News for the Smith
College Community | September 3, 1996

The Self-Study Begins
An 18-month effort to examine the achievements and aims of the college and
to move Smith to what President Simmons calls "the next level of academic
excellence" is under way. Officially, the venture is known as "reaccreditation;"
once each decade, Smith is required to go through this rigorous evaluation
by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). The last
reaccreditation was in 1987.
The initial-and a very critical-step in the reaccreditation process is called
the "self-study." According to NEASC mandate, the college must
describe and assess 11 varied areas of operation. In order to do so, committees
have been appointed in each of these areas. The entire endeavor is being
overseen by a four-member team chaired by Professor of History Howard Nenner.
The other team members are Vice Chair Ann Burger, Administrative Director
Marta Staiti and Administrative Assistant Chris Forgey '96 ("An honors
grad in history," Nenner proudly points out).
The 11 self-study areas and their team leaders are: Mission and Purposes
(Howard Nenner); Planning and Evaluation (John Burk); Organization and Governance
(Don Baumer); Programs and Instruction (Joe O'Rourke); Faculty (John Connolly);
Student Services (Ann Wright); Library and Information Resources (Sarah
Pritchard and Herb Nickles); Physical Resources (Bill Brandt); Financial
Resources (Ruth Constantine); Public Disclosure (Carey Bloomfield); and
Integrity (Susan Bourque).
The teams vary in size, says Nenner, and many are made up of students, staff
and administrators, as well as faculty members. "There are more than
100 people spread throughout these teams," he maintains.
However, Nenner also notes that "the idea behind this whole self-study
enterprise is not only to involve these 100-plus people but to engage the
entire community-including alumnae. We hope to reach out as widely as we
can so that ideas can be funneled to the teams from a broad range of contributors.
These teams," he stresses, "will not be operating in isolation."
According to Nenner, each group will complete the "descriptive"
and "evaluative" portions of their work before Thanksgiving. "From
there," he explains, "we move into the more challenging phase,
when we start to think 'prescriptively'-when we focus specifically on the
academic mission of the college. This is an area of particular concern to
President Simmons, and it is where we are especially interested in generating
new ideas."
The self-study will conclude at the end of next summer, Nenner says, and
will be followed by a site visit by accreditors in October 1997. In the
meantime, Nenner urges all members of the Smith community to contribute
to "an on-going dialogue" by submitting ideas to appropriate committee
chairs. Questions or suggestions can also be addressed to Nenner and the
self-study team at extensions 3017 or 3019.
Throughout the process, the self-study team will publish regular progress
reports in AcaMedia.
Mission Accomplished
Campus Center Planning Enters Next Phase
A 15-member task force, appointed by President Simmons last year to explore
the need for a campus center at Smith, has completed its mission, submitting
a 13-page report on its findings in late April.
The group's recommendations included a "unanimous yes" response
to the question "Does Smith College need a campus center?" Their
report noted that "Community sentiment favors the establishment of
some sort of campus center," and added that this sentiment was strongest
among students but was also shared by staff and most faculty members. (Copies
of the complete report are still available at the Neilson Library circulation
desk or from the Office of the President.)
"The committee's work is done," says Don Baumer, professor of
government, who chaired the group. The matter is now in the hands of the
Committee on College Planning and Resources (CP&R). "They will
continue to explore the possibility of having a campus center," says
Baumer, "by engaging one or more architectural firms to develop what
is being called a 'design'-not a full-fledged blueprint-at specific sites."
These sites, he explains, will be selected by the architects in conjunction
with the landscape master plan. The architects' proposals, maintains Baumer,
may include the construction of a brand new facility as well as the renovation
of existing structures.
"If one of the design proposals gains the approval of CP&R,"
says Baumer, "then the next step will be a blueprint." He also
concedes, however, that although the campus center project is moving ahead,
"there will be decision points before each new step in the process."
Ack is Back... With a Slightly New Tack
Like many of you, AcaMedia has enjoyed a long summer hiatus. This issue
begins the 1996-97 school year with some publication policies and deadlines
that have been revised slightly since last spring.
Calendar listings and notices should be sent to Mary Stanton c/o College
Events, Garrison Hall (e-mail to mstanton). Please try to limit notices
to 150 words. In addition, if you are placing a notice in AcaMedia, please
do not duplicate your efforts by sending flyers to individual campus mailboxes.
(Help save paper costs and trees!)
News items, "People News" features and story suggestions should
be sent to Sally Rubenstone, College Relations, Garrison Hall (extension
2175 or e-mail to srubenstone@ais).
