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November 23-29

November 30- Dec 6

December 7-13

Events at Smith

Green Team Meeting
November 27, 2012
Interested in getting involved in environmental initiatives here at Smith? Join with other students, faculty, and staff to make a difference! Each year the Green Team chooses the initiatives they want to focus on. Come get involved.
CEEDS - Wright Hall
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Soil-structure Reliability and Hazard Assessment for Offshore Wind Turbines
November 29, 2012
As part of the UMass Amherst Offshore Wind IGERT Program seminar series, Dr. Sanjay Arwade, UMass Amherst Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering will lecture on "Soil-structure Reliability and Hazard Assessment for Offshore Wind Turbines."
Kellogg Room (118) ELab II, UMass Amherst
3:30 pm

Featured Event

Living Building Classroom: Dialogue Phase 1
December 6, 2012
As part of a Landscape Studies special studies project, Ellena Baum and Emily Dixon are hosting an informal roundtable discussion to collectively brainstorm ways to integrate students and the field station. The discussion will explore the potential of what it really means to be a Living Building classroom. An initial question to frame the conversation, and inspire your input is: How can a Living Building be focused on the social as well as environmental impacts of a space? Come bring your ideas and enthusiasm! Any questions, email ebaum at
CEEDS, Wright Hall
4:00 pm

Events at Smith

Field Station Friday!
November 30, 2012
Join us on one of our regular trips to Smith's Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station! Go on a hike, relax outside, or explore the newly opened environmental building. Space is limited. Sign up for a ride to and from the Field Station on our web link below. Vans leave from the annex road between Chapin House and the Campus Center every Friday. Van from Smith College to MacLeish Field Station: 12:30pm and 3:00pm. Van From MacLeish Field Station to Smith College: 2:30pm and 5:00pm.
Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station

Where's the Justice in That? Local Organizing Efforts in the Green Economy
December 3, 2012
Please join us for a pizza lunch and a lecture by UMass Sociology doctoral student Vanessa Adel. This event is sponsored by Smith College Department of Sociology and Smith College Department of Environmental Science and Policy.
Dewey Common Room
12:00 pm

Lecture: Ethnoengineering: The Challenges and Opportunities
December 3, 2012
of Culturally Appropriate Sustainable Design, with Gabriel Arboleda, Five College Visiting Assistant Proessor in Sustainable Architecture. Sponsored by Latin American and Latino/a Studies and the Centers for Engagement, Learning and Leadership: the Center for Community Collaboration, the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability, and the Global Studies Center.
Neilson Browsing Room
4:30 pm

Changing the Way We Eat
December 4, 2012
The Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS) streams, "Changing the Way We Eat" a TED talks series sponsored by the Glynwood Institute. Streaming every first Tuesday of the month over the lunch hour. Tuesday December 4th featuring talks by: Mitchell Davis, “Tasting Our Way to a Better Food System” Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of the Humane Society of the US, “Animal Factories and the Abuse of Power” Howard Hinterthuer, Peer-to-Peer Mentor in the Organic Therapy Program at the Wisconsin-based Center for Veterans Partysues, “Veteran’s Food Production Program”
CEEDS, Wright Hall garden-level
12:00 pm

ES&P Lunchbag: Sustainable Solutions Capstones
December 4, 2012
Come hear from two student groups presenting their seminar capstone projects. Christina Goethel, Hannah Hurvitt and Liz Esposito will be presenting "Evaluating Critical Habitat and Development using Global Information Systems." The development of maps using ArcGIS illustrating roads, canals, infrastructures, and habitat types to aid in development and zoning decisions on the island of Ambergris Caye, Belize. Charlene Gemora , Sophie Mettler-Grove and Margaret Snelgrove will be presenting "Balancing Tourism and Ecosystem Services on Ambergris Caye." This will be a presentation on the coastal capital of Ambergris Caye and the potential educational and management programs for the protection of fisheries and coastal habitats. Lunch will be provided.
Neilson Library Browsing Room
12:10 pm

