Interns Serving the Community
Too many Smith undergraduates know the School for Social Work (SSW) only
as a building on campus they rarely enter. That situation is beginning to
change, though, thanks to a new program that combines community service
and academic reflection and builds on the fact that internships, long a
staple of the social work curriculum, are increasingly popular with undergraduates
of all majors.
The Community Service Internship Program (CSIP), now concluding its first
year, is a collaboration of the Service Organizations of Smith (S.O.S.)
and SSW. It places undergraduates in year-long, intensive, supervised internships
in such area social service agencies as the Martin Luther King Community
Center in Springfield, the American Friends Service Committee in Florence
and the YWCA in Northampton. Participants receive $2,000 stipends.
CSIP interns are required to attend weekly seminars run by Associate
Professor of Social Work Jerry Sachs and Director of Voluntary Services
Tiertza-Leah Schwartz. The sessions enable the interns to reflect together
on their day-to-day challenges and review the written "process recordings"
that serve as both records and analyses of their experiences.
Kate Jeans-Gail, a sophomore from Portland, Oregon, says that while CSIP
hasn't altered her ambition to be president of the United States, it has
shown her how much can be achieved on a local level.
"There is a lot of importance and honor in doing community work,"
she explains, "even when the task at the moment may not seem profound
or life-changing."
Jeans-Gail, one of nine CSIP participants, spends eight hours each week
teaching reading at Jessie's House, a homeless shelter near campus serving
primarily women and children. Sometimes, she admits, it wears her out, but
what once seemed a chore has now become a central event of her week.
"There's nothing like spending time with a bunch of energetic children
after three hours of chem lab," she laughs.
Moreover, Jeans-Gail finds that the lessons of Jessie's House, as reviewed
in the seminar, translate more readily to her Smith experience than she
had first imagined.
"The factors that build community and break it down, the challenges
of group living -- these are universal," she explains. "Most of
the folks I work with are not so far from where I am. They've justslipped
through the cracks, for one reason or another.
"Even at Smith, we sometimes let people slip through the cracks,
when overwork keeps us from taking care of a friend in need or even from
taking care of ourselves. It's not all that different."
Pat D'Arienzo, a senior and an Ada Comstock Scholar, also finds friendship
to be central in her job description as an intern for Children's Aid/Family
Services. Twice a week she meets with a mother of five children, sometimes
to help with the kids but mostly just to talk with the mother about the
frustrations of being isolated with young children.
"You need friends in this life," D'Arienzo notes, "and
it's often hard to find them, especially when you can't get out of the house."
As her support relationship with her client grows, D'Arienzo finds the weekly
reflective seminars help keep perspective and put the lessons of the day-to-day
into a larger context.
Sachs describes CSIP as "a program in which everybody wins. Our
students get meaningful experiences with good supervision. The School for
Social Work forges stronger links with undergraduates and vice versa. Agencies
get good volunteers. And, most important, the folks being served get help
they otherwise wouldn't."
New Awards for Job Excellence
The Employee Excellence Awards, a pilot program to be run for the first
time this spring, will enable Smith employees to recognize their colleagues
for outstanding job performance. It will supplement the existing Employee
Recognition Program, which annually honors employees for length of service
and perfect attendance. "By adding the recognition of excellence we
will identify and illustrate excellence as an institutional value,"
says Lianne Sullivan-Crowley, director of human resources. "We will
also be able as a community to celebrate individual successes."
The president's senior staff, members of the Smith Administrative Management
Seminar (SAMS), Staff Council and the unions have all reviewed the proposal
for the program and their feedback has been incorporated into the final
The program is open to full- and part-time administrative and administrative
support staff as well as employee members of the RADS and nurses unions.
All nominees must have been employed at the college for at least one year
and must be below the level of department head.
The program has been discussed with all the unions on campus and each
has expressed support for ongoing recognition of employee excellence. This
year, only Local 108 (Nurses) and Local 211 (RADS) have opted to participate
in the awards pilot.
The nomination deadline is May 15. The selection committee will review
nominations and recommend recipients to President Simmons by June 1. Awards
will be given by June 15 and recipients will be honored October 7 at the
Employee Recognition Program.
The selection committee will include administrative, administrative-support
and union staff. Gaynelle Weiss, employee services director, will serve
as ex officio chair of the committee. Award recipients will receive $1,000.
Nomination forms are available on the human resources Web site (
and will be included in program-description packets being distributed to
Exploring the Creative Process
Between the time a creative work is first sketched out as a germ of an
idea and when it appears in its completed, presentable form, it may go through
a succession of drafts and variations. Changes in content, appearance, color,
shape, perspective and other elements might render the completed piece vastly
different from its original concept. The artist too may undergo a spectrum
of changes in emotion, mood, experience and education that alter how she
envisions her work.
On April 9, the Smith College Museum of Art will host an opening reception
for "Idea<>Form: Looking at the Creative Process," an exhibition
of works by 10 of the college's studio artists that examines the evolution
of creativity and the processes a creative work might go through before
completion. The reception will be held at the museum from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
The exhibition displays works that illuminate the artists' methods of
working as they mold their art from concept to form. Artists whose works
are on display are Roger Boyce, Lee Burns, Carl Caivano, John Gibson, Susan
Heideman, Chester Michalik, Gary Niswonger, Elliot Offner, Dwight Pogue
and Katy Schneider. As part of the exhibition, each artist has invited another
faculty colleague to observe and respond to his or her art through written
commentary in the exhibition's catalogue.
In addition, "Idea<>Form" includes a semester-long series
of campus lectures, performances, readings and open studio visits that represent
the creative process as it exists in several realms in the Smith community
-- the humanities, sciences, math, music and dance.