Remember that the deadline for calendar listings and notices is 4 p.m. on
Wednesday afternoons (for publication on Thursday, the following week).
News and feature items, however, may require more advance planning.
Finally, as the AcaMedia staff says welcome to all of our readers, both
new and returning, we would also like to bid farewell to Kathleen Roos,
who served as AcaMedia editor for the past two years but has now moved to
Meadville, Pennsylvania, where her husband, Bob, has accepted a faculty
position in the department of computer science at Allegheny College. Kathy's
insight, humor, patience and unfailing ability to differentiate an en-dash
from an em-dash will be greatly missed.
In Memoriam
Last month, the Smith community mourned the death of A. Thomas Tymoczko,
who lost his brief battle with stomach cancer on Thursday, August 8. He
had taught philosophy and logic at Smith since 1971 and was promoted to
professor of philosophy in 1986.
Born in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, on September 1, 1943, Tymoczko graduated
from Harvard University in 1965 and was a special student at Oxford University
in 1966. He received his doctorate in philosophy from Harvard in 1972.
John Connolly, dean of the faculty and a department of philosophy colleague
for almost three decades, calls Tymoczko's loss devastating for the college.
"He was the mainstay of our logic program and a philosopher of great
insight and subtlety," Connolly observes. "We will sorely miss
his intelligence, wit, humanity and concern."
Murray Kiteley, Sophia Smith Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, was Tymoczko's
close personal friend for many years. Only a few weeks ago, he recalls,
Tymoczko read an article in the Daily Hampshire Gazette which defended cheerlead-ing
as a sport. Tymoczko quickly fired a letter back to the paper in response,
pointing out that if cheerleading is indeed a sport, then cheerleaders would
deserve to have their own cheerleaders-who, in turn, would have cheerleaders...and
so on. "That 'infinite regress,'" says Kiteley, "illustrated
Tom's long-standing interest in paradox in philosophy as well as his wonderful
sense of humor."
Similarly, Tymoczko's humor-along with many of his other strengths-were
much appreciated by Jane Bruce AC '97, a logic minor who took four of his
classes and was looking forward to a fifth in the fall. "Tom had a
quick mind and the ability to give meaningful answers to the questions his
students asked," she recalls. "He never limited the level of your
learning in his subject by giving busy-work projects. Instead, he taught
you the basics, then allowed you to explore the subject to the limits of
your capabilities.
"Tom was gifted with a very dry and subtle sense of humor, which was
often lost on those who did not listen closely. He was actually a screamingly
funny guy. He was also a very kind and compassionate person. I was not at
all surprised to learn upon his death that he volunteered at the Northampton
Survival Center and was on the board of the Center for Children and Families."
"Although he was a great teacher," Bruce concludes, "Tom's
greatest legacy to me is not what he taught me about logic, but rather what
he taught me about myself. By respecting my work as a student and treating
me as a fellow scholar, he did more for my future prospects than he could
have in any other way. After all, if Tymoczko liked the way your mind worked,
what further affirmation could you possibly need? I plan to use my respect
and admiration for him, as well as my memory of his high expectations for
me, as a catalyst to always giving my best to whatever I undertake."
Tymoczko had lectured widely in the United States and abroad-most recently
in Spain-and had received many honors and awards, including Kent and Knox
fellowships. His publications include New Directions in the Philosophy of
Mathematics, an anthology of essays, edited with introductions to each essay,
and Sweet Reason: A Field Guide to Modern Logic, co-authored with Professor
of Mathematics Jim Henle. In addition, he had written a number of philosophical
articles, such as "The Four-Color Problem and its Philosophical Significance,"
which argues that the increasing use of computers is changing the nature
of mathematical proof.
Tymoczko was a member of the American Philosophical Association, the Association
of Symbolic Logic and the Propositional Attitudes Task Force. He was also
active in many Northampton community ventures, serving on the boards of
directors of the Northampton Center for Children and Families and the Friends
of Forbes Library and volunteering at The Cooley Dickinson Hospital and
Northampton Survival Center.
He is survived by his wife Marlene M. Wong, librarian at Josten Library
at Smith, his children Dmitri, Julianna and Alexei, two brothers and several
nieces and nephews.
A memorial service in Helen Hills Hills Chapel and a memorial lecture series
are both being planned. Details will be announced in an upcoming AcaMedia.
Gifts in Tom Tymoczko's memory may be made to the Northampton Survival Center,
265 Prospect Street or to the Northampton Center for Children and Families,
78 Pomeroy Terrace.
Rental Management Options Explored
This fall, the purchasing department at Smith will be soliciting proposals
from local property management firms that might eventually change the way
the college oversees its rental housing.
