- Heigh Ho, It's Off to Work We Go
A number of high-powered people from the world of work will be on hand
Friday and Saturday, October 2-3, to talk about their careers, the place
of practical learning in their fields and their expectations of what the
workplace may be like for women in the 21st century. The occasion? The inaugural
event for "Praxis: The Liberal Arts at Work," Smith's new internship
The Praxis weekend will begin on Friday at 3 p.m. in Theatre 14, the
Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts, with a keynote speech by Rochelle
Braff Lazarus '68, chairman and chief executive officer of Ogilvy &
Mather Worldwide, one of the world's largest advertising agencies.
A 26-year veteran of O&M, Lazarus has worked in every product category-from
packaged goods to hair care, from fast food to computers-in both the general
advertising and direct response disciplines. She has played a significant
role in managing the company for nearly a decade and received a number of
important awards for her leadership in advertising. Lazarus earned the M.B.A.
degree at Columbia University. Presently, she serves on the board of directors
of a number of industry, business and academic institutions, including Ann
Taylor Stores, Presbyterian Hospital and the World Wildlife Fund. In July,
she became chair of the Smith Board of Trustees.
The Lazarus talk will be followed by an all-college tea in the up- and
downstairs foyers of Theatre 14. There will be no tea in the houses on October
The second part of the afternoon's program will be a symposium, "Women
and Work in the 21st Century," at 4:15 p.m., also in Theatre 14. Bringing
a range of experience to the topic will be Dr. Angela Diaz, director of
the adolescent health center at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York City;
Elizabeth Mugar Eveillard '69, managing director, PaineWebber Group; Nancy
Lowe Henry '67, senior vice president and chief legal counsel, Dun &
Bradstreet; Harry P. Kamen, Smith trustee and retired chairman and chief
executive officer, MetLife; and Kathryn J. Rodgers '70, executive director,
NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund.
The final event of the Praxis weekend, student networking and mentoring
sessions with alumnae, will take place Saturday morning in Seelye Hall between
10:30 a.m. and noon. See this space next week for details.
Happy Birthday, Hildegard
Hildegard of Bingen could have been a Renaissance woman if she hadn't
been born in the Middle Ages. She was a composer, a writer, an illuminator
of manuscripts, a playwright, the author of a medical text, an abbess, a
theologian, a political force and, ultimately, a saint. A group of faculty
members in women's studies, medieval studies and comparative literature
will hold a public birthday party for Hildegard, who was born in 1098, on
September 24 at 5 p.m. in Neilson Library Browsing Room. Refreshments will
include "an enormous cake inscribed 'Happy 900th Birthday,'" says
one of the organizers, Elizabeth Harries, professor of English language
and literature and of comparative literature. Harries expects there also
will be slides of Hildegard's illuminations, CD performances of her music
and brief remarks by some of her Smith admirers about her significance in
their respective fields.
Her music, mostly chant "of a very unusual kind," has become
popular in the last l5 years, says Ruth Solie, Sophia Smith professor of
Music. Because it was written so early, "we don't really know what
it sounded like," Solie says, and thus contemporary musicians make
their own versions, including some with a rock beat. Noting that she herself
is not a medievalist, Solie also mentions Hildegard's musical morality play,
The Play of Virtues, as one of her achievements. It has had a number of
well-received productions, including a local one, in recent years. Among
those who experienced Hildegard as a political force were the popes of her
era, to whom "she gave advice, whether they wanted it or not,"
says Solie.
Hildegard shows up in a number of Smith courses, including "A Historical
Survey of Music," taught by Richard Sherr, professor of music, "Medieval
Women Writers," taught (though not this year) by Nancy Bradbury, associate
professor of English and Eglal Doss-Quinby, associate professor of French,
and "Romanesque Art" taught by Brigitte Buettner, associate professor
of art.
to top of page
Exhibition of Architectural Duets
"Equal Partners: Men and Women Principals in Contemporary Architectural
Practice," an exhibition celebrating architectural collaborations between
men and women, will open at the Smith College Museum of Art on September
The exhibition, curated by Helen Searing, Alice Pratt Brown Professor
of Art, showcases the work of 15 American firms jointly founded and directed
by female and male partners.
