SASA Outlines Week of Events
For the second straight year the Smith African Students' Association
(SASA) will host a week-long series of lectures, performances and exhibits
in honor of African Awareness Week, April 11-17. The association has chosen
"Women and Social Change in Africa and the Diaspora" as this year's
The series begins Monday, April 12, with the exhibition "Spirit
of the Sun," a collection of works by world-renowned Eritrean artist
Yegizaw Michael. The exhibit, which will begin with a reception at 4:30
p.m. in Helen Hills Hills Chapel, has already been shown at Pennsylvania
State University and the Africa World Press offices in Trenton, New Jersey.
It is the first time Michael's work has been exhibited in the United States.
Michael will attend the reception.
The series continues Wednesday, April 14, at 7:30 p.m. in Neilson Browsing
Room, when Terisa Turner, a political scientist known for her research on
women in Rastafarian-ism and the oil industry in Africa, speaks on "Gender
and Rastafari: A Cultural Anthropology of a Movement From 1850 to the Present."
On Thursday, April 15, at 7:30 p.m. in Neilson Browsing Room, Kenyan poet
and activist Micere Mugo will discuss "The Relevance of Students' Activism
in the Promotion of Equitable Society in the Post-Colonial World."
On Friday, April 16, at 4 p.m., the association will host Café
Afrique in the Mwangi Cultural Center. It will offer African desserts and
assorted coffees from Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania, accompanied by a rich
variety of music from the African continent.
The series will culminate on Saturday, April 17, when SASA celebrates
its 10th annual Africa Day with a keynote address by Nahid Toubia, Sudanese
founder and director of the Research, Action and Information Network for
the Bodily Integrity of Women (RAINBO) in New York. Her lecture, "Female
Genital Mutilation in the Context of Activism and the Self-Determination
and Autonomy of African Women," will take place at 4 p.m. in Wright
auditorium. Toubia, a member of the faculty at Columbia University School
of Public Health, became the first woman surgeon in Sudan in 1981 and headed
the pediatric surgery department at Khartoum Teaching Hospital. She serves
on the advisory committees for WHO, UNICEF and other organizations.
Preceding Toubia's keynote lecture will be a panel discussion, "Women's
Involvement in the Eritrean Struggle for Independence," at 2 p.m. in
Neilson Browsing Room. It will feature three Eritrean women, two of whom
fought in the country's revolution and one who was imprisoned for supporting
the Eritrean People's Liberation Front.
The Africa Day celebrations continue at 8 p.m. in John M. Greene Hall
with a performance of Ghanaian, Panamanian, South African and reggae dances
and the SASA choir as well as plays and a fashion show. A party beginning
at 11 p.m. in the Mwangi Cultural Center featuring Soukous, Zouk, reggae,
Soca and hip-hop music will close out the day.
Who Are You?
Name: Nicomedes Suárez Araúz.
Department: Center for Amazonian Literature and Culture, Spanish and
Portuguese department.
Hometown: Beni, in Bolivia's Amazonia.
Other positions you've held: Ship purveyor, farmer, visual artist, professor
of comparative literature in two universities in Bolivia and one in the
Why did you choose your field? I didn't. It chose me.
Projects you're presently working on: Finishing two essays on Amazonian
literature for Oxford University Press; preparing for publication my collection
of poems, Edible Amazonia, and the second issue of Amazonian Literary Review;
expanding our center's bulletin/magazine, Pan-Amazonia, to include more
ecological issues; organizing two symposia. This summer I'll travel to Amazonia
to prepare the "Modern Amazonian Literature" course I've created
and will teach this fall. I am also coordinating a symposium on the themes
of Amnesis, the aesthetics of amnesia, that I formulated in the 70s.
What do you do in your free time? Dedicate myself to my family, work.
What you'd be doing now if not working: Working.
Favorite place to hang out: The road alongside the Mill River.
Favorite food: Majao, an Amazonian dish made of rice, jerky beef and
One thing you'd change if you could: Suggest that people become aware
Amazonians so we don't go on fiddling as our Spaceship Earth sinks, courtesy
of irresponsible capitalist enterprises.
Three words to describe yourself: Pantheist, idealist, optimist.
What would you prefer others see in you? My Amazonian and creative self.
Three books you'd take with you if exiled to the island in Paradise Pond:
The poems of Lorca, a collection of Chinese poetry and an empty book.
Daughters to Come to Work
Seven years ago the Ms. Foundation conceived of "Take Our Daughters
to Work Day" as an annual opportunity to give young girls a chance
to see their parents and other people engaged in a wide and demanding range
of professional duties. The foundation hoped the experience would help inspire
the girls and shore up their confidence and self-esteem prior to the onslaught
of adolescence.
Taking some cues from that original concept, Smith's Daughters' Day Planning
Committee has planned a day to expose daughters of college employees to
some of the many professions and vocational roles performed by their mothers
and fathers here on campus. On Thursday, April 22, all college employees
are invited to bring their daughters between ages 9 and 13 to work to participate
in a full day of varied activities and spend time in their parents' workplace.
The day will begin at 9 a.m. with a welcome session at the College Club.
The girls will get to know one another through "icebreaking" activities.
There will be refreshments and an introductory talk.
At 10:15 a.m. it's off to the botanic garden, where knowledgeable guides
will show the girls the Lyman Conservatory and the array of flowers and
plant life in the garden. At 11 a.m. they'll hike to Ainsworth gym for an
hour of fun, exercise and optional aerobics with an instructor. Parents
can then meet their daughters at the gym to have lunch together.
After lunch, parents will accompany their daughters to either Lamont
House or the club (parents will be told which location during registration)
for an informational tour of the college's kitchens led by RADS personnel.
Following the tours, the entire group will reconvene back at the College
Club for a session of cookie-decorating-and perhaps more importantly, eating.