According to Purchasing Manager Jim Hardy, this change is being explored
because Arthur Neipp, the college's current supervisor of rental properties,
has announced his retirement in mid-April. With Neipp's departure pending,
says Hardy, "we thought that this would be a good time to consider
turning to an outside firm, and there are a number of very good companies
right in this area that do this sort of thing professionally."
Hardy stresses, however, that the issue is still very much on the drawing
board and "not preordained." Although he has learned from preliminary
research that there should be a cost advantage to closing the campus rental
office and engaging an outside organization, the top priorities, he stresses,
are "maintaining and improving services to tenants."
Throughout the fall, the purchasing department will accept proposals from
interested firms and will analyze them carefully before a final decision
is made. If the on-campus rental office is closed, tenants in college-owned
apartments and houses will deal directly with the property management firm
when processing applications, seeking repairs, obtaining keys or requesting
any of the other services now provided by the rental office.
"What we're doing now is exploratory," insists Hardy, "but
we have to take this first step in order to assess the pros and cons of
making a change. Arthur Neipp has done an outstanding job, and we want to
continue this tradition."
It's Official: Sophia Smith's Birthday
The 200th anniversary of the birth of Sophia Smith, founder and benefactor
of Smith College, was celebrated Tuesday, August 27, and we are making sure
that the world knows about it.
Both the city of Northampton and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts declared
August 27 "Sophia Smith Day" in proclamations delivered recently
to the college. The Northampton proclamation, read at the City Council meeting
on August 15 by Patrick Goggins, president of the council, made note of
the fact that the original Smith campus, built with funds left by Sophia
Smith in her will for the founding of the college for women, "was planned
to make the college part of the real practical life of a New England town."
The state proclamation, signed by Governor William Weld, noted that Smith's
"contributions as a distinguished liberal arts college," which
opened in 1875 with six faculty members and 14 students and has grown today
to 2,600 students and more than 250 faculty members, "brings great
pride to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts."
Willard Scott, of NBC's "Today Show," was not spotted sporting
the Sophia Smith birthday tee-shirt that he had been sent earlier in honor
of the occasion, but a message on the sign board maintained by the Veteran's
Administration Medical Center on Route 9 in Leeds informed passing motorists
of the big day.
A celebration was also held on August 27 at the First Congregational Church
in Hatfield, where Sophia Smith worshipped, and at her grave site behind
the church. Among the highlights of the festivities was the dedication of
a new pale mauve "Sophia Smith" rose, hybridized by Professor
of Chemistry Robert Linck.
Watch upcoming issues of AcaMedia for news of other commemorative events,
including a symposium exploring the issues of women's education, that are
scheduled for later in this Sophia Smith anniversary year.
Job Openings
This is a listing of jobs available at our publication deadline. For complete
information, see the bulletin board in the Office of Human Resources or
call the job hot line at extension 2278.
Curator of Rare Books, Libraries. Review of Applications begins October
Circulation assistant, Libraries. Apply by September 10.
Area Coordinator, student affairs. Review of applications will continue
until the position is filled.
Research analyst (part-time), School for Social Work. Apply by September
Nurse practitioner, Health Services. Review of applications will continue
until the position is filled.
Grounds foreman, botanic gardens. Review of applications will continue until
the position is filled.
Director of advancement operations, Advancement. Review of applications
will continue until the position is filled.
Assistant to the president, president's office. Review of applications will
continue until the position is filled.
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People News
Graphic Examples
In AcaMedia, we regularly report on the accomplishments of students, faculty
and staff from across the campus. This time, however, we are especially
pleased to note achievements close to home: two Office of College Relations
designers who recently received first-place awards in publications competitions.
John Eue, director of publications, received a first-place award from the
New England Museum Association (NEMA) for a brochure that he wrote and designed
to promote the Smith College Museum of Art. Printed by John C. Otto Company
of East Longmeadow, the piece was recognized in the Development and Campaign
Materials category of NEMA's annual publications competition.
Patricia Czepiel Hayes '84, assistant director of publications, received
a gold medal from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education in
the organization's national Circle of Excellence competition. She was honored
in the Visual Design in Print category for a poster promoting last spring's
conference on "(il)legitimate knowledge, the challenge of interdisciplinarity."
Printed at Hadley Printing in Holyoke (the same folks who print AcaMedia),
Hayes' poster was one of 76 entries in the poster category.