This first-of-a-kind exhibition, offers "virtual walk-throughs"
on video and CD-ROMs to complement traditional methods of architectural
representation such as drawings, mock-ups, models and photographs. Featured
are a broad spectrum of projects-from government offices, airports and ferry
terminals to cultural and performing arts centers, museums, college building
and private homes-in China, France, Denmark and Great Britain as well as
the U.S.
"Equal Partners" is designed to place a long-awaited and well-deserved
spotlight on the critical role of collaboration between the sexes in architecture,
a phenomenon far too seldom acknowledged and rarely, if ever, honored publicly
in the media or by prizes and exhibitions, which traditionally concentrate
exclusively on the solo practitioner.
The exhibition explores the emerging trend of women taking their place
on an equal footing with their male partners, no longer employees but principals
with full parity. More than proposing an unexamined biological determinism
seeking to identify "feminine" and "masculine" priorities,
"Equal Partners" seeks to overturn the popular perception that
buildings are the work of a single brilliant practitioner and instead to
illuminate the true collaborative nature of architectural practice.
A member of the art department at Smith since 1967, Searing is an internationally
known scholar in several areas of architectural history. Her work on the
social history and architecture of museums of art and design, in particular,
has been recognized by the Museum of Modern Art, the Smithsonian Institution,
the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada and the Association
of Art Museum Directors.
"Equal Partners" will remain at the Smith museum until December
13 and then travel to various venues, including the Harn Museum of Art at
the University of Florida, Gainesville. An associated event, "Speaking
of Architecture: A World View," featuring architectural historian Vincent
Scully, will be held October 17.
Come See the Davis Center Makeover
Davis Center is undergoing a face-lift. Officially open for the year
September 8, Davis continues to go through a variety of changes, not the
least of which is the introduction of its new Paradise City Grill.
In an effort to encourage students to spend more time on campus and particularly
at Davis, RADS is jazzing up the look of the center and its deli/grill with
fresh paint, wallpaper and signage, says Patty Hentz, cash operations manager.
A variety of new food racks and a number of new menu items will be offered
as well. "Cozy couches are being added in October to increase the comfort
factor," Hentz says.
"This is just the beginning of the transformation," says Hentz.
"In a short time we'll also be unveiling a gourmet coffee bar."
The push is on to invest the students in their center. Plans are afoot to
work directly with students, to get their input in the kinds of innovations
that will make Davis more inviting.
A lot of what will happen will be "aesthetic," says Hentz.
Unusual art objects will adorn the walls; the menus and signs will be done
in chalk art. This sets the stage for other changes, Hentz says, in food
choices and even in entertainment. "We hope to be able to book some
interesting musical artists for after hours."
to top of page
An SSW Entry in the Managed Care Debate
Americans have made clear their feelings about the state of health insurance
today by mangling the term "managed care" into such epithets as
"damaged care," "mis-managed care" and "managed
Anita Lightburn, dean of the Smith College School for Social Work, and
Gerald Schamess, a professor at SSW, state their position with a single
piece of punctuation: a question mark.
Humane Managed Care?, the newly released book edited by Schamess and
Lightburn, brings together research, case studies and scholarly articles
by 62 of the country's leading human service experts to consider whether
managed care-the system under which 90 percent of all Americans will receive
health and mental health care by 2000-can ever be more than an oxymoron.
"Many, if not most human service professionals have traditionally
been committed to humane service delivery," Lightburn points out. "The
provider system's commitment is to 'sufficient' service. The drive for increased
profitability, however, seriously jeopardizes humane care and eliminates
the possibility of universal coverage."
Schamess adds: "One thing that's clear is that humane care in the
managed care system is conditional. It depends on your diagnosis, your category,
your access to well-funded provider networks, and many other factors."
Described as a state-of-the-art sourcebook on the current policies, controversies,
clinical knowledge, case studies and research strategies on managed-care
practices, the book includes such articles as "Corporate Values and
Managed Health Care: Who Benefits?"; "Privatization and Mental
Health in Massachusetts"; "How Social Workers Can Manage Managed
Care"; and "Managed Care, Mental Illness, and African Americans."
