Team to Assess Student Services
Among the many recommendations arising from the recent college-wide self-study
was a proposal to identify and evaluate opportunities to improve the delivery
of administrative and support services to Smith students. This fall a team
of staff members has been assembled to respond to that call.
The team, sponsored by CFO and Treasurer Ruth Constantine and Dean of
the College Maureen Mahoney, will take a student perspective in evaluating
service delivery in approximately 20 interrelated processes, including registration,
financial aid, billing and student payroll. (Some administrative areas,
including housing, athletics and dining services, are outside the scope
of the project.)
The team has two major objectives: to improve the delivery of administrative
services to Smith students and their parents and to encourage greater accessibility,
user-friendliness and interoffice coordination. Over the next several months
the team will
- interview and survey students
- meet with staff to analyze current processes
- brainstorm about better ways to accomplish essential tasks
- develop and test new service models and identify needed resources
- begin planning for implementation.
The team includes David Boudreau, bursar; Kim Butz, director of administrative
technology; Tricia O'Neil, registrar; Mary Philpott, dean of the sophomore/junior
classes; Myra Smith, director of financial aid; and Tony Symanski, controller,
who is leading the project.
"Since student administrative services are provided by many departments,
the group is made up of staff from different areas," Constantine says.
"The project will require excellent teamwork and much consultation
with students and other departments."
Technical and project-management support is being provided by The Innovation
Network, a Nashville-based higher education consulting firm. Robert Glenn,
managing partner of the firm, will be the on-campus representative. Eileen
Corbeil, a former benefits director at Smith who now manages her own consulting
firm, will serve as primary process analyst. She will be assisted by four
staff volunteers: Patti Corjay, financial aid office; Kimberly DeJesus,
class deans' office; Sara Fisher, controller's office; and Kathy Manning,
registrar's office.
The team expects to submit its recommendations to Constantine and Mahoney
by late spring. In the meantime it welcome questions, comments and ideas
from the Smith community.
Panel Will Ask Why We Repair
Repairing is a crucial activity for beings like ourselves who are inherently
limited by the resources at our disposal, who are subject to the ever-present
possibility of error and decay, who seek continuity with the past and who
face the necessity of patching up relationships with our neighbors. What
are people doing when they are fixing objects, mending relationships or
repairing the social and political damage left in the wake of past events?
What capacities are they exercising? Under what conditions is repair desirable,
under what conditions inappropriate or impossible?
Catalogue listing for FYS 112a, "The Work of Repair, or the Case
for Homo Reparans"
"Piecing it All Together: Creating, Critiquing, Revising,"
a panel discussion to be held Thursday, November 12, at 4:15 p.m., may have
the distinction of being the first public event growing out of the college's
new first-year seminars.
Elizabeth V. Spelman, professor of philosophy and teacher of FYS 112a,
has pulled together a group of four commentators who will talk about, among
other things, whether the need for criticism and revision disappears when
people become really good at writing a paper, choreographing a dance or
otherwise being creative, and how criticism can be a mechanism of repair
rather than a force of destruction.
The scholars and performers who will offer their view about the importance
of criticism and revision to their work are Ann Jones of the Smith comparative
literature program, whose writing includes The Currency of Eros: Women's
Love Lyric in Europe, 1549-1620; Yvonne Daniel of the Smith dance department,
author of Rumba: Dance and Social Change in Contemporary Cuba; Peter Stallybrass,
who teaches English and comparative literature at the University of Pennsylvania
and is co-author of The Politics and Poetics of Transgression and editor
of several anthologies, including Language Machines: Technologies of Literary
and Cultural Production; and Liz Lerman, founder and artistic director of
Liz Lerman/Dance Exchange, whose internationally acclaimed work has been
commissioned by the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center and the American Dance
Prof Rethinks Tiananmen's Causes, Effects
In 1989, when tens of thousands of Chinese protesters amassed on the
concrete of Beijing's Tiananmen Square to demand democratic reforms, Sophia
Smith Professor of Government Steven M. Goldstein was there and did on-camera
reports for CNN and CBS.
During the past decade Goldstein has had time to weigh the accuracy of
his original interpretation of the events at Tiananmen and the response
of the world community. He says being so close to the demonstrations and
the Chinese military's violent quashing of them may have skewed his view
of what really took place. "Being an eyewitness led me to misinterpret
much of what was going on," he admits. "Others in the West viewed
the events there and also made some off-the-mark judgments."
Goldstein, an expert on Chinese politics and government, will present
a lecture, "Tiananmen, 1989: Witnessing History and Getting it Wrong?"
on Monday, November 9, at 4:30 p.m. in Stoddard auditorium. He will reassess
the uprising and consider the broader implications of global misinterpretations
of it. He will also explore misjudgments on specific questions: Were the
demonstrators democratic? Was the event spontaneous? What was the likelihood
of government suppression? What was the relationship between the demonstrations
and economic reform? Did the demonstrations lead to the end of reform, victory
for the hard-liners?
Goldstein, a Smith faculty member since 1968, was a consultant on China
to the White House Press Corps during President Reagan's trip to China in
1984 and a commentator for CNN in 1996 during Taiwan's presidential election
and again in 1997, when China assumed control of Hong Kong.
Goldstein's lecture is the first in the series "Three by Three"
featuring inaugural talks by three recently chaired Smith professors. The
series will continue Monday, November 30, when Charles N. Clark Professor
of Government Donald L. Robinson will present "The Virtues of Constitutional
Democracy," and conclude on Monday, April 12, 1999, when Sophia Smith
Professor of Music Ruth A. Solie will offer "A Musicology of the Everyday."
