Committee on Educational Technology

11:00-12:00 noon, Thursday, September 10, 2009


Present: Fernando Armstrong-Fumero, Jefferson Hunter, Eric Brewer, Gary Felder, Jamie Hubbard, Thomas Laughner, Eric Loehr, Herb Nickles, Sara Pruss, Roisin O’Sullivan, and Melissa Choyce

Absent: John Davis

Welcome & Introductions

The committee introduced themselves and welcomed this year’s new faculty members, Sara Pruss and Jefferson Hunter.

Herb Nickles gave a brief history as well as duties of the C.E.T. and explained that a committee chair is elected by the faculty each year and that person represents C.E.T. at the I.T.C.C. (Information Technology Coordinating Committee) meetings which are usually held once per semester. He noted that the C.E.T. receives a budget each year but that the budget had been reduced this year by $30,000 to a total of $70,000 for software licenses as well as grant initiatives.

Jamie asked if the committee could re-visit the decision of C.E.T. not to fund software for research projects. He said that there doesn’t seem to be any money available to faculty to fund software.

It was noted that the faculty code for C.E.T. found at needs to be edited to include a representative from the student body on the committee.

Election of C.E.T. Chair for 2009-2010

Jamie Hubbard agreed to continue as chair of C.E.T. for another year and the faculty voted unanimously to approve.

Approval of April 21st minutes

The April 21st minutes were approved as written.

Review of Guidelines for C.E.T. grant initiatives –Tom Laughner

Tom gave the committee copies of the guidelines for Curricular Initiatives in Educational Technology that were approved by C.E.T. on September 19, 2007. He explained what can/cannot be purchased with grant money, how the process works, and what is expected from approved grant recipients.

Discussion of Michael Barresi’s grant proposal

Michael Barresi requested $4,042.00 to purchase video equipment to create a documentary on Stem Cells. One committee member requested that the website be corrected so that a total for requests would be present. Another member noted an obvious need for more video equipment in the C.M.P. (Center for Media Production); each year there are one or two grant requests for such equipment because there just isn’t enough in stock. The committee felt that this was a worthy proposal and voted to approve the purchase after a bit more investigation regarding pricing. Connie will write Michael and ask him to consult with Barbara Pliska and Jeff Heath to find best prices.

Future fall semester CET meetings:

October 8th

November 19th

December 10th

The next meeting will be October 8th in Seelye B4 as will all meetings this fall.

Respectfully submitted,

Constance McGinn, recorder