The contributors are social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, policy
analysts, case managers, professional educators, and researchers.
In addition to Lightburn and Schamess, Smith contributors include Susan
Donner, associate professor of social work ("Field Work Crisis: Dilemmas,
Dangers, and Opportunities"); Joshua Miller, assistant professor of
social work ("Managed Care and Merger Mania: Strategies for Preserving
Clinical Social Work Education"); and Phebe Sessions, associate professor
of social work ("Managed Care and the Oppression of Psychiatrically
Disturbed Adolescents: A Disturbing Example").
A Day for Tiny Poems at Smith
The air will be filled with the sounds of three-lined, unrhymed, season-referencing
verse on September 19 when the Haiku Society of America in conjunction with
Smith's poetry center presents a conference titled "Haiku: A Closer
Look" in Wright Hall Common Room. (If the the crowd is large, the event
may move to a larger space.)
The day's events will kick off at 10 a.m. when the Haiku Poets' Society
of Western Massachusetts, a six-year-old organization of writers of haiku,
senryu, tanka, and related forms of poetry, is introduced by founding member
Alice Ward of Springfield. Patrick Frank, publisher and editor of Point
Judith Light, a poetry journal, who teaches haiku at the Springfield Museum
of Art, will speak on "Haiku Sequencing, Creativity & Personal
On the program at 11 a.m. is Tom Clausen of the Cornell University libraries
with an address titled "Why I Continue to Read and Write Haiku."
Clausen, a seasoned haikuist, has instituted a many-year tradition of posting
a daily sheet of haiku in the Cornell library elevator, to the delight of
students and staff.
The morning ends with all participants having the chance to read aloud
one of their own haiku. A book sale and signing table will feature haiku
periodicals, chapbooks by local authors, and haiku bumper stickers. A light
lunch will be available for purchase.
The afternoon program of the conference begins at 1:30 p.m. and will
include announcements from the national officers of the Haiku Society, followed
by a nature walk in the Smith College Gardens. Upon return from the gardens,
Wanda Cook, professor of education at Westfield State College, will guide
a discussion of haiku written by participants during the walk.
The afternoon will conclude with a "Renga-Writing Workshop,"
led by Judson Evans, longtime HSA member and chairman of liberal arts at
the Boston Conservatory. Evans is well-known for lively sessions with his
students in the art of renga, a form of Japanese linked poetry written spontaneously
in a group setting.
The conference will culminate in a free reading at 7:30 p.m. by New England
and New York-area members of the Haiku Society at Gallery 2, Thornes Market,
150 Main Street. The evening reading, which does not require pre-registration,
will be hosted by John Sheirer, founding editor of Tiny Poems Press and
publisher of the Western Massachusetts Haiku Anthology. Sheirer teaches
writing and public speaking at Asnuntuck Community-Technical College in
Enfield, Connecticut.
Alumna Sailor Meets Her Match
On June 14, Tori Murden '85 set out on a solo attempt to row the Atlantic
Ocean from Oregon Inlet, North Carolina, to Brest, France. On September
7, having rowed more than 2,600 nautical miles in 85 days, she was rescued
from a merciless battering by Hurricane Danielle 950 miles west of Brest.
"I felt like I went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson," said Murden
over a satellite telephone as she described the 30-foot waves that 11 times
capsized her 23-foot boat, the American Pearl. In response to Murden's emergency
signal, a Royal Air Force aircraft from Scotland spotted Murden and a Cypress
registered bulk carrier en route to Philadelphia changed course to pick
her up.
Had Murden succeeded in her endeavor, she would have become the first
American and first woman to row across an ocean alone and unsupported. Murden's
row was sponsored by Sector Sport Watches; she is a member of the Sector's
no limits team, whose members test the outer limits of human endurance.
A seasoned extreme outdoor adventurer, Murden in 1988 became the first woman
to reach the summit of Antarctica's Lewis Nunatuk. In 1989 she became the
first American, man or woman, to ski to the geographic South Pole. She has
also completed numerous ice-climbing and kayaking expeditions.
