- The Liberal Arts Go to Work
Praxis is not a word that springs readily to everyone's lips; in fact,
some people say "I beg your pardon?" when you mention it. But
not for long. Praxis has found a niche in the title of Smith's new internship
program, "Praxis: The Liberal Arts at Work."
"New?" you ask. "How can it be new? Smith students have
been doing internships for years, lots of them. More than half of all Smith
students do internships every year."
True, but this fall there is a significant new twist to internships at
Smith. Praxis will be launched with much fanfare on October 2-3. It offers
each student access to a stipend that ensures she can afford to participate
in an internship during her Smith years that will draw on her academic background
and help her build toward her career goals.
Internships in the corporate world and the professions will be included
under the Praxis umbrella but the program's focus will be on areas where
funded internships are typically not available. These will include the nonprofit
sector, the arts, start-up businesses, some media as well as collaborations
with Smith faculty. Praxis opens the way to an internship experience for
students who would not be able to afford a summer without a paycheck. (It
is important to note, however, that although students may hold as many unpaid
internships or internships funded by outside organizations as they want,
they will have access to only one Praxis-funded experience.)
The new program, which grew out of the college's 1997 self-study, is
believed to be unique among Smith's peer institutions. The self-study steering
committee was convinced that despite the substantial resources and financial
commitment that support for such a program entailed, it would be worth it.
"We are persuaded," they wrote in their report, "that the
educational experiences of Smith students are greatly enhanced when theoretical
learning is tied to practical experience... Such experiences can allow students
to explore academic disciplines in depth, providing the impetus for higher
graduate-school and career aspirations."
The first floor of the Career Development Office, which will administer
Praxis, underwent a major overhaul during the summer to reorganize space
and prepare for the traffic that the program is expected to generate. An
extensive "explorations library" and a bank of computers are among
the resources that now inhabit the CDO's bright, open Liberal Arts Internship
And coming in early October is the two-day Praxis inaugural event. On
October 2 it will feature high-profile leaders, many of them Smith alumnae,
from business, the professions and the nonprofit sector, who will talk about
their career paths, issues for women in the workplace and the importance
of internships. On October 3, in informal mentoring sessions with students,
other alumnae will share networking advice. But more on that soon. In the
meantime, check out the CDO.
Engineers-to-Be Are Launched
Through the generosity of a Smith alumna and her son, up to five Smith
students will be able to study engineering at Dartmouth College in each
of the next five years. The students will spend their junior year taking
pre-engineering courses at Dartmouth; return to Smith for their senior year,
where they will graduate in their intended majors; and spend a fifth year
at Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering, earning a professionally accredited
bachelor of engineering degree.
Dorothy Jean MacLean, who received a master's degree in English from
Smith in 1926, is the donor of $620,000-divided between Smith and Dartmouth-that
is underwriting this pilot initiative. Her son, Barry MacLean, who helped
facilitate the gift, received undergraduate and engineering degrees from
Dartmouth and is a member of the Dartmouth board of trustees and the board
of overseers for the Thayer School.
Mrs. MacLean, who recalls entering Smith on a 1924 Trustee Fellowship
"with feelings of excitement and responsibility," says she is
"so pleased to have been present almost at the creation of the new
plan for Smith women as engineers."
"This program provides Smith students the best of both worlds,"
Smith Provost John Connolly affirmed. "They receive the critical thinking
skills and collaborative learning strategies that are sharpened through
a liberal arts education, as well as a solid preparation for advanced study
and professional careers in engineering." The Smith students, all juniors,
who are studying at Dartmouth this year are Mara Bishop, Ayesha Malhotra,
Sharon Seun and Deepa Subramanian.
New Faces, Some in New Places
Karen Pfeifer, professor of economics, has been named interim associate
dean of the faculty. Pfeifer, whose Smith experience includes a three-year
term as dean of the first-year class and service on the Board of Admission,
the Committee on Academic Policy and the Grievance Committee, has also chaired
her department. Her specialty is the economies of the Middle East and North
Elise Gibson, formerly features editor at the Daily Hampshire Gazette,
has joined the staff of the Smith Alumnae Quarterly as managing editor.
