Present: Eric Brewer, Robert Buchele, Glenn Ellis, Nicholas Howe, Thomas Laughner, Alan Marvelli, Katwiwa Mule, Herb Nickles, Nicholas Russell, and Charles Staelin


Absent:  Eric Loehr



Minutes of December 8, 2006


The minutes of the December 8th meeting were approved as written.


Report of the Faculty Development subcommittee – May workshops


Bob Buchele reported that the subcommittee had met and decided to have a Web 2.0/social computing series with hands-on workshops during the week of exams this spring.  They also will speak with faculty about the types of workshops they want in the future.


Proposal for CET grant initiative process – Tom Laughner


Tom gave the committee a copy of a proposed project development process that is being worked on by his staff in ETS.  After a CET proposal is written and submitted by faculty it will be reviewed by a member of ETS.  Then a clearly defined proposal will be submitted to CET for funding determination.  The grant cycle should provide 1-2 weeks between the grant cutoff date and the CET meeting for the ETS staff to work with faculty on a polished and complete proposal.  The committee thanked Tom for this outline and said that it should make the determination process much smoother.


Proposal to maintain a running list on disposition of ETS issues that have been brought to CET (e.g. photos with Bannerweb class lists) which could be reviewed at each meeting


Nick Howe suggested that when issues are raised at CET meetings, any open requests from faculty should be maintained as a list that could be part of the minutes of the meeting and revisited at following meetings to chart the progress of their resolutions.  Suggested items for this list were:

1)                     Photos with Bannerweb class lists- could there be a project manager on the academic side to help design such a form?

2)                   Why does Banner have to default to prior semesters or periods?  It should be more user-friendly.

Herb said that the committee should be clear that it may take increased staff in Administrative Technology to provide middleware and customizations.  Alan Marvelli said that CET should formally request that the class picture list project move forward and the committee agreed to write such a request and submit it to the Provost/ Dean for Academic Development.


Faculty request to have permanent computers in classrooms (to run PowerPoint and access the Internet)


The committee discussed a request by faculty to have permanent, standardized computer setups in the classrooms that would be able to handle the majority of faculty needs.  Tom noted that this is a discussion that most schools have; it is essential to have equipment standards from the perspective of maintenance and imaging which equals staff time.  He said that ETS is researching the budget implications for stocking the classrooms as well as for renewal and replacement.

There was consensus by the committee to have computers in the classrooms and they felt that there should be a formal recommendation from CET with recognition of the possible budget implications.  They agreed that the following letter should be forwarded by the Chair to the Provost for consideration:

“The CET feels strongly that all classrooms should be equipped with standardized computers.  The Director of ETS will do a feasibility study by the April 13th meeting which will include budgets for this project.”


Proposal to set up a system of ETS/Academic department liaisons


Bob Buchele and Tom Laughner will draft a letter to go to each department chair which will include the benefits of having a departmental liaison with ETS; the chair could either appoint a liaison or be the liaison if the department is small.  Charles Staelin will help create a list of who should receive these letters.  He agreed to bring this idea to the Chairs & Directors meeting.


There will be a new student representative to CET who will hopefully be able to attend the next meeting.


There being no further time for discussion, the meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon.  The next meeting of CET will be March 9th in Stoddard Hall G4 conference room.



Respectfully submitted,

Constance McGinn, recorder