The American Pearl, fully loaded with food, gear and technical equipment,
weighed 1,500 pounds at the journey's start. Murden rowed an average of
31 miles a day despite Danielle and an earlier encounter with Hurricane
Bonnie that caused her to capsize twice.
A psychology major at Smith, where her rowing career began, Murden lived
in Hopkins House. While making the row she was on leave from her job as
a project administrator for the Louisville, Kentucky, Development Authority.
Smith Makes Room for Woolf Bequest
Smith College is now a primary research site for students of one of the
century's great writers and inspirations to women authors. Thanks to a bequest
from Elizabeth Power Richardson '43, the Mortimer Rare Book Room has a rich
cache of materials related to Virginia Woolf and the other members of the
Bloomsbury Group.
Richardson, a book editor and latter-day Northampton resident who died
July 5, left Smith her entire collection of Bloomsbury material, one of
the finest in private hands. It includes some 1,600 books and a great array
of manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, art work and other material.
Richardson also donated her computer and the diskettes on which she meticulously
catalogued her collection. The bequest supplements strong Bloomsbury holdings
previously donated to the rare book room by Richardson and two other alumnae,
Frances Hooper '14 and Ann Safford Mandel '53.
After becoming interested in Virginia Woolf at age 12, Richardson collected
Bloomsbury material throughout her life. Her indexing of the many photographs
and other non-book items in her collection resulted in the 1989 publication
of her A Bloomsbury Iconography, whose text she thereafter updated on her
Richardson also left Onions, a 1943 oil painting by Vanessa Bell, Virginia
Woolf's sister, to the Smith College Museum of Art, along with some items
she collected while traveling and living overseas with her husband, W. Garland
Richardson, an American Foreign Service officer. Her Smith bequest further
included cash gifts to the libraries, museum and botanic garden.
A public lecture by Sylvia Wolf, associate curator of photography at
the Art Institute of Chicago, will be held in Richardson's memory at 5 p.m.
November 19 in the Neilson Library Browsing Room, at which time highlights
from the Richardson collection will be on display in the rare book room.
- People News will return next week.
to top of page

Calendar Key
- Sources of further information, if any, are shown in parentheses at
the end of event descriptions. An asterisk following a listing indicates
that the event is open to the public. Admission charges, if any, are listed
when known. Items for this section must be submitted on Event
Service Request Forms.
- Monday, September
- Lectures/Symposia
- "Shin Buddhism: Ocean of the Primal Vow" (translation by
Taitetsu Unno). Jitsuen Kakehashi, former director, Shin Comprehensive
Research Institute, Kyoto, Japan. Sponsors: East Asian Studies Program,
Department of Religion and the Ada Howe Kent Program. An event in honor
of the retirement of Taitetsu Unno. 7:30 p.m., Neilson Library Browsing
- Meetings/workshops
- Microsoft Word 98 for the Mac, a computer workshop for entering students.
4:30 p.m., Seelye Hall B3
- Religious Life
- Rosh Hashanah morning service. Transportation to and from Amherst is
available for Smith students. 9 a.m.-noon, Johnson Chapel, Amherst College*
- Other events and activities
- Language lunch tables
- French, Italian
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Open hour with Carmen Santana-Melgoza, director of institutional diversity.
3-4:30 p.m., Office of Institutional Diversity, College Hall 31
- Tuesday, September 22
- Lectures/Symposia
- "'Wendeliteratur.' Tendenzen und Motive der gegenwaertigen Literatur
in Deutschland." Dr. Gerhard Sauder, professor of German literature,
Universität des Saarlandes. 5-6 p.m., Seelye 106
- Meetings/workshops
- Campus climate working group. 8-9 a.m., Neilson Browsing Room
- SGA senate meeting. 7 p.m., Seelye 201
- Religious Life
- Rosh Hashanah morning service. Transportation to and from Amherst is
available for Smith students. 9 a.m.-noon, Johnson Chapel, Amherst College*
- Meetings/workshops
- Open meeting for all faculty and students interested in participating
in the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute's 1999-2000 project, "Star Messenger:
Galileo at the Millennium," with organizer Paul Zimet, theatre department,
and members of the institute's advisory committee.