Gibson also has held editorial and writing positions at the Quincy Patriot-Ledger
and at three Texas newspapers: the Austin American-Statesman, the Waco Tribune-Herald
and the Denton Record-Chronicle. She has a bachelor's degree from Michigan
State University.
Sheri Adams Gladden has been appointed director of annual and special
gifts in the Office of Advancement. A graduate of DePauw University, Gladden
came to Smith in August from Mount Holyoke College, where she was director
of annual and special gifts and senior major gifts officer.
Vicki Green has joined the office of admission staff as an associate
director of admission and coordinator of multicultural recruitment. Green
attended Spelman College and graduated from Wells College with a B.A. in
sociology. She has worked in admissions at Hamilton College and Emory University.
Most recently she was senior assistant dean of admission and director of
multicultural recruitment at Emory.
Mentha Hynes, outreach director in the Office of Institutional Diversity,
has taken on additional responsibilities as interim assistant dean of multicultural
affairs in the Office of the Dean of the College. Hynes, who previously
served as associate director of admission at Smith, will be half-time in
each of her present positions. In the ODOC she succeeds Marjorie Richardson,
who left the college at the end of June.
Erika J. Laquer, founding director of Merrimack Educational Services,
a consulting company in equity and diversity issues for schools and health
care facilities, and an adjunct professor of women's studies at Merrimack
College, is the new director of the Ada Comstock Scholars Program. "Erika
brings to the job an ideal combination of academic and administrative experience,"
Dean of the College Maureen Mahoney said in announcing the appointment.
"She has worked in academic advising at women's colleges, and she has
extensive experience teaching in the field of women's studies. An alumna
of Bryn Mawr College, she also has a personal perspective on women's education."
Laquer received her doctorate in history from the University of Pennsylvania.
Alison Tuttle Noyes has been appointed assistant dean for international
study. Noyes, who holds a B.A. from Haverford College and an M.A. in intercultural
relations from Lesley College, is pursuing a Ph.D. in psychology at Boston
College. She has taught at Lesley and Boston colleges and has served as
director of international advising at Bryn Mawr College. Her international
experience includes study in Italy and Spain, volunteer work in Mexico and
field research in the Congo. Her responsibilities at Smith will include
advising students on study abroad opportunities and assisting in the evaluation
and support of international study programs.
Laura Rauscher is the new director of disability services. A graduate
of the University of Massachusetts, Rauscher's professional experience has
been primarily in disability policy, legislation and program development
at the state and federal levels as well as in community organizing. She
brings her personal experience of almost 30 years as a wheelchair user and
self-advocate to her new position. She has worked with undergraduate and
graduate students with disabilities in academic settings for many years.
Douglas A. Ryniewicz is the new interim chaplain to the college and advisor
to Protestant students. Ryniewicz, who is also pastor of Holy Trinity Evangelical
Lutheran Church in West Hatfield, is a graduate of the University of Connecticut
and holds an M.S. from Central Connecticut State University in counseling
psychology and an M.Div. from Yale Divinity School and Gettysburg Lutheran
Seminary. He is an active seminar, workshop and retreat leader for churches,
school systems, community organizations and graduate and undergraduate students.
Gaynelle Weiss, director of summer and Smith management programs, will
become employee services director in the Office of Human Resources on September
14. Weiss came to Smith as director of the Smith Management Program in 1993
and began overseeing the Office of Summer Programs last year. Diane Ranaldi,
who has been associate director of Smith Management Programs since 1993,
will become acting director in mid-September.
- Financial Adviser Talks About Women and Money
Victoria Loew, an investment specialist at the Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
brokerage office in Northampton, has a twofold purpose when she speaks with
Smith students: "I'd like to encourage them to learn about the financial
matters that will affect most of them some time in their lives, and I'd
like to leave them with the idea that there is a place for women anywhere,
even in an industry that is 94 percent male. It's just up to them to create
that place."
Loew conducted four workshops at Smith last year on the basics of investing
and she will continue this fall, starting with one on September 25 from
4 to 6 p.m. in the Northrop House living room, hosted by the house's head
resident Stephanie McDowell. Students from other houses are welcome.