...The Envelope, Please
It may not be an Oscar, but Smith's new admission video has won a major
prize in a national competition for educational advancement materials. "Twenty-Four
Hours at Smith" received the Silver Medal in the Video Recruitment
Features category of the annual Circle of Excellence Awards Program sponsored
by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.
Smith's video followed several students through the course of a single day,
looking in on their classes, residential houses and extracurricular activities.
Among the "stars" of the film, who graciously shared their lives
with prospective students for posterity, were 1995 grads Jennifer "Vern"
Long, Melissa Briggs, Nicole Malkin, Christine Prochilo, Jen Christiansen
and Joy Miles. Amy Kim represented the class of '96. There were also "performances"
by a number of faculty members, including Ernest Benz, Andrea Hairston and
Giovanna Bellesia, as well as a cameo appearance by Janice Moulton speaking
Jennifer Desjarlais, associate director of admission and coordinator of
admission marketing, worked with Andrew Greenspan & Associates to produce
the video. Anyone interested in a screening can stop by the Office of Admission
at 7 College Lane. (Popcorn not provided.)
What's Cool on the Web?
Maine native Kate Hanscom '98 grew up with a computer in her home, but only
after discovering the outstanding facilities at Smith did the studio art
major pursue her passion for computer science. Over the past summer, in
fact, Hanscom stayed at Smith to intern in the Digital Design Studio, and
now the fruits of her labor-as well as the talents of others-can be seen
in cyberspace.
Hanscom has created a World Wide Web page that features her own artwork
and that of other members of the Smith community. She's eager to solicit
additional contributions from students, faculty and staff who have created
computer-generated work or who may have other pieces, such as photographs,
that are suitable for scanning. For more information, contact her via e-mail
to khanscom. You can also check out her efforts on the Web at
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Thursday, September 5
Classes Begin
8 a.m.
Special event: Vendor Sale. Poster sale hosted by the Smith Debate Society.
Let us help you decorate your room.
9 a.m.-5 p.m., Gamut, Mendenhall CPA*
Special event: SGA Used Book Sale.
1-3:30 p.m., Neilson Library Browsing Room
Informational meeting for REL 215j, On-Site Study Tour to the Holy Land
(January 1997), taught by Professors Karl P. Donfried and Patricia Skarda,
will be held to discuss prerequisites, cost, course credit and travel arrangements.
All interested students are encouraged to attend. Students already accepted
need not participate.
5-6 p.m., Seelye Hall 207
Informational meeting: "Questions and Answers About Graduate International
Fellowships." Mandatory meeting for all students applying for graduate
fellowships for international study (Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright, DAAD,
Humboldt, and Luce). Sophomores and juniors are strongly urged to attend
to find out about the application and interview process, which occurs during
the fall of the senior year.
5-6 p.m., Seelye Hall 106
Lecture: "The Worlds of Sophia Smith and John M. Greene." Presented
by Anne Scott, professor of history, Duke University and author of The Southern
Lady and Making the Invisible Woman Visible. Sponsored by the Smith College
American Studies Program.
7:30 p.m., Seelye Hall 106*
Performance: "King Lear." The Company of Women will perform their
Equity all-women production of "King Lear" by William Shakespeare,
directed by Maureen Shea. Admission: $5 students, $12 seniors, $15 general.
Information 585-2787.
8 p.m., Theater 14, Mendenhall CPA*+
Film: To be announced. Sponsored by Rec Council.
9 p.m., Wright Hall auditorium
Friday, September 6
Special event: Vendor Sale. Poster sale hosted by the Smith Debate Society.
9 a.m.-5 p.m., Gamut, Mendenhall CPA*
Special event: SGA Used Book Sale.
1-3 p.m., Neilson Library Browsing Room
Meeting: Painless Auditions. The Five College Early Music Program will be
holding an audition and information session for the Early Music Collegium,
Euridice Ensemble, Voces Femine and other ensembles. Questions? Call 539-2079.
4-5:30 p.m., Sage Hall 305
Religious activity: Join Smith's Jewish community for Shabbat services and
dinner. Gathering will be fun, casual, comfortable and informative. All
are welcome.
5:30 p.m., Kosher Kitchen, Dawes House
Film: Mississippi Masala (1992). From the director of "Salaam Bombay!"
and "The Perez Family" comes a lively, sexy story about the heat
generated when different cultures collide. Academy Award-winner Denzel Washington
stars as an enterprising young man who falls in love with a beautiful young
Indian woman whose family has fled Idi Amin's Uganda. Their relationship
causes a stir in their sleepy Mississippi town, infuriating both their families
and exposing everyone's worst racial fears and prejudices. Sponsored by
the Motion Picture Committee.
7 and 9 p.m., Wright Hall auditorium*
Performance: "King Lear." See 9/5 listing.
8 p.m., Theater 14, Mendenhall CPA*+
Saturday, September 7
Special Event: First Link, a community building project for entering students
sponsored by S.O.S. (Service Organizations of Smith). See Orientation program
for details.
Sunday, September 8
Religious service: Sunday worship in the Protestant tradition for new and
returning students with Dean Richard Unsworth and student liturgists presiding.
There will be a barbecue/picnic in conjunction with a Christian Student's
Fair immediately following the service. All are welcome.
10:30 a.m., Chapel*
Special Event: S.O.S. Welcome Party. "Lend a hand...to make a difference."
S.O.S. (Service Organizations of Smith) welcomes students interested in
community service work. Come and learn about community and on-campus opportunities
for volunteers as companions, tutors, case advocates and hot-line workers,
and house reps or Kaffee Klatch volunteers. Formal presentations at 1:15
p.m. followed by a question and answer period.
1-2 p.m., lower Gamut, Mendenhall CPA
Film: Mississippi Masala(1992). See 9/6 listing. Sponsored by the Motion
Picture Committee.
2 and 4 p.m., Wright Hall auditorium*
Special Event: A Gallery of Readers series begins. Readings from their own
works by contributors to Gallery of Readers, Volume II.
4-6 p.m., Neilson Library Browsing Room*
Religious service: Roman Catholic Mass with Reverend Richard Gross, S.J.,
and Dr. Elizabeth Carr, Catholic chaplain. All those interested in providing
music, please join Grace Cajiuat, director of College Choirs Alpha and Omega,
to rehearse the hymns at 3:30 p.m. in the Chapel. A special welcoming dinner
will follow the Mass. All are welcome.
4:30 p.m., Chapel*
Monday, September 9
Special event: SGA Used Book Sale.
10 a.m.p;noon and 1p;3 p.m., Neilson Library Browsing Room
Informational meeting for REL 215j, On-Site Study Tour to the Holy Land.
See 9/5 listing.
5-6 p.m., Seelye Hall 207
Lecture: "The Future of the Race: Conversation with Cornel West and
Skip Gates." Two professors from Harvard University will participate
in a dialogue about their new book, The Future of the Race. Reception to
follow in the Davis ballroom.
8 p.m., John M. Greene Hall*
Special event: Karaoke and pizza with the chaplains and special guests.
All are welcome.
7:30 p.m., Bodman Lounge
Tuesday, September 10
Special event: Senior Class Breakfast. The Alumnae Association invites the
senior class to breakfast.
7:30-8:30 a.m., Seelye lawn (in case of rain, Alumnae House conference room)
Special event: SGA Used Book Sale.
1-3 p.m., Neilson Library Browsing Room
Meeting: Senate. All are welcome.
7 p.m., Seelye Hall 201
Wednesday, September 11
Student-payroll vouchers due by noon in College Hall 10.
Religious activity: An informal gathering to welcome new and returning Catholic
Ada Comstock Scholars. Pizza will be served, and all are welcome.
Noon-1 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
Meeting of the faculty. Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m.
4:10 p.m., Alumnae House conference room
Religious activity: "Buddhist Service and Discussion."
7:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
Thursday, September 12
CDO Informational Meeting: Preparing a Personal Statement. How to approach
and write a personal statement for graduate and fellowship applications.
12:10 p.m., CDO, Drew Hall
Special Event: Volunteers wanted. Museum has new interpretive wall labels
that tell the history and context of particular art works. Please come look
at the art, read the labels and give feedback. Questions? Call Nancy Rich
at extension 2760.
4:15-5:30 p.m., Museum of Art*
Meeting: Mandatory sophomore class meeting for all members of the Class
of 1999 and 1999J.
7-8 p.m., Wright Hall auditorium
Film: To be announced. Sponsored by Rec Council.
9 p.m., Wright Hall auditorium
Friday, September 13
Lecture: Biological Sciences and Biochemistry Colloquium. "Mitochondria:
Their Own DNA, Their Own Diseases," by Judy Masucci, Department of
Genetics, University of Washington. Hosted by Professor Stylianos Scordilis,
biological sciences. Refreshments will be served at 4 p.m. in the McConnell
Hall foyer.
4:30 p.m., McConnell Hall B05
Religious activity: Join Smith's Jewish community for Shabbat services and
dinner. Gathering will be fun, casual, comfortable and informative. All
are welcome. Information, call the Hillel office at extension 2754.
