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April 18-24

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Featured Event

Liberation Ecology: Shedding Disempowering Ideas to Create the World We Want
April 19, 2010
A lecture by Frances Moore Lappé Activist, author and co-founder of the Small Planet Institute Polar ice is melting even faster than scientists had predicted only a few years ago, and each year we’re losing forest that covers an area as big as Greece. In only a few years, the number of hungry people worldwide has grown by a fifth, which means that hunger now harms more than a billion of us. In this lecture, Frances Moore Lappé explains how we can make a planet-wide turn toward life if we break free of a mental map—a set of reigning but misleading ideas—that disempower us, taking us down, down, down and reinforcing feelings of despair. She will discuss why nothing is more important than examining these disempowering ideas and replacing them with evidence-based ways of seeing that energize us to engage. Frances Moore Lappé is a social change and democracy activist and author, and she is the co-founder of the Small Planet Institute. This lecture is part of the Neilson-Kahn Seminar and the LSS 100 course Issues in Landscape Studies. Immediately following the lecture, Ms. Lappé will sign copies of her two most recent books, Liberation Ecology: Reframing Six Disempowering Ideas that Keep Us from Aligning with Nature, Even Our Own and Getting a Grip 2: Clarity, Creativity and Courage for the World We Really Want.
Wright Hall, Weinstien Auditorium
4:30 pm

Events at Smith

Senior Project Presentations I: Environmental Science & Policy Program
April 20, 2010
Join us to hear the final project presentations from seniors taking EVS 300 Seminar in Environmental Science and Policy. Come for lunch and stay as long as you can.
Dewey Common Room
12:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Daffodil Lectures
April 24, 2010
In this year celebrating the 20th anniversary of Earth Day, and on the heels of the UN Climate Change Conference, come hear more about current climate science and environmental issues in Commonwealth Honors College's inaugural Daffodil Lectures - featuring UMass's own Raymond Bradley, Distinguished Professor of Geosciences, former New York Times environmental reporter Andrew C. Revkin (now a senior fellow at Pace University), and Bron Taylor, Professor of Religion and Nature, University of Florida. To mark Commonwealth Honors College's 10th anniversary, students planted hundreds of daffodils by the Old Chapel over Homecoming Weekend to bloom in time for the Daffodil Lectures and Honors Reunion. Read more about each of the speakers using the link.
Auditorium, Integrated Science Building - Reception Follows
3:00 pm

Events at Smith

Senior Project Presentations II: Environmental Science & Policy program
April 27, 2010
Join us to hear final project presentations by seniors taking EVS 300 Seminar in Environmental Science and Policy. Come for lunch and stay as long as you can.
Campus Center 205
12:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Environmental Activism Panel Discussion for Students
April 26, 2010
How can students bring about environmental change? What jobs are out there and what skill sets are needed? What does the future look like? Students will have a chance to hear from several UMass alums working to bring about environmental change as well as several other distinguished panelists. The panel discussion will be followed by discussion and Q & A and a reception sponsored by Commonwealth College to continue the conversation. More information and panelists will be announced soon.
UMASS, Honors Lounge, Commonwealth College, Goodell Reception follows
3:30 pm

Lecture: Between Earth and Sky: Our Intimate Connection With Trees
April 27, 2010
With Nalini Nadkarni, Professor, Evergreen State College and National Geographic Speaker Nalini Nadkarni has been called “the queen of forest canopy research,” a field that relates directly to three of the most pressing environmental issues of our time: the maintenance of biodiversity, the stability of world climate, and the sustainability of forests. She has spent more than two decades climbing the tall trees of Costa Rica, Papua New Guinea, the Amazon, and the Pacific Northwest. In 1994 she realized that there was no central database for storing and analyzing the research she was gathering, so she invented one. This state-of-the-art repository, called the Big Canopy Database, is credited with speeding cross-disciplinary collaboration just as a common database revolutionized the mapping of the human genome.
UMASS, Amherst, Bowker Auditorium
7:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Lecture: Regenerative Design in the Public Realm
May 5, 2010
With Michael Singer, Michael Singer Studio Michael Singer’s perspective is that of an artist, a creative thinker and problem solver whose work has evolved around questioning assumptions and constantly looking at why things are the way they are and how they might benefit from different points of view. Michael Singer’s Studio uses an integrative design process as a way to recognize the systems of a place, respond specifically to that place, and gather information and direction from naturalists, biologists, engineers, scientists, social anthropologists, historians, economists, other professionals and communities about how a project can innovatively address environmental, social, political, and economic concerns, as well as provide solutions that promote regenerative outcomes.
UMASS, Amherst, Cape Cod Lounge, Student Union
3:30 pm