AMAZAR A word derived from the Spanish amasar and
azar. Amasar
means to knead, to arrange things with a goal in mind, to unite, to
amalgamate; azar signifies chance. Amazar refers to
the proces by which remnants from one's previous works of art are gathered
into new compositions. The term, like fabunir, is both verb
and noun, referring both to the process and to its end product.
AMNESIS Aesthetic amnesia. The application of amnesia
as a poetic and philosophic metaphor rather than its apprehension as
a psychological phenomenon. By extension, a conception of reality
encompassed within the allusion of such metaphor. Amnesis is philosophy
as poetry in the highest degree.
AMNESIS PARADIGMS Works of art as a poetic recreation and reflection of the world, which is thus freed from the biased, warped web of recorded memory or history. The Amnesis paradigm then serves as a new catalyst for action. AMNESIS TIME Time not seen as monolinear, but rather multiple, fragmentary, and coexistent in all its parts (past, present, and imagined future). Hence, ultimately, it is a type of timelessness: an undifferentiated blend of temporal planes. AMNESIS VIEW OF HISTORY A critical view of history as to its factuality, completeness, truth and purpose. Amnesis proposes an ahistory, a post-history, and an intrahistory of immemorality. It does not discard history, rather reexamines history. AMNESIS WORKS OF ART Are fabulations (narratives presented as though they were true), images based on the metaphor of amnesia as the inspiration of their structure and having essential pertinence to human consciousness, to language, an to the precariousness of humanity's present situation. FABUNIR Neologism formed from the Spanish fabulación, fable, and unir, to unite. Thus fabunir refers to the juxtaposition of two or more divergent fictional narratives. INTEROB Neologism derived from the Spanish interacción, interaction, and objeto, object. It indicates a visual and semantic interplay between icons in works of art. LETTER TO AMNESIA A poetic phrase indicating the self-reflexive and indeterminate nature of Amnesis works and which refers to their contextualization within the allegorical space suggested by the metaphors of amnesia and the lost object. A letter to amnesia is an imaginary artifact from our unmemoried past and future. LOST OBJECT The emblematic representation of absence. The lost object presents a dialectic with the blunt materiality of objet trouvEs and readymates, proposing a dematerialization of the world through the imagination. It also implies the creation of de-centered, indeterminate objects of art. More literally, the lost object indicates the loss of things that are near us and, metaphorically, the wittling away of the reality of concrete objects within the contemporary and cultural supranature of technologically developed nations. SPECTACULARIST AMNESIS A term coined by JosE Rodeiro to signify works of art with a baroque vibrancy of iconographic and pictorial drama. |