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September 21-27

September 28- Oct 4

October 5-11

Featured Event

Film Screening: "The Last Mountain"
September 25, 2012
Come watch this documentary about mountain-top coal mining and get to know other Smithies interested in environmental issues of all sorts. Sponsored by the Green Team!
The Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS), Wright Hall lower level
7:00 pm

Events at Smith

Foraging Walk with Blanche Derby
September 21, 2012
Wild Edibles Walk around campus with local forager Blanche Cybele Derby followed by a light snack. Meet at CEEDS and then take a stroll around Smith's campus. Dress for the weather. Rain Date: Wed Sept 26 Same time/place. This event is free and open to the public.
CEEDS, Wright Hall
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

SEA Tabling: Elizabeth Dorr
September 24, 2012
Looking for an adventure? Spend a semester sailing the high seas, conducting research, and having the experience of a lifetime. Come learn more about SEA Semester's study abroad field programs in marine and environmental studies. Elizabeth Dorr, an admissions counselor from SEA Semester, will be tabling in the Campus Center. Stop by to learn more, pick up information, and ask questions. Hope to see you there!
Campus Center - Lower Level
11:00 am to 1:00 pm

ENV100 Lecture Series: Diana Cornely
September 24, 2012
Join us for the third speaker in the ENV100 Notes from the Field Lecture Series. Diana Cornely, Senior Analyst, Jones Lang LaSalle, will give a talk. Topic: Sustainability in Corporate Real Estate. This is free and open to the public.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Microbial interactions with plastic marine debris: Life in the "Plastisphere"
September 24, 2012
Join us for a tea and cookies and a stay for a talk by Dr. Erik Zettler, Assoc. Dean for Institutional Relations and Research, Sea Education Association Tea and cookies are served at 4 p.m. in the McConnell Foyer. Part of the Life Sciences Colloquium series.
McConnell 103
4:30 pm

Bike Kitchen Open House!
September 25, 2012
Join the members of the Smith College Bicycle Kitchen for some music, snacks, and information during our Open House! Come check out our space, learn about our upcoming workshop series, and see how YOU can get involved!
Talbot House Basement
11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Urban Farmers and Rural Cosmopolitans
September 27, 2012
Join Lisa Heldke, professor of philosophy at Gustavus Aldophus College, as she discusses ‘Urban Farmers and Rural Cosmopolitans’. A reception will follow the event.
Seelye 201
5:00 pm

Bicycle Maintenance Workshop Series
September 27, 2012
Come over to the the Bicycle Kitchen, located in the basement of Talbot house, for the first part of our six-part workshop series on bicycle maintenance! A professional female bike mechanic will be teaching those who attend about the anatomy of the bicycle, how to repair a flat tire, and how to true a wheel. Come learn about DIY bike repairs! Check out our website ( for the other workshop topics.
Talbot House Basement
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Interested in Sustainable Food? Get Involved with Grow Food Northampton!
September 22, 2012
Grow Food Northampton, a local non-profit dedicated to promoting food security by advancing sustainable agriculture in Northampton, MA is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to install hedgerow - 7500' of mostly edible woody plants along the street frontage of the garden for windbreak and food. No previous experience necessary. Contact Gaby Immerman ( for details.
Nothampton Community Garden, Meadow Street, Florence Mass

Vermont Yankee Meltdown: What Will We Do? Lessons from Fukushima
September 24, 2012
Forum headlined by Ira Helfand, M.D., co-founder of the national Physicians for Social Responsibility, emergency physician from Springfield, recently returned from conferences in Japan. He will share information and insights on the consequences and implications of the nuclear reactor disasters at Fukushima. Deb Katz, co-founder of Citizens Awareness Network, will provide additional information, helping to apply “the lessons” to our local nuclear power plant, Vermont Yankee.
Greenfield Community College, One College Drive, Stinchfield Lecture Hall
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Lecture: Siting……….Transportation Manufacturing Facility
September 27, 2012
The 'Siting......Transportation Manufacturing Facility' lecture with John Mullin, Henry Renski, and Jonathan Cooper. Light refreshments will be served. This is part of the Ervin Zube lecture series.
UMASS Procopio Room, 105 Hills North
4:00 pm

Featured Event

Dr. Tim Coles of Operation Wallacea on Campus
September 28, 2012
Operation Wallacea will be visiting campus to present “The Importance of Biodiversity Monitoring in Conservation: Research Opportunities” by Dr. Tim Coles, OBE. The lecture will briefly cover aspects of biodiversity monitoring and conservation management such as animal population survey techniques and population control as well as how to use data sets for REDD+ applications. Opportunities for involvement in Operation Wallacea research programs will also be discussed.
Bass 102
4:30 pm

Presentation of the Environmental Concentration:
October 1, 2012
Join us over the lunch hour at CEEDS to learn more about the concentration in Sustainable Food! Lunch provided.
The Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS)
12:15 pm