With cookies in hand, the girls will gather upstairs at the club for
a send-off with a bagful of Smith keepers: notepads, a poster, pencils and
other gifts. Parents will pick up their daughters at the club between 2:45
and 3 p.m. and can take them back to their workplace for the rest of the
The committee hopes that this schedule, which is subject to slight adjustments,
will expose daughters to a range of professional opportunities and allow
them to be entertained and educated while seeing what their parents are
up to all day long.
If your daughter would like to join others April 22 on a day about girls
and their futures, register by April 16 by calling Claire Kmetz in the Office
of College Relations, extension 2170, or e-mail
To see a Web site with pictures from last year's event, see
Museum Pieces Get Attention
Suzannah Fabing, director of the Smith College Museum of Art, reports
that two items from the museum's collection nearly had days in the sun recently.
On March 15, the museum's early Italian processional cross was featured
on the front page of the arts section of the New York Times -- without a
Smith credit -- in a blurb for "The Treasury of St. Francis of Assisi"
show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Fabing says the director
of the Met told her that he was originally in the photo, too, along with
the monsignore of the Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi, but that the Times
photo editors chose to crop out both men in favor of the Smith cross.
Meanwhile on March 14, at the end of a CBS Sunday Morning feature on
the Cleveland museum's Diego Rivera show, a Rivera self-portrait lent by
Smith for the exhibition was the last lingering image on the screen -- again
with no Smith credit. The Rivera self-portrait fared better in the February
issue of Elle, where it appeared accompanied by a minuscule credit: "Courtesy
Smith College Museum of Art, Massachusetts."
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A Committee for Labor Standards
Several members of the ad hoc Community Policy Committee have volunteered
to serve on a subcommittee on global labor standards that will consult with
the Smith Board of Trustees Committee on Investor Responsibility and its
working group, which is chaired by Roger Kaufman of the economics department.
The CPC subcommittee will include two members of the economics department,
Karen Pfeifer and Tom Riddell (the latter of whom chairs CPC), and students
Manisha Gangopadhyay '00, Katie Winger '01, Stacey Caulk '99 and Jackie
Crucet AC '99.
It is expected that the Investor Responsibility Committee working group
will consider stock proxy and divestment decisions concerning labor standards
and that the CPC subcommittee will address itself primarily to other actions
the college might take -- boycotts, for example, or refusal to accept grants
-- when dealing with companies whose labor practices are questionable.The
subcommittee will also investigate possible mechanisms for encouraging businesses
to adopt better labor practices worldwide, for example, the Fair Labor Association,
with which the college has recently affiliated. The subcommittee will explore
ideas about furthering campuswide education on these issues.
Prof Creates Printing Plate
At the Southern Graphics Council Conference, held March l7-21 at Arizona
State University in Tempe, Dwight Pogue, professor of art, and Mark Zunino,
art department technical assistant, presented a demonstration of the new
Posi-grain printing plate, which Pogue was largely responsible for creating.
Pogue began working with Precision Ballgraining Corporation of Florence,
Massachusetts, about five years ago to develop a light-sensitive positive
photo-litho plate for fine artists and master printers. The company is one
of only two plate-manufacturing firms in the U.S. producing highly specialized,
deep-etch ball-grained plates for printing on direct lithographic hand presses.
Ball-grained plates have a surface similar to lithographic stones and are
ideal for direct hand-drawn work. They are made by hydraulically bouncing
thousands of uniform steel ball bearings in carborundum and water over sheets
of .012 gauge aluminum.
The need for such a plate -- ball-grained, with a light-sensitive positive
emulsion -- became apparent to Pogue when he began including a computer-design
component in his printmaking courses. His students use Adobe Photoshop to
manipulate and color- separate their scanned images, printing them out as
positives on clear film. They expose the four positives -- one each for
yellow, magenta, cyan and black -- to light-sensitive photo-litho plates,
ultimately printing them as color lithographs. Commercial positive-working
photo-litho plates have been around for years, but their printing surfaces
are too smooth to be drawn on once they have been exposed and developed.
In addition, commercial litho plates are difficult to print from on the
direct hand litho presses used by most of today's artists and printmakers.
The Posi-grain plate enables artists to transfer a variety of images
-- computer printouts in random dither dots on clear film, as well as delicate
graphite and wash drawings executed on frosted mylar -- for printing as
fine art, limited-edition color lithographs. The icing on the cake, Pogue
says, is that artists can now draw additional images on plates that have
already been exposed and developed.
Student Fellows Enliven Project
Eleven Smith undergraduates are serving as student fellows with the Kahn
Liberal Arts Institute's 1998-99 Ecologies of Childhood project. They have
been actively involved in weekly colloquium meetings with visiting scholars
and by the end of this term will have presented their projects at luncheon
meetings of faculty and student Kahn fellows and in poster sessions in campus
houses. Each will also write a short paper covering her work this semester.
Commenting on the participation of the Kahn student fellows this year,
Peter Pufall of the psychology department said: "I have been impressed
with two things. First, their growing confidence: they are as likely to
engage a visiting scholar as the faculty fellows are -- indeed, some of
them have been more active. It follows from this that they've been able
to discuss careers and their specific projects for the year, and have created
Several of the fellows will attend Smith alumnae club meetings in April
with faculty fellows to present their projects. Mary MacDonald '99, for
example, will travel to the San Francisco and Los Angeles clubs with Richard
Unsworth of the religion department. They will discuss religious pluralism
in America, its links to immigration laws and how the changing pluralism
of religions appear to be affecting fundamental ecologies of American life:
the family, education, public practice or religious traditions. Eliza Goodhue
'99, Marion Johnson '99, Jane Palmer '00, Rhoda Switzer '99, Aarati Subramanium
'00 and Pam Gigliotti '99 will accompany Susan Etheredge of the education
department and Peter Pufall of the psychology department to a joint meeting
of all the Western Massachusetts Smith Clubs. Other Kahn student fellows
are Carol Kirby AC, Katherine Oyama '99, Shannon Sickels YR '99 and Erin
Sikorski '01. Their majors run the gamut from government, biology and education
to art history, theater and philosophy.