According to one of the participants in last spring's workshop at Chapin
House, Loew "clarified terms and concepts that we've heard all the
time in the media but never really understood." She begins by explaining
such basic items as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the difference between
stocks and bonds and the likely financial consequences of saving money in
a bank account versus investing in stocks. Discussion continues about such
student-initiated questions as "How do I even begin talking to a broker?"
and "Could I invest as little as $50 in the stock market?"
The workshops are sponsored by the Office of the Dean of the College.
Loew may also offer a one-week course during January interterm.
- S.O.S Links Action, Reflection, Learning
Service Organizations of Smith is launching a new program-the Smith College
Community Service Internship Program-that combines the opportunity to work
at local nonprofit agencies for four to six hours each week with an academic
exercise encouraging participants to evaluate and reflect on their internship
The 10 students chosen for the internships, each of whom will earn a
stipend of $2,000, will participate in a weekly, intensive seminar led by
Jerry Sachs, associate professor at the Smith School for Social Work and
co-coordinator of the program (with Tiertza-Leah Schwartz, director of voluntary
services) to discuss the "process recordings" they will make during
their community service work.
Interns may design their own placement but will more likely work with
one of the following local agencies: Western Massachusetts Legal Aid Services,
the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, the American Friends Service
Committee, Children's Aid and Family Service, the Decisional Training Volunteers
at the Hampshire County Jail, Holyoke Health Center, the Housing Discrimination
Project, the YWCA, Jessie's House (a homeless shelter) or the Jackson Street
School After-School Program.
It is expected that the internships will begin at the end of September.
Students interested in participating may obtain applications at the S.O.S.
office in Helen Hills Hills Chapel or at the reception desk at the School
for Social Work, second floor, Lilly Hall. The Community Service Internship
Program is part of the Praxis program.
to top of page

- Perera Works are on New CD
- Crossing the Meridian, a CD of chamber works with voice by Ronald Perera,
professor of music, was released recently by Composer Recordings Inc. (CRI).
The earliest work, Alternate Routes (1971), is one of Perera's purely electronic
pieces, composed while he was acting director of the Dartmouth Electronic
Music Studio. Other selections (all of which feature Boston Musica Viva)
are Three Poems of Günter Grass (1974), which makes use of tape in
conjunction with live musicians; Crossing the Meridian (1982), which is
entirely for acoustic instruments with tenor (in this case, John Aler);
and Visions (1992) for a large tenor ensemble and two sopranos-in this
recording two Smith sopranos, Jane Bryden and Karen Smith Emerson, both
of whom are professors of music.
- Inaugural Lectures are Now in Print
- Peter Rose, Sophia Smith Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, is
the editor of Professorial Passions, published last spring, which consists
of eight lectures presented by Smith faculty members during 1995 and 1996
to commemorate the inauguration of Ruth J. Simmons. Contributors to the
volume are John Connolly, provost, dean of the faculty and professor of
philosophy; Jill de Villiers, professor of philosophy and Sophia and Austin
Smith Professor of Psychology; Andrea Hairston, associate professor of
theatre; Lester Little, Dwight W. Morrow Professor of History; Elliott
Offner, Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities; Suzan Edwards, professor
of astronomy; Maria Banerjee, professor of Russian language and literature;
and Philip Green, Sophia Smith Professor Emeritus of Government. Rose has
written a foreword and brief introductions to each essay.
- Shelton Receives Kudos
- Christine Shelton, associate professor of exercise and sport studies,
received the President's Award from the Women's Sports Foundation in Berkeley
last spring for her work in international development for women in sports.
Also receiving the award this year were Doreen Greenburg, sports psychologist,
and Tina Sloan-Greene, executive director of the Black Women's Sports Foundation.
- Smith Scenic Designer Receives Award
- The scenic and costume designs done by Nicolae Ularu, assistant professor
of theatre, for last year's Smith production of (Under) Belly by Aaron
Petrovich were among 14 award-winning entries selected from 70 submissions
to the biennial exhibition of theatrical design sponsored by the Association
of Design, Production and Technology Professionals in the Performing Arts
at a Long Beach, California, last spring. The sketches and photographs
that comprised Ularu's entry were chosen also to go to the Prague Quadrennial
scenography in the spring of 1999. John Hellweg directed the Smith production
of (Under) Belly.
