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October 3-9

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October 17-23

Events at Smith

Operation WALLACEA research program- Information Session
October 5, 2010
Come to this information session to find out how to join a biodiversity research program this summer. OpWall has 21 research programs in 10 countries with over 100 research topics suitable for theses or special studies. Opportunities include working in field DNA labs, on research ships, in the rainforest canopy and more. Bring your own lunch.
Bass Hall room 102
12:00 pm

Brownbag: Getting Started with a Career in Environmental Leadership
October 7, 2010
Over the coming decades, your generation must rewire the world with clean energy, redesign every city on earth, and reimagine the global food system—all in the service of building a just and sustainable future. Join the Director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy to explore environmental grad school options in general, and in particular, the innovative Bard Masters Degree options in Environmental Policy and, our new MS degree in Climate Science and Policy. Bard’s programs feature integrated interdisciplinary study of science, law, policy and economics, and an extended 4-6 month internship. We offer joint degrees with the Peace Corps, Pace Law School, and Bard MAT. Bring your own lunch.
Bass Hall 102
12:00 pm

Events Off Campus

North Quabbin 12th Annual Garlic and Arts Festival
October 3, 2010
Two days of peace, love, and garlic! Visit the website (below) for the full schedule.
Forsters Farm, 60 Chestnut Hill Road, Orange, MA
10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Anna Lappe: Diet for a Hot Planet
October 6, 2010
Anna Lappé will read from and sign Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do About It. Beyond what we already know about "food miles" and eating locally, the global food system is a major contributor to climate change, producing as much as one-third of greenhouse gas emissions. How we farm, what we eat, and how our food gets to the table all have an impact. Our government and the food industry are willfully ignoring the issue rather than addressing it. Lappé helps readers understand that food can be a powerful starting point for solutions to global environmental problems.
Gamble Auditorium, Mount Holyoke College
7:30 pm

Landscape and Urbanism NOT Landscape Urbanism: A 40 year Perspective
October 7, 2010
A lecture by Alistair Macintosh, Principal, Sasaki Associates. The fourth in the Ervin Zube Series.
UMass, Amherst, Procopio Room, 105 Hills North
4:00 pm

Events at Smith

Green Team Meeting!
October 14, 2010
The Green Team is a coalition of faculty, staff and students dedicated to fostering sustainability at Smith by educating and supporting the campus community in efficient use of finite natural resources, attaining the greatest possible efficiencies and preventing pollution. All are welcome to join the team or come to a meeting to propose your ideas to the group.
Campus Center 102
12:00 pm

Building Sustainable Futures: Empowering Rural Zambian Communities Brick By Brick
October 15, 2010
Erinn McGurn '94, Founder and Executive Director of SCALEAfrica, will discuss her work building sustainable primary schools in rural Zambia. With a focus on active community participation and the use of local resources, both natural and human, SCALE seeks to empower students, particularly girls, as a means of eradicating poverty and the serious public health issues that plague sub-Saharan Africa. Sponsored by the Department of Art, First Year Programs, and the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design & Sustainability (CEEDS). Food will be provided.
Neilson Library Browsing Room
12:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Climate Change on Svalbard's Icy Margins
October 13, 2010
A lecture by UMass Professor Julie Brigham-Grette about climate-change research being undertaken by American students in the northernmost reaches of Norway. Brigham-Grette is co-director of the NSF-sponsored REU, a geoscientific field immersion experience for undergraduates on the arctic island of Svalbard. The highly competitive program, which accepts only six Americans per year, focuses on understanding how high-latitude glaciers, melt-water streams, and sedimentation in lakes and fjords respond to changing climate. Her presentation, "Arctic Research Immersion at Svalbard's Icy Margins," will highlight the 2009 field season there.
Goessman Room 20, University of Massachusetts Amherst
4:30 pm