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Pushed Into Cyberspace, She's Won Over
By Lisa Johnson AC
When first asked to write a story about the Web pages of Smith community
members, I had no idea what I was getting into. Remembering when answering
machines first came into vogue and the intrusion they brought as suddenly
messages had to be returned, I haven't been eager to leap into yet another
technological advance. As life so often has it, however, the decision was
out of my hands: leap I must.
Thankfully, there are kind souls like Scott Girard on Smith's campus.
Girard, facilitator of the Smith College User's Group, was more than happy
to take me on a short tour of cyberspace, starting with his homepage, "Custodian
with an Attitude" at The page has two
things I was looking for: information about the Smith User's Group and what
Girard calls "Linkage into the Unknown." Both are avenues for
finding pages to browse.
Their pages reveal members of campus staff to be a wild bunch indeed.
Linked up through Girard's User Group, you meet Dave Cleveland, a mechanic
on campus whose page presents schedules for various four-wheeler competitions
throughout the region. Rick Barnicle, self-proclaimed "wildest senior
cook in Smith's history," designed "Cowboy Dick's Homepage"
for hunters and movie fans on campus. Rich Gilbert, a popular cook at Tyler
House, is into magic and Las Vegas and provides links to magicians, magician
societies and Las Vegas clubs. Through his page we can also get to the homepage
of Francisco Robledo of Lamont Kitchen fame, who clearly loves his Northampton
home: check out his photo essay and narrative about Northampton's jobs,
lesbians and attitude.
From the Smith homepage I took a quick spin through department pages.
Primarily functional in nature, it's the women's studies page -- a bit poky
to load but delightful to look at -- that most grabbed my attention, especially
because it was designed by students.
Students are just as evident, linked through the computer science department
and through Girard's User Group linkages. See who makes up the Smiffenpoofs,
the rugby team and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Club -- and the myriad
places they can take you. Another avenue to Smith student pages is www.wag. Individual students link to others around the
country and the world. It doesn't stop: the links go on and on and on.
Take the tour. When you're done, if you find yourself hooked and want
to create your own Web page, check out the Saturday-morning User's Group
teaching sessions in the basement of Seelye Hall. You'll find information
and sign-up instructions on Girard's homepage. Staff, students and faculty
are welcome.
Print, Photos by Smith Profs Get Showings
Two members of the Smith art department have work currently on view,
one in a gallery and one in a magazine.
"Queen of the Night," a lithograph by Dwight Pogue, professor
of art, is one of the original prints in Colorprint U.S.A., an annual national
exhibition of works by 50 artists. This year's edition is now on display
in the Hillyer Gallery -- and at 49 other sites. Because each exhibited
artist contributed an edition of 50 prints, the show is being seen simultaneously
in 50 museums and galleries, one in each state.
On view in Hillyer through November 14, Colorprint U.S.A. includes outstanding
examples of lithography, woodcut, etching, screenprint and other forms of
printmaking by some of America's finest print artists, both new and established.
Pogue's lithograph features two night-blooming cereus blossoms. He says
he's pleased to be selected for this national juried show, in part because
a number of the participating artists were jurors of national print exhibitions
in which his work was included when he began his career as an artist-printmaker
in the early 1970s.
Colorprint U.S.A. has been conducted as a national juried print exhibition
annually since 1969. Other vibrant color lithographs of flowers and cacti
by Pogue, who is representing Massachusetts in this year's show, have been
included in Colorprint shows over the years.
Color photographs of contemporary Japan by Chester Michalik are included
in the Fall 1998 issue of Bostonia, the glossy magazine produced by Boston
University. (Pogue received the M.F.A. from BU.) According to the magazine,
while Michalik likes the countryside, "as a photographer, the world's
cities -- especially Japanese cities-are what intrigue him. 'They have a
nervous energy that I like,' he says."
Michalik took his first trip to Japan in 1991 and has returned six times,
including a trip in 1995 when, on a Japan Foundation Fellowship, he shot
the photographs for his exhibition "Hiroshima/Nagasaki Fifty Years
Later." He has also photographed Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Diego
and towns in Mexico and Poland. A faculty exhibit at Smith in the spring
will feature a collection of his Japan photos along with an essay by Taitetsu
Unno, Jill Ker Conway Professor of Religion and East Asian Studies.
Programs Help Students Hone Essential Skills
Janine Evans, a junior-year Ada Comstock Scholar, used to routinely put
off any classwork that frustrated her. If she didn't understand it, she
admits, she didn't want to do it.
Then she attended "Recovering from Procrastination," one of
several workshops regularly offered by the Jacobson Center for Writing,
Teaching and Learning. It showed her and the other participants how to use
time better by way of such techniques as getting a head start, immediately
writing down ideas, learning to say no, tape-recording important passages
of text and thinking about classwork while walking or waiting for classes
to begin.
Now Evans no longer needs to play catch-up on classwork during a semester's
final three weeks. "The workshop helped me focus on what I was doing,"
she says. "The best thing it taught me was to not look at the whole
thing when you're working on a project, but to take it in small parts. Then,
before you know it, you're through it."
The Jacobson Center workshops, led by Coordinator of Tutorial Services
Sarah Lazare '91, have been offered for the past five years on such topics
as time management, reading retention, notetaking and exam preparation.
According to Marian Macdonald, director of the center, the seminars complement
a one-hour comprehensive session given during orientation and "The
Complete Student," a seminar on editing, grammar and reading comprehension
the center offers each interterm.
Though the workshops have been designed to help first-years adjust to
the demands of college life, they are open to and regularly attended by
sophomores, juniors and seniors. "I'm just looking for students who
want to improve themselves," Lazare says. "I welcome all kinds
of students, even the reluctant ones. There's usually something they can
In teaching how to overcome procrastination, Lazare uses herself as an
example: "I tell all the students that in my first year [at Smith]
I got four Ds, to encourage them that there is life after failure: you can
still get a job, you can still succeed."