The series began February 23 with a talk, "The Creative Person and
the Creative Context," by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi of the University
of Chicago. On February 28 the Museum of Art presented "Sounds and
Visions: An Afternoon of Music, Poetry and Art," featuring a performance
of Visions, a piece by Smith composer Ronald Perera. And in late March dance
professor Susan Waltner and MFA students performed "Just Gazing: A
Dance Performance."
"Idea<>Form" continues on April 13 at 5 p.m. in McConnell
Auditorium with a lecture, "Images and Imagination: Creativity in Science
and Technology," by Felice Frankel, artist-in-residence at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. On April 16 at 12:15 p.m. in the museum, Chester
Michalik will give a talk on his photographs of contemporary Japan.
Also as part of the series, open visits to the studios of exhibiting
artists Niswonger, Gibson and Boyce will be held throughout April.
The concept for "Idea<>Form" originated in 1995 when
an ad hoc Committee on the Education of Women at Smith recommended the college
create opportunities to increase "the intellectual connections among
students" and provide events "where students and faculty members
can meet both formally and informally to teach, learn and share problems
and ideas."
"We hope that 'Idea<>Form,' in spawning an interdisciplinary
investigation of the creative process ... will meet this call for catalyzing
a cross-campus dialogue from which we can all learn," says Museum of
Art Director Suzannah Fabing in the exhibition catalogue. "The creative
act is not limited to making art (or music, or theater, or a scientific
proof) but comprises seeing/hearing/understanding it as well."
"Idea<>Form" runs through May 30.
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Religion in the Public Square
Jean Bethke Elshtain, a prominent leader in religious studies, will present
a lecture, "How Shall We Talk? Reflections on Religious Discussion
in the Public Square," on Thursday, April 8, at 7:30 p.m. in Neilson
Browsing Room. She will explore how we can effectively communicate about
difficult political issues while duly respecting one another's ethical and
religious views.
A former adviser to President Bill Clinton on ethical issues, Elshtain
is Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Social and Political Ethics at
the University of Chicago. For most of her distinguished career she has
sought to define relationships between society's political and ethical convictions.
The author of several books -- including Public Man, Private Woman: Women
in Social and Political Thought, selected by Choice as one of the top academic
books of 1981-82; Democracy on Trial, named a New York Times notable book
in 1995; and Real Politics: Political Theory and Everyday Life -- Elshtain
has also written more than 400 essays and is a columnist for The New Republic.
She received a doctorate in politics from Brandeis University and formerly
served on the faculty at UMass-Amherst and Vanderbilt University where she
was the first woman to hold an endowed professorship and received the Ellen
Gregg Ingalls Award for excellence in classroom teaching.
Elshtain's talk at Smith is being sponsored by the Department of Religion
and Biblical Literature and American Studies.
Library Gallery to BeDedicated
Entering Neilson Library will soon be a more cultural and aesthetic experience
thanks to recent renovations in the library's main corridor and Neilson
Browsing Room and the opening next week of the Constance Morrow Morgan Gallery
in the library's main foyer just inside the entrance. The gallery, which
will feature showcases on either side of the foyer displaying prized manuscripts,
historical papers and photos, noted books and other materials from the Mortimer
Rare Book Room, will be dedicated by President Simmons at its opening on
April 9 at 4 p.m. The dedication will take place as part of the annual meeting
of the Friends of the Libraries. A reception will follow the dedication
at approximately 4:15 p.m. in the Browsing Room. The Friends of the Libraries
meeting will begin at 2:30 p.m. in Seelye 106 with a lecture, "Moveable
Type to Megabytes: A Writer's Survival in TechnoWorlds," by author
Maureen Howard '52.
In order to enhance the visibility of the Morgan Gallery and the library's
entrance, modifications have been made in the foyer to the security gates,
which will be moved back and will blend in more with their surroundings,
the woodwork over the circulation desk and stairway. Also, a brighter carpet
has been installed in the corridor and new carpeting and cabinetry have
been installed in the library's entrance vestibule.
"We want to better present the wealth of collections in the library,"
said Director of Libraries Sarah Pritchard about the renovations and the
Morgan Gallery. "When you walk into the library the first thing you'll
see is exhibits. The whole impression it creates will be not only more elegant
but will create a more cohesive visual identity. It'll all look like it
fits together."
Neilson Browsing Room renovations include improved lighting, new paint
and a different interior arrangement to encourage regular use, Pritchard
Also as part of the library renovation project, the Mortimer Rare Book
Room on Neilson's third floor has had its entrance enclosed in an attractive
glass and wood vestibule with a showcase for samples of the collection's
Morgan, a 1935 alumna, former trustee and longtime library donor, is
the late daughter of trustee and one-time acting Smith president Elizabeth
Cutter Morrow and the sister of alumna Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Morgan was
a college trustee from 1958 to 1972 and received a Smith medal in 1974.
In 199697 the Morgan family donated her substantial collection of rare
books to the Mortimer Rare Book Room. "The naming of this particular
space is appropriate both in terms of Morgan's involvement with the college
and her love of books," says Pritchard.
The renovations, which were de-signed by the Shelburne Falls architectural
firm Juster Pope Frazier, have been funded by a combination of college resources
including library endowed monies, ACRA, the Faculty Committee on the Library
and special support from the president.
Back to top of page
- March 23: Smith 5, Trinity 0
- March 24: Smith 10, Nichols 7
- March 25: Smith 7, Elms 0
- March 27: Smith 2, Wheaton 3
- March 27: Smith 2, Wheaton 1
- Lacrosse
- March 23: Smith 5, Amherst 16
- March 25: Smith 20, Elms 2
- March 2728: Seven Sisters Championship, 4th place
- Crew
- March 27: Smith vs. Clark/Amherst, 1st place, Vasity and Novice
- Track
- March 27: Smith Quad, 4th place
- Tennis
- March 27: Smith 0, Skidmore 9
- Riding
- March 28: Mount Holyoke Show, 3rd place
- SmithJobs
- The following was available at press-time. To learn more, call ext.