People at Work
This is the first story in an occasional series on people, often behind
the scenes, who help Smith run smoothly.
David Osepowicz has been working at Smith since he "was a pup,"
as he says, starting with after-school jobs in Neilson Library and on the
building and grounds crew in 1970 and, for the last 22 years, full-time
in Central Services, presently as printing supervisor.
"I'm really a troubleshooter," he says, but when he describes
a typical day's work he sounds more like a jack-of-all-trades. Starting
around 7 a.m. each day, he schedules the workload for three operators and
their printing machines, checks his always-plentiful e-mails, downloads
address files for upcoming mailings, sorts and organizes the day's first
batch of U.S. mail for campus delivery and does a lot of schmoozing with
customers on topics he describes as "how long will this job take?
much will it cost?...I need it yesterday; can I have it yesterday?"
It seems as though everyone has a problem or a concern -- but, he says,
"We're here to fix it. You go home really beat but it feels good, like
you've helped."
In the back room of central services, cluttered with humming machines
and hundreds of cartons of paper, Osepowicz sits, when he gets the chance,
at a desk littered with the tools of his trade -- printing orders, schedule
logs, billing statements and "diskettes, diskettes and more diskettes."
Posted on the room divider next to him are scraps of paper carrying the
scribbled numbers for companies he often deals with -- Pitney Bowes, Hadley
Printing, Xerox. Most of the time it's noisy and hectic -- phones ringing,
people coming in with flyers to be addressed and stamped or material to
be duplicated and distributed on campus or mailed off campus. (Osepowicz
estimates thatCentral Services goes through 100,000 sheets of paper a week.)
"We just got through a crazy time," he said recently, "addressing
the college's annual report and a big museum mailing. Now we're in the middle
of a 40,000-piece Alumnae Association mailing about the new on-line register."
Although Osepowicz says he usually spends five or six hours a day on mailing
tasks, "You just never know what will come up. The greatest thing about
this job is how many people I come in contact with. I really like that."
Although Osepowicz and his colleagues are vital to the operation of Central
Services, the machines are important, too. "I'm always checking out
new equipment; there are some incredible machines out there." Recalling
the time years ago "when we were calling the service people every other
day," Osepowicz says that "technology has come a long way."
Now he's looking forward to going digital, which may occur as soon as mid-summer.
"That's the future," he says, citing the theoretical example of
the faculty member who will be able to generate a course syllabus at the
computer and "zip it right down to us on line. We want to encourage
as much of the campus as possible to start doing business this way."
Although he frequently works long hours, Osepowicz knows how to relax,
too. He and his wife Lisa DeCarolis-Osepowicz, student services coordinator
in ITS, love to travel. Over the past eight years they have been to China,
India, the Soviet Union and Egypt. Their next destination is Vietnam, "and
we do it all very frugally," he insists. Osepowicz has a passionate
interest in music, especially Bob Dylan (he'll go almost anywhere to see
Dylan perform) and he and DeCarolis share interests in bird- and bear-watching
and book collecting.
Music at Smith, 100 Years Ago
Musical culture at Smith in the 1890s, especially that among students,
will be the focus of a lecture, "A Musicology of the Everyday,"
to be given by Ruth A. Solie, Sophia Smith Professor of Music, on Monday,
April 12, at 4:30 p.m. in Stoddard Auditorium. Solie says she will explore
"the connections between [students'] descriptions of musical activities
and the broader picture of American musical and cultural history at the
end of the 19th century."
Solie's will be the final lecture in the "Three by Three" series
delivered by faculty members recently named to chaired professorships. The
first two were presented in November by Sophia Smith Professor of Government
Steven Goldstein and Charles N. Clark Professor of Government Donald L.
Having written and presented extensively about music history and women
in music, Solie says "there is musicological knowledge to be had by
looking at the everyday musical experience of people, including those who
are not professional musicians."
A 1964 Smith graduate, Solie has been a member of the Smith music department
faculty since 1974. She received her doctorate from the University of Chicago
and has served on the music faculties at Yale and Columbia universities
and Mary Baldwin College. Among the courses she teaches at Smith are "The
Art of Listening," "Writing About Music" and "Topics
in Theory." Currently, she is president of the American Musicological
A reception will follow Solie's lecture in the Alumnae House Living Room.
The "Three by Three" series is sponsored by the Office of the
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- Softball
- March 30: Smith 0, Westfield State 1
- April 2:
- Smith 8, MIT 3
- Smith 3, MIT 0
- April 3:
- Smith 3, US Coast Guard Academy 7
- Smith 0, US Coast Guard Academy 2
- Lacrosse
- March 30: Smith 14, Mount Holyoke 9
- April 1: Smith 13, Wesleyan 11
- April 3: Smith 11, Babson 9
- Crew
- April 4: Smith vs. UHN/Bates:
- Varsity 8, 3rd out of 4
- Second Varsity 8, 3rd out of 4
- Varsity 4, 2nd out of 4
- First Novice 8, 3rd out of 4
- Second Novice 8, 2nd out of 4
- Riding
- April 3:
- Regionals: three riders qualified for Zone competition
- SmithJobs
- No job listings this week.