- Paper by Senior Wins Award
- In April 1998, Tiffany Sher-Mei Wu '99 received the Harold K. Schneider
Award of the Society for Economic Anthropology for her paper "Transmigration
in Indonesia: The Shifting of Poverty or Prosperity from Java to Sumatra."
Wu, an anthropology and economics major, concludes that Indonesia attempted
to transfer its economic problems as well as its "surplus" population
to Sumatra, resulting in even greater impoverishment of natives and settlers
of Sumatra's tropical forests.
- Simmons Speaks to Lawmakers
- President Ruth Simmons addressed a formal assembly of the Massachusetts
House of Representatives on June 3 at the invitation of House Speaker Thomas
Finneran. Her address was part of "Speaker's Lyceum," a series
of lectures on civic matters-in President Simmons' case, the importance
of education in the lives of children and adolescents-which provides a
forum for distinguished leaders to address the legislators and citizens
of Massachusetts.
- Wallfisch Plays at Carnegie Hall
- Although no longer teaching at Smith, Lory Wallfisch, Iva Dee Hiatt
Professor Emerita of Music, continues to perform. In June she interrupted
a European tour to perform in Carnegie Hall in New York City at a gala
concert honoring the president of Romania, Emil Constantinescu, who was
among the audience of 3,000. With Romanian violinist Sherban Lupu, Wallfisch
performed a sonata for violin and piano by George Enescu, Romania's foremost
composer. Wallfisch, who is co-founder and executive secretary of the George
Enescu Society of the United States, has visited Romania frequently in
recent years. In 1997 she was granted honorary citizenship by Ploesti,
the town in which she was born.
- It's a High-scoring Team
- The Smith volleyball team was the recipient of a 1997-98 American Volleyball
Coaches Association Team Academic Award. The prize honors teams that have
matched their dedication to volleyball with excellence in the classroom
by maintaining a team cumulative 3.3 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
The Smith team was the only one in its Division 3 conference (formerly
the NEW 8, now the NEWMAC, which stands for New England Women's and Men's
Athletic Conference). Members of the team include first-years Lauren Curtis,
Christine Jamin and Megan Williamson; sophomores Michelle Wong, Meghan
Tierney, Nancy Van der Veer and Tanna Engebretsen; juniors Coree Newman
and Elizabeth Titus; and seniors Alison Mathias, Carolyn Holt and Jillian
to top of page

Calendar Key
- Sources of further information, if any, are shown in parentheses at
the end of event descriptions. An asterisk following a listing indicates
that the event is open to the public. Admission charges, if any, are listed
when known. Items for this section must be submitted on Event
Service Request Forms.
- Monday, September
- Meetings/workshops
- Campus Climate Working Group. 8-9 a.m., Neilson Browsing Room
- Mandatory Theatre 200 orientation meeting for anyone enrolled in the
Theatre Production course. This is the only collective meeting for the
course, so attendance is essential. 4:15-5:15 p.m., Green Room, Mendenhall
- Introduction to Microsoft Word 97, an ITS computer workshop for entering
students. 4:30-6 p.m., Seelye Hall B3
- Meeting for sophomores interested in health professions careers. The
Board of Prehealth Advisers will provide information about specific requirements
for various types of health professions schools and how these requirements
might influence one's selection of a major or plans to spend junior year
away. 5 p.m., Burton 101
- Other events and activities
- Language lunch tables
- French
- Italian
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Open hour with Carmen Santana-Melgoza. 3-4:30 p.m., Office of Institutional
Diversity, College Hall 31
- Religious Life
- Om, the Hindu student's organization will host the first meeting of
the year to greet one another. All students welcome. (Dhruti Suchak '00,
ext. 6432) 7:30 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Tuesday, September 15
- Lecture/Symposia
- Exhibition opening and panel: "The Great Work Before Us"
The Legacy of Seneca Falls (an exhibition) and The Work Continues: Recent
Scholarship in U.S. Women's History (panel). The event will celebrate the
150th anniversary of the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention. 4 p.m.