- Director of libraries, Libraries. Until filled.
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Lixin Gao of computer science has received a $200,000
Career Award from the National Science Foundation for her project "Providing
Video- On-Demand Services in Multicast Networks." The Faculty Early
Career Development Program emphasizes on "the early development of
academic careers dedicated to stimulating the discovery process in which
the excitement of research is enhanced by inspired teaching and enthusiastic
With sponsorship from the Office of the Dean of the College, four Smith
students traveled to Washington, D.C., during spring break to attend the
30th annual student symposium sponsored by the Center for the Study of the
Presidency. Participating in "Lessons Learned in the 20th Century and
Leadership for the New Millennium" were Kristin Thornblad '02, Holden
Osborne '01, Kimberly Marlowe AC and Melissa Schumi '01. The students were
chosen for their interest in government and/or public affairs and for their
leadership qualities, maturity and academic strength. On the program were
senior members and former members of both the executive and legislative
branches of national government and members of the Washington press corps.
Seven students and three faculty members from the physics department
attended the Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society in Atlanta
March 2026 along with more than 10,000 participants from all over the
world, including some 40 Nobel laureates. The meeting "inspired young
students and excited them about the ways physics has had an impact on our
daily lives," says Nalini Easwar, a member of the physics department
who attended the meeting.
According to Irving Lerch, the director of international scientific affairs
for the society, "the objective is to seek out and include talented
students and to give the next generation an appreciation of what has made
the past century so vital to the intellectual and economic development of
modern industrial society." In keeping with this objective, APS established
a matching travel grant program to encourage and support the participation
of undergraduate students at the meeting. Four Smith students were among
the 350 chosen from many nominees to receive the travel awards: Melissa
Eblen '99, Jacqueline Nyamwanda '99, Shiho Iwanaga '99 and Lydia Peabody
'02. Support from the NSF funded Material Research Science and Engineering
Center (MRSEC) at the University of Massachusetts and the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute enabled three additional students to attend the meeting:
Heather White '00, Nadia Bradshaw '00, and Alexa Mattheyses '00. Faculty
members Nat Fortune and Doreen Weinberger also traveled to the Atlanta meeting.
Six papers were presented by members of the Smith contingent, including
papers by students Eblen and Peabody.
Jane Yolen '60, author of numerous children's books, appeared on C-SPAN's
Book TV March 20-21 to discuss and read from three of her books, including
Tea With an Old Dragon, a story of a little girl's visits with her Hatfield
neighbor, Sophia Smith. Yolen wrote the book and Monica Vachula '73 illustrated
it as part of Smith's 1997 celebration of the bicentennial of the birth
of Smith's benefactor.
Coree Newman '99J has received a DAAD scholarship for the academic year
1999-2000. The German Academic Exchange Service, known by the German acronym
DAAD, selects top students each year to receive stipends for research or
study in Germany. Awards cover transportation, cost of living, education
stipend and health insurance. A history major, Newman will work with professors
at the University of Freiburg studying literacy in the middle ages. When
she returns to the U.S., Newman plans to pursue a Ph.D. and eventually become
a teacher. She has held several positions teaching young children in her
home state of California. Newman is a key player on the Smith volleyball
team, having won the Peter S. Meltzer Award and the Smith College National
Athlete Award.
President Ruth Simmons and affirmative action foe Ward Connerly played
the roles of parents to a college-aged daughter in Beyond Black and White:
Affirmative Action in America, which aired March 23 on PBS. The program,
a production of the Fred Friendly Seminars of the Columbia University School
of Journalism, brought together a diverse group of prominent personalities,
including conservative columnist Ann Coulter, California Congressman Frank
Riggs and Director of White House Communications Ann Lewis, to debate whether
affirmative action is, as supporters claim, an essential remedy to disenfranchisement
or, as detractors like Connerly (the driving force behind California's Proposition
209 movement) believe an untenable example of reverse discrimination.
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Calendar Key
- Sources of further information, if any, are shown in parentheses at
the end of event descriptions. An asterisk following a listing indicates
that the event is open to the public. Admission charges, if any, are listed
when known. Items for this section must be submitted on Event
Service Request Forms.
- Monday, April
- Lectures/Symposia
- Lecture/performance: "Dancing the Good Mother: Performances of
African Diasporic 'Contagion' and Healing." Barbara Browning. 4-5:30
p.m., Seelye 207
- Poetry reading: "Women's Conferences and Other Wonders."
Ama Ata Aidoo, Gwendolen Carter Lecturer in English Language and Literature
and Theatre. 4:30 p.m., Seelye 106
- Panel discussion: "The World is Changing, Smith Women are Changing
the World." See notice for details. Reception follows. 4:30 p.m.,
Alumnae House living room
- Lecture: "The Changing Social and Family Environments of Childhood."
Stephanie Coontz, family historian, Evergreen State College. Reception
follows. 7:30 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Meetings/workshops
- Résumé critiques by peer advisers. 1-4 p.m., CDO
- CDO workshop: "Ten Steps to Finding an Internship." 3 p.m.,
- Amnesty International general meeting. 4-5 p.m., Seelye 102
- Debate Society general meeting.