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In a syndicated feature that appeared in many
newspapers in late February, Barbara Reinhold, director of the Career Development
Office, spoke about the fear many women have of speaking up. To beat that
fear, Reinhold suggests "visualization": think about a time in
your life when you were successful and felt good about yourself -- the time
you won the third-grade spelling bee, for example -- and summon up that
image of your confident, successful self whenever you have to speak in public.
Reinhold is also featured in the April Fast Company, talking about how one
experiences change in one's life.
Ellen Kaplan of the theatre department directed the rarely produced Meyer
Levin play Anne Frank at the Theater Project at the Majestic Theater in
West Springfield in February. The play has been controversial over the years,
says Kaplan, partly because it was perceived to be "too Jewish, speaking
too much to the dark side of what happened." Kaplan feels it to be
more "authentic" than Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich's better-known,
more widely performed Diary of Anne Frank.
This year's Sophia Smith Scholar in Poetry, Abe Louise Young '99, will
be one of six undergraduate poets taking part in Mount Holyoke College's
76th annual Glascock Poetry Competition on April 16 and 17. The event will
be judged by some of the nation's most renowned poets. Young and student
poets from Brown, Johns Hopkins and George Washington universities as well
as Skidmore and Mount Holyoke colleges will discuss and read their poetry
with the likes of John Ashbery, Billy Collins and Pulitzer Prize -- winner
Carolyn Kizer. The students will read their entries before an audience and
judges on April 16 at 8 p.m. in Mount Holyoke's Gamble Auditorium. Prizes
will be announced the following Saturday morning. Young has twice won the
Academy of American Poets Anne Bradstreet Prize.
Ann Boutelle, lecturer in the English department, is a semifinalist for
the Walt Whitman Award of the Academy of American Poets. The award, for
which poet James Tate is the judge, is given for the best first book written
by a poet.
Margaret Edson '83, featured in the April 5 People, is the author of
Wit, a searing drama about a poetry professor battling ovarian cancer that
has earned rave reviews and played to sold-out Off-Broadway audiences for
six months.
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Calendar Key
- Sources of further information, if any, are shown in parentheses at
the end of event descriptions. An asterisk following a listing indicates
that the event is open to the public. Admission charges, if any, are listed
when known. Items for this section must be submitted on Event
Service Request Forms.
- Monday, April
- Lectures/Symposia
- Lecture: "A Musicology of the Everyday." Ruth A. Solie, Sophia
Smith Professor of Music (see story, page 4). Reception follows in the
Alumnae House living room. 4:30 p.m., Stoddard auditorium*
- Lecture: "The Play of Meaning: The Visual Culture of Roman Freedmen
and Freedwomen in Pompeii." Barbara Kellum, art department. 4:30 p.m.,
Hillyer 117*
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Opening reception: "Spirit of the Sun." Exhibition of works
by Eritrean artist Yegizaw Michael. Refreshments served. Opening event
for African Awareness Week (see story, page 1). 4:30 p.m., Chapel*
- Film: The Celebration (Denmark, 1998). Cannes Film Festival Jury Prizewinner.
Dark-edged comedy/drama about an inauspicious family gathering in rural
Denmark. Sponsor: Survivors and Allies For Education on Child Sexual Abuse
and Incest (SAFE). 7 p.m., Stoddard auditorium
- Open Class: Caribbean dance with Yvonne Daniel. 7 p.m., Crew House.
- Meetings/workshops
- HR workshop: "Career Development II: Upping Your 'EQ' to Get Where
You Want to Go." (Kathleen Chatwood, ext. 2263.) 1-4 p.m., Dewey common
- Résumé critiques by peer advisers. 1-4 p.m., CDO
- CDO workshop: "Ten Steps to Finding an Internship." 3 p.m.,
- Amnesty International general meeting. 4-5 p.m., Seelye 102
- Debate Society general meeting.
- 4-6 p.m., Seelye 101
- Student Labor Action Coalition general meeting. 6:30 p.m., Women's
Resource Center (Davis third floor)*
- CDO workshop: "How to Capitalize on Your Intellectual Assets:
Career and Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Knowledge Management."
Jean Graef, local entrepreneur and publisher. 7:30 p.m., CDO*
- Religious Life
- Catholic Adas gathering and informal discussion/reflection. Lunch served.
All welcome. Noon, Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- "Silence for the Soul." Drop in for some quiet time. All
welcome. 12:30-1:30 p.m., Chapel
- Green Tara meditation session with Geshe Lobsang Tsetan. 4-5 p.m.,
Wright common room*
- Yom Hashoa Service commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day. 7 p.m., Seelye
- Other events and activities
- Language lunch tables
- French, Italian
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Tuesday, April 13
- Lectures/Symposia
- Sigma Xi Luncheon Talk: Felice Frankel, MIT. Open to faculty, emeriti
and staff. Noon, College Club lower level
- Lecture: "On the Road to Recovery? Evaluating Latin America's
Economic Reforms." Wilson Peres, Chief, United Nations Economic Commission
for Latin America (UNECLAC), Industry and Technology Development Unit.
Sponsors: economics department, Latin American studies and Third World
development studies programs. 4:30 p.m., Seelye 106*
- Lecture: "Was There a Choice During the Holocaust?" Eva Fogelman,
author of Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust.
In commemoration of Yom Hashoa. 4:30 p.m., Seelye 207 *
- Slide lecture: Artist Marilyn Minter will discuss her paintings, photographs
and a video presentation. 4:30 p.m., Hillyer 117*
- Slide lecture: "Images and Imagination: Creativity in Science
and Technology." Felice Frankel, artist-in-residence, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. 5 p.m., McConnell auditorium*
- Lecture: "The Sevenfold Quintessential Reasoning." Geshe
Lobsang Tsetan, Tibetan Buddhist Learning Center, Washington, New Jersey.