- 4 p.m., Wright common room
- Eudora Light (Mac version), a computer workshop for entering students.
4:30 p.m., Seelye Hall B3
- Other events and activities
- Language lunch tables
- German
- Chinese
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Volleyball vs. Wellesley.
- 7 p.m., Ainsworth gym*
- S.O.S. community service fair. Representatives from over 40 non-profit
community-based agencies will be available to provide information on how
you can make a difference in our community. (S.O.S. office, ext. 2756)
7-8:30 p.m., Davis ballroom*
- Wednesday, September 23
- Lectures/ Symposia
- The Interfaith Council of Smith College lunch-time discussion series,
"What is an Education For?" The first program will feature John
Connolly, provost and dean of the faculty, speaking on some uses of a liberal
arts education. Lunch will be provided. Noon-1:30 p.m., Chapel
- First Session, Smith Life and Learning Symposium. All new students
are cordially invited to attend. No registration necessary, simply show
up to your group's location. For a group number, call Tim Maciel, ext.
4914. 6-7:30 p.m., location determined by group number
- Poetry reading by acclaimed poet Carolyn Forché. This is the
inaugural reading in the 1998-99 Poetry Center Series. Forché is
an internationally renowned poet and activist, author of three books of
poetry and editor of an anthology of 20th-century poetry of witness, Against
Forgetting. Book-selling and -signing will follow. 7:30 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Meetings/Workshops
- Pomona Exchange informational meeting for students interested for spring
1999 semester. 4:30 p.m., College Hall 23
- Eudora Light (PC version), a computer workshop for entering students.
4:30 p.m., Seelye Hall B3
- Introduction to the CDO employer recruiting programs. This workshop
will outline these programs, explain the process and discuss a self-directed
job search. Also offered on 9/28 and 10/6. 4:30-6 p.m.
- Seelye 106
- Other events and activities
- Kaffee Klatsch grand opening. Come for coffee, tea, and pastries. All
proceeds help support S.O.S. (Ext. 2756) 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Kaffee Klatsch,
Seelye basement*
- S.O.S sweater sale. From the mountains of South America to you, hand-
knit wool and alpaca sweaters, ponchos, scarves, gloves, mittens, blankets
and lots more. All proceeds support the Service Organizations of Smith.
9 a.m.-5 p.m., Gamut
- Language lunch table
- Japanese, Spanish
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Soccer vs. Williams. 4:15 p.m., Athletic Fields*
- Religious Life
- Gathering and informal discussion/reflection for Catholic Adas. Lunch
served. Noon-1 p.m., Bodman Lounge
- Buddhist service and discussion. 7:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Thursday, September
- Lectures/ Symposia
- Liberal Arts luncheon. "A Road to the Pantheon."
Malgorzata Zielinska-Pfabé, Sophia Smith Professor of Physics. Open
to faculty and staff. Noon, Smith College Club, lower level
- First Session, Smith Life and Learning Symposium.
See 9/23 listing. 6-7:30 p.m., location determined by group number
- Meetings/workshops
- Open meeting with members of the Kahn Institute
committee to discuss possible projects for 2000-2001 or later years. All
are welcome. 4 p.m., Wright common room
- Introduction to Excel for Windows, a computer
workshop for entering students. 4:30 p.m., Seelye Hall B3
- CDO Information session with the Peace Corps
7:30-9 p.m., Seelye 106
- Religious Life
- Rosh Hashanah morning service. Transportation
to and from Amherst is available for Smith students. 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Johnson
Chapel, Amherst College
- Meeting of the Newman Association, the Catholic
students' organization. Explore the spirituality and modern-day issues
of Catholicism. Dinner will be served. All are welcome. 6 p.m., Bodman
Lounge, Chapel
- Jewish Text Study. Dinner and Torah discussion.
6-7:15 p.m., Valentine Terrace Room B, Amherst College
- Other events and activities
- S.O.S sweater sale. See 9/23 listing. 9 a.m.-5
p.m., Gamut
- Open hours with Mentha Hynes, interim assistant
dean for multicultural affairs. 10 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m., College Hall
- Language lunch tables
- Korean, Russian
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- 900th Birthday Celebration for Hildegard of Bingen.