Events Off Campus

From the Soil to the Sky: Organizing a Revolution for Climate Justice
November 30, 2012
December 1, 2012
From worker coops to climate justice, from human rights to nature's rights, from soil science to soul science, this convergence hosted by Ecosocialist Horizons will explore and expand the connections between diverse organizations and individuals working toward social and environmental justice. The convergence will begin on Friday, November 30th at St. John's Episcopal Church in Northampton,MA, with a public event from 7 to 9pm. This Convergence in Concert will feature (among others)renowned authors, artists, actors and agitators Joel Kovel, Mixashawn Rozie, Addie Horan, Sarah Littlecrow-Russell, Seth Tobocman and Clare Dolan. The following day, on December 1st, at Hampshire College in the West Lecture Hall of Franklin Patterson Hall, the convergence will continue. Starting with breakfast at 9am, we will kick off at 10am with a full day of presentations, workshops and discussions. From the food system to the prison system,from popular education to permaculture, from soil science to climate science, diverse organizations and individuals will be presenting their work and their perspectives on the current global moment. This is an attempt to connect the dots between the different movements fighting for a just future beyond capitalism. A free lunch will also be provided. Contact: Kanya D'Almeida / / 646 664 5658
St. John's Episcopal Church in Northampton and Hampshire College
7:00 pm

Colleges Against Climate Silence Rally
December 1, 2012
This year, the largest storm to ever hit the east coast left communities devastated; the country’s worst drought in over fifty years left crops withered, and yet the climate crisis was not mentioned in the presidential debates for the first time in a generation. As 2012 fossil fuel subsidies approach $1 trillion, it’s become clear that politicians believe that by ignoring the problem, it will go away. As college students, we will not ignore the climate crisis. We stand on the precipice of great change. For better or worse, it is up to us, the generation that has the most at stake to defend our futures. It’s time for us to mobilize. Now is the time to end the silence surrounding the climate crisis. Schedule of events: 1:30- Music and Gathering 2:00pm- Meet on the Green for rally and FLASHMOB 2:30pm- Student speeches 3:00pm- JILL STEIN 2012 Green Party presidential candidate!! 3:30- ENCIRCLE THE GREEN 4:00- Open mic (personal testimonials- how has the climate crisis affected YOU!) 4:30pm- More music and meet with local environmental organizations
Amherst Green
2:00 pm to 12:00 am

Featured Event

"Feminisms and the Fate of the Planet"
December 12, 2012
Students present about Gardening the Community and Springfield Food Policy Council Projects. Lunch provided.
CEEDS, Wright Hall garden level
12:10 pm

Field Station Fun: Snowy Movie and Outdoor Fun
December 12, 2012
Get cozy with a sweet, snowy movie (Ernest & Celestine) in the Living Building, and venture outside for a winter hike or sledding. Bring blankets and warm clothing! Transportation and tea provided. Sign up at the link below:
Leaving for MacLeish from outside Chapin House.
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Events at Smith

Field Station Friday!
December 7, 2012
Join us on one of our regular trips to Smith's Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station! Go on a hike, relax outside, or explore the newly opened environmental building. Space is limited. Sign up for a ride to and from the Field Station on our web link below. Vans leave from the annex road between Chapin House and the Campus Center every Friday. Van from Smith College to MacLeish Field Station: 12:30pm and 3:00pm. Van From MacLeish Field Station to Smith College: 2:30pm and 5:00pm.
Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station

Information Session: Vermont Law School
December 7, 2012
VLS offers a one year masters degree in environmental law and policy, in addition to other law degree programs. Come find out more about this grad program from Tim Clark, AsSsistant Director of Admissions from VLS.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
4:15 pm

ES&P Lunchbag: Sustainable Solutions Capstones
December 11, 2012
Come hear from three student groups presenting their seminar capstone projects. Sarah Hussain and Stefanie Cervantes will be presenting "Ambergris Caye: The Road to Clean Energy." Ambergris Caye is heavily dependent on the importation of electricity, which is often unreliable and comes from fossil fuels. We are proposing the implementation of a renewable energy farm, specifically solar and wind, to pave the path to clean energy independence. Emily Barbour and Elli Levy will be presenting "Sustainable & Accessible Food, Ambergris Caye, Belize." his presentation is a proposal for increasing food access though sustainable and local food production on Ambergris Caye, Belize. We adress environmental setbacks on the island such as poor soil quality and limited water supply by suggesting cost and space effective methods for a community garden. Additionally, we are exploring school gardening programs and using models from non-profit organizations on the mainland to demonstrate systems that could provide fresh, affordable food on Ambergris Caye. And Dalyn Houser and Abby Dornbusch will be presenting "Rainwater Catchment Systems Implemented at Hotels on Ambergris Caye, Belize: Why Wouldn’t you invest?" Due to the strain on water resources on Ambergris Caye we propose that all hotels implement rainwater catchment systems as a supplemental source of water. The privatization of water has caused water to become an expensive commodity and investing in a rainwater catchment system may cost an initial amount but is worth the investment in the long run. Lunch will be provided.
Neilson Library Browsing Room
12:10 pm