Sophia Smith Collection, Alumnae gym*
- Fine/performing arts
- Concert: Music in the Noon Hour. Italian songs of the German masters:
music of Beethoven and Haydn. Karen Smith Emerson, soprano; Monica Jakuc,
fortepiano. 12:30 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall*
- Meetings/workshops
- Using Netscape as Your Web Browser, an ITS computer workshop for entering
students. 4:30-5:30 p.m., Seelye B3
- Meeting for juniors and seniors planning to apply to health professional
schools. The Board of Prehealth Advisers will provide information about
the process of applying to health professions schools, admissions exams,
application service and other pertinent information. 5 p.m., Burton 101
- Senate Meeting. 7 p.m., Seelye 201
- Other events and activities
- Language lunch tables
- German
- Chinese
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Open Hour with President Ruth Simmons. For students, on a first-come,
first-served basis. 4-5 p.m., College Hall 20
- Religious life
- Jewish text study. Discussions and arguments about fundamental Jewish
beliefs, biblical stories and classical and radical contracts. No previous
knowledge necessary. Please call to sign up. 5 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Wednesday, September 16
- Meetings/workshops
- Required Ada Comstock Scholars class meeting. 4 p.m., Wright auditorium.
The meeting will be preceded by an ice cream social at 3:30 p.m., Wright
Hall common room and terrace. A chance to meet Erika Laquer, new director
of the Ada Comstock Scholars Program.
- CDO informational meeting: U.S. Air Force ROTC. 7:30 p.m. Wright common
room (See notice.)
- Introduction to Microsoft Word 97, an ITS computer workshop for entering
students. 7:30-9 p.m., Seelye B3
- Other events and activities
- Student payroll vouchers due.
- Noon, financial aid office, Seelye Hall
- Language lunch tables
- Japanese
- Spanish
- 12:15 p.m. Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Parking lottery for the class of '99, for on-campus residents only.
See notice for information. 4:15-5:30 p.m., Stoddard auditorium
- Field hockey vs. Connecticut College. 7 p.m., athletic fields*
- Religious Life
- A gathering and informal discussion/reflection for Catholic Adas. Lunch
served. All welcome. Noon, Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Buddhist service and discussion. 7:15 p.m. Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Thursday, September
- Lecture/Symposia
- Liberal Arts Luncheon. "Cultural Historicity in the Battle of
Maldon." Craig Davis, associate professor of English language &
literature. Open to faculty, emeriti and staff. Noon, College Club lower
- "Inspiring Landscapes: Using Japanese Garden Aesthetics to Create
Truly American Gardens." David Slawson, garden designer. One of a
series of lectures and events in honor of the retirement of Taitetsu Unno.
Sponsors: East Asian Studies Program and the Ada Howe Kent Program of the
Religion Department. 8 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room*
- Other events and activities
- Language lunch tables
- Russian
- Korean
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Meetings/workshops
- Using Netscape as Your Web Browser, an ITS computer workshop for entering
students. 11 a.m.-noon, Seelye Hall B3
- Mandatory 2000/2000J class meeting. 5-6 p.m., Wright auditorium
- Friday, September 18
- Lecture/Symposia
- Biological sciences and biochemistry colloquium: "Behavioral and
Neuroendocrinological Consequences of Social Deprivation in Institutionalized
Romanian Children." Mary Carlson, department of neurobiology, Harvard
University. Reception in McConnell foyer at 4 p.m. Sponsors: departments
of biological sciences and neurosciences. 4:30 p.m., McConnell B05*
- Other events and activities
- SOS Plant Sale. All proceeds support the Service Organizations of Smith.
(S.O.S. office, ext. 2756) 9 a.m..-5 p.m., Gamut*
- Religious Life
- Shabbat service and dinner. Dinner follows in Kosher Kitchen, Dawes
House, Bedford Terrace. 5:15 p.m., Dewey common room
- Saturday, September 19
- Lecture/Symposia
- Haiku: A Closer Look. Presented by The Haiku Poets Society of Western
Massachusetts in conjunction with the Poetry Center of Smith College. The
conference is free (except for lunch) and open to all, but space is limited;
make reservations before September 12 for the day program. (584-4433) 10-5
p.m., Wright common room*
- Other events and activities
- S.O.S. volunteer project at the Food Bank Farm. Meet in the parking
lot of Chapel at 8:15 a.m.; return at 12:30 p.m. Wear old clothes and shoes.
