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November 6-12

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November 20-26

Featured Event

Talk Back Tea: Discussion of the Otelia Cromwell Day Presentor
November 11, 2011
Have you ever left a lecture or presentation wishing there was more time to discuss what you just heard? The Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS) is hosting the first Talk Back Tea of the semester. Now you have the opportunity to come discuss your reactions, share your perspectives, or ask additional questions regarding the Otelia Cromwell speaker, Harriet Washington's presentation.
CEEDS, Wright Hall
4:15 pm to 5:15 pm

Events Off Campus

Plastic Ocean: How a Sea Captain's Chance Discovery Launched a Determined Quest to Save the Oceans
November 7, 2011
Captain Charles Moore will speak on his newest book Plastic Ocean: How a Sea Captain's Chance Discovery Launched a Determined Quest to Save the Oceans. The speech will be followed by a Q&A session and a book signing with Odyssey Bookshop. Captain Charles Moore is the founder of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation, a seafaring environmental researcher and an internationally recognized pollution expert and activist. In 1997, while he was skipper of the Oceanographic Research Vessel Alguita, Moore discovered two million square miles of plastic in the North Pacific Ocean. In his book, he recounts returning to the site multiple times in the following years, collecting samples and exploring the area.
Gamble Auditorium, Mount Holyoke College
7:30 pm

FAST TALK ABOUT FOOD: Lightning Talks and Networking
November 9, 2011
Showcasing the work of the Pioneer Valley higher education community on food, agriculture and food systems. WHAT'S THE PURPOSE? To create a stronger network of those involved in one of the Valleyıs premier sectors - higher education - and involved in a variety of food-related topics. We hope to build a stronger community of interest which gives rise to new opportunities for learning, research and action. A series of five-minute presentations Facilitated networking experience A simple meal of local origins will be served at 5:30PM Transportation available: Contact Sarah Loomis ( 413-585-3352 Sponsored by PVGrows and its Higher Education Working Group, with support from the UMass Center for Agriculture. For more information about PVGrows visit:
Smith Vocational & Agricultural High School, Northampton
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

American Prospect: Decline and Rebirth
November 10, 2011
The Miller Worley Center for the Environment presents James Gustave Speth, one of the founding leaders of the environmental movement in the United States. He will deliver the the lecture, "American Prospect: Decline and Rebirth," which is part of the International Environmental Governance lecture series. Speth is the cofounder of the Natural Resources Defense Council, a former chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality under President Jimmy Carter, and founder of the World Resources Institute. This event is free and open to the public
Gamble Auditorium, Art Building, Mount Holyoke College
7:30 pm

Featured Event

ES&P Lunchbag- Meat and Meaning: How Adult Onset Hunters talk about the Hunt
November 16, 2011
Please join us over the lunch hour for a presentation by Tovar Cerulli, PhD candidate, UMASS Dept. of Communications. Some non-hunters- and even some anti-hunters- take up hunting later in life. What do they say the pursuit means to them? What does hunting have to do with their ideas and feelings about: Nature and ecology? Food and animals? Living in a meaningful and responsible way?
Bass 102
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm

Final Call for Art Submissions!
November 18, 2011
Reminder that Monday November 28th is the FINAL deadline to submit your work to the first CEEDS Art Contest. The winner will receive a prize and will have their work featured in CEEDS. The theme is the interaction between human and landscape. Interpret it as broadly and creatively as you like! Submissions can be made digitally to Sarah Loomis, or you can drop it off at CEEDS.
CEEDS, Wright Hall
12:00 am

Farmageddon: A Documentary by Kristin Canty
November 13, 2011
Come join in for a benefit for Grow Food Northampton. Filmmaker Kristin Canty will be screening her documentary "Farmageddon" and will be answering questions after the screening. The tickets are $8.00 in advance and $10.00 at the door. For advance purchasing go to the Academy of Music, Cooper's Corner, Go Berry, & State Street Market.
Academy of Music
7:00 pm

White Nose Syndrome and Our Bat Populations
November 17, 2011
A lecture with Ann Froschauer, US Fish & Wildlife Service. The white nose syndrome is a disease is devastating our native bat populations across New England and North America. Ann works to support research efforts on the syndrome and coordinates bat conservation efforts region-wide. She will review the history of this epidemic, talk about the biology and causes of the disease, and discuss strategies for bat conservation. Come learn about this important environmental problem and what is being done to help bats. There will be plenty of time for questions. Pre-registration required; please call 413-256-6006. Donation requested. (All donations go to research the white nose syndrome.)
Hitchcock Center 525 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Events at Smith

Info Session: Vermont Law School
November 14, 2011
Interested in political science or law? Vermont Law School (VLS) offers a one year masters degree in environmental law and policy in addition to several different law degree programs. Come ask questions or find out more about what we have to offer from VLS Admissions Counselor Tim Clark.
CEEDS, Wright Hall garden-level
4:15 pm

Committee on Sustainability Meeting
November 16, 2011
The Committee on Sustainability is concerned with the best long-term use of finite natural resources and the college's impact on the local, regional and global environment. It meets regularly during the academic year. Meetings are open to all members of the Smith community.
Wright Hall 002
12:10 pm to 1:10 pm

Trail Building at the MacLeish Field Station
November 16, 2011
Learn sustainable trail building techniques, erosion control and more! Scott Johnson will be driving up to Whately for trail building every Wednesday afternoon until Thanksgiving break. Meet at the boathouse at 3pm. Return by 5/6pm. Dress for the woods and weather conditions of the day. We'll be going rain or shine. Any questions-contact Scott Johnson: or ext. 3445
Trip leaves from the boathouse
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Coldham and Hartman: The Living Building Challenge- Why Bother?
November 15, 2011
Come hear architect Bruce Coldham speak on his latest project, Smith College's environmental classroom which is scheduled to be begin construction this fall. Bruce will explain the Living Building Challenge, the most advanced measures of sustainability in the built environment, and discuss why this project hopes to achieve Living Building status.
UMASS Amherst- Cape Code Lounge
4:00 pm

It's Our Future! Youth Speak Out to Save the Environment and the Earth
November 18, 2011
Youth speak out about the environment using poetry, prose, hip-hop,music (singing a capella, with guitar, etc.), dance, art, sculpture, video, skits, and stand-up comedy An opportunity for people of all ages in the community to listen to young people between ages 8 and 25 express what they think about climate change and other environmental threats, and their hope and vision for a more just and ecologically sustainable economy and society. At the Northampton Center for the Arts across from the Academy of Music. Dance with local bands Sun Parade and Lux Deluxe starts at 9:30PM To Benefit: Beyond Coal Campaign, Sierra Club and Pioneer Valley Climate Action
Northampton Center for the Arts
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Events at Smith

Lecture: Research on the Edge: Plant Distribution Limits and Climate Change
November 21, 2011
Join us for a Life Sciences Colloquium series talk on Monday afternoon. Refreshments are served before the talk starting at 4:00 the McConnell foyer; the talk starts at 4:30 p.m. in McConnell 103.
McConnell 103
4:00 pm