Part of the series of lectures on Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism. Sponsors:
East Asian studies and Ada Howe Kent programs. 7 p.m., Wright Hall common
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Concert: Eileen E. Ruby, mezzo soprano, and Clifton J. Noble, piano,
will perform Aaron Copland's Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson. 12:30 p.m.,
Sweeney Concert Hall*
- Early American Shape-Note Sing. All ages and experiences welcome. 7-9
p.m., Chapel*
- Film: Sponsor: Portuguese Club. 7:30 p.m., Hatfield 206
- Rec Council movie. 9 p.m., Wright auditorium
- Meetings/workshops
- Résumé critiques by peer advisers. 10:30 a.m.noon,
- Senate meeting. 7 p.m., Seelye 201
- CDO workshop: "Ten Steps to Finding an Internship." 7:15
p.m., CDO
- CDO workshop: "Preparing For a Successful Interview." 8 p.m.,
- Religious Life
- Episcopal-Lutheran Fellowship meets in the house parlor for worship,
lunch and friendship. All welcome. Noon, St. John's Church, Elm Street
- Hillel at Noon. Eva Fogelman will discuss researching her book, Conscience
and Courage: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust. Noon, Dawes House Kosher
- "Sacred Dance." Gentle-movement classes that explore connections
between spirituality and dance. No dance experience necessary. 4:45-5:45
p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Other events and activities
- Language lunch tables
- German, Chinese
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Softball vs. Mt. Holyoke (2). 3:30 p.m., athletic fields*
- Women's Studies Tea. Learn about graduate options in women's studies.
Discussion will follow presentations by Alice Hearst, government; Ann Ferguson,
Afro-American studies; Lauren Duncan, psychology; Sarah Liros '93, managing
editor of Meridians. 5 p.m., Wright Hall common room
- Yoga class. Sponsors: Office of the Dean of the College, ESS. 5-6:15
p.m., Davis ballroom
- CDO open hours. Peer advisers available. 7-9 p.m., CDO
- Wednesday, April 14
- Lectures/Symposia
- African Awareness Week. (See story, page 1.) 7:30 p.m., Neilson Browsing
- Blakelee Lecture: "Biodiversity, Sustainability and the Human
Prospect." Peter Raven, plant biologist, conservationist and director
of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Reception follows in the Lyman Conservatory.
5 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Lecture: "Faith in Action: One Woman's Work in Health Care and
Human Rights." Dorothy Smith Patterson, international human rights
activist and former president, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee.
Part of the Interreligious Center's "Faith and Social Justice"
Series. Reception follows. (Ext. 2753) 7:30 p.m., Chapel*
- Meetings/workshops
- Résumé critiques by peer advisers. 1-4:30 p.m., CDO
- Open Meeting for SLL 372: "Translating Poetry." 2:404
p.m., Hatfield 105
- Students for a Free Tibet meeting. 5-6 p.m., Seelye 102
- Religious Life
- Conversation: "What is Education For?" Conversation with
professor Patricia Skarda, English language and literature, about how her
values relate to her career. Lunch provided at noon, conversation begins
at 12:15. All welcome. Noon, Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Buddhist service and discussion. Preceded at 5:45 p.m. by Smith Buddhist
Sangha in Gillett dining room. 7:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Other events and activities
- SGA Elections. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Seelye foyer, mailroom
- Work Study payroll voucher deadline. Noon, Financial Aid Office, College
Hall 10
- Language lunch tables
- Spanish, Japanese
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- S.O.S. Community Education Luncheon: Citizen's Awareness Network. Stop
the meltdown in democracy through political and environmental education.
Summer and fall vounteer opportunites. Pizza provided. 12:15 p.m., Dewey
common room
- Class of 2000 parking lottery. 4:15-5:30 p.m., Seelye 106
- Softball vs. Brandeis. 4:30 p.m., athletic fields*
- Forum for sexual-abuse survivors and their allies to share their experiences.
Sponsor: SAFE. Followed by a reception at 9 p.m. in Wright Hall common
room. 7:30 p.m., Field house*
- .
- Women's Squash Round Robin for students and faculty. Balls and racquets
supplied. 8-9 p.m., squash courts
- Thursday, April 15
- Lectures/Symposia
- African Awareness Week. (See story, page 1.) 7:30 p.m., Neilson Browsing
- Liberal Arts Luncheon: "The Making of an International Rule of
Law." Karen Alter, government department. Open to faculty, emeriti
and staff. Noon, College Club lower level
- Lecture: "Reading the Mountains of Home: Loss and Recovery in
Robert Frost's Landscape." John Elder, Professor of English and Environmental
Studies, Middlebury College. Sponsor: English department. 4:15 p.m., Seelye
- Lecture: "Socratic Perplexity and the Nature of Philosophy."
Gareth B. Matthews, professor of philosophy, UMass. Sponsor: philosophy
department. 4:30 p.m., Seelye 207 *
Thursday, continued
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Concert: Folk/rock singer/songwriter Stewart Lewis, formerly of Acoustic
Junction. 4 p.m., Jordan House *
- Dance performance: "Mosaic." A program of dances choreographed
by dance department seniors. Tickets: $5, general; $3, students and seniors.
(Ext. 2787) 8 p.m., Scott Dance Studio*
- Theater: Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot. Paul Zimet, director.