Events at Smith

ENV100 Lecture Series: Gidon Eshel
October 1, 2012
Join us for the fourth speaker in the ENV100 Notes from the Field Lecture Series. Gidon Eshel, Environmental Fellow at Bard College and a statistician who grew up working on a dairy farm on an Israeli Kibbutz will give a talk, "Environmental Desirability of Daily Choices: Myths vs. Facts, and the Paramount Importance of Calculating." This is free and open to the public.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Changing the way we eat: A TED talks streamed series
October 2, 2012
The Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS) streams, "Changing the Way We Eat" a TED talks series sponsored by the Glynwood Institute. Streaming every first Tuesday of the month over the lunch hour. Begins October 2nd. October 2nd features talks by: Dr. David Wallinga, Senior Advisor in Science, Food and Health at Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, “Raising Pigs & Problems: Saying No to Antibiotics in Animal Feed.” Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, Food and Water Watch, “Who Pays the Farm Bill?” Dr. Robert S. Lawrence, Professor of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, “Effects of High Meat Diet on Public Health” Tuesday November 6th featuring talks by: Urvashi Rangan, Senior Scientist and Director at Consumers Union, “From Fables to Labels” Fred Kirschenmann, Leopold Center Distinguished Fellow, “Soil: From Dirt to Lifeline” Michelle Hughes, “Local Food, Immigrant Farmers” Tuesday December 4th featuring talks by: Mitchell Davis, “Tasting Our Way to a Better Food System” Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of the Humane Society of the US, “Animal Factories and the Abuse of Power” Howard Hinterthuer, Peer-to-Peer Mentor in the Organic Therapy Program at the Wisconsin-based Center for Veterans Partysues, “Veteran’s Food Production Program”
CEEDS, Wright Hall
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Green Team Meeting
October 2, 2012
Interested in getting involved in environmental initiatives here at Smith? Join with other students, faculty, and staff to make a difference! Each year the Green Team chooses the initiatives they want to focus on. Come get involved.
CEEDS - Wright Hall
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Williams-Mystic Study Away table
October 3, 2012
Williams-Mystic is a unique one-semester program focused on studying the world's oceans. We believe there is no better way to learn than to engage and explore, blending the boundaries of academic disciplines to form an interdisciplinary, immersive, and hands-on experience. Earning 18 credit hours from Williams-College, students travel the country sailing on a tall ship, road tripping the West Coast, and then traveling to the Louisiana Bayou. We are currently accepting applications for Spring 13, Fall 13, and Spring 14. We accept students in their sophomore, junior, or senior year and have financial aid and scholarship packages available. Please come see us at any info table!
Campus Center lower-level
11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Sara Carlson: Operation Wallacea
October 3, 2012
Operation Wallacea is a network of academics from European and North American universities, who design and implement biodiversity and conservation management research programmes. Come join Sara Carlson, to hear about her experiences in the field.
CEEDS, Wright Hall
4:00 pm

Sustainability Grad School and Careers Brown Bag Lunch
October 4, 2012
Interested in talking about grad school and careers in sustainability? Next Thursday at noon, Dr. Eban Goodstein, an economist and Director of the Center for Environmental Policy at Bard College will be on campus and is interested in talking with students about these issues. Goodstein heads up three graduate programs at Bard: MS Degree programs in Environmental Policy and Climate Science and Policy, and a new MBA in Sustainability based in NYC. The programs feature real world engagement through extended internships and consultancies, and there are options to combine a masters degree with Peace Corps service, as well as joint programs with Pace Law School, and Bard's MAT program. Goodstein is happy to talk with you about Bard specifically, but also more generally about careers in green business and policy. Bring your own lunch.
CEEDS-Wright Hall
12:00 pm

Featured Event

Register NOW! J-term Workshop in Environmental Leadership
October 11, 2012
Around for J-Term and interested in connecting with leaders in the world of sustainability? Register for the J-Term Workshop in Environmental Leadership at Amherst College! The workshop takes place January 13th -18th. This week long workshop is intended to inform interested students about the ways people from all walks of life are endeavoring to make a difference. The workshop will feature graduates from Smith, Amherst, Mt. Holyoke, and Hampshire who are working as lawyers, in business, in federal agencies, and as advocates for environmentally sound policies. In addition to sessions with leaders, the workshop will feature three sessions devoted to developing practical skills necessary for effective environmental advocacy, one or more field trips, and sessions devoted to role playing in order to deepen understanding of conflicts over environmental policies and ways conflicts can be resolved. Register here:
Amherst College
9:00 am

Events at Smith

Walk and lecture: Old Growth Forests in the Eastern US
October 11, 2012
Join us at the Bechtel Environmental Classroom (at Smith's MacLeish Field Station in Whately)for some events with Joan Maloof, professor at Salisbury University and director of the Old Growth Forest Network. Come at 4:00 p.m. to go on an hour long walk, or come at 5:30 p.m. for a lecture and book signing. Vans will be leaving Smith for these events, one at 3:30 p.m. and another at 5:00 p.m. Meet on the service drive between Chapin and the Campus Center.
Bechtel Environmental Classroom, MacLeish Field Station