(S.O.S. office, ext. 2756) 8:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Chapel
- Soccer vs. Vassar. noon, athletic fields*
- Field hockey vs. Wellesley. 1 p.m., athletic fields*
- Tennis vs. Tufts. 1 p.m., tennis courts*
- Volleyball vs. MIT. 1 p.m., Ainsworth gym*
- Sunday, September 20
- Religious Life
- Quaker (Friends) discussion group. Meeting for worship begins at 11
a.m. 9:30 a.m., Bass 210*
- Ecumenical Christian Church morning worship. Reception to follow to
welcome Rev. Douglas Ryniewicz, interim advisor to Protestant students
and chaplain to the college. 10:45 a.m., Chapel
- Rosh Hashanah Eve Service. Transportation to and from Amherst will
be available to Smith students. (Ext. 2754) 7:30 p.m., Johnson Chapel,
Amherst Campus*
- Roman Catholic Eucharistic Liturgy. Sunday supper follows. All welcome.
4:30 p.m., Chapel
- Ongoing Events
- "Buddhas for a New World." Sculptures by Thomas Matsuda.
Buddhist images in wood, stone, bronze and ceramic. (Through September
23.) One of a series of lectures and events in honor of the retirement
of Taitetsu Unno. Hillyer Hall Gallery*
to top of page

- Getting Your Word Out in AcaMedia
- AcaMedia, which is produced by the Office of College Relations, is
the official vehicle for making announcements within the Smith College
community. By action of the faculty, students are held responsible for
reading AcaMedia's notices and calendar listings.
- Submission Procedures
- Submit calendar items and notices to Mary Stanton at Garrison
Hall (mstanton@colrel.smith.edu).
Calendar items must be submitted on an Event Service Request Form on paper
by mail or fax (obtain forms by calling ext. 2162) or on line at www.smith.edu/events. The Event Service Request Form is to
be used for submitting listings for the Five College Calendar and local
media calendars as well.
- Items for the Notices section of AcaMedia should be submitted
by e-mail. When submitting notices for which the intended audience may
not be self-evident, please indicate whether they apply to the entire Smith
community, to faculty and staff only, or to students only.
- Submit news articles or suggestions for news articles to Ann
Shanahan (ashanahan@colrel.smith.edu)
or Eric Weld (eweld@colrel.smith.edu).
- Deadlines
- Copy is due by 4 p.m. Wednesday for the following week's issue. Late
information cannot be accepted.
- Five College Calendar Deadline
- Entries for the October Five College Calendar must be received by September
18. Please send entries to Mary Stanton in Garrison Hall (mstanton@colrel.smith.edu).
- Sources of further information, if any, are indicated last in parentheses.
- Blue-Pencil Alert
- All calendar items and notices submitted to AcaMedia are subject to
editing for clarity, brevity and style. Almost none see print exactly as
originally written.
- Smith-Wide
- Institutional Diversity Open Hours
- Carmen Santana-Melgoza will hold open hours from 3 to 4 p.m. this month
on the following Mondays: September 14, 21 and 28.
- Nominations for Honorary Degrees
- The Committee on Honorary Degrees is seeking the names of individuals
who merit consideration as potential honorary degree candidates. The committee
will consider women who are exemplars of excellence in a wide range of
fields, both academic and non-academic, as well as women and men who have
made extraordinary contributions to Smith College, to the education of
women, or to women's lives.
- Please send letters of nomination to the Committee on Honorary Degrees,
Office of the Board of Trustees, briefly describing the candidate's qualifications
and field and place of work and telling why the candidate is particularly
deserving. Please include available supporting material (curriculum vitae,
newspaper articles, entries from biographical reference works, etc.).
- The review process is lengthy. It will not be possible to guarantee
that a nominee will receive an honorary degree or provide a timetable for
when the degree would be awarded. All nominations will receive careful
- Reminder for Event Planners
- Student organizations and others who made preliminary space requests
last semester are reminded to submit event service request forms for the
publicity and set-up needs of those events, if they have not already done
so. The event service request form is available online at www.smith.edu/events
or from Mary Stanton, college events coordinator, ext. 2162 or mstanton@colrel.smith.
edu. All students must submit space requests on forms provided by the SGA
- Faculty & Staff
- Staff Fitness Program
- The ESS staff fitness program classes begin the week of September 14.