Tickets: $5, general; $3, students and seniors. (Ext. 2787.) 8 p.m., Theatre
14, Mendenhall CPA*
- Rec Council movie. 9 p.m., Wright auditorium
- Meetings/workshops
- Résumé critiques by peer advisers. 10:30 a.m.noon,
- Debate Society practice rounds. 4-6 p.m., Seelye 101
- Workshop: "Art from Art: Writing in Response to Visual Creation,"
with Janet Longe Sadler, writer, artist. Fourth of six sessions exploring
creative writing forms and styles. Free, but advance registration is required
(ext. 2760). Limited to 12. 5:30-7:45 p.m., Museum of Art
- Association of Low-Income Students meeting. Refreshments and childcare
with advance notice. (Lori, ext. 4066.) 7 p.m., Chapin House
- CDO informational meeting: Clean Water Action, an environmental organization,
will discuss current campaigns and employment opportunities. 7:30 p.m.,
Seelye 207
- Religious Life
- Meeting: Al-Iman, the Muslim organization on campus. Discussion of
Islamic values and Qu'ran literature. 7-8:15 p.m., Dewey common room
- Other events and activities
- Yoga class. Sponsors: Office of the Dean of the College, ESS. 8-9:15
a.m., Davis ballroom
- SGA Elections. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Seelye foyer, mailroom
- Language lunch tables
- Korean, Russian
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Friday, April 16
- African Awareness Week. (See story, page 1.) 4 p.m., Mwangi Cultural
- Lectures/Symposia
- Gallery talk: Chester Michalik, art department, will discuss his photographs
of contemporary Japan. In conjunction with "Idea<>Form: Looking
at the Creative Process." 12:15 p.m., Museum of Art*
- Symposium: "Slavic Poetry in Translation." With Tomas Venclova,
Yale University, Mina Nedialkova Daube, Ron Banerjee and members of the
Russian Department. 2:30-5 p.m., Hatfield 105
- Biological Sciences & Biochemistry Colloquium. "Morphological
Differentiation in the Filamentous Bacterium Streptomyces Coelicolor."
Joanne Willey, Department of Biology, Hofstra University. 4 p.m., McConnell
- Lecture: "Exploring the Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood
Education in the U.S.: Reflections and Practical Experiences." Lella
Gandini A.B. '78 and A.M. '82, U.S. Liaison for the Reggio Emilia Approach;
and Karen Haigh, Child Development Director of the Chicago Commons. Presented
by the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute. 4 p.m., Stoddard Auditorium*
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Dance performance: "Mosaic." Senior dance concert. See Thursday's
listing. 8 p.m., Scott Dance Studio*
- Cultural performance: "Rhythm Nations." Cultural dancing,
singing, drama and readings by international students. Sponsor: ISO. Tickets
$4. 7 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall*
- Theater: Waiting for Godot. See Thursday's listing. 8 p.m., Theatre
14, Mendenhall CPA*
- Film: The Servant (1963), with Dirk Bogarde, Sarah Miles, James Fox.
Joseph Losey, director. Harold Pinter, writer. British Film Series. Sponsor:
Motion Picture Committee. 8 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Meetings/workshops
- Meeting: MsAccess Users Group. For anyone using Microsoft Access. Share
tips, questions, techniques, resources and gripes. 10 a.m.-noon, Seelye
- Smith Science-Fiction and Fantasy Society. (Allison, ext. 6683.) 4:30-6:15
p.m., Seelye 208*
- Religious Life
- Green Tara Meditation. See Monday listing. 4-5 p.m., Wright common
- Shabbat service. Dinner follows in Dawes House Kosher Kitchen. 5:15
p.m., Dewey common room
- Shabbat service and dinner. Amherst Hillel. Dinner follows at 6:30
p.m. 5:30 p.m., Center for Religious Life, Woodside Avenue, Amherst College
- Healing service for sexual abuse and incest survivors and their allies.
Non-denominational. Sponsor: SAFE. Rainsite: Bodman lounge, Chapel. 7:30-8:30
p.m., Capen Gardens
- Smith Christian Fellowship (InterVarsity) with other sisters. 7:30
p.m., Dewey common room*
- Other events and activities
- Language lunch table
- Japanese
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Saturday, April 17
- African Awareness Week. (See story, page 1.) 2 p.m., various locations
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Concert: "Smithereens Jam!" A cappella entertainment by the
Smithereens and guests, the Brown Jabberwocks. 7 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Dance performance: "Mosaic." Senior dance concert. See Thursday's
listing. 8 p.m., Scott Dance Studio*
- Theater: Waiting for Godot. See Thursday's listing. 8 p.m., Theatre
14, Mendenhall CPA*
- Film: Faces of Women (Ivory Coast, 1985). Desire Ecare, director. City
of Women Series. Sponsor: Motion Picture Committee. 8 p.m., Stoddard auditorium*
- Religious Life
- Havdalah Service. Come together to bring the Sabbath to a close. 5:30
p.m., Bodman Lounge
- Other events and activities
- Studio Tour. Painter John Gibson, art department, welcomes children
ages 7 to 10 (accompanied by an adult) to his studio. Part of "Idea<>Form:
Looking at the Creative Process." Free, but preregistration is required
(ext. 2760). 10-11:30 a.m., Northampton*
- Softball vs. Clark (2). Noon, athletic fields*
- Tennis vs. Williams. 1 p.m., Outdoor Tennis courts
- Lacrosse vs. MIT. 1 p.m., athletic fields*
- Sunday, April 18
- Lectures/Symposia
- CDO City Fair panel: Meet alumnae who have relocated. Find out what
worked for them. Refreshments provided. 2 p.m., Davis Ballroom
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Film: The Servant (1963). See Friday listing. British Film Series.
- 2 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Film: Faces of Women (Ivory Coast, 1985). See Saturday listing. City
of Women Series. 7 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Film: Korean Popular Movie Series. Sponsor: KASS. 7 p.m., Seelye 106
- Meetings/workshops
- Meeting: Student Life Abroad. Students planning to study in Florence,
Geneva, Paris or Hamburg in 1999-2000 can meet past JYA participants. 3-5
p.m., Seelye 106
- Religious Life
- Quaker meeting. Meeting for worship begins at 11 a.m. Preceded by informal
discussion at 9:30 a.m. All welcome. Bass 203*
- Ecumenical Christian Church morning worship. The Rev. Doug Ryniewicz
and student liturgists presiding. All welcome. 10:45 a.m., Chapel*
- Roman Catholic Eucharistic liturgy. The Rev. Stephen Ross, OCD, Celebrant.