Interfaith Environmental Coalition gathering
October 13, 2010
Environmental disasters due to climate change are here on our planet to stay, and yet the world’s religions have not yet worked together in a coordinated effort to slow down the changes. With some eighty percent of all people claiming a religious affiliation, we think the time has come to work together to this end. We envision one or two members of every faith congregation coming together to make plans for various events that address the issue of climate change. We would like to invite interested persons to join us.
First Congregational Church at 165 Main Street in Amherst.
7:00 pm

panel: The Business of Sustainability: Shifting the Corporate Agenda
October 23, 2010
Join the UMass Amherst chapters of Net Impact and National Association of Women MBA's (NAWMBA) on October 23rd for "The Business of Sustainability: Shifting the Corporate Agenda," a panel discussion focused on how sustainability is becoming a competitive advantage and differentiator for companies across industries. The panel will feature Valerie Smith, Vice President of Corporate Responsibility at Citigroup; Kathrin Winkler, Vice President of Corporate Sustainability at EMC, and Eric Lowitt, Manager at Deloitte Consulting. Bill Baue, Co-Founder and Contributor at Sea Change Media, will moderate the discussion. A networking breakfast will be hosted for interested students and professionals. Register at the link below.
9:00 AM, Marriott Room at UMass Campus Center, 11th Floor
9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Events at Smith

MacLeish Field Station trail development
October 21, 2010
We are in the process of building a single track trail network at Smith's Field Station in West Whately. These trails is envisioned not only as access to research sites by faculty and students, but also as recreational trails for use by everyone in the Smith community for hiking, xc skiing, snowshoeing and mtn biking). Join us to learn how to build sustainable trails and see the local area at the same time. Work times will be short 2-3 hour sessions- either 3-6pm or 4-6pm- back for dinner. Email sjohnson at to RSVP, get more info, and find out where to join the group.
MacLeish Field Station, Whately

Sustainability & System Design
October 21, 2010
a lunchtime talk with Richard White, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy, Smith College. The talk will touch briefly on definitions of sustainability and focus on the challenges of unsustainability. It will outline essential elements of a sustainable economic system, with particular attention to systems approaches to meeting human and ecological needs on a finite planet. Pizza lunch served. All welcome.
Ford Hall Case Study Room (FH240)
12:10 pm

Events Off Campus

5K for Farmland
October 17, 2010
Run a 5K in support of preserving farmland. All registration fees for the race go to The Kestrel Trust.
Hadley's historic farming area in the Great Meadow
10:00 am

Why Our Political Institutions and Leaders Won't Protect Us from Climate Change, and
October 18, 2010
How We Can Make Them, a lecture by Kevin Knobloch, President, Union of Concerned Scientists and UMass Amherst alum. Free and open to the public. Please join us.Please join us for this important lecture. It is free and open to the public.
Student Union Ballroom, Student Union, UMASS, Amherst
1:15 pm

The Beehive Collective:
October 20, 2010
A high-energy “picture-lecture,” “Dismantling Monoculture” is an anthology of three educational, visual narratives that illuminate the connections between colonization, militarization, and industrial development in the Americas. To create the graphics, the Beehive interviewed hundreds of community members about the effects of globalization on their lives. The Bees craft these stories into visual metaphors, weave them together in a patchwork “quilt,” and lead audiences through a larger-than-life banner version of the graphic. These events are sponsored by Food for Thought Books, Community Partnerships for Social Change, the Humanities program, the Film/Video/Photo program, and the First-Year Program. For more information, please contact or mhardesty@hampshire.eduSee
West Lecture Hall of FPH, Hampshire College
7:00 pm

The Beehive Collective: “The True Cost of Coal”
October 21, 2010
Two years in the making, “The True Cost of Coal” is an elaborate narrative illustration that explores the complex story of mountaintop removal coal mining and the broader impacts of coal in Appalachia and beyond. This event is also free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Javiera Benavente at or Michele Hardesty at mhardesty@hampshire.eduSee More
Food For Thought Books at 106 N. Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA.

UMass Graduate School Exploration Event
October 23, 2010
Exploring Graduate Studies at the Interfaces of Engineering, Physical and Life Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst Mingle with faculty, graduate students, and representatives from more than 10 departments and interdisciplinary graduate programs. Enjoy a complimentary luncheon and graduate poster session. Gain valuable insights from a Graduate Student Panel, hear tips about the application process, and learn about a variety of competitive UMass funding opportunities, including opportunities for PAID summer research experiences! This event is FREE, but space is limited and pre-registration is strongly encouraged to insure a spot at the luncheon. Visit the website below:
UMASS Amherst Campus Center (room 163 C)