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October 8-14

October 15-21

October 22-28

Events at Smith

Arava Institute Info Session: Trans-boundary Environmental Cooperation in Israel
October 8, 2014
Study Abroad and Internships available. The Arava Institute is founded on the belief that wherever you are, on any side of a border, the environment is the defining challenge of our time. The Arava Institute provides students with an exceptional interdisciplinary environmental education that combines natural and social science with conflict mitigation training, while living with diverse host-families.
CEEDS, Wright Hall
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm

Info Session: Duke University Marine Lab & Nicholas School of the Environment
October 9, 2014
Interested in doing a semester away? Thinking about grad school? Come learn about the semester program offered at Duke University's Marine Lab and the prestigious Nicholas School of the Environment. Learn more at
CEEDS, Wright Hall
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

SWG Reads the News lunches
October 10, 2014
We all read the news in different forms: as ticker tape under the tv broadcaster, in newspapers, on Facebook, twitter or as blog posts. But we often read it alone, even if with running commentary talking back to the news as we do so. Members of SWG invite you to join a more collective setting in Duckett Dining Hall over a Friday lunch to read the news: that is, decipher it, ask questions, give reactions, add new frames, in a sense, re-write the news. For those not on the meal plan, primarily staff and faculty, your lunch is on us.
Duckett Room B
12:10 pm

Meeting: Divest Smith College
October 13, 2014
Want to be a leader on an important issue that affects all of us? Help us work towards getting the College to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Come to one of our weekly meetings and learn more.
Campus Center 204
7:00 pm

Bike Kitchen Workshops
October 14, 2014
The Bike Kitchen staff will be hosting a mechanics workshop this fall. It will be Tuesdays from 4-6. The workshop series started on September 23rd and will continue every Tuesday through November 11, except over fall break. The series is a great introduction to bike mechanics if you want to learn to fix bikes but aren't sure where to start! "Fixing Hours" will be Sundays from 1 pm to 3 pm and Thursdays from 4 pm to 6 pm. Feel free to bring your bike in for maintenance or swing by to hone your fixing skills.
The basement of Talbot House
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Information Session on the Critical Studies on Food in Italy (CSFI) Program
October 9, 2014
On Thursday, October 9th at 5:30 pm Salem Paulos from the Gustolab Institute Center for Food Studies is holding an information session at the University of Massachusetts Amherst for interested students. The Critical Studies on Food in Italy program is a 5-week full immersion summer program in Rome that offers courses in Italian language, Italian food culture, media, trends and communication. Refreshments will be served. Students interested should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, October 8th, 2014.
Herter Hall, Room 301
5:30 pm

Featured Event

Presentation: Study the Environment abroad
October 16, 2014
Learn more about the programs with environmental science and policy offerings. Lunch provided.
Lewis Global Studies Center
12:00 pm

Gleaning with Rachel's Table
October 19, 2014
Gleaning, which dates back to Biblical times, is the gathering of produce after harvest. Farmers are often unable to sell all of their produce, either because of imperfections or because they simply cannot harvest it all. Many farmers welcome the opportunity to donate excess produce that would otherwise have been thrown out; others donate salable produce simply out of kindness. We will be taking a van to a few farms to harvest the produce, and then we will be donating the food. Email to reserve your spot!
Chapin Annex Road
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Lecture: Mass Audubon: Conservation, Education, and Advocacy in the Pioneer Valley
October 20, 2014
Jonah Keene, Director of the Mass Audubon Connecticut River Valley Sanctuaries, will be giving a lecture about his work and the organization. This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Events at Smith

Green Team meeting!
October 16, 2014
We want you, and your ideas about the environment and sustainability. Join us to meet some fun people doing good things. Check out FB page for updates.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
7:30 pm

SWG Reads the News lunches
October 17, 2014
We all read the news in different forms: as ticker tape under the tv broadcaster, in newspapers, on Facebook, twitter or as blog posts. But we often read it alone, even if with running commentary talking back to the news as we do so. Members of SWG invite you to join a more collective setting in Duckett Dining Hall over a Friday lunch to read the news: that is, decipher it, ask questions, give reactions, add new frames, in a sense, re-write the news. For those not on the meal plan, primarily staff and faculty, your lunch is on us.
Duckett Room B
12:10 pm

Meeting: Animal Advocates of Smith College
October 20, 2014
All are welcome any time - just bring a lunch and good ideas :) We organize regular film screenings, lectures, trips, workshops, bonding events, and more, and always welcome new student involvement. Email: aadvocates at Get on our mail list for updates:
Dewey Hall 104
12:15 pm

Lecture: 'MUMBAI ELEGY?: Matters of Design in an Arduous Landscape
October 20, 2014
Niall Kirkwood, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Technology at Harvard will discuss the role of the design and planning of infrastructure in a contemporary landscape environment that defies conventional approaches, tactics and means. The role itself of a landscape architect (or indeed any designer, engineer or planner) will be held up for critical review and commentary.
Graham Hall
5:00 pm