5 p.m., Neilson Library Browsing Room*
- Friday, September 25
- Religious Life
- Shabbat service. Dinner follows in Kosher Kitchen,
Dawes House, Bedford Terrace. 5:15 p.m., Dewey common room
- Other events and activities
- Tennis vs. Clark. 1 p.m., tennis courts*
- Contradance with Rhubarb Pie. A benefit for the
Northampton Friends Meeting. Caller Steve Howland. Five dollars per adult;
$10 for a family including children. 6:30-10:30 p.m., Davis ballroom
- Sunday, September 27
- Fine/performing arts
- Concert: "Much Art, More Art, Moz...Art."
Arcadia Players Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Ensemble 10th anniversary
series opening. Reserved $30; general admission $10. Students bring a friend
free. (584-8882) 2 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall*
- Religious Life
- Ecumenical Christian Church Morning Worship with
Rev. Douglas Ryniewicz and student liturgists. A coffee hour follows the
service. All welcome. 10:45 a.m., Chapel*
- Quaker meeting for worship, preceded by a discussion
at 9:30 a.m. 11a.m., Bass 203*
- Roman Catholic Eucharistic Liturgy. Fr. Jim Sheehan,
S.J., celebrant and Elizabeth Carr, chaplain. A Sunday supper will follow
in the Bodman Lounge. All welcome. 4:30-5:30 p.m., Chapel*
- Other events and activities
- Fernsehsondersendung zur deutschen Bundestagswahl.
11:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Seelye 201
- Ongoing
- Exhibition: "The 'Manière Anglaise':
Mezzotint in Holland and England from the Seventeenth to the Early Nineteenth
Century." Through October 31. Print Room, Museum of Art
- Exhibition: "The American Architectural
Landscape," an exhibition drawn from the permanent collection, explores
architectural themes in 20th-century American art. Through November 15.
Museum of Art
- Exhibition. "Equal Partners: Men and Women
Principals in Contemporary Architectural Practice." Work by 15 American
architecture firms founded and run jointly by women and men. (See story,
page 3.) September 25 through December 13. Museum of Art
- Exhibition: "Buddhas for a New World."
Sculptures by Thomas Matsuda. Buddhist images in wood, stone, bronze and
ceramic. One of a series of lectures and events in honor of the retirement
of Taitetsu Unno. Through September 23. Hillyer Hall Gallery
- Exhibition: "Internet Dwellers: Video Sculptures
by Nam June Paik." Paik is considered one of the pioneers of video
sculpture, an art form developed in the mid-1960s. Said to have inspired
the quick-cut video culture of MTV, Paik's video sculptures draw on popular
culture and recombine its artifacts-television sets, cameras, electronic
and other computer castoffs-into serious art that often reveals a whimsical
or absurdist sense of humor rooted in the Fluxus movement. Through October
18. Museum of Art
to top of page

- Getting Your Word Out in AcaMedia
- AcaMedia, which is produced by the Office of College Relations, is
the official vehicle for making announcements within the Smith College
community. By action of the faculty, students are held responsible for
reading AcaMedia's notices and calendar listings.
- Submission Procedures
- Submit calendar items and notices to Mary Stanton at Garrison
Hall (mstanton@colrel.smith.edu).
Calendar items must be submitted on an Event Service Request Form on paper
by mail or fax (obtain forms by calling ext. 2162) or on line at www.smith.edu/events. The Event Service Request Form is to
be used for submitting listings for the Five College Calendar and local
media calendars as well.
- Items for the Notices section of AcaMedia should be submitted
by e-mail. When submitting notices for which the intended audience may
not be self-evident, please indicate whether they apply to the entire Smith
community, to faculty and staff only, or to students only.
- Submit news articles or suggestions for news articles to Ann
Shanahan (ashanahan@colrel.smith.edu)
or Eric Weld (eweld@colrel.smith.edu).
- Deadlines
- Copy is due by 4 p.m. Wednesday for the following week's issue. Late
information cannot be accepted.