Sunday supper follows. All welcome. 4:30 p.m., Chapel*
- Other events and activities
- CDO City Fair. Collect information on various cities, network with
other students and get relocation and housing tips from alums. 1-3 p.m.,
Davis ballroom
- Special event: "Earth Day 1999." A day of celebration, education
and activism with musicians, speakers and raffles. Sponsor: MassPIRG (Ext.
6060.) 1-5 p.m., Pulaski Park, Main St., Northampton*
- Ongoing Events
- "Idea<>Form: Looking at the Creative Process." The
centerpiece of a college-wide exploration of the creative process in the
arts, humanities, sciences and mathematics. Through May 30. Museum of Art*
- "Recent Acquisitions in Photography." Organized by museum
intern Jackie Crucet '99AC. Through May 29. Print Room, Museum of Art*
- Photographs by Felice Frankel, artist-in-residence, MIT. (See Tuesday's
lecture by the artist for more information.) Through April 15. McConnell
- "Spirit of the Sun," an exhibit of African art by Yegizaw
Michael. April 12-18. 9 a.m.-7 p.m., Chapel
to top of page

- Getting Your Word Out in AcaMedia
- AcaMedia, which is produced by the Office of College Relations, is
the official vehicle for making announcements within the Smith College
community. By action of the faculty, students are held responsible for
reading AcaMedia's notices and calendar listings.
- Submission Procedures
- Calendar items must be submitted on an Event Service Request Form (ESRF)
preferably on line at but if necessary on
the paper version of the ESRF by mail or fax. (Obtain forms by calling
ext. 2162.) The ESRF is to be used for submitting listings for the Five
College Calendar and local media calendars as well.
- Items for the Notices section of AcaMedia should be submitted by email
to Mary Stanton at
When submitting notices for which the intended audience may not be self-evident,
please indicate whether they apply to the entire Smith community, to faculty
and staff only, or to students only.
- Submit news articles or suggestions for news articles to Ann
Shanahan (
or Eric Weld (
- Deadlines
- Copy is due by 4 p.m. Wednesday for the following week's issue. Late
information cannot be accepted.
- Five College Calendar Deadline
- Entries for the May Five College Calendar must be received by April
16. Please send entries to Mary Stanton in Garrison Hall (
- Sources of further information, if any, are indicated last in parentheses.
- Blue-Pencil Alert
- All calendar items and notices submitted to AcaMedia are subject to
editing for clarity, brevity and style. Almost none see print exactly as
originally written.
- Smith Wide
- Open Campus
- The Office of Admission has invited admitted class of 2003 and transfer
applicants to visit Smith for Open Campus, Thursday and Friday, April 15
and 16. Up to 350 prospective students and 250 parents are expected. These
visitors will explore many aspects of campus life through contact with
students, faculty and staff and spend the night with host students in campus
houses. Most of them will be making their final decisions on which college
to attend. Please take the time during this busy week to welcome them and
answer their questions. Thank you in advance for helping to make Open Campus
a success. (Sabrina Bristol, ext. 2523;
- Joint Publication
- Next year the updated Smith student handbook and the college's annual
appointment calendar will be published as a single, spiral-bound volume.
The appointment calendar will contain much of the same information as the
current book, with the addition of month-at-a-glance event listings and
extra space for noting appointments and assignments. The combined book
will give students ready access to important handbook information such
as academic regulations, student services and college policies and procedures.
All students will receive the book during central check-in. Parents of
new students will receive a copy at home at the end of August. Campus distribution
will take place in late August and will be the same as for the previous
"calendar-only" publication: if you got one last year, you'll
get one this year.
- African Art
- "Spirit of the Sun," an exhibit of African art by Yegizaw
Michael, will open at the Helen Hills Hills Chapel on Monday, April 12,
at 4:30 p.m. A reception will follow and the artist will be available to
discuss his work. The exhibit, which is sponsored jointly by the Chapel
and SASA, is in celebration of Africa Week and will be on view daily, 9
a.m.-7 p.m., through April 18.
- Coed Softball
- This year Smith will once again field a coed softball team in the Northampton
Recreation Department Softball League. The team plays in the C division,
which does not require superior ability or years of experience. Women are
especially needed to fill out our 20-person roster. Practices begin in
late April and the 16-game season runs from early May to early August.
Games are played weekday evenings and Sundays. (Jim Montgomery, ext. 2921;
- Sunnyside Openings
- The Sunnyside Child Care Center has summer-program openings for preschoolers.
The program will run June 22-August 17. Children may be enrolled for half
or full days, three, four or five days per week. The program is nationally
accredited and offers creative, recreational fun. As always, Smith-affiliated
families will be given enrollment priority. (Ext. 2293.)
- Faculty & Staff
- New York Trip
- Staff Council is sponsoring a "Day on Your Own in New York City"
bus trip on Saturday, April 24, for $25 per person. The bus will leave
Smith at 7 a.m., drop passengers off at either the Metropolitan Museum
of Art or in the theater district, and leave New York at 7 p.m. The trip
is open to all Smith employees, faculty, alumnae, retirees and their guests.
Reservations are being taken by voice-mail through the Staff Council Activities
Committee reservation line, extension 4424, press 1. (Cindy Rucci, ext.