Meeting: Divest Smith College
October 20, 2014
Want to be a leader on an important issue that affects all of us? Help us work towards getting the College to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Come to one of our weekly meetings and learn more.
CC 204
7:00 pm

Prose Reading: Alison Hawthorne Deming
October 20, 2014
Poet, essayist, and environmentalist, Alison Hawthorne Deming stands at the crossroads of art and science. She will be presenting prose from her recently released book, Zoologies: On Animals and the Human Spirit.
The Poetry Center
7:00 pm

Bike Kitchen Workshops
October 21, 2014
The Bike Kitchen staff will be hosting a mechanics workshop this fall. It will be Tuesdays from 4-6. The workshop series started on September 23rd and will continue every Tuesday through November 11, except over fall break. The series is a great introduction to bike mechanics if you want to learn to fix bikes but aren't sure where to start! "Fixing Hours" will be Sundays from 1 pm to 3 pm and Thursdays from 4 pm to 6 pm. Feel free to bring your bike in for maintenance or swing by to hone your fixing skills.
The basement of Talbot House
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Women in Leadership: Be the Change You Want to See in the World!
October 21, 2014
A lecture with Deborah Jewell-Sherman, professor of practice at Harvard Graduate School of Education.
McConnell Hall 103
4:30 pm

Poetry Reading: Alison Hawthorne Deming
October 21, 2014
Poet, essayist, and environmentalist, Alison Hawthorne Deming stands at the crossroads of art and science. Winner of the Walt Whitman Award for her first book of poetry, she has published three collections since.
Stoddard Hall Auditorium
7:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Lecture: Assessing the DICE integrated assessment model
October 17, 2014
with Robert Repetto, Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Sustainable Development and for the Energy and Climate programs at the United Nations Foundation in Washington, and one of the world’s leading environmental economists. The DICE model, developed by William Nordhaus at Yale, is one of the main tools used to assess the economic impacts of climate change. In his talk, Bob will critically assess the assessment.
UMASS Gordon Hall
1:30 pm

Lecture: The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC)
October 17, 2014
and rapid climate change during the last ice age, by Dr. Jerry McManus, a Professor at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Columbia University. Baked goods and coffee will be provided.
UMASS Morrill 129
3:30 pm

Workshop: Writing from Nature at the MacLeish Field Station
October 20, 2014
How is 21st century nature writing changing under the challenge of climate change and the peril raised by the disintegration of natural and cultural diversity? In this workshop, essayist and poet Alison Hawthorne Deming will offer an opportunity to explore new forms and new relationships across the disciplines while making a site visit to the MacLeish Field Station in Whately. Advance registration is required to provide adequate transportation. Click the link below to register.
MacLeish Field Station
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Deerfield River Valley Archaeology lecture
October 21, 2014
Renowned New England archaeologist and UMass Anthropology Department chair Dr. Elizabeth Chilton will reveal archaeological evidence for the initial peopling of the region and social and technological changes and continuities over the past ten millennia. Through archaeological evidence, we will explore several interesting questions and assumptions about those who inhabited this region during early Colonial and pre-Colonial times. How were lands managed for food production? What role did the river play in cultural and economic life? How was society organized and what impacts occurred as Europeans and their germs moved into the area? Sponsored by the Deerfield River Watershed Association (DRWA) in celebration of 20 years of protecting the ecology of the Deerfield River, its tributaries, and surrounding watershed. Free to all.
Four Rivers Charter School, 248 Colrain Road, Greenfield, MA
6:30 pm

Featured Event

Fourth Annual Cider Pressing
October 25, 2014
Join students and staff from the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS) and Dining Services to experience a family friendly and tasty New England tradition. We're all about sustainable food! Help us press fresh, Ashfield-grown apples into cider and then have a cup together with a Hadley-made cider donut or some cheese and crackers from local farms.
Chapin Annex Road
10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Lecture: Probing Climate Change in the Arctic
October 27, 2014
Come hear Robert DeConto, Professor of the Department of Geosciences at UMass Amherst, speak about climate change. This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Lecture: The End the Night: Searching for Natural Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light
October 27, 2014
Professor Paul Bogard of James Madison University and author of a book with the same title, will speak about the struggle to find a starry sky or the darkness of the night in an age of light pollution. Bogard will delve into the consequences of living in a world without night, and how it can affect both the environment and human experience. Sponsored by the Astronomy Department, CEEDS, and the city of Northampton.
Neilson Library Browsing Room
7:00 pm

Events at Smith

Community Ed Luncheon on Food Security
October 23, 2014
Learn how the Manna Soup Kitchen and the Northampton Survival Center work to improve food security in the Northampton area. Chat with agency representatives about food security issues and find out how to get involved. Sponsored by the Community Service Office.
Center for Community Collaboration, Wright Hall 013
12:00 pm

Presentation of the Environmental Science and Policy Major and Minor
October 23, 2014
Interested in pursuing a major or minor in Environmental Science and Policy? This presentation will give you an opportunity to learn more about the program, ask questions, as well as meet some of the professors of the major and minor.
Bass Hall 102
12:00 pm