5:30 p.m., Kosher Kitchen, Dawes House
Film: El Norte. Beginning in the remote mountain jungles of Guatemala, this
extraordinary odyssey focuses on two young people seeking a better life
as their world begins to crumble. When their mother is abducted by soliders
and father is killed, Enrique and Rosa are forced to set out for the "promised
land" of the north-"El Norte." Director: Gregory Nava; Academy
Award Nomination-Best Original Screenplay 1983. Sponsored by the Motion
Picture Committee.
7 and 9 p.m., Wright Hall auditorium*
Saturday, September 14
Track and field: Smith Invitational
11 a.m., athletic fields*
Soccer vs. UMassp;Dartmouth
1 p.m., athletic fields*
Sunday, September 15
Religious service: Morning worship with the Rev. Richard Unsworth, Interim
Dean and Protestant Chaplain, preaching. Special music and coffee hour to
follow. All are welcome.
10:30 a.m., Chapel*
Special event: Student Organizations Fair. Come get involved. Learn about
student organizations on campus. Great opportunity to buy those t-shirts,
cups, pins, etc. sold by student groups.
1-4 p.m., Chapin lawn
Gallery tour
2 p.m., Museum of Art*
Film: El Norte. See 9/13 listing. Sponsored by the Motion Picture Committee.
2 and 4 p.m., Wright Hall auditorium*
Religious service: Roman Catholic Mass with Reverend Jim Sheehan, S.J.,
and Elizabeth Carr, Catholic chaplain. All those interested in providing
music, please join Grace Cajiuat, Director of College Choirs Alpha and Omega,
to rehearse the hymns at 3:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Dinner will follow the
Mass. All are welcome.
4:30 p.m., Chapel*
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By action of the faculty, students are responsible for the observance of
notices and calendar listings appearing in AcaMedia. Members of the Smith
College community are expected to make their announcements through this
publication. Submit calendar items and notices to Mary Stanton, Garrison
Hall. Items for news articles (not calendar listings) should be sent to
Sally Rubenstone, Garrison Hall. (E-mail submissions of notices and news
articles are welcome as well: send to mstanton or srubenstone@ais as appropriate.)
Copy is due by 4 p.m., Wednesday, September 11, for issue #3 (containing
the September 23 to September 29 calendar listings). Copy is due by 4 p.m.,
Wednesday, September 18, for issue #4 (containing the September 30 to October
6 calendar listings). Late information cannot be accepted.
AcaMedia staff
Cathy Brooks, layout
Sally Rubenstone, editor
Mary Stanton, calendar
Five College Calendar Deadline
Entries for the October Five College Calendar must be received in writing
by September 13. Entries received after this deadline will not appear in
the October issue. Please send all entries to Mary Stanton in Garrison Hall.
Museum of Art, 585-2770. Hours: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, 9:30 a.m.
to 4 p.m.; Wednesday and Sunday, noon to 4 p.m.; Thursday, noon to 8 p.m.
Print Room hours: Tuesday through Friday, 1 to 4 p.m., and Thursday, 1 to
5 p.m.
Roma Antica: 18th-Century Prints by Piranesi. (Through 10/27). Print Room.
Faculty Meeting
The first regular meeting of the faculty will be held on Wednesday, September
11, at 4:10 p.m. in the Alumnae House. Members of the faculty who have business
for the meeting should notify the secretary of the faculty, Scott Bradbury,
in writing, no later than Wednesday, September 4. Material to be included
in the mailing with the agenda must be camera-ready and submitted to College
Hall 27 by Monday, September 2.
Reminder for Event Planners
Student organizations and others who made preliminary space requests last
semester are reminded to submit event service request forms for the publicity
and set-up needs of those events, if they have not already done so. All
students must submit space requests on Event Service Re-quest forms through
the SGA office.
Registration/Key Information
All returning students (both on and off campus) must report to the Indoor
Track and Tennis Facility on September 3 and 4 to validate and to pick up
registration materials and house keys. Distribution hours are Tuesday, September
3, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Wednesday, September 4, from 1 to 4 p.m. Be
sure to bring your ID with you. All students must report to Central Check-In
to register their return to campus.
Course Registra-tion and Changes
Student schedules and instructions for registration and course changes are
included in the registration packet to be distributed at Central Check-In.
Students may make changes to their schedule during the first 10 days of
classes, September 5-18, with the permission of their adviser. Any student
not registered for courses by Wednesday, September 18, will be fined $25.