- Telephone Directory
- As of this fall the Smith College directory will increase privacy and
accuracy and reduce nonessential information by eliminating home-address
listings. The directory will continue to be published each fall and updated
each spring, and the most accurate, up-to-date directory information will
continue to be found in the on-line directory at
- Students
- Chamber Music Tickets
- The Fine Arts Council is offering 10 $9 tickets to Smith students wishing
to attend the performance by the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
at UMass Concert Hall on Thursday, April 22, at 8 p.m. The nation's premier
chamber music organization, the society will perform trios by Mozart and
Shostakovich as well as the Schumann piano quintet. Tickets are on sale
at the SGA office, Clark Hall.
- Spring Housing Lottery
- The Spring lottery room draw will take place Tuesday, April 13. Individual
times are posted in the houses or may be found in the housing lottery booklet.
- AMS Pre-Registration
- Registration is required for AMS 220 Colloquium: "New England
Material Culture, 1860-1940"; AMS 221 Colloquium: "Americans
and the Environment"; AMS 350 Seminar: "Writing About American
Society." These courses require permission of the instructor and have
limited enrollment. Register in the American Studies office, Wright Hall
- Art Event
- The Smith College Fine Arts Council will present its eighth annual
Art Search and Show April 21-22. The show is open to all Smith students,
and artwork of any medium will be accepted. Entries are due in Davis ballroom
on Wednesday, April 21, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and will be shown between
2 and 7:30 p.m., when all students are invited to vote for their favorite
pieces. A reception for all participants will follow at 8 p.m. Refreshments
will be provided. Winners will receive $300 for first place, $200 for second
place and $100 each for third and fourth places. These pieces will also
be framed and hung for the duration of the following school year. All work
will remain on display from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 22. (Maria Webster,
ext. 6884; Mary Jane Mullen, ext. 6522.)
- Financial Aid Change
- A change in the Smith College policy regarding outside aid could directly
benefit current students receiving assistance from an organization outside
of Smith. Prior to 1999-2000 the policy allowed for the first $1,000 in
outside merit awards to reduce the suggested loan, job or family contribution,
if permitted by federal regulations; any greater amount equally reduced
the loan, job or family contribution and Smith grant.
- Beginning with the 1999-2000 award year all outside aid will be used
first to reduce family contribution to the federal minimum or the suggested
loan and job in the student's financial aid package. There will be no reduction
of Smith grant until outside awards have reduced the family contribution
to the federal minimum and replaced the suggested loan and job entirely.
The new policy applies only to outside scholarships given to recognize
particular achievement on the part of the recipient. The policy does not
apply to nonmerit outside awards such as tuition subsidies based on parents'
employment, federal grant assistance or state scholarship aid. Nonmerit
awards reduce Smith grants dollar for dollar.
- The Office of Financial Aid must be notified of all outside aid awards.
If you notify us by June 1, the aid will be reflected in your official
award and on your first-semester bill. If you notify us after September
1, the outside aid may be used to reduce your Smith grant dollar for dollar.
Please see flyer distributed to student mailboxes for additional details.
- Praxis Stipends
- If you are a rising junior or rising senior, now is the time to apply
for Praxis stipends for summer internships: plenty of funding remains.
For ongoing announcements about funding availability, see the CDO Web page.
- Praxis Express
- CDO staff will hold scheduled drop-in hours from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during April to review Praxis
funding applications. "Praxis Express" allows students to get
a CDO approval on the spot or learn what changes they need to make in order
to receive approval for their application. Drop by the CDO to sign up for
a 15-minute time slot.
- Career Program
- The Career Development Office will offer a career exploration program
for students, staff, alumnae and community members Monday, April 12, at
7:30 p.m. in Drew Hall. It will feature local entrepreneur and publisher
Jean Graef, founder of the Montague Institute, a virtual organization that
provides information, instruction, software and services for corporate
knowledge-base publishers. Graef will explore how to work in the emerging
field of knowledge management, considered a great employment possibility
for people of all ages.
- Parking Lottery
- Part I of the class of 2000 parking lottery will be held in Seelye
106 on Wednesday, April 14, from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. More information will
be available in student houses.
- S.O.S. Openings
- The Service Organizations of Smith (S.O.S.) is accepting applications
for its 1999-2000 executive board. Members will gain experience in project
planning, fund-raising, event coordinating and other useful skills. The
board is a vital part of S.O.S.'s effort to provide community-service opportunities
to the campus. Applications are available at the S.O.S. office in the basement
of the Chapel and at the Kaffee Klatsch in Seelye Hall. (S.O.S., ext. 2759.)
- Internship Fellowship
- The Smith College Department of Government announces the annual competition
for the Pauline Fox Boorstein '20 International Internship Fellowship.
This fellowship of between $500 and $1,000, made possible by a bequest
from Boorstein and through the generosity of family members, is intended
to support Smith students working at summer internships in governmental
or nongovernmental/profit or nonprofit international organizations. Applications
are available to all students in Wright Hall 15. Application deadline:
April 16.
- Brown Fellowship
- The Smith College Department of Government announces the annual competition
for the Leanna Brown '56 Fellowship. This fellowship of between $500 and
$1,000, made possible by the generosity of Brown's father, Harold Young,
is intended to support Smith students working at summer internships in
state or local government or in governmental or nongovernmental organizations
focused on issues of particular concern to women. Applications are available
in Wright Hall 15. Application deadline: April 16.
- Student -- continued
Back to top of page
AcaMedia staff: Ann Shanahan, co-editor; Cathy
Brooks, layout; Mary Stanton, calendar/notices; Eric Sean Weld, co-editor
AcaMedia is published
weekly during the academic year by the Office
of College Relations for the Smith
College community. This version of AcaMedia for the World Wide Web is maintained
by the Office of College Relations. Last update: April 8, 1999.
Copyright © 1999, Smith College. Portions of this publication may
be reproduced with the permission of the Office of College Relations, Garrison
Hall, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts 01063; (413) 585-2170.
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