistance and activist strategies. Meridians is a peer-reviewed journal with the mission— still unique among scholarly journals —of publishing cutting edge scholarship and creative work at the intersection of race, gender, ethnicity and nation.
Our Work
Our newly published Meridians catalog features the cover art and table of contents of every published issue since the fall of 2000.
Meridians seeks to publish work that is grounded in the particularities of history, economics, geography, class, and culture; that informs the contradictions and politics of women’s lives; illuminates the forms and meanings of resistance, migration and exile and artistic expressions; that provokes the critical interrogaton of the terms used to shape activist agendas, theoretical paradigms, and political coalitions; and that is substantive and readable, as well as relevant and useful to researchers, educators, students, and practitioners.
Website designed and built by some of our student interns, Xinyang Sun ’25 and Linh Tran ’27