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February 6-12

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February 20-26

Events at Smith

Information Session: Interested in the oceans and ocean policy?
February 9, 2011
Come to learn about this year's National Council for Science and the Environment: Our Changing Oceans Conference in Washington D.C! Student attendees will briefly discuss current developments in the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill, the opening of the Arctic, and other policy issues presented at the conference. They will also discuss how you can attend next year's conference on the environment and global security.
Campus Center 103/104
12:00 pm

Webinar: Beyond Apocalypse: Centering justice in climate education and activism
February 9, 2011
In this talk Betsy Hartmann and Katie McKay Bryson of the Population and Development Program (PopDev) at Hampshire College will describe their work to bridge divides between educators and activists as well as between different social movements to build a stronger constituency for justice-centered climate policies in the United States. PopDev’s climate-related activities include college courses, high school curricular materials, scholarly and popular publications, and workshops and convenings that bring students, activists and policymakers together. PopDev has a critical perspective on apocalyptic population and security narratives about climate change that place blame on poor people and immigrants from the Global South. Instead, our organization promotes a positive vision of change grounded in reproductive and environmental justice, as well as in the belief that only a fundamentally diverse climate movement can achieve effective and equitable climate policy in the U.S. Presented by the New England Faculty Colloquium: Climate Change, Policy, and Energy Solutions.
Webinar in the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS), garden-level, Wright Hall
2:30 pm

Lecture: Mount Tom Power Plant: How Does the Valley Get Its Energy?
February 9, 2011
Dick Stein and Peter Vickery will talk about the Mount Tom Power Plant's future, in particular how the plant is looking into changing over to natural gas, and what that would mean for the planet and our community. Part of Mountain Justice Month sponsored by Smith's Students for Social Justice and Institutional Change (SSJIC) and the Western Mass Coalition for Justice in Appalachia.
Graham Hall
4:30 pm

The Green Zone- The Environmental Costs of Militarism
February 9, 2011
Join us to hear from Barry Sanders, author author of "The Green Zone: The Environmental Costs of Militarism" and professor emeritus of history at Pitzer College. In "The Green Zone," Sanders examines the environmental impact of U.S. military interventions overseas. In a period of scrutiny surrounding the social and economic impacts of the defense policies of the U.S. government,Sanders explores a completely different aspect of the situation and positions military activity as the single-greatest contributor to the worldwide environmental crisis, looking at everything from fuel emissions to radioactive waste to defoliation campaigns. Sponsored by the APJ War & Environment Committee and the Smith College Environmental Science and Policy Program.
Neilson Library Browsing Room, Smith College
7:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Lecture: Race and the Science of Love:
February 7, 2011
Reframing the Problem of Compulsory Monogamy for Feminism. A talk by Angela Willey, (Ph. D. Women's Studies, Emory University). Currently LGBT Studies Post-Doctoral Fellow in Women and Gender Studies, Carleton College.
Campus Center 917, UMass
5:00 pm

Lecture: Climate Change Avatars: Virtual Bodies in the Fight for the Future
February 8, 2011
Eban Goodstein, a national leader in climate change education will be speaking on the science, economics and politics of global warming. Focusing on his experiences at the December 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference, his lecture will include information about local and global impacts of climate change and energy legislation pending before Congress.
Mount Holyoke College's Hooker Auditorium
7:30 pm

Lecture: Beyond Apocalypse: Centering justice in climate education and activism
February 9, 2011
In this talk Betsy Hartmann and Katie McKay Bryson of the Population and Development Program (PopDev) at Hampshire College will describe their work to bridge divides between educators and activists as well as between different social movements to build a stronger constituency for justice-centered climate policies in the United States. PopDev’s climate-related activities include college courses, high school curricular materials, scholarly and popular publications, and workshops and convenings that bring students, activists and policymakers together. PopDev has a critical perspective on apocalyptic population and security narratives about climate change that place blame on poor people and immigrants from the Global South. Instead, our organization promotes a positive vision of change grounded in reproductive and environmental justice, as well as in the belief that only a fundamentally diverse climate movement can achieve effective and equitable climate policy in the U.S. Presented by the New England Faculty Colloquium: Climate Change, Policy, and Energy Solutions.
Hampshire College- ELab II Room 115

Lecture: The Once and Future New England Mill Town: A Literary Interpretation
February 10, 2011
John Mullin, Professor of Regional Planning and Director of the Center for Economic Development will be giving a talk as part of UMASS Amherst's Ervin Zube Lecture Series, which seeks enrich the local academic community in areas of landscape architecture and planning.
UMASS- Procopio Room, 105 Hills North.
4:00 pm

Lecture: The Genomics of Human Difference
February 10, 2011
A talk with Catherine Bliss, (Ph. D. Sociology, New School for Social Research). Currently postdoctoral fellow in Africana Studies and Science and Technology Studies, Brown University
Campus Center 917, UMass
5:00 pm

Student Interest: Green Team Meeting
February 17, 2011
Green Team is the action arm of the Smith College Committee on Sustainability. We are a coalition of faculty, staff, and students dedicated to implementing sustainable initiatives at Smith. If you want to be part of Smith’s green story, we welcome you to join us for lunch every other Thursday!
Campus Center 102
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

February 17, 2011
"How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming” with Naomi Oreskes, an important historian of science whose work has helped distinguish propaganda presented to the public as legitimate science from the true scientific consensus. Professor of History and Science Studies at the University of California, San Diego, and Adjunct Professor of Geography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Oreskes' research focuses on consensus and dissent in science.
Weinstien Auditorium, Wright Hall, Smith College
7:30 pm