Presentation of the Landscape Studies Minor
October 23, 2014
Landscape Studies will provide an overview of the minor with faculty and declared LSS-minor students for anyone interested in learning more about the LSS minor. Lunch from la Veracruzana will be provided.
Green Box 202
12:15 pm

Social Mapping Night: Ebola First Responder Mapping Project
October 23, 2014
We are opening our doors this Thursday evening and inviting students, faculty, staff, and community members to work collaboratively on the OpenStreetMap humanitarian aid project in West Africa. We will being with an introduction from Dr. Leslie Jaffe, Smith College Physician and Director of Health Services, who will engage the group in conversation about the current state of the Ebola virus.Following this presentation the lab will be an open work space for experienced users to continue to map and new users to learn how to! Feel free to bring your laptop or use the lab computers. Become a global contributor! Pizza and drinks provided.
Spatial Analysis Lab, Sabin-Reed 104
7:00 pm

Green Team meeting!
October 23, 2014
We want you, and your ideas about the environment and sustainability. Join us to meet some fun people doing good things. Check out FB page for updates.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
7:30 pm

Fall Fest
October 24, 2014
With all the fresh local produce and colorful foliage there is no better time to celebrate sustainable living at Smith than in the Fall! Join us at this annual event put on by the Sustainability Representatives, Green Team, and Smith’s green organizations. Paint your own pumpkin, take a hay bike ride with the Pedal People, and check out the campus-wide free box. There will be tabling by different organizations to highlight all the ways students can be involved in sustainable living. This event, and all others put on by the Sustainability Representatives, will be waste-free! This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible. On Chapin Lawn. Rain location: Campus Center Carroll Room.
Chapin Lawn
11:00 am to 3:00 pm

SWG Reads the News lunches
October 24, 2014
We all read the news in different forms: as ticker tape under the tv broadcaster, in newspapers, on Facebook, twitter or as blog posts. But we often read it alone, even if with running commentary talking back to the news as we do so. Members of SWG invite you to join a more collective setting in Duckett Dining Hall over a Friday lunch to read the news: that is, decipher it, ask questions, give reactions, add new frames, in a sense, re-write the news. For those not on the meal plan, primarily staff and faculty, your lunch is on us.
Duckett Room B
12:10 pm

Fossil Fuels and Institutional Racism: the Intersection
October 24, 2014
Jacqui Patterson, the NAACP director of environmental and climate justice, will speak about the intersection of the environmental justice and racial justice movements, and Smith's unique and pressing role in these issues. Sponsored by Divest Smith College and the Green Team.
Weinstein Auditorium
4:30 pm

STEM Graduate School Application Workshop Series Part 1: Choosing a graduate program,
October 24, 2014
asking for letters of recommendation, and taking the GRE. This 4-part workshop series will address issues pertinent to graduate school applications in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Short presentations by faculty members will be paired with discussions and hands-on workshops (bring your laptop and relevant documents in progress!) where you can work on specific parts of your application and get immediate feedback and advice. It is designed especially for senior students currently applying for grad school, but any students interested in learning more about the process are welcome to attend.
Burton 213
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Meeting: Animal Advocates of Smith College
October 27, 2014
All are welcome any time - just bring a lunch and good ideas :) We organize regular film screenings, lectures, trips, workshops, bonding events, and more, and always welcome new student involvement. Email: aadvocates at Get on our mail list for updates:
Dewey Hall 104
12:15 pm

Meeting: Divest Smith College
October 27, 2014
Want to be a leader on an important issue that affects all of us? Help us work towards getting the College to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Come to one of our weekly meetings and learn more.
CC 204
7:00 pm

Bike Kitchen Workshops
October 28, 2014
The Bike Kitchen staff will be hosting a mechanics workshop this fall. It will be Tuesdays from 4-6. The workshop series started on September 23rd and will continue every Tuesday through November 11, except over fall break. The series is a great introduction to bike mechanics if you want to learn to fix bikes but aren't sure where to start! "Fixing Hours" will be Sundays from 1 pm to 3 pm and Thursdays from 4 pm to 6 pm. Feel free to bring your bike in for maintenance or swing by to hone your fixing skills.
The basement of Talbot House
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Field Station Friday at the MacLeish Field Station
October 24, 2014
Join us on one of our regular trips to Smith's Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station in Whately! Go on a guided hike, relax outside, or explore the College’s greenest building- the Bechtel Environmental Classroom. Space in the vans is limited. Email or call 413-585-3352 to reserve your spot. Vans leave at 1:00 pm from the annex road between Chapin House and the Campus Center and will return by 3:00 pm.
MacLeish Field Station
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Field Station Trip and Tour (Family Weekend!)
October 25, 2014
Join us for a trip to Smith's Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station in Whately! Go on a guided hike, relax outside, or explore the College’s greenest building- the Bechtel Environmental Classroom. Space in the vans is limited. Email or call 413-585-3352 to sign up. Vans leave at 1:00 pm from the annex road between Chapin House and the Campus Center and will return by 3:00 pm.
MacLeish Field Station
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm