Committee on Educational Technology

10:00-11:00 AM, Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Present: Eric Loehr, Thomas Laughner, Marnie Anderson, Fraser Stables, Joe O’Rourke, Susannah Howe, Sara Pruss, David Gregory

Absent: Deborah Hass-Wilson

Guest: Kate Lee

Minutes from September 18, 2012

The minutes of the September 18 meeting were approved as submitted.

Digital Media Literacy Program

Kate Lee gave the group a presentation on ETS’ digital media literacy program. The program will run five days during J-Term. Students will apply to the program; only 12 will be accepted.

There was discussion about scalability (how can the program evolve to accommodate more than 12 students? Staff and space constraints), how to reach students who don’t already have some experience with digital media, and how there might be some notation on the student transcript. Joe will talk to CAP about having a certificate noted on the transcript.

David mentioned and asked whether a campus wide license might be helpful. The committee agreed this would be good to have.

Kate will return in the spring to update the group on how January’s program went.

SPSS software license

The new contract has been signed with SPSS. ETS will pay $18000 of the $38000 license this year, will pay 80% next year, and will reduce its share by 20% each year while Psychology picks up more of the cost. Psychology is looking at alternatives to SPSS.

2012 Faculty Learning Community iPad Proposal

Susannah discussed last year’s iPad faculty learning community and their conclusion that the devices are much more useful if all students have one. Currently, faculty in art (Barbara Kellum), geology (John Brady), and education (Sam Intrator) are using iPads with their students. They will be asked to present at a teaching arts luncheon next semester. The iPads being used this semester should be available for students in other classes next semester.

Educause e-Book Call for Proposals

Due to the short time frame and a lack of interest, CET will not pursue Educause’s call for proposals.

Classrooms/Learning Spaces

The ITS strategic plan calls for the enhancement of learning space on campus. A group needs to make a recommendation to David on what should be done. The group expressed an interest in seeing UMass’ team based classrooms.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM; the next meeting is November 20th at 10:00 AM in Seelye B4