Acclaimed Satirist and Best-Selling
Novelist to Give Public "Performance" at Smith
Kurt Vonnegut, the author of "Player
Piano" (1952) and "Bagombo Snuff Box" (1999) --
and some 18 books in between, including the best-selling satirical
novel "Slaughterhouse Five" -- will present "How
to Get a Job Like Mine" at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 5, at
John M. Greene Hall.
The event, which Vonnegut is characterizing as "a performance
with chalk on blackboard," is free and open to the public.
Vonnegut has recently arrived at Smith
as writer-in-residence and distinguished senior lecturer in English.
He is offering two master classes in creative writing and meeting
individually with students to review and discuss their writing
projects, including essays, speeches, poetry, plays, operas and
television/film scenarios.
Vonnegut, who holds an advanced degree
in anthropology and has taught at the University of Iowa Writers
Workshop, Harvard University and the City University of New York,
is also planning to speak to individual classes, whether in the
English department or other disciplines.
In addition to his career as a writer,
Vonnegut has been, at various points in his life, a journalist
in Chicago, a soldier and prisoner of war in World War II, a
car salesman, a corporate publicist, a boarding school teacher
and a husband and father.
Reflecting on the writerly life, he
once said, "What the heck, practicing an art isn't a way
to make money. It's a way to make one's soul grow."
Contact: Laurie Fenlason, lfenlason@smith.edu
September 26, 2000