- 4-6 p.m., Seelye 101
- Class of 2002 mandatory meeting. 4:30 p.m., Wright auditorium
- Student Labor Action Coalition general meeting. 6:30 p.m., Women's
Resource Center (Davis third floor)*
- Religious Life
- "Silence for the Soul." Drop in for some quiet time. All
welcome. 12:30-1:30 p.m., Chapel
- Green Tara meditation session with Geshe Lobsang Tsetan, Tibetan Buddhist
Learning Center, Washington, New Jersey. Sponsors: East Asian Studies and
Ada Howe Kent programs. 4-5 p.m., Wright common room*
- Other events and activities
- Language lunch tables
- French, Italian
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Tuesday, April 6
- Lectures/Symposia
- Sigma Xi Luncheon Talk: "The Beaver and Biodiversity." Robert
McMaster. Open to faculty, emeriti and staff. Noon, College Club lower
- Northampton Silk Project: Sally Dillon, Amherst silk artist, will talk
about her work. Brown Bag Lunch Lecture Series. Noon-1 p.m., Seelye 207
- Illustrated lecture: "Pre-Raphaelite Art." Helen Searing,
Alice Pratt Brown Professor of Art. Offered for English 244B students.
Open to all. 4-5 p.m., Hillyer 117
- Lecture: "Occupying the National Family: Gendered Citizenship,
Sexuality, and the U.S. Occupation of Japan." Mary Layoun, professor
of comparative literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 4:45-6:30 p.m.,
Seelye 201*
- Reading: Gerald Szyszkowitz, Austrian author, will read in German from
his book Die Lesereise der Katja Thaya. 5-6 p.m., Wright common room
- Poetry reading: J.D. McClatchy. Sponsor: Poetry Center. 7:30 p.m.,
Stoddard auditorium*
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Music in the Noon Hour: Violin Sonata No. 5 by Grazyna Bacewicz. Veronica
Macchia-Kadlub Kiewicz, violin; Monica Jakuc, piano. 12:30 p.m., Sweeney
Concert Hall*
- Early American Shape-Note Sing. All ages and experiences welcome. 7-9
p.m., Chapel*
- Rec Council movie. 9 p.m., Wright auditorium
- Meetings/workshops
- Résumé critiques by peer advisers. 10:30 a.m.noon,
- Presentations by Jean Picker Fellows. 4:15 p.m., Seelye 207
- Workshop: "Part 2: Creative Ways to Look at Modern and Contemporary
Art." For elementary school teachers. Explore how artists communicate
ideas and feelings. Registration required (ext. 2779). 3:45-5:45 p.m.,
Museum of Art*
- Senate meeting. 7 p.m., Seelye 201
- CDO workshop: "Ten Steps to Finding an Internship." 7:15
p.m., CDO
- CDO workshop: "Preparing For a Successful Interview." 8 p.m.,
- Religious Life
- Episcopal-Lutheran Fellowship meets in the house parlor for worship,
lunch and friendship. All welcome. Noon, St. John's Church, Elm Street
- Hillel at Noon. "Jews of Argentina." Jennie Drimmer '99.
Noon, Dawes House Kosher Kitchen
- "Sacred Dance." Gentle-movement classes that explore connections
between spirituality and dance. No dance experience necessary. 4:45-5:45
p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Other events and activities
- Ceramics Club pottery sale. 10-4 p.m., Gamut
- Language lunch tables
- German, Chinese
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Softball vs. Amherst (2). 3:30 p.m., athletic fields*
- Yoga class. Sponsors: Office of the Dean of the College, ESS. 5-6:15
p.m., Davis ballroom
- CDO open hours. Peer advisers available. 7-9 p.m., CDO
- Wednesday, April 7
- Lectures/Symposia
- Open meeting for SLL372: "Translating Poetry." 2:40-4 p.m.,
Hatfield 105
- Lecture: "The Politics of Land Rights: Race and National Identity
in Australia." Kate Manzo, University of Newcastle. Part of the Global
Issues Forum. 4:30-6 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room*
- Lecture: "Warlord Politics and Failed States in a Globalized Economy."
Will Reno, professor of political science, Florida International University.
7:30 p.m., Seelye 101*
- Readings. Dean Albarelli, Elizabeth Drew Professor of English fiction;
Sara London, poetry. Sponsor: English department. 8 p.m., Seelye 207
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Film: The Wannsee Conference (1984). Heinz Schirk, director. Nazis
and German civil servants work out Final Solution details. In German with
English subtitles. For students in HST251b, "Europe in the 20th Century."
Open to all. 7:30 p.m., Seelye 106
- Theater: UMass' "Not Ready for Bedtime Players" perform vignettes
on love, sex and everything in between. Sponsors: Peer Sexuality Educators,
AIDS Education Committee. 8 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Meetings/workshops
- HR workshop. "Retirement and Health Care: Thinking Them Through."
(Kathleen Chatwood, ext. 2263.) Noon-1 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room
- Résumé critiques by peer advisers. 1-4:30 p.m., CDO
- Students for a Free Tibet meeting. 5-6 p.m., Seelye 102
- Debates for SGA Spring Election candidates. 7:30 p.m., Neilson Browsing
- Dance lessons for Spring Ball.
- 9 p.m., Davis ballroom
- Religious Life
- Catholic Adas gathering and informal discussion/reflection. Lunch served.
All welcome. Noon, Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Buddhist service and discussion. Preceded at 5:45 p.m. by Smith Buddhist
Sangha in Gillett dining room. 7:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Other events and activities
- Ceramic Club Pottery Sale. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Gamut
- Language lunch tables
- Spanish, Japanese
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Softball vs. WNEC. 4 p.m., athletic fields*
- Women's Squash Round Robin for students and faculty, beginner or advanced.
Friendly atmosphere. Balls and racquets supplied. 89 p.m., squash
- Thursday, April 8
- Lectures/Symposia
- Liberal Arts Luncheon: "Culture and Metonomy: Or, How Much Do
Bedclothes Matter?" Michael Gorra, English language and literature.