In other workshops, all held several times each semester, Lazare or a
student leader trained by her tells students to each day write down and
check off tasks, to set and frequently assess goals and to eliminate extraneous
paper and all distractions.
Macdonald says the workshops and the Jacobson Center in general attempt
to empower students by giving them the tools they need to meet their scholarly
potential. "We like to put people in control of their own educations,"
she says. "That's something we try to give them."
For Evans, who came to Smith by way of Capital Community Technical College
in Hartford and the University of Hartford, the workshops provided a valuable
means of adapting to the far heavier workloads she encounters here. "These
workshops are really needed at Smith," she says.
The workshops are held at Jacobson Center, in Seelye 307. To take one,
sign up at least two days beforehand at the center's receptionist's desk.
United Way is Fit as a Fiddle
Four hundred and twenty nine members of the Smith community have made
their contributions to the Smith United Way Campaign, and it's moving along
very nicely, thank you, toward its goal of $114,000.
On October 30, in the first of the campaign's four lottery drawings,
13 people got lucky: Judi Marksbury won a $50 gift certificate to Mulino's
Trattoria; Susan Levin, a free lunch at the Smith College Club; Robert and
Helen Haddad, a $50 gift certificate at Hampshire Frame and Art; Stanley
Rosko, two tickets to the Academy of Music; Michael Albertson, one of the
reserved parking places; Beverly Cronin, a $5 gift certificate at Davis
Center; Stanley Elkins, a $25 gift certificate at the Grécourt Bookshop;
Carmelito Soto, a $15 gift certificate from Status Plus; Dorothy Nagle,
a landscape consultation with Tracey Warton; Herman Edelberg, a Songs of
a Nightingale CD by Karen Smith Emerson; Karl Kowitz, a $30 gift certificate
at Packard's; Ann Turomsha, a $25 gift certificate at Serv-U Home Center;
and Donald Wheelock, lunch for two at the Green Street Cafe.
Only those who have contributed to the United Way are eligible for lottery
participation, so if you haven't given, get going: there are great prizes
coming up in the next three drawings.
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10 Things You Didn't Know about ...
The Center for Foreign Languages and Cultures
1. We have more than 200 feature films in 11 different
2. We've created more than 50 percent of the multimedia
applications we run.
3. Our fast Ethernet network can support simultaneous
access to digital video at multiple work stations.
4. We've created three CD-ROMs and are working
on a fourth.
5. We have dictionaries (in both on-line and book
formats) in 11 languages.
6. Nickie George is our new user-services coordinator/facilities
7. All of our staff members are avid badminton
8. Anna Fessenden, our former project/user-services
coordinator, is now in charge of all computer training at Yankee Candle
but will still play with her band at our annual winter festival.
9. Your can surf the Web in foreign languages at
10. In addition to its regular hours, the center,
which is in Wright Hall 7, is now open Saturday afternoons from 1 to 5 p.m.
-- Prepared by Robert Davis, director, and the
CFLAC staff
- Soccer
- Overall record: 6-12
- October 27, 29, 31 and November 1:
- NEWMAC Championship
- Smith 0, Babson 2 (quarterfinal)
- Field Hockey
- Overall record: 11-11
- October 26: Smith 0, Amherst 1
- October 27, 29, 31 and November 1:
- NEWMAC Championship, 2nd place
- Smith 2, Clark 1
- Smith 3, MIT 1
- Smith 0, Wellesley 1
- Volleyball
- October 27: Smith 3, Clark 0
- October 29: Smith 0, Amherst 3
- October 31: Smith 3, U.S. Coast Guard Academy 2
- Cross-Country
- NEWMAC Championship
- Smith 5/10; All conference: Pam Maryanski, Juliet Christian-Smith
- Crew
- Seven Sisters Championship, 1st place
- Equestrian
- Mount Holyoke Show: Smith Reserve Champion/2nd place
- Tennis
- Although Wellesley College was NEWMAC champion this fall, Smith came
in second; its coach, Chris Davis was voted NEWMAC coach of the year; the
players won the Team Sportsmanship Award; and individual players also distinguished
themselves: Kanta Murali, number one singles; Ingrid Cherrytree, number
two singles; Sarah May, number three singles; Emily Pipas, number six singles;
and Sarah May and Ashby Wolfe, number two doubles.
Back to top of page
In late September Neal Salisbury, professor of
history, took part in Plimouth Plantation's celebration of the Wampanoag
Indians, "Visible Images, Invisible People: Four Centuries of Wampanoag
History." Although most New Englanders know that Pilgrims and Native
Americans shared the first Thanksgiving, few could tell you that the latter
were Wampanoag or that in 1620, when the Pilgrims landed, 30,000 Wampanoag
inhabited villages from Rhode Island to Cape Cod and the islands. (Today
there are 4,000 Wampanoag.) Plimouth Plantation's program included performances,
demonstrations and a play about King Philip's War -- a topic also addressed
in a panel discussion in which Salisbury took part.
Works by Katherine Schneider, lecturer in art, were exhibited at the
William Baczek Fine Arts Gallery in Northampton earlier this fall. Schneider
was the 1996 recipient of the Hassam, Speicher, Betts and Symons Purchase
Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
The following members of the class of 2000 have been elected to Phi Beta
Kappa: Maeve Elizabeth Adams, Sonia Qarnain Cabell, Rebecca Ann Cane, Anna
R. Engle, Sarah Lucinda Grover, Rebecca Leah Hale, Amanda Lee Izzo, Hibiki
Kawamata, Saira Khawaja, Hyo-Jin Kim, Carolyn Chi-an Kuan, Rachel Esther
Laff, Alana Bethany Reid and Ashley Merrill Riggs.