Events at Smith

Lecture: From Theory to Models: Human-Environment Analysis in Massachusetts and Beyond
February 14, 2011
Please join the Environmental Science and Policy Program for a lecture with postdoctoral candidate Stephen McCauley, Ph.D., Clark University. A pizza lunch will be provided, but please bring your own beverages.
McConnell 103
12:10 pm to 1:10 pm

Lecture: Get rich and save the planet? Biodiversity, economic prosperity, and conservation policy
February 16, 2011
Please join the Environmental Science and Policy Program for a lecture with postdoctoral candidate Julianne Mills, Ph.D., Davidson College. A pizza lunch will be provided, but please bring your own beverages.
McConnell 103
12:10 pm to 1:10 pm

Film Screening and Talk: Black Diamonds: Mountain Top Removal and the Fight for Coal Field Justice
February 16, 2011
Catherine Pancake, Director/Producer of the film Black Diamonds: Mountain Top Removal and the Fight for Coal Field Justice is coming to screen her film and host a post screening discussion. This film deals with issues of the ethics of mountain top removal, mtr 101, and environmental justice. Part of Mountain Justice Month sponsored by Smith's Students for Social Justice and Institutional Change (SSJIC) and the Western Mass Coalition for Justice in Appalachia.
Graham Hall
4:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Lecture: Sunburnt Cities: Urban Planning and Design for Shrinkage in the American Sunbelt
February 17, 2011
Justin Hollander, Associate Professor at Tufts University will be speaking as part of UMASS Amherst's Ervin Zube Lecture Series, which exists to enrich the the local academic community by presenting lectures on topics in landscape architecture and planning.
UMASS- Procopio Room, 105 Hills North
4:00 pm

Author Talk: Rick Bass
February 17, 2011
The Miller Worley Center for the Environment, Environmental Studies Program, and English Department of Mount Holyoke College, and the Odyssey Bookshop present a talk with novelist Rick Bass. Mr. Bass is a noted nature writer and environmental activist whose stories convey a deep reverence for nature, providing reasoned benefits of preserving wilderness areas. His memoir, Why I Came West (2009), was a finalist for a National Book Critics Circle Award.
Mount Holyoke- Hooker Auditorium, Class Laboratory
7:30 pm

Events at Smith

Lecture: Land-cover change and carbon sequestration in coffee agroforests
February 21, 2011
and tropical forests in Guatemala. Please join the Environmental Science and Policy Program for a lecture with postdoctoral candidate Mikaela Schmitt-Harsh, Ph.D., Indiana University-Bloomington. A pizza lunch will be provided, but please bring your own beverages.
McConnell 103
12:10 pm to 1:10 pm

Film and Talk: Burning the Future: Coal in America
February 23, 2011
David Novack, Director/Producer of the film Burning the Future: Coal in America is coming to screen his film and host a post screening discussion. This film deals with issues of the ethics of mountain top removal, MTR 101, and environmental justice. Part of Mountain Justice Month sponsored by Smith's Students for Social Justice and Institutional Change (SSJIC) and the Western Mass Coalition for Justice in Appalachia.
Graham Hall
4:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Lecture: Global Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystems Function
February 24, 2011
Please join the Environmental Science and Policy Program for a lecture with postdoctoral candidate Jae Pasari, Ph.D., University of California- Santa Cruz. A pizza lunch will be provided, but please bring your own beverages.
McConnell 103
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Student Interest: Green Team Committee Meetings
February 24, 2011
Interested in fostering sustainability at Smith? Come to a Green Team meeting to find out how you can be a part of this work! The Green Team is a coalition of faculty, staff and students which educates and supports the campus community in efficient use of finite natural resources. Come to a committee meeting to work on a specific project involving Transportation, Waste Reduction, Event/PR, and Dining issues.
CEEDS, Wright Hall, Garden Level, Room 005
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Job Information Session: U.S. PIRG
February 24, 2011
Come meet with alumna Alana Miller '10 to discuss employment opportunities with U.S.PIRG. U.S.PIRG is a federation of state-based public interest advocacy groups which organizes around various environmental issues, from advocating for policies that will ensure the safe food and water, to researching the solutions to challenging issues like balancing the federal budget. U.S.PIRG is currently hiring over 100 graduating seniors to jump in and make a critical impact as a campus organizer or in our fellowship program.
Campus Center 003
6:30 pm

Bike Mechanics Workshop: Wheels and Tires
February 26, 2011
Bike Kitchen presents the first workshop of a four week long series. Come out to learn all about flat tire repair, wheel anatomy, and truing a tire. No experience necessary! Come for all or just part of the workshop! All workshops are FREE and open to all students (including Five College students), faculty, and staff.
The Bike Kitchen, Basement of Ainsworth Gym
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Lecture: Beyond Coal Campaign
February 24, 2011
Mark Kresowik of the Sierra Club and Drew Grande with Beyond Coal will talk about their organization's work to promote alternatives to coal-fired power plants that produce a range of problems nationally and locally. For example, air toxins such as mercury, arsenic, and lead are by-products of coal burning and known threats to public health, contributing to problems ranging from childhood asthma to cancer and birth defects. Coal-powered plants are also estimated to contribute up to 30% of the pollution leading to climate change.
UMASS Amherst, Gordon Hall, 3rd Floor Conference Rm
1:00 pm