Five College Registration
The deadline for registration for Five College courses is Wednesday, September
18. Forms may be obtained in the registrar's office, College Hall 6. Five
College registrations cannot be accepted after this date.
Parking Lottery, Part II
The parking lottery for the class of '97, for on-campus residents only,
will take place in Stoddard Hall Auditorium on Wednesday, September 11,
from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Please bring your Smith ID, driver's license and
current car registration. The cost of each sticker is $150 for the year,
to be paid at security when the parking sticker is picked up. Anyone eligible
who wishes to draw but cannot attend should send a proxy with her car registration,
license and a note authorizing her to draw. You must pick up a temporary
permit from security between 10 a.m. and noon, Monday through Friday, that
will be good from the date you arrive to September 18. The parking lottery
results will be posted at Security after 2 p.m. on September 12.
Friedman parking: One parking sticker will be issued to one resident in
each apartment. Each member of the apartment must sign a letter and bring
that letter to Liz Anderson in the student affairs office by noon on Monday,
September 9, stating that permission has been given for that one member
to receive the allotted sticker. The cost of this sticker is $150. Others
may enter the parking lottery.
Make-Up Examinations
Students granted an extension for final examinations in the spring semester
must complete their examinations during the first two weeks of the semester.
Please call Daphne Humber in the registrar's office (ext. 2555) to make
arrangements. All examinations must be picked up by 2 p.m. Thursday, September
Major Certifications -- '97Js
Certification forms were mailed to seniors who will be completing requirements
in the fall semester. Major certifications are due at the end of the course
change period, Wednesday, September 18.
Travel Plans
Students should be making end of the semester travel reservations now, keeping
in mind that final examinations are scheduled from December 16 to December
19. Students will not be permitted to take examinations early.
Student ID Numbers
The college uses the student's social security number as the official student
ID number. Any student who wishes to be assigned a new ID number should
contact the registrar's office.
Important Direct-ory Information
Certain information from the student's official record is designated as
"directory information" and may be released without the consent
of the student. This information includes, but is not limited to, information
published in the college directory (refer to pages 41p;42 of the student
handbook for a complete list of directory items). Students not wishing to
have this information released without consent should notify the registrar's
office in writing by September 6, 1996.
$$ For Your Talk
Do you like to talk on the phone? Do you like to support Smith College?
We are looking for 30 student callers to participate in our phonathon program.
$6.30/hour. Telemarketing or phonathon experience preferred, but not required.
Required availability: Monday through Thursday, 5 to 10 p.m., and Sunday,
4 to 10 p.m., from October 28 through November 14. Call Sly at extension
Phonathon Student Managers
We are looking for four student managers to assist in the planning, implementation
and supervision of our phonathon program. $6.55/hour. Telemarketing or phonathon
experience preferred, but not required. Required availability: Monday through
Thursday, 5 to 10 p.m., and Sunday, 4 to 10 p.m., from October 28 through
November 14. Call Sly at extension 2054.
Auditions for the Smith College Glee Club will be held on Thursday, September
5, in the afternoon and evening, and Friday, September 6, in the afternoon.
Interested sophomores, juniors, seniors, and Ada Comstock students who would
like to sing with us are welcome to try out. An audition time may be arranged
for by signing up at Sage Hall room 1, or by contacting Paul Flight at extension
First Semester Riding Information
Registration for all students who are interested in taking riding classes
will take place Monday, September 9, at 7 p.m. in the Ainsworth faculty/staff
lounge. Please bring your academic schedule and fee for the semester. You
must attend this meeting even if you have pre-registered.
All students who are interested in being on the intercollegiate riding team
are invited to try out on Tuesday, September 10 and Wednesday, September
11 at noon at the Equestrian Center. Riders should come dressed in show
clothes. For more information, call Sue Payne at extension 2734.
John M. Greene Storage
Students who stored items in John M. Greene basement may pick up their items
during the following times: Monday, September 2, 1 to 3 p.m. (approved early
arrivals only); Tuesday, September 3, 1 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.;
Wednesday, September 4, 1 to 5 p.m.; Thursday, September 5, 1 to 3 p.m.;
Friday, September 6, 1 to 5 p.m.; Monday, September 9, 7 to 9 p.m. ; Saturday,
September 14, 10 a.m. to noon. Students need to bring their IDs and receipts
in order to have their belongings released. Any items unclaimed by September
14 are left at the owner's risk and will be removed by the college.
Gym Lockers
Attention new students, faculty and staff: You can sign up to reserve a
gym locker for the 1996-97 academic year on the following dates: Thursday,
September 5, 4 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.; Friday, September 6, 3:30 to 5:30
p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sign-ups will be held in Ainsworth Lounge. Please bring
a padlock with you. Questions? Contact Bonnie May at extension 2713.