Peter Bloom, professor of music, has written The Life of Berlioz, recently
published by Cambridge University Press as part of its "Musical Lives"
series. The book, according to its dust jacket, "situates the celebrated
French musician in the vibrant and highly politicized musical culture of
the periods of the Bourbon Restoration, July Monarchy, Second Republic and
Second Empire in which he lived and worked as composer, conductor, concert
manager and writer."
Bloom is immersed in Berlioz on a number of fronts. He is a member of
the panel of advisers for a new edition of the composer's work and is the
editor of Berlioz Studies and Music in Paris in the Eighteen-Thirties. He
is also directing an international Berlioz conference, "Berlioz (1803-1869):
Past, Present, and Future," to be held at Smith in the spring of 2000.
Participants will include the world's leading Berlioz scholars; experts
in the music of the periods immediately preceding and following Berlioz';
practitioners of the "new" musicology; the director-general of
the Orchestre de Paris; and the librarian of the music division and the
president of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Peter Gay, professor
of history emeritus at Yale University and director of the Center for Scholars
and Writers at the New York Public Library, has tentatively agreed to give
the keynote address. The Boston Symphony under conductor Seiji Ozawa will
present a special all-Berlioz concert in Boston the evening before the conference.
The first issue of The Amazonian Literary Review, edited by Nicomedes
Suárez-Araúz, lecturer in Spanish and Portuguese, and Charles
Cutler, professor of Spanish and Portuguese, was recently published. The
editors say that "a journal dedicated solely to Amazonian writing is
a novelty in the English-speaking world; its Pan-Amazonian focus is [also]
distinctive." The issue includes poetry and essays by 13 Bolivian,
Brazilian and Peruvian writers, published in both their original languages
and in English translation. Future issues will showcase short stories, essays
on Amazonian identity, indigenous and outsiders' visions of Amazonia, and
poetry from Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela.
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Calendar Key
- Sources of further information, if any, are shown in parentheses at
the end of event descriptions. An asterisk following a listing indicates
that the event is open to the public. Admission charges, if any, are listed
when known. Items for this section must be submitted on Event
Service Request Forms.
- Monday, November
- Lectures/Symposia
- "Tiananmen, 1989: Witnessing History and Getting It Wrong?"
Steven M. Goldstein, Sophia Smith Professor of Government. Reception follows
in the Alumnae House Living Room. Sponsor: Office of the President. (See
story, page 1.) 4:30 p.m., Stoddard auditorium*
- "The Gospel Call to Mary, Matthew and Me." Sister Jane Morissey,
S.S.J., visiting professor of English, Elms College, pastoral minister.
Sponsors: Newman Association, Contemplation and Action Program. 7:30 p.m.,
- Meetings/workshops
- CDO workshop: "Career Choices and Direction." Assess your
skills, interests and values. 11 a.m., CDO
- HR Training and Development Workshop: "Level I: Diversity Certificate
Series." Third class. (Kathleen Chatwood, ext. 2263.) 1-4 p.m., Wright
common room
- HR Training and Development Workshop: "Delegation." (Kathleen
Chatwood, ext. 2263.) 1:30-4:30 p.m., Dewey common room
- CDO workshop: "How to Write an Effective Résumé."
2 p.m., CDO
- Amnesty International General Body Meeting. 4-5 p.m., Seelye 102
- Debate Society. Learn how to speak in public. Open to all. 4:15-6 p.m.,
Seelye 110
- Class of 2002 mandatory meeting. 4:30-5:30 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall
- Student Labor Action Coalition general meeting. 7 p.m., Women's Resource
Center (Davis third floor)*
- CDO informational meeting: Andersen Consulting. 7:30 p.m., Alumnae
House conference room
- Other events and activities
- S.O.S. Sweater Sale. Hand-knit wool and alpaca sweaters, ponchos, scarves,
gloves, mittens, blankets, and more. Proceeds support S.O.S. (Ext. 2756.)
9 a.m.-5 p.m., Gamut*
- Celebration of Sisterhood T-Shirt Sale. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., mailroom
- Language lunch tables
- French, Italian
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- B'Ivrit Chat with pizza. 12:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Open hour with Carmen Santana-Melgoza, director, Office of Institutional
Diversity, 3-4:30 p.m., College Hall 31
- Presentation of the minor and self-designed major: East Asian studies.
4 p.m., Dewey common room
- Tuesday, November 10
- Lectures/Symposia
- Sigma Xi Luncheon Talk. Pau Atela. Open to faculty, emeriti and staff.
Noon, College Club lower level
- S.O.S. Community Education Luncheon: "Challenging the Stigma of
Mental Illness." Speakers from Foundations, a mental health center,
will talk about their experiences. Noon, Wright common room
- Roundtable discussion: "Writing on America." Valley writers
Jonathan Harr, Zane Kotker, Shirley Abbott and Tracy Kidder, and Professor
Daniel Horowitz. 4-6 p.m., Neilson Browsing Room*
- "DNA and Flowering Plant Classification: Problems and Solutions."