- Five College Calendar Deadline
- Entries for the October Five College Calendar must be received by September
18. Please send entries to Mary Stanton in Garrison Hall (mstanton@colrel.smith.edu).
- Sources of further information, if any, are indicated last in parentheses.
- Blue-Pencil Alert
- All calendar items and notices submitted to AcaMedia are subject to
editing for clarity, brevity and style. Almost none see print exactly as
originally written.
- Smith-Wide
- January Term
- Again this year January Interterm will offer a broad range of non-credit
courses for members of the Smith community, especially for students who
plan to stay on campus for all or part of January 4 through 22. If you
have a favorite subject, skill or interest that you would like to teach
in a relaxed, stress-free, grade-free learning environment, you are invited
to submit a course proposal. Stipends will be paid to those instructors
who meet minimum requirements. Proposal forms are available in the Student
Government Office, Office of the Dean of the College or Smith mail center.
Completed proposals must be submitted to College Hall 21 by 4 p.m., October
6. (Ext. 4903 or 4919)
- Fall Preview Days
- The Office of Admission is holding three preview days this fall: Monday,
October 5 and 26; and Wednesday, November 11. Prospective students will
have an opportunity to attend classes, learn about the Career Development
Office and financial aid, visit a house and meet students and faculty.
There will be sessions on the sciences, art, music and dance and one for
students who are undecided about a major. Enrollment is limited to 50 students
and their parents each day. The formal program ends at noon but guests
may attend classes or observe athletic practice in the afternoon. Thanks
in advance for your support of the program.
- Museum Presents Talks About the Fountain
- "The Lanning Fountain: A Model Project from the Landscape Master
Plan" is a two-part program about the fountain near the Smith Botanic
Gardens. As part of the college's plan to restore the beauty of Frederick
Law Olmstead's original campus design, Nellie V. Walker's Lanning Fountain
(copied from an original by French artist Jean Gautherin) has recently
been restored and reinstalled within a new plaza, the focus of realigned
pathways, near Smith's botanic gardens. Shavaun Towers '71, Smith's landscape
architect, describes the landscape master plan on September 23. Adam Jenkins,
assistant preparator, Museum of Art, will chronicle the restoration process
on October 9; this talk concludes with a visit to the fountain. Both sessions
will be at 12:15 p.m. in Burton Hall 101.
- Museum Presents Architecture Program
- A symposium, "Speaking of Architecture: A World View," from
9 to 4:30 on Saturday, October 17, at the Smith College Museum of Art will
explore how architecture enhances the lives of individuals and communities.
It is the first in a series designed to bring alumnae pursuing careers
in the arts back to Smith, where they can meet with current students. Speakers
include Peter Davey, editor, The Architectural Review; Laura Hartman '74,
Fernau & Hartman, Berkeley; Mimi Locher '87, formerly of Atelier Mobile,
Tokyo; M. J. Long '60, Long & Kentish, London; Samuel Mockbee, director,
Auburn University's Rural Studio; Madeleine Sanchez '81, AIA Architect,
New York; Vincent Scully, Sterling Professor Emeritus, Yale University;
and Helen Searing, Alice Pratt Brown Professor of Art. Registration forms,
due by October 1, are available at the museum. The registration fee is
$80 ($70 for Smith College classes '92 through '98; a limited number of
reservations will be accepted without charge from current Five College
students, faculty, and staff).
- Students
- Registration for Ultimate Access
- To access internships and job listings from the Career Development
Office database and from JobTrak, you need to register through the Ultimate
Access section of the CDO home page (www.smith.edu/cdo). Although you registered
last year, you need to register again so we have your updated information.
Once registered, you will have our listings available to you wherever you
go on-line!
- Sophian Seeks Writers
- The Sophian, Smith College's only student-produced newspaper, will
have a general-interest meeting September 17 at 7 p.m. at Capen Annex (behind
Davis Center). Students interested in writing news, features, arts, reviews,
opinions, or sports, or in working on photography, layout and graphic design
or business and fundraising are encouraged to attend. We also have a few
editorial positions open. This is a great opportunity for students to be
involved in journalism at Smith at all levels of production and experience.
Pizza and drinks will be served.