Open to faculty, emeriti and staff. Noon, College Club lower level
- Lecture: "Feminism in Theater." Michelene Wandor, British
dramatist and critic. 3 p.m., Green Room, Mendenhall CPA
- Lecture: "Darwinism Yesterday and Today." John Tyler Bonner,
Biology Department, Princeton University. Sponsor: History of the Sciences
Program. 5 p.m., Seelye 201*
- Lecture: "Sites, Snapshots and the Landscape." Elizabeth
Meyersohn, art department. 5 p.m., Hillyer 117*
- Panel discussion: "The Future of Affirmative Action in Higher
Education." Horace Copper, spokesman for Representative Dick Armey,
and psychology professor Fletcher Blanchard. Sponsor: Women for Freedom.
7 p.m., Seelye 110*
- Lecture: "How Should We Talk? Reflections on Religious Discourse
in the Public Square." Jean Bethke Elshtain, University of Chicago
Divinity School. (See story, page 4.) 7:30 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room*
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Spring Dance Concert. Works by undergraduate, graduate and alumnae
choreographers. Tickets: $6, general; $4, students and seniors. (Ext. 2787)
8 p.m., Hallie Flanagan Studio Theatre, Mendenhall CPA*
- Rec Council movie. 9 p.m., Wright auditorium
Thursday, continued
- Meetings/workshops
- Meeting: Campus Climate Working Group. President Ruth Simmons, chair.
Discussion on diversity efforts. 8-9 a.m., Neilson Browsing Room
- Résumé critiques by peer advisers. 10:30 a.m.-noon, CDO
- CDO workshop: "How to Write an Effective Résumé."
3 p.m., CDO
- Workshop: "Part 2: Creative Ways to Look at Modern and Contemporary
Art." See Tuesday listing. 3:45-5:45 p.m., Museum of Art*
- CDO workshop: "Using the Internet to Search for Internships and
Jobs." 4 p.m., CDO
- Debate Society practice rounds. 4-6 p.m., Seelye 101
- Workshop: "Art from Art: Writing in Response to Visual Creation,"
with Janet Longe Sadler, writer, artist. Third of six sessions exploring
creative writing forms and styles. Free, but advance registration is required
(ext. 2760). Limited to 12. 5:30-7:45 p.m., Museum of Art
- Association of Low-Income Students meeting. Refreshments and childcare
with advance notice. (Lori, ext. 4066.) 7 p.m., Chapin House
- Religious Life
- Meetings: Al-Iman, the Muslim organization on campus. Discussion of
Islamic values and Qu'ran literature. 7-8:15 p.m., Dewey common room
- Other events and activities
- Yoga class. Sponsors: Office of the Dean of the College, ESS. 8-9:15
a.m., Davis ballroom
- Language lunch tables
- Korean, Russian
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Community Forum. Sponsor: Staff Council. 1:30 p.m., Wright auditorium
- President Simmons' open hours for students. No appointment necessary.
Students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. 4-5 p.m., College
Hall 20
- Friday, April 9
- Lectures/Symposia
- Lecture: "Moveable Type to Megabytes: A Writer's Survival in Techno-Worlds."
Maureen Howard '52. Sponsor: Friends of the Smith College Libraries. 2:30
p.m., Seelye 106*
- Dedication of the Morgan Gallery. (See story, page 4.) Reception follows
in Neilson Browsing Room.
- 4 p.m., Neilson Library*
- Biological Sciences & Biochemistry Colloquium: "Life in Two
Dimensions: Recent Studies on Cellular Slime Molds." John Tyler Bonner,
Princeton University. 4 p.m., McConnell B05*
- Conference: "5Con Seven." Five College Speculative Fiction
Conference, hosted by Smith Science Fiction and Fantasy Society (SSFFS),
featuring panels, gaming, costume ball, vendors, an art show and much more.
With guests Margaret Weis, Elizabeth Moon, Josepha Sherman, Esther Friesner,
Susan Schwartz and the Don't Quit Your Day Job Players. Tickets: $25 at
the door. For information: ext. 6100 or http://www.smith.
- edu/ssffs/. 4 p.m.-midnight, Seelye Hall*
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Opening reception for "Idea<>Form." Food, music and
a chance to meet the participating artists and responders. (See story,
page 1.) Open to all. 4:30-6:30 p.m., Museum of Art*
- Concert: Paul O'Dette, lutenist. Final concert in the Sage Hall Concert
Se-ries. Tickets ($18, general; $14, Smith College faculty, staff and seniors;
$6, students) available at Northampton Box Office, 150 Main St., 586-8686,
1-800-THE TICK and at the door. 8 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall*
- Spring Dance Concert. See Thursday listing. 8 p.m., Hallie Flanagan
Studio Theatre, Mendenhall CPA*
- Film: This Sporting Life (1963), with Richard Harris, Rachel Roberts.
Lindsay Anderson, director. Based on a David Storey novel. British Film
Series. Sponsor: Motion Picture Committee. 8 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Theater performance: Scenes of A Funny Lady.An evening of musical theater
celebrating performing legend Fanny Brice. With Pioneer Valley actors and
musicians; Diana Calderazzo '99, director. 8 p.m., TV Studio, Mendenhall
- Meetings/workshops
- CDO informational meeting: "International Travel 101." Two
experienced travelers will discuss destinations, costs, risks, timing and
packing. 12:15 p.m., CDO
- Religious Life
- Green Tara Meditation. See Monday listing. 4-5 p.m., Wright common
- Shabbat service. Dinner follows in Dawes House Kosher Kitchen. 5:15
p.m., Dewey common room.