Mark Chase, head of the Molecular Systematics Section, Jodrel Laboratory,
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
- 5-6 p.m., McConnell B05
- "Art on Television." Henk van Os, professor, University of
Amsterdam, and former director of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, will show
and comment on three of his weekly Dutch television programs designed to
encourage museum visits. Programs shown with English subtitles. 7:30-9
p.m., Stoddard Auditorium*
- "A Woman In Love With Krishna." Dennis Hudson, professor
of religion. 7:30-8:30 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel*
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Film: Flame (Zimbabwe, 1996; in English). With Ingrid Sinclair. Tribute
to women fighters in the Zimbabwean liberation struggle. Part of Festival
de Cinéma Africain. Sponsor: government department. 7 p.m., Seelye
- Rec Council movie. 9 p.m., Wright auditorium
- Meetings/workshops
- HR Training and Development Workshop: "Inter-Cultural Learning
and Communication." (Kathleen Chatwood, ext. 2263.) 9 a.m.-noon, Dewey
common room
- "Coalition for Children" bag lunch. Faculty and students
devoted to promoting awareness of and activism on children's issues. (Jane,
ext. 4448; Jessica, ext. 6641.) Noon, Dewey common room
- CDO workshop: "Ten Steps to Finding an Internship." 7:15
p.m., CDO
- CDO informational meeting: Educational Resources Group, a private-school
placement agency for teachers and administrators. 7:30 p.m., Seelye 107
- Senate Forum: "Reconfiguring the Faculty Teaching Load from 3:2
to 2:2." Share concerns with faculty and hear about department plans
to make the transition. Sponsor: Curriculum Committee. 7:30 p.m., Seelye
- CDO workshop: "Preparing For a Successful Interview." 8 p.m.,
- Religious Life
- Episcopal-Lutheran Fellowship meets in the house parlor for worship,
lunch and friendship. All welcome. Noon, St. John's Church, Elm Street
- Informational meeting: Smith Buddhist Sangha for Buddhist students
interested in joining a new group. (Molly, ext. 4266.) 6 p.m., Dewey common
- Other events and activities
- S.O.S. Sweater Sale. See Monday listing. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Gamut*
- Celebration of Sisterhood T-Shirt Sale. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., mailroom
- Language lunch tables
- German, Chinese
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Yoga class. Noncredit, for students; enrollment limited to 40. Sponsors:
Office of the Dean of the College, ESS. 5-6:15 p.m., Davis ballroom
- Swimming and diving vs. Clark. 7 p.m., Dalton pool, Ainsworth gym*
- CDO open hours. Peer advisers available. 7-9 p.m., CDO
- Wednesday, November 11
- Lectures/Symposia
- Alumna talk: "Marine and Environmental Careers." Elizabeth
Duffy, Amherst College '97, will talk about her research on the coral reefs
of Australia. 4:15 p.m., Burton 101
- "Doing It All on Deadline: Real Writing, Real Ethics and Real
People." Eileen McNamara, Boston Globe columnist and journalism lecturer,
Brandeis University. 7:30 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Global Issues Forum: "The Northern Ireland Peace Process: Hall
of Mirrors?" Paul Dixon, lecturer in government, University of Ulster.
Sponsors: International Relations Program, Five College PAWSS. 7:30 p.m.,
Neilson Browsing Room*
- Meetings/workshops
- Ada Comstock Scholars Program open house for prospective students.
9 a.m.-noon, Neilson Browsing Room*
- Religious Life
- Catholic Adas' gathering and informal discussion/reflection. Lunch
served. All welcome. Noon, Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Hillel at Noon. Discuss mixed families in the Jewish home. 12:15 p.m.,
Dawes House Kosher Kitchen
- Al-Iman. Discuss Islamic values and Qu'ran literature. 7 p.m., Capen
House study
- Buddhist service and discussion. 7:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Other events and activities
- Fall Preview Day. (Admission, ext. 2500.) 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.,
- Celebration of Sisterhood T-Shirt Sale. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., mailroom
- Payroll vouchers due. Noon, College Hall 10
- Language lunch tables
- Japanese, Spanish
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Celebration of Sisterhood banner-hanging party. 7-10 p.m., Davis ballroom
- Dance/meditation/yoga class: "Chill!!!" Dance, play and relax.
Residents of other houses welcome. Bring blanket and pillow. Sponsor: ESS.
(Donna DeLuca, 549-4970; ddeluca@sophia.) 7 p.m., Jordan
- Thursday, November
- Lectures/Symposia
- Liberal Arts Luncheon. Anne Leone, Associate Professor of French Literature.
Open to faculty, emeriti and staff. Noon, College Club lower level
- "Piecing it All Together: Creating, Critiquing, Revising."
Scholars and artists reflect on the importance of criticism and revision
in writing and performance. (See story, page 1.) 4:15 p.m., Neilson Browsing
- "What is Education For?" Ruth Klüger, William Allan
Neilson Professor in German studies, on education and its relationship
to her life work. Second event in the series "What is Education For?"
Sponsor: Interfaith Dialogue Group. Lunch provided at noon. All welcome.
12:15 -1:30 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Book-signing party. Daniel Horowitz, Sylvia Dlugasch Bauman Professor
of American Studies, will talk about his book, Betty Friedan and the Making
of the Feminine Mystique: The American Left, the Cold War and Modern Feminism.
4-6 p.m., College Archives, Alumnae Gym*
- "Colonists in an Antique Land: Settlers and Antiquarians in Roman
Corinth." Mark Landon, Cornell University. Sponsor: Department of
Classical Languages and Literatures. 4:15 p.m., Dewey common room*
- "Ecrire au féminin au Moyen Age: de Marie de France (12e
siècle) â Christine de Pizan (début XVe siècle)."
Anne Paupert, professor of medieval literature, Université de Paris-VII.
4:30 p.m., Wright common room
- "Unity, Harmony or Understanding: Why Should We Talk?" Reflections
on Interreligious Dialogue. John Carman, Parkonan Professor of Divinity
and professor of comparative religion, Harvard Divinity School. Sponsors:
religion department, East Asian Studies Program, Ada Howe Kent Program.
In honor of the retirement of Taitetsu Unno. 7:30 p.m., Neilson Browsing
- "The Strange Death of Secular Zionism." Derek Penslar, professor
of modern Jewish history, University of Toronto. 7:30-9:30 p.m., Seelye
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Rec Council movie. 9 p.m., Wright auditorium
- Meetings/workshops
- HR Training and Development Workshop: "Level II: Diversity Certificate
Series." Third class. (Kathleen Chatwood, ext. 2263.)