Josten Library Carrel Sign-up
Students may sign up for Josten Library carrels on the following dates:
Monday, September 9, for Performing Arts graduate students; Tuesday, September
10, for performing arts undergraduate majors; Wednesday, September 11, for
all other Smith students. A limited number of carrels in Josten Library
will be open for priority assignment to graduate students and undergraduate
majors in the music, theatre and dance departments for the fall semester.
All unassigned carrels after those dates are open for registration to all
other Smith College students regardless of departmental affiliation. For
more information, call Janet Spongberg, extension 2933.
Washburn House 24-hour Computer Resource Center
Information Systems is pleased to announce the opening of the Washburn Computer
Resource Center. This remodeled facility offers students access to three
PCs and three Macintoshes 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Located in
what was formerly the Washburn kitchen space, this new facility is an extension
of the Seelye Hall Computer Resource Center with all of the software applications
and network access offered there. Access to the Washburn lab is by cypherlock.
This is a lock that requires punching in a code number which will change
weekly. Students can obtain a current code number by presenting their ID
in person at the Computer Information Center, Seelye B1, or in the computer
resource centers. Questions, contact Adele Combe at extension 3099.
Smith College Club: Take a Break
Start your academic year by attending the College Club's "Coffee Break
and Open House" on Wednesday, September 11, from 8 to 10 a.m. Stop
by and see the redecorated lobby, the rejuvenated main dining room and the
refreshing new Isabel Platt McClumpha Room. We will have coffee, tea and
more. Meet this year's executive board and Patty Hentz, club manager. The
club resumes its luncheon service on Thursday, September 5, and will be
open for lunch, as usual, Monday through Friday throughout the academic
year. Join us for another year of fine dining. Your membership information,
fall special events and club policies will be sent through campus mail.
Neilson Library Carrel Sign-up
Smith students may sign up for Neilson Library carrels on the following
dates: Monday, September 9, for seniors, graduate students, honors students
and Ada Comstock Scholars; and Tuesday, September 10, for all others. Sign-up
will begin at 8 a.m. and end at 7 p.m. on both days. Students must apply
in person and must have a valid Smith ID. Carrels remaining after the initial
sign-up period will be available to any student on a first-come, first-served
basis beginning on Wednesday, September 11.
For more information, call the Circulation Section, extension 2912 or 2915.
Note from David Boudreau, Bursar
As we begin a new academic year at Smith College, I want to take this opportunity
to welcome new students, faculty and staff to the ranks and welcome back
those who are returning this fall. My office open hours will again be 10
a.m. to noon and 2 to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Anyone needing to meet
with me at another time should contact Carol Goldey to arrange an appointment.
We are located in College Hall Room 9; please stop by and say "Hi."
We welcome any suggestions you may have on how we might better serve you.
Have a good year.
Service Organizations of Smith (S.O.S.) Notices
Don't miss the S.O.S. Community Service Fair on September 24 at 7 p.m. Representatives
from 40 non-profit community service agencies will be on hand to provide
information on how you can make a difference. Smith's very own Kaffee Klatsch,
home of the best brew in Seelye, needs volunteers to work one hour per week.
If you are interested, call Kristen Walsh at extension 7443 or Saima Dada
at extension 6031 to sign up for shifts.
To all House Presidents: have you elected your S.O.S. House Representatives
yet? S.O.S. Representatives are an important link between S.O.S. and the
campus community. Keep your house informed and in touch with voluntary services
and elect your representatives soon. A mandatory S.O.S. house representative
training session is scheduled for September 19 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the
Bodman Lounge. Any questions, call Charmaine at extension 6216 or the S.O.S
office at extension 2756.
Regular Semester Library Hours
Neilson Library
Monday-Thursday, 7:45 a.m. to midnight
Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Sunday, 10 a.m. to midnight
Werner Josten Library
Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday, noon to 11 p.m.
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AcaMedia staff: Sally
Rubenstone, Cathy Brooks, Mary Stanton
AcaMedia is published weekly during the academic year by the Office of College
Relations for the Smith College community. This version of AcaMedia for
the World Wide Web is maintained by the Office of College Relations. Last
update: September 3, 1996.
Copyright © 1996, Smith College. Portions of this publication may be
reproduced with
the permission of the Office of College Relations, Garrison Hall, Smith
College, Northampton, Massachusetts 01063; (413) 585-2170.
Smith College Notice of Nondiscrimination