- Shabbat service and dinner. Amherst Hillel. Dinner follows at 6:30
p.m. 5:30 p.m., Center for Religious Life, Woodside Avenue, Amherst College
- Smith Christian Fellowship (InterVarsity) with other sisters. 7:30
p.m., Dewey common room*
- Other events and activities
- Language lunch table
- Japanese
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Saturday, April 10
- Lectures/Symposia
- Conference: "5Con Seven." See Friday listing. 9 a.m.-midnight,
Seelye Hall*
- Meetings/workshops
- Workshop: "Stories and Art." For children ages 4 to 7. Listen
to stories, look at and create art. Parents welcome. Register at extension
2760. Walk-ins welcome if space is available. 10:30 a.m.-noon, Museum of
- Coalition for Social Justice meeting. Child care provided with notice.
Handicapped accessible. (586-2663; tstcloud@
- 2 p.m., Seelye 202
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Spring Weekend A Cappella Jam. Five Smith a cappella groups and guests.
1-4 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Art studio visit: Gary Niswonger, art department, invites visitors
to his studio. Free, but preregistration required (ext. 2760). 2-3:30 p.m.,
Williamsburg, Massachusetts
- Concert: J.S. Bach's Magnificat. Smith Glee Club and UVA Men's Glee
Club. 7 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall*
- Spring Ball: "007." Tickets: $10.
- 9 p.m., Davis ballroom
- Spring Dance Concert. See Thursday listing. 8 p.m., Hallie Flanagan
Studio Theatre, Mendenhall CPA*
- Theater: Scenes of A Funny Lady. See Friday listing. 8 p.m., TV Studio,
Mendenhall CPA*
- Dance performance: "Casa de Mujer: Flamenco Dance Inspired by
the Lives of St. Teresa of Avila, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mary Magdalene
and the Women of Bosnia." Part of the Interreligious Center's series,
"Faith and Social Justice." 8 p.m., Chapel*
- Film: Thérèse (France, 1986). Alan Cavalier, director.
City of Women Series. Sponsor: Motion Picture Committee. 8 p.m., Stoddard
- Religious Life
- Havdalah Service. Come together to bring the Sabbath to a close. 5:30
p.m., Bodman Lounge
- Other events and activities
- Track: Smith Invitational. 10 a.m., athletic fields
- Tennis: Seven Sisters Championship. all day, Outdoor tennis courts
- 1999 Hunger Cleanup. National community service workathon in which
students and community members raise money while working with programs
for the hungry and homeless. Sponsor: MassPIRG. Noon, Chapin lawn
- Sunday, April 11
- Lectures/Symposia
- Conference: "5Con Seven." See Friday listing. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.,
Seelye Hall*
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Film: This Sporting Life (1963). See Friday listing. British Film Series.
- 2 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Film: Thérèse (France, 1986). See Saturday listing. City
of Women Series. 7 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Film: Korean Popular Movie Series. Sponsor: KASS. 7 p.m., Seelye 106
- Meetings/workshops
- Liturgical dance workshop with Sandra Rivera, co-director, Omega Dance
Company. All welcome. (Ext. 2753) 1-3 p.m., Chapel*
- CDO workshop: "Ten Steps to Finding a Summer Internship."
1:15 p.m., CDO
- CDO workshop: "Orientation for First-Years." 2:15 p.m., CDO
- Religious Life
- Quaker meeting. Meeting for worship begins at 11 a.m. Preceded by informal
discussion at 9:30 a.m. All welcome. Bass 203*
- Ecumenical Christian Church morning worship. Guest preacher the Rev.
Rosita Mathews, head chaplain at the VA Medical Center in Leeds. Reception
follows. All welcome. 10:45 a.m., Chapel*
- Roman Catholic Eucharistic liturgy. Sunday supper follows. 4:30 p.m.,
- Other events and activities
- CDO open hours. Peer advisers available. 1-4 p.m., CDO
- Ongoing Events
- "Idea<>Form: Looking at the Creative Process." The
centerpiece of a college-wide exploration of the creative process in the
arts, humanities, sciences and mathematics. Through May 30. Museum of Art*
- "Recent Acquisitions in Photography." Organized by museum
intern Jackie Crucet '99, Ada Comstock Scholar. April 6 through May 29.
Print Room, Museum of Art*
to top of page

- Getting Your Word Out in AcaMedia
- AcaMedia, which is produced by the Office of College Relations, is
the official vehicle for making announcements within the Smith College
community. By action of the faculty, students are held responsible for
reading AcaMedia's notices and calendar listings.
- Submission Procedures
- Calendar items must be submitted on an Event Service Request Form (ESRF)
preferably on line at but if necessary on
the paper version of the ESRF by mail or fax. (Obtain forms by calling
ext. 2162.) The ESRF is to be used for submitting listings for the Five
College Calendar and local media calendars as well.
- Items for the Notices section of AcaMedia should be submitted by email
to Mary Stanton at
When submitting notices for which the intended audience may not be self-evident,
please indicate whether they apply to the entire Smith community, to faculty
and staff only, or to students only.
- Submit news articles or suggestions for news articles to Ann
Shanahan (
or Eric Weld (
- Deadlines
- Copy is due by 4 p.m. Wednesday for the following week's issue. Late
information cannot be accepted.
- Five College Calendar Deadline
- Entries for the May Five College Calendar must be received by April
16. Please send entries to Mary Stanton in Garrison Hall (
- Sources of further information, if any, are indicated last in parentheses.
- Blue-Pencil Alert
- All calendar items and notices submitted to AcaMedia are subject to
editing for clarity, brevity and style. Almost none see print exactly as
originally written.