- 9 a.m.-noon, Dewey common room
- CDO workshop: "Using the Internet to Search for Internships and
Jobs." 4 p.m., CDO
- Debate Society. Learn how to speak in public. Open to all. 5-6 p.m.,
Seelye 110
- Association of Low-Income Students meeting. Resources and a voice for
students with financial need. Refreshments and childcare with advance notice.
(587-3781) 7 p.m., Chapin House
- CDO informational meeting for those signed up for November 13 interviews
with Chase Manhattan. 7:30 p.m., Wright common room
- Religious Life
- Jewish text study. Dinner and Torah discussion. 6 p.m., Terrace Room
B, Valentine Hall, Amherst College
- Other events and activities
- Yoga class. Noncredit, for students; enrollment limited to 40. Sponsors:
Office of the Dean of the College, ESS. 8-9:15 a.m., Davis ballroom
- Celebration of Sisterhood T-Shirt Sale. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., mailroom
- Language lunch tables
- Korean, Russian
- 12:15 p.m., Duckett House Special Dining Room
- Open hour with President Simmons, 5-6 p.m., College Hall 20
- Friday, November 13
- Lectures/Symposia
- Biological Sciences & Biochemistry Colloquium: "Estrogen and
the Brain: A Hormone for All Seasons." Dominique Toran-Allerand '55,
developmental neuroscientist, Columbia University College of Physicians
and Surgeons. 4 p.m., McConnell B05*
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Concert: Dinosaur Annex, contemporary chamber music. Sage Hall Concert
Series, featuring the premiere of professor Donald Wheelock's Quartet for
Violin, Viola, Cello and Piano. Tickets ($18, general; $10, faculty/staff/seniors;
$8, non-Smith students; $3, Smith students) may be purchased at Northampton
Box Office (150 Main St., 586-8686), from 1-800-the tick or at the door.
8 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall*
- Quits, starring Jessica Morris and Greg Jones. S. Falon Woll, director.
Theatre professor Len Berkman's one-act play about the impending divorce
of a husband and wife on the verge of major moments in their careers-one
in Hollywood, the other in an academic setting. 8 p.m., TV Studio, Mendenhall
- Film: The Scent of Green Papaya (France/Vietnam, 1994). Tran Anh Hung,
director. In Vietnamese with English subtitles. Asian Movie series. Sponsor:
Committee on Motion Pictures. 8 p.m., Stoddard auditorium*
- Meetings/workshops
- Smith Life and Learning Workshop: "Public Speaking: Competing
for Airtime and Making Points That Others Hear." Professor Marie Danzigen,
teacher of leadership and public speaking at Harvard and MIT. Limited to
15 first-years. Sign up in Room 21, College Hall. 4-6 p.m., Stoddard Hall
- Smith Science-Fiction and Fantasy Society (SSFFS). (Allison, ext. 6683.)
4:30-6:15 p.m., Seelye 208*
- Religious Life
- Shabbat service. Dinner follows in Dawes House Kosher Kitchen. 5:15
p.m., Dewey common room.
- Shabbat service and dinner. 5:30 p.m. Alumni House, Amherst College
- Keystone weekly meeting. 7 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel
- Smith Christian Fellowship (InterVarsity) with other sisters. 7:30
p.m., Dewey common room*
- Saturday, November 14
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Fall concert: "Autumn Serenade," featuring the Glee Club,
College Choir, Chorale, Chamber Singers and orchestra. 8 p.m., Sweeney
Concert Hall*
- Quits. See Friday listing. 8 p.m., TV studio, Mendenhall CPA*
- Film: Citizen Kane (1941), starring Orson Welles, Dorothy Comingore,
Joseph Cotton. Orson Welles, director. Screenplay by Orson Welles and Herman
J. Mankiewicz. Orson Welles Series. Sponsor: Committee on Motion Pictures.
8 p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Meetings/workshops
- Smith Life and Learning Workshop: "Public Speaking: Competing
for Airtime and Making Points that Others Hear." See Friday listing.
- 10 a.m.-noon, Stoddard Hall
- Other events and activities
- Family Program: "Building Buildings." Activities for all
ages will include "straw constructions," mosaics and design and
building projects in a simulated architect's studio. In conjunction with
the exhibitions "Equal Partners" and "The American Architectural
Landscape." 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Museum of Art*
- Swimming and diving vs. Springfield. 1 p.m., Dalton pool, Ainsworth
- SASA Jam! Sumptuous African and Caribbean dishes. Party follows featuring
African rhythms. Dinner: $5 (party included); party only: $2. Dinner served
5:30-8 p.m.; party, 9 p.m.-1 a.m. 5:30 p.m., Gamut
- Sunday, November 15
- Lectures/Symposia
- Lecture: José Ramos-Horta, 1996 Nobel Peace Prize winner. 3
p.m., Wright auditorium*
- Fine/performing arts/films
- Film: The Scent of Green Papaya. See Friday listing. 2 p.m., Stoddard
- Film: Citizen Kane. See Saturday listing. 7 p.m., Stoddard auditorium*
- Meetings/workshops
- CDO workshop: "Ten Steps to Finding an Internship." 1:15
p.m., CDO
- CDO workshop: "Job Search for Seniors." 2 p.m., CDO
- Feminists of Smith Unite (FSU). "Action and Education." 7
p.m., Women's Resource Center (Davis third floor)
- Religious Life
- Ecumenical Christian Church morning worship and Holy Communion in the
Protestant tradition with Chaplain Douglas Ryniewicz. Coffee hour follows.
All welcome. 10:45 a.m., Chapel*
- Quaker meeting. Meeting for worship begins at 11 a.m. Preceded by informal
discussion at 9:30 a.m. All welcome. Bass 203*
- Roman Catholic Eucharistic liturgy. Sunday supper follows. 4:30 p.m.