- (Angie Rasmussen, ext. 7076)
- Athletic Association
- The Athletic Association is looking for students to fill several board
positions: special events coordinator, publicity coordinator, secretary,
fundraising coordinator and treasurer. These positions are open to all
Smith students. For questions or to apply, call or e-mail Courtney Turpin
(ext. 7340 or cturpin@sophia.smith. edu) and leave name, phone, mailbox
number and position(s) for which you are applying.
- Reminder for Event Planners
- Student organizations and others who made preliminary space requests
last semester are reminded to submit Event Service Request Forms for the
publicity and set-up needs of those events, if they have not already done
so. The form is available on-line at www.smith.edu/events or from Mary
Stanton, college events coordinator, ext. 2162 or mstanton@colrel. smith.edu.
All students must submit space requests on forms provided by the SGA office.
- Course Registration And Changes
- Student schedules and instructions for registration and course changes
are included in the registration packet. Students may, with the permission
of their adviser, make changes to their schedules until Monday, September
21. Any student not registered for courses by then will be fined $25.00.
- Five-College Registration
- The registration deadline for Five College courses is Monday, September
21, and no registrations will be accepted after that date. Registration
forms may be obtained in the registrar's office, College Hall 6.
- Make-Up Examinations
- Students granted an extension for final examinations in the spring
semester must complete their examinations during the first two weeks of
the semester. All examinations must be picked up by 2 p.m. Monday, September
21. Call Jan Morris in the registrar's office, ext. 2555, to make arrangements.
- Major Certifications, Class of '99J
- Major certification forms were mailed to seniors who will be completing
requirements in the fall semester. The forms are due at the end of the
course-change period, Monday, September 21.
- Travel Reservations
- Students should be making end-of-semester travel reservations now,
keeping in mind that final examinations take place between December 19
and December 22. Students will not be permitted to take examinations early.
- Student ID Numbers
- The college uses the student's Social Security number as the official
- student ID number. Any student who wishes to be assigned a new ID number
should contact the registrar's office.
- Study Abroad Meeting
- The Office of International Study is offering informational sessions
on study abroad each Monday at 4 p.m. in the third floor conference room
in Clark Hall. The meetings will be approximately 45 minutes long and will
include an overview of study abroad opportunities and application procedures
followed by a question-and-answer period.
- Welcome Book
- All entering undergraduate students who have not signed the Welcome
Book should do so at the student affairs office, College 23, by Wednesday,
September 30. The Welcome Book, which is new this year, will reside in
the Smith College Archives between orientation sessions and be brought
out each year for new-student signatures.
- Smith Goes to the Big E
- Bus transportation and advance tickets are available for 43 students
to attend the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield on Friday, September
25. Advertised as "downright unique, down-home friendly and a little
wild," the Big E is a New England tradition. The bus will leave John
M. Greene Hall at 6 p.m. and return by 11 p.m. and is free. Sign-up is
on a first-come, first-served basis. The $8 tickets ($2 off the full price)
may be purchased with cash or check (made out to Smith College) weekdays
between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. through September 23 in the student affairs
office, College Hall 23. Priority will be given to Smith students but other
members of the Smith community may sign up if space remains.
- Smith Life and Learning
- Watch for further information and a special introductory slide show
on the October 10-12 Special Quest Weekend for Smith Life and Learning
- Service Organizations of Smith
- Support S.O.S. and community service by volunteering at Kaffee Klatsch.
This coffee shop in Seelye basement-the organization's largest fund-raiser-will
open Wednesday, September 23. Volunteer shifts are approximately one hour.
To sign up: Melissa, ext. 4799.
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AcaMedia staff: Ann Shanahan, co-editor; Cathy
Brooks, layout; Mary Stanton, calendar/notices; Eric Sean Weld, co-editor
AcaMedia is published
weekly during the academic year by the Office
of College Relations for the Smith
College community. This version of AcaMedia for the World Wide Web is maintained
by the Office of College Relations. Last update: September 17, 1998.
Copyright © 1998, Smith College. Portions of this publication may
be reproduced with the permission of the Office of College Relations, Garrison
Hall, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts 01063; (413) 585-2170.
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