- Smith Wide
- African Art
- "Spirit of the Sun," an exhibit of African art by Yegizaw
Michael, will open at the Helen Hills Hills Chapel on Monday, April 12,
at 4:30 p.m. A reception will follow and the artist will be available to
discuss his work. The exhibit, sponsored jointly by the Chapel and SASA,
is in celebration of Africa Week and will be on view daily, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.,
through April 18.
- Sunnyside Openings
- The Sunnyside Child Care Center has summer-program openings for preschoolers.
The program will run June 22-August 17. Children may be enrolled for half
or full days, three, four or five days per week. The program is nationally
accredited and offers creative, recreational fun. As always, Smith-affiliated
families will be given enrollment priority. (Ext. 2293.)
- Faculty & Staff
- Community Forum
- The second Community Forum of the second semester will be held April
8 at 1:30 p.m. in Wright auditorium.
- New York Trip
- Staff Council is sponsoring a "Day on Your Own in New York City"
bus trip on Saturday, April 24, for $25 per person. The bus will leave
Smith at 7 a.m., drop passengers off at either the Metropolitan Museum
of Art or in the theater district, and leave New York at 7 p.m. The trip
is open to all Smith employees, faculty, alumnae, retirees and their guests.
Reservations are being taken by voice-mail through the Staff Council Activities
Committee reservation line, extension 4424, press 1. (Cindy Rucci, ext.
- Telephone Directory
- As of this fall the Smith College directory will have a new look designed
to increase privacy and accuracy and reduce nonessential information. In
response to growing employee concerns about the outside use of personal
information, Smith will publish only work-related information, eliminating
home-address listings. The directory will continue to be published once
a year in the fall and updated each spring. The most accurate, up-to-date
directory information will continue to be found in the on-line directory
- Short-term Lectureship
- The Associated Kyoto Program (AKP) announces a special short-term lectureship
for fall 1999 as part of its American Studies Faculty Fellowship program
with Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. The lectureship will consist
of a series of presentations by the fellow to students and faculty in the
American Studies Program at Doshisha University. The fellow is expected
to be on the Doshisha campus for two to four weeks during the fall semester
(October-December). The nature of the presentations will be subject to
negotiation with the American Studies Program at Doshisha University but
will most likely consist of one or two public lectures, perhaps seminar
sessions with graduate students, discussions with faculty and students,
and informal advising of students on their research. The lecturer will
be paid $2,000 per week for the appointment, $2,000 for travel expenses,
and room accommodations while in Japan. All other expenses will be borne
by the appointee. Applicants must be regular faculty members at an AKP-member
institution and have strong backgrounds in teaching and research in the
area of American studies. All teaching and related duties are conducted
in English; no knowledge of the Japanese language is required. Specialists
in all fields of American studies are encouraged to apply. Application
deadline: April 10. (Tom Rohlich, ext. 3441; trohlich@sophia.
- Students
- Shankar Tickets
- The Fine Arts Council is offering 20 tickets at $10 each for Smith
students who wish to attend the performance by Ravi Shankar at the newly
renovated Calvin Theatre at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 25. Shankar is celebrated
as the world's greatest sitarist, as a musical guru to the Magical Mystery
Tour-era Beatles and as the man who popularized Indian music in the West.
Anoushka Shankar will also perform. Tickets, which are subsidized by the
Fine Arts Council, will be on sale in the SGA Office, Clark Hall, beginning
April 12.
- Career Program
- The Career Development Office will offer a career exploration program
open to students, staff, alumnae and community members Monday, April 12,
at 7:30 p.m. in Drew Hall. The program will feature local entrepreneur
and publisher Jean Graef, founder of the Montague Institute, a virtual
organization that provides information, instruction, software and services
for corporate knowledge-base publishers. Graef will explore how to work
in the emerging field of knowledge management, considered a great employment
possibility for people of all ages.
- Parking Lottery
- Part I of the class of 2000 parking lottery will be held in Seelye
106 Wednesday, April 14, from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. More information will be
available in student houses.
- S.O.S. Openings
- The Service Organizations of Smith (S.O.S.) is accepting applications
for its 1999-2000 executive board. Members will gain experience in project
planning, fund-raising, event coordinating and other useful skills. The
board is a vital part of S.O.S.'s effort to provide community service opportunities
to the campus. Applications are available at the S.O.S. office in the basement
of the Chapel and at the Kaffee Klatsch in Seelye Hall. (S.O.S., ext. 2759.)
- International Fellowships
- Students interested in obtaining information about international fellowships
may contact Liz Lee in the Office for International Study, ext. 4913, or
by e-mail at fellowships@ais.smith.
- edu.
- Leadership Panel
- The Smith Leadership Program will sponsor its seventh annual panel
of leading alumnae, "The World is Changing, Smith Women are Changing
the World," Monday, April 5, at 4:30 p.m. in the Alumnae House living
room. Panelists from the fields of education, law and business will talk
about their lives before and after Smith and describe some lessons they've
learned along the way. Each of the panelists has made a significant impact
on her profession and community. The panel will be followed by a reception
with refreshments. The panel and the reception are open to all members
of the Smith community.
- Housing Lottery
- Students will receive housing lottery results in their campus mailboxes
Tuesday afternoon, April 6.
- Student -- continued
- Ticket Sales
- Tickets for Spring Ball will be sold at the Student Mail Room April
5-9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Internship Fellowship
- The Smith College Department of Government announces the annual competition
for the Pauline Fox Boorstein '20 International Internship Fellowship.
This fellowship of between $500 and $1,000, made possible by a bequest
from Boorstein and through the generosity of family members, is intended
to support Smith students working at summer internships in governmental
or nongovernmental/profit or nonprofit international organizations. Applications
are available to all students in Wright Hall 15. Application deadline:
April 16.