Registration forms have been sent to all offices. If you have not received
your notice, you may register at the first class. There are three classes
for aerobics and conditioning exercises: Nikki Shaw leads the Monday/Wednesday
class at 12:10 p.m. in Ainsworth gym; Rosalie Constantilos instructs the
Tueday/Thursday 12:10 p.m. class in Scott gym; and this semester Linda
Kim will offer a 5:10 p.m. class in Scott gym. Aqua-aerobics, led by Craig
Collins, will be Mondays and Wednesdays at 1:10 p.m. in the Dalton pool,
and yoga will meet in the Scott dance sstudio on Wednesdays and Fridays
at 12:10 p.m. with Lisa Thompson Clarke. (Michelle Finley, ext. 3970)
- Students
- Course Registration and Changes
- Student schedules and instructions for registration and course changes
are included in the registration packet. Students may, with the permission
of their adviser, make changes to their schedule during the first ten days
of classes, September 8-21. Any student not registered for courses by Monday,
September 21, will be fined $25.
- Five-College Registration
- The registration deadline for Five College courses is Monday, September
21, and no registrations will be accepted after that date. Registration
forms may be obtained in the registrar's office, College Hall 6.
- Make-Up Examinations
- Students granted an extension for final examinations in the spring
semester must complete their examinations during the first two weeks of
the semester. All examinations must be picked up by 2 p.m. Monday, September
21. Call Jan Morris in the registrar's office, ext. 2555, to make arrangements.
- Major Certifications, Class of '99J
- Major certification forms were mailed to seniors who will be completing
requirements in the fall semester. The forms are due at the end of the
course-change period, Monday, September 21.
- Travel Reservations
- Students should be making end-of-semester travel reservations now,
keeping in mind that final examinations are scheduled from December 19
to December 22. Students will not be permitted to take examinations early.
- Student ID Numbers
- The college uses the student's Social Security number as the official
student ID number. Any student who wishes to be assigned a new ID number
should contact the registrar's office.
- Access to Records/Directory Information
- Certain information from the student's official record "may be
released without the consent of the student." This information includes,
but is not limited to, information published in the college directory (refer
to pages 41-44 of the student handbook for a complete list of directory
items). Students who do not wish to have this information released without
consent should notify the registrar's office in writing within five days
of the start of the semester.
- Weekly Informational Meeting on Study Abroad
- The Office of International Study will offer an informational session
on study abroad in the third floor conference room in Clark Hall each Monday
at 4 p.m., beginning September 14. The meetings will be approximately 45
minutes long and will include an overview of study abroad opportunities
and application procedures followed by a question and answer period.
- CDO ROTC Informational Meeting on September 16
- The meeting will provide information about the three Air Force ROTC
programs that are available. Most cadets go through the four-year program,
which is tailored for student with three or more years of college. The
two-year program is for those with two years remaining in college. The
one-year program is for students preparing for careers for which the Air
Force has a special need such as meteorology or nursing.
- Welcome Book
- All entering undergraduate students who have not signed the Welcome
Book should do so at the student affairs office, College 23, by Wednesday,
September 30. The Welcome Book, which is new this year, will reside in
the Smith College Archives
- between orientation sessions and be brought out each year for new-student
- Smith Goes to the Big E
- Bus transportation and advance tickets are available for 43 students
to attend the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield on Friday, September
25. Advertised as "downright unique, down-home friendly and a little
wild," the Big E is a New England tradition. The bus will leave John
M. Greene Hall at 6 p.m. and return by 11 p.m. and is free. Sign up on
a first-come, first-served basis. The $8 tickets ($2 off the full price)
may be purchased with cash or check (made out to Smith College) weekdays
between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. through September 23 in the student affairs
office, College Hall 23. Priority will be given to Smith students but other
members of the Smith community may sign up if space remains.