Bodman Lounge, Chapel*
- Other events and activities
- CDO open hours. Peer advisers available. 1-4 p.m., CDO
- Ongoing Exhibitions
- Fall Mum Show. Sponsors: the Botanic Gardens. Through November 22.
10 a.m.-4 p.m., Lyman Conservatory*
- "Daphnis and Chloe: Original Woodcuts by Aristide Maillol."
Through January 2. Museum of Art*
- "Vitruvius Rediscovered: Architectural Books of the 16th, 17th
and 18th Centuries." Early printed texts of Vitruvius' De Architectura
and illustrated treatises by Renaissance and Mannerist architects influenced
by him. Through December 15. Neilson Library
- "The American Architectural Landscape." Architectural themes
in 20th-century American art. Ends November 15. Museum of Art
- "Equal Partners: Men and Women Principals in Contemporary Architectural
Practice." Work by 15 American architecture firms founded and run
jointly by women and men. Through December 13. Museum of Art
to top of page

- Getting Your Word Out in AcaMedia
- AcaMedia, which is produced by the Office of College Relations, is
the official vehicle for making announcements within the Smith College
community. By action of the faculty, students are held responsible for
reading AcaMedia's notices and calendar listings.
- Submission Procedures
- Calendar items must be submitted on an Event Service Request Form (ESRF)
preferably on line at but if necessary on
the paper version of the ESRF by mail or fax. (Obtain forms by calling
ext. 2162.) The ESRF is to be used for submitting listings for the Five
College Calendar and local media calendars as well.
- Items for the Notices section of AcaMedia should be submitted by email
to Mary Stanton at
When submitting notices for which the intended audience may not be self-evident,
please indicate whether they apply to the entire Smith community, to faculty
and staff only, or to students only.
- Submit news articles or suggestions for news articles to Ann
Shanahan (
or Eric Weld (
- Deadlines
- Copy is due by 4 p.m. Wednesday for the following week's issue. Late
information cannot be accepted.
- Five College Calendar Deadline
- Entries for the December Five College Calendar must be received by
November 18. Please send entries to Mary Stanton in Garrison Hall (
- Sources of further information, if any, are indicated last in parentheses.
- Blue-Pencil Alert
- All calendar items and notices submitted to AcaMedia are subject to
editing for clarity, brevity and style. Almost none see print exactly as
originally written.
- Smith Wide
- Film Festival Schedule Changes
- The following films have been added to the schedule of Northampton
Film Festival showings on the Smith campus. They will be shown Saturday,
November 7, in McConnell auditorium: Just Another Kid, Integrated Works
and E. 182nd Street, 9:30 a.m.; Swing Bridge, The Legend of Bop City, A
Conversation with Archie Shepp and Sleep, 1 p.m.; and Men are from the
Moon and War Zone, 4:45 p.m. On Sunday, November 8, The Tyrant and Next
Time will be shown in McConnell auditorium instead of Stoddard auditorium
at 4 p.m.
- Talks on Personal Values
- The Helen Hills Hills Chapel has initiated a series of conversations
in which college faculty members tell how their personal commitments and
values relate to their teaching and careers. John Connolly, provost/dean
of the faculty and professor of philosophy, opened the series in September.
William Allan Neilson Professor Ruth Klüger will speak next, at noon
on Thursday, November 12, in Bodman Lounge at the Chapel; lunch will be
provided. Professor Susan Van Dyne of the English department and the Women's
Studies Program will speak Thursday, December 3, also in Bodman Lounge.
- Dean of Religious Life
- The search for a dean of religious life has been reopened by the following
search committee chaired by Maureen Mahoney, dean of the college: Nancy
Asai, associate dean for student affairs; Donna Divine, department of government;
Carolyn Jacobs, School for Social Work and Department of Afro-American
Studies; Robert Merritt, Department of Biological Sciences; Carol Zaleski,
Department of Religion; Katharine Hildebrand AC; Min Kyung Hyun '99; and
Shaneela Malik '99. The committee will periodically update the community
on the progress of the search and welcomes all questions concerning it.
- December Scheduling
- All members of the college community are reminded that events may not
be scheduled during the pre-examination period (December 16-18) and formal
examination period (December 19-22). No events held during these periods
will be announced in AcaMedia.
- SSC/CA Review
- To better serve the scholarly community, the Sophia Smith Collection
and College Archives over the next six weeks will interview a range of
past and present patrons to learn how reference services can be improved.
If you have done research in either collection and are willing to be interviewed
or make suggestions in an informal phone conversation or e-mail, please
call or write Susan Barker (ext. 2971; sbarker@library.
- smith.ed).
- Support S.O.S.
- Get a free medium-sized hot drink with the purchase of any bakery item
November 9-13, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., in the Kaffe Klatsch, Seelye basement.
- Students
- Postponement
- The bowling trip noted in the student appointment calendar for Friday,
November 6, 7 p.m., has been postponed until further notice.
- FAC Tickets
- Twenty tickets at $5 each have been reserved for Smith students for
SKINning the SurFACE, a dance performance by Maura Nguyen Donohue '92 and
"In Mixed Company," Friday, November 13, 8 p.m., Bowker Auditorium,
University of Massachusetts. Donohue and her New York-based dance ensemble
return to the valley with a new exploration of the "hapa"(Hawaiian
for mixed Asian) experience from a Vietnamese-American perspective. The
company's last performance here, in 1996, played to a sold-out audience.
Tickets, which are subsidized by the Smith College Fine Arts Council, may
be purchased at the SGA office, Clark Hall.