- Brown Fellowship
- The Smith College Department of Government announces the annual competition
for the Leanna Young Brown '56 Fellowship. This fellowship of between $500
and $1,000, made possible by the generosity of her Brown's father, Harold
Young, is intended to support Smith students working at summer internships
in state or local government or in governmental or nongovernmental organizations
focused on issues of particular concern to women. Applications are available
in Wright Hall 15. Application deadline: April 16.
- SGA Elections
- The SGA election process is under way. Budgets and donations forms
are due April 5 in the SGA office, Clark Hall, by 7:30 p.m. The campaign
begins at 9 a.m. on April 6. A candidates' debate will be held at 7:30
p.m. on April 7 in Neilson Browsing Room. Voting will take place April
14 and 15 in the Seelye Hall foyer and the mailroom lobby.
- Israel Stipends
- The Sylvia Josephs Berger '24 Endowed Fund provides financial support
for intensive summer language study, internships and independent projects
in Israel. There is a rolling deadline for applications. (Liz Lee, ext.
- Van Service
- A shuttle van service to the Stop 'n Shop and Blockbuster Video on
King Street will run every Friday and Sunday (except Easter Sunday) in
April. There will be no charge for the service, which will run continuously
from 4 to 6 p.m. on Fridays and from 1 to 3 p.m. on Sundays. The blue shuttle
van will pick up Smith passengers in front of John M. Greene Hall.
- SGA Appointment
- The Student Government Association will appoint one student from the
campus at large to represent students on the College Committee on Missions
and Priorities (CMP). CMP, chaired by President Simmons, is the all-college
committee that sets long-range goals for the college in conjunction with
other college committees and the board of trustees. Interested students
must submit an essay suggesting goals and how we can reach them through
policy or programming. All applicants must be willing and able to serve
a two-year term. Please include your name, year, box, phone number and
e-mail address. Submission deadline: 4 p.m., Friday, April 9, at the SGA
office, Clark Hall. (Cherilyn Cepriano, ext. 4952; SGA office, ext. 4950.)
- Open Campus Volunteers
- Open Campus will be held Thursday and Friday, April 15-16. This overnight
program enables admitted prospective students to visit classes, meet with
faculty, learn about Smith activities and stay in a Smith house. The admission
office is seeking volunteers to host students overnight on Thursday, April
15. Interested? Please come by the office to fill out a short form telling
us about yourself. (Jennifer O'Loughlin, ext. 2508;
- House Closing
- Campus houses will officially close for the academic year at noon on
Saturday, May 8. Students (other than seniors and those taking late Five
College exams) who have not left their rooms by then run the risk of being
fined and receiving letters in their student files. Students with permission
to live on campus through Commencement must move to consolidated housing
on the afternoon of May 8. Front-door and room keys will not be provided,
but doorwatches will be scheduled for the week. The last night any guest
room may be reserved or occupied is Friday, May 7. All students enrolled
in Five College courses are required to submit a housing request form to
the Alumnae Association by March 31. (Kelly Taylor, ext. 2040.)
- Mall Crawl
- The Office of Student Affairs is sponsoring its second and final mall
crawl for the semester, to the Berkshire Outlet Village in Lee, on Saturday,
April 10. The outlet offers dozens of stores, including J Crew, Nautica,
Calvin Klein and The Gap. The free bus will depart from John M. Greene
at 9 a.m. and head back to Smith at 3 p.m. Sign up (first-come, first-served)
during office hours in College Hall 24. Sign-up deadline: noon, Friday,
April 9.
- Boston Museum Trip
- The Association of Low-Income Students (ALIS) and the Fine Arts Council
are sponsoring a day trip to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts on Saturday,
April 3. Departure is at 8 a.m. from John M. Greene Hall. The bus will
leave Boston at 8 p.m. and arrive in Northampton at 10 p.m. Open to Smith
students and their families. Seating is limited. (Lori, ext. 4066.)
- Business Etiquette
- The Association of Low-Income Students is sponsoring an evening with
etiquette consultant Jodie Smith, who will present techniques and strategies
for entering social and professional situations with ease. It will be held
in the Alumnae House living room Wednesday, April 21, from 3 to 5 p.m.
and offer basic networking and business etiquette skills. Donation suggested.
Tickets: Lori, ext. 4066.
- King and I Tickets
- The Fine Arts Council has reserved 50 tickets at $7 each for the performance
of Rodgers and Hammerstein's The King and I at the UMass Concert Hall on
Friday, April 9, at 8 p.m. The first 40 students to sign up will be provided
with bus transportation (the Brownie Express, with snacks and beverages)
from JMG to UMass and back. This lavish Broadway musical, set in the 1860s
in and around the royal palace in Bangkok, includes such old favorites
as "I Whistle a Happy Tune" and "Shall We Dance?" Tickets
are on sale at the SGA Office, Clark Hall.
- Summer Employment
- Applications are currently available in the admission office for summer
tour-guide and office-worker positions. Responsibilities include leading
campus tours, preparing mailings, data entry and general office work. Job
hours are Monday through Friday (and two Saturdays), 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The
jobs last from Commencement to Labor Day. Application deadline: May 1.
(Jennifer O'Loughlin, ext. 2508;
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AcaMedia staff: Ann Shanahan, co-editor; Cathy
Brooks, layout; Mary Stanton, calendar/notices; Eric Sean Weld, co-editor
AcaMedia is published
weekly during the academic year by the Office
of College Relations for the Smith
College community. This version of AcaMedia for the World Wide Web is maintained
by the Office of College Relations. Last update: April 1, 1999.
Copyright © 1999, Smith College. Portions of this publication may
be reproduced with the permission of the Office of College Relations, Garrison
Hall, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts 01063; (413) 585-2170.
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