Present: Mary Ellen Birkett, Eric Brewer, John Davis, Chris Gole, Nicholas Howe, Sam Intrator, Thomas Laughner, Gary Lehring, Eric Loehr, Katwiwa Mule, Herb Nickles


Student Representative: Megan Gallo




Minutes of April 27, 2007


The minutes of the April 27th meeting were approved as written.


Introductions and Welcome – Herb Nickles


Herb asked everyone to introduce themselves and say where they work.  Returning from sabbatical are Mary Ellen Birkett, Chris Gole, Sam Intrator, and Gary Lehring.  New members of CET this year are John Davis, Associate Provost/Dean for Academic Development and Megan Gallo, student representative.


Herb then asked if any faculty member wanted to nominate someone to chair the CET this year.  Nick Howe said that he would be willing to act as chair and the committee unanimously voted that he be chair for 2007-2008 academic year.


Discuss the CET grants and the work this committee was doing at the end of last year to rethink grants – Tom Laughner


Tom provided the committee with a summary of the process that had been underway last year:

a)     Grant proposal may be submitted at any time during the year.

b)    Project planning process: Educational Technology staff members meet with faculty to review their grant proposals prior to those proposals coming to CET

c)     ETS can determine if the funding should come through CET or through departmental funds.

Tom had the committee review the document that he prepared describing the new grant process; the committee made a few additions and revisions to the document and it was agreed that Tom would make revisions and email the new document to the committee in advance of the next CET meeting.


Suggest a new sub-committee for Moodle (along with a suggestion to expand its membership beyond CET) – Tom Laughner


Tom suggested that CET host a faculty advisory subcommittee looking at Moodle course management system.  He said that he would like to see the group include non-CET members of the faculty that use and don’t currently use Moodle.  The target size of this committee would be between 8-10 people.  Herb asked who this committee would report to, Sam suggested that there should be student representation, and Chris Gole offered to be a member of this sub-committee.


The committee decided that this was a good opportunity to determine membership in the sub-committees for this academic year. The faculty/staff volunteered as follows:


Moodle:  Chris Gole and Mary Ellen Birkett

Learning Spaces: Gary Lehring, Eric Brewer, Eric Loehr, and Nick Howe

Faculty Development: Sam Intrator and Katwiwa Mule


Tom and the ETS group will work with all of these sub-committees as needed.


Grant proposals


Thomas Ciufo’s request for $6,000 to purchase 6 digital cameras and accessories for use in his digital media classes was approved with the disclaimer that the equipment is to be returned to the CMP (Center for Media Production) at the end of the academic year.  This is the CET policy now that equipment be housed and maintained for service in the CMP when not in academic use.


Don Siegel’s request for $3,750 to purchase 3 additional copies of Dartfish (a biomechanical analysis program) was discussed at much length by the committee.  This is not a new initiative and the committee asked Tom to get more information about whether this software can be keyserved, what will the effect be on athletics in general, whether or not this is a departmental priority and if so, are they prepared to share in the cost, and where will the funding come for future upgrades.  The committee voted that if the responses were to these questions were acceptable, they would approve funding 2/3 of the request and Don should get the department to fund the other 1/3.


The meeting time for this semester was discussed briefly because there are a couple faculty members that have classes just before and right after the meeting and it doesn’t leave much time for lunch.  Herb asked Connie to look into having lunch delivered to each meeting to make this easier for everyone.


The next meeting will be October 31st at 11:00 AM in Stoddard Hall G4 conference room.


Respectfully submitted,

Constance McGinn, recorder