- Wiz Tickets
- The Wiz, a funky musical based on The Wizard of Oz, will be performed
by the UMass Music Theatre Guild, a student group. A block of 40 general-admission
tickets at $4 each have been reserved for Smith students at opening night,
Thursday, November 5, 8 p.m., UMass Fine Arts Center Concert Hall. Bus
transportation will be provided for everyone buying a block ticket. Tickets,
subsidized by the Smith FAC , are on sale now at the SGA office, Clark
- International Internships
- The International Internship Fund is designed to enable students, particularly
those in a Junior Year Abroad or Independent Study Abroad program, to pursue
an internship abroad. The internship should provide some practical experience
complementing the student's academic interests. Awards may not exceed $2,000.
A list of previous projects is available at the Office for International
Study, Clark 305 (Elizabeth Lee, ext. 4905).
- Mellon Fellowships
- The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funds fellowships for the first year
of graduate school to help exceptionally promising students prepare for
careers in teaching and scholarship in humanistic studies. The application
request deadline is December 7; applicants must take the GRE by December
1. For more information, see department chairs or inquire at the CDO, Ada
Comstock office or senior class dean's office (23 College Hall).
- Lee Mall Crawl
- On Saturday, November 21, the Office of Student Affairs is sponsoring
its final mall visit of the semester, this one to the outlet mall in Lee,
Massachusetts, which features such stores as J Crew, Nautica, Calvin Klein
and The Gap. The bus will leave John M. Greene Hall at 9 a.m. and head
back to campus at 3 p.m. Sign up (first-come, first-served) Monday-Friday,
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in College Hall 24. Sign-up deadline: noon, November
- Thanksgiving Dinner
- Students staying on campus during Thanksgiving break are invited to
join a local Smith College alumna and her family for a holiday dinner on
Thursday, November 26. Each family hosts two or three students and provides
transportation to and from dinner. To participate, call Cynthia Allen '83
at 665-8547 by November 20.
- NYC Career Consortium
- The NYC Consortium on Careers, being held January 10-13, 1999, is a
chance to explore the world of work in New York City. A cooperative program
between the Smith Club of New York City and the CDO, it offers informational
visits to worksites with alumnae in a variety of career fields and three
nights' lodging in the home of an alumna. There is a $75 fee. Information
and applications are available at the CDO help desk. Application deadline:
November 17.
- Study Abroad Guidelines
- Students may obtain copies of the new booklet about independent study
abroad in 1999-2000 at the Office of International Study, Clark Hall, third
- Native American Program
- The Students for Cultural Survival is sponsoring a presentation on
Native North Americans, "Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future,"
Sunday, November 8, at 7 p.m. in Neilson Browsing Room. Featured will be
a theatrical oration about the native history of New England and a brief
film about issues facing modern-day Native Americans. A discussion will
follow. The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be
served. (
- Students-of-Color Program
- The Sponsors for Educational Opportunity is a mentoring, training and
placement program for promising students of color interested in finding
a corporate summer internship. It uses an intensive application and interviewing
process to place students nationwide in top firms in investment banking,
accounting, asset management, corporate law and management consulting.
An information session on the program will be held November 11 at 7 p.m.
in the Red Room, Converse Hall, Amherst College. Join past Five College
participants as they talk about their experiences and present the materials
needed to apply. Minority sophomores and juniors are strongly encouraged
to attend.
- CDO Deadlines
- Résumés and cover letters are due at the CDO by 4 p.m.
Friday, November 13, for the following organizations: Brown Brothers Harriman,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Goldman Sachs Equities, J.P. Morgan,
MBNA New England, Mitchell Madison Group, National Information Consortium,
Piper Jaffray Inc., Towers Perrin and William Blair & Co. Information,
contact names and job descriptions are available at the CDO and on Ultimate
- CORO Fellowship
- The CORO Fellowship in Public Affairs is a nine-month, full-time, postgraduate
training program. Forty-eight fellows are chosen annually to work in different
fields, environments and locations alongside leaders in a variety of areas.
For applications and more information, call CORO at (212) 248-2935 or see Application deadline: February 5, 1999.
- Health-Services Hiatus
- Health Services will close at noon, Wednesday, November 25, and reopen
at 8:30 a.m., Monday, November 30. Students needing emergency care during
Thanksgiving break should go to Cooley Dickinson Hospital.
- Thanksgiving Housing
- Students wishing to remain on campus during Thanksgiving vacation (Wednesday,
November 25-Sunday, November 19) must complete a vacation-housing request
form in the Office of Student Affairs (College Hall 24) by 4 p.m. Friday,
November 20.
- The following houses will be open during Thanksgiving break: Chase,
Cutter, Dawes, Duckett, Friedman, Gillett, Lamont, Lawrence, Morris, Northrop,
Talbot, Tenney, Tyler, Ziskind and 150 Elm. Students who live in any other
house and who wish to remain on campus during the break must make arrangements
to stay in an open house.
- All dining facilities will close after breakfast on November 25, when
bag-lunch provisions will be available to all students. A modified brunch
for students staying on campus during the break will be offered in Cutter/Ziskind
dining room on November 29.
- A $20 fee will be charged for Thanksgiving-break housing. Half the
fee will help cover the cost of housekeeping; the other half will be refunded
once students return their vacation-period house keys. Keys may be picked
up during regular office hours on November 23 and 24 at the Office of Student
Affairs and must be returned to the Business Office (College Hall 5) by
4 p.m. December 4.
Back to top of page
AcaMedia staff: Ann Shanahan, co-editor; Cathy
Brooks, layout; Mary Stanton, calendar/notices; Eric Sean Weld, co-editor
AcaMedia is published
weekly during the academic year by the Office
of College Relations for the Smith
College community. This version of AcaMedia for the World Wide Web is maintained
by the Office of College Relations. Last update: November 5, 1998.
Copyright © 1998, Smith College. Portions of this publication may
be reproduced with the permission of the Office of College Relations, Garrison
Hall, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts 01063; (413) 585-2170.
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