- Mall Crawl to Ingleside
- Students who want to shop in one of the largest malls in western Massachusetts
should be at John M. Greene Hall at 10 a.m. on Saturday, September 19,
to board the free bus to the Holyoke Mall at Ingleside. The bus leaves
the mall for the return trip at 2 p.m. You must sign up for the trip in
advance on a first-come, first served basis, in the student affairs office,
College Hall 23, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Family Weekend Invitations
- Invitations for Family Weekend, October 23-25, will be sent to parents
and family members on September 22. If you do not wish an invitation sent
to your parents or you would like to change an address or add a family
member to the invitation list, please contact Laurie Wyman, student affairs
office, College Hall 24, weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. by Friday,
September 18.
- Smith Life and Learning
- Watch for further information and a special introductory slide show
on the October 10-12 Special Quest Weekend for Smith Life and Learning
- Student Telephone Service
- All students have received application forms for telephone service
in their mail boxes. Forms must be filled out and returned on or before
September 18 to the Student Telephone Office in Stoddard Hall 22. If you
have misplaced your application, you may obtain another at the Student
Telephone Office.
- Class of '99 Parking
- The parking lottery for on-campus residents of the class of 1999 will
be held in Stoddard Hall auditorium on Wednesday, September 16, from 4:15
to 5:30 p.m. Each sticker is $150 for the year, to be paid in advance at
Public Safety. Pick up a temporary permit, good until September 23, from
Public Safety between 10 a.m. and noon, Monday through Friday. Parking
lottery results will be posted at Public Safety after 2 p.m. on September
17. Further information is available from head residents.
- John M. Greene Storage
- Early-arrival students who stored items in John M. Greene basement
may retrieve them Friday, September 4, 1 to 2 p.m. and Saturday, September
5, 2 to 4 p.m. Other students may retrieve their items Sunday, September
6, noon to 6 p.m.; Monday, September 7, 1 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.;
Tuesday, September 8, and Wednesday, September 9, 1 to 5 p.m.; Thursday,
September 10, 1 to 3 p.m.; Friday, September 11, 1 to 5 p.m.; Monday, September
14, 7 to 9 p.m.; and Saturday, September 19, 10 a.m. to noon. Students
need to bring their IDs and receipts to have their belongings released.
Items unclaimed by noon on September 19 will be removed by the college.
- Josten Carrel Sign-Up
- A limited number of carrels in the Josten Library are open for priority
fall-semester assignment to graduate students and undergraduate majors
in the music, theatre and dance departments. Students may sign up for them
on the following dates: Monday, September 14, performing arts graduate
students; Tuesday, September 15, performing arts undergraduate majors;
Wednesday, September 16, all other Smith students. All carrels unassigned
as September 17 are open for registration to all other Smith College students,
regardless of departmental affiliation. Information: Janet Spongberg, ext.
- Neilson Carrel Sign-Up
- Students may sign up for Neilson Library carrels on the following dates:
Monday, September 14, for seniors, graduate students, honors students and
Ada Comstock Scholars; Tuesday, September 15, for all others. ID is required.
You may only reserve a carrel for yourself and not for other students.
For more information, call the circulation department, ext. 2895.
- Young Library Carrel Sign-Up
- Students may sign up for Young Science Library carrels on the following
dates: Monday, September 14, seniors, graduate students and Ada Comstock
Scholars living off campus; Tuesday, September 15, all others.
- Service Organizations of Smith
- Don't miss the S.O.S. Community Service Fair. Tuesday, September 22,
from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Davis Center. Representatives from more than 40
nonprofit, community-based agencies will be available to provide information
about how you can make a difference in our community. Information: ext.
- Support S.O.S. and community service by volunteering at Kaffee Klatsch.
This coffee shop in Seelye basement-the organization's largest fund-raiser-will
open Wednesday, September 23. Volunteer shifts are approximately one hour.
To sign up: Melissa, ext. 4799.
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AcaMedia staff: Ann Shanahan, co-editor; Cathy
Brooks, layout; Mary Stanton, calendar/notices; Eric Sean Weld, co-editor
AcaMedia is published
weekly during the academic year by the Office
of College Relations for the Smith
College community. This version of AcaMedia for the World Wide Web is maintained
by the Office of College Relations. Last update: September 10, 1998.
Copyright © 1998, Smith College. Portions of this publication may
be reproduced with the permission of the Office of College Relations, Garrison
Hall, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts 01063; (413) 585-2170.
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