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November 2-8

November 9-15

November 16-22

Featured Event

Workshop: Re-storying the Land: Race, Place, and Voice in America
November 6, 2014
So much writing about African-American life in America has assumed that urban experiences are the only ones that are compelling and important. Or, if the land is mentioned, it is engaged in a commentary on the history of the South. This is an enormous mistake because the range of experience and meaning of place and home are as wide as the physical land itself. We will use a gallery walk to engage participants in dialogue with us and each other on the stories of Black experience we all should know and honor. This CEEDS-sponsored workshop will be led by Lauret Savoy, professor of environmental studies at Mount Holyoke College; Carolyn Finney, assistant professor in the department of environmental science, policy, and management at the University of California, Berkeley; and Mistinguette Smith, executive director, The Black/Land Project. Part of the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Otelia Cromwell Day.
Campus Center Carroll Room
4:00 pm

MacLeish Field Station Music Jam!
November 6, 2014
Everyone is welcome--bring instruments and voices to share or come to listen. We are delighted to feature Charlie Conant and Leslie King, two members of the Smith community. Light refreshments provided and campfire, weather permitting. To get a taste of what's to come, watch this time lapse video of the construction of the field station: To reserve a seast in a Smith van, email
Van leaves from Chapin Loading Dock
6:45 pm to 10:15 pm

Events at Smith

Engineers for a Sustainable World workshops
November 2, 2014
Join ESW students to make solar charging stations, bike powered smoothie makers, personal solar chargers, and hydroponics set ups! IMPORTANT: While we welcome engineering expertise, majoring in engineering is not required to participate.RSVP by emailing
Ford Hall basement (playground)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Meeting: Divest Smith College
November 3, 2014
Want to be a leader on an important issue that affects all of us? Help us work towards getting the College to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Come to one of our weekly meetings and learn more.
CC 204
7:00 pm

SWG Reads the News lunches
November 7, 2014
We all read the news in different forms: as ticker tape under the tv broadcaster, in newspapers, on Facebook, twitter or as blog posts. But we often read it alone, even if with running commentary talking back to the news as we do so. Members of SWG invite you to join a more collective setting in Duckett Dining Hall over a Friday lunch to read the news: that is, decipher it, ask questions, give reactions, add new frames, in a sense, re-write the news. For those not on the meal plan, primarily staff and faculty, your lunch is on us.
Duckett Room B
12:10 pm

Events Off Campus

Book launch: Love in the Time of Climate Change
November 5, 2014
Who would have thought climate change could be so funny! Actually, it really isn’t, but Love in the Time of Climate Change, a romantic comedy about global warming, is guaranteed to keep you laughing. Laughing and thinking. The author, Brian Adams, is a professor of environmental science at GCC.
Broadside Books, Northampton
5:00 pm

Book launch: Love in the Time of Climate Change
November 7, 2014
Who would have thought climate change could be so funny! Actually, it really isn’t, but Love in the Time of Climate Change, a romantic comedy about global warming, is guaranteed to keep you laughing. Laughing and thinking. The author, Brian Adams, is a professor of environmental science at GCC.
World Eye Bookstore, Greenfield
6:00 pm

Events at Smith

Engineers for a Sustainable World workshops
November 9, 2014
Join ESW students to make solar charging stations, bike powered smoothie makers, personal solar chargers, and hydroponics set ups! IMPORTANT: While we welcome engineering expertise, majoring in engineering is not required to participate.RSVP by emailing
Ford Hall basement (playground)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Screening and Q & A: Speciesism, with director Mark Devries
November 9, 2014
Animal Advocates of Smith College is hosting Speciesism: The Movie and a Q&A with director Mark Devries on November 9th. The event is free, accessible, and open to the public.
Campus Center 103/104
7:00 pm

Meeting: Animal Advocates of Smith College
November 10, 2014
All are welcome any time - just bring a lunch and good ideas :) We organize regular film screenings, lectures, trips, workshops, bonding events, and more, and always welcome new student involvement. Email: aadvocates at Get on our mail list for updates:
Dewey Hall 104
12:15 pm

Meeting: Divest Smith College
November 10, 2014
Want to be a leader on an important issue that affects all of us? Help us work towards getting the College to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Come to one of our weekly meetings and learn more.
CC 204
7:00 pm

STEM Graduate School Application Workshop Series Part 3: Writing a Personal Statement
November 12, 2014
and other application materials. This 4-part workshop series will address issues pertinent to graduate school applications in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Short presentations by faculty members will be paired with discussions and hands-on workshops (bring your laptop and relevant documents in progress!) where you can work on specific parts of your application and get immediate feedback and advice. It is designed especially for senior students currently applying for grad school, but any students interested in learning more about the process are welcome to attend.
McConnell 404
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Lecture: Climate Justice and Indigenous Peoples: Moral, Cultural and Environmental Issues
November 13, 2014
with Kyle Whyte, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Michigan State University. Sponsored by the philosophy department and CEEDS.
Dewey Common Room
5:00 pm

Green Team meeting!
November 13, 2014
We want you, and your ideas about the environment and sustainability. Join us to meet some fun people doing good things. Check out FB page for updates.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
7:30 pm

Book Discussion:The Environmental Imaginary in Brazilian Poetry and Art
November 14, 2014
The Lewis Global Studies Center presents Malcolm McNee, Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, and environmental artist and writer Pam Petro. They will discuss how the imagery of landscape and nature in art and literature have shaped Brazil's national identity and the way that Brazil is perceived by outsiders. Examining work by contemporary artists and poets in Brazil, McNee's book considers a range of artistic responses to environmental change and vulnerability, including efforts to link art with environmentalist activism and more conceptually oriented interrogations of ideas and perceptions of nature and the environment at large.
Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright
12:15 pm

Hydroponics Workshop
November 15, 2014
Hydroponics Workshop! How to grow plants without soil. Come make your own small hydroponics setup, and take a plant home! Everyone is welcome. We provide all supplies, seedlings, and knowledge. Free! De-stress with the Smith Community Garden and Engineers for a Sustainable World.
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Lecture: Landscape Architecture: Connecting Aesthetics, Ecology, Art and Community
November 11, 2014
In this lecture, Professor Frank Sleegers (Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at UMASS Amherst) will showcase how Landscape Architecture creates narrative images, transformed to make the landscape legible, and a sense of place for people. This interwoven, comprehensive, and interdisciplinary approach strives for equilibrium of process, form, and function.
Ciruti Hall, Room 206, Mt. Holyoke College
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Lecture: Our Once and Future Planet: Restoring the World in the Climate Change Century
November 13, 2014
with Paddy Woodworth, Visiting Fellow of DePaul University Institute for Nature and Culture. Ecological restoration is the cutting edge of conservation in the 21st century. In his study of this environmental innovation, veteran investigative reporter Paddy Woodworth has spent years traveling the globe and talking with people-scientists, politicians, and ordinary citizens-who are working on the front lines of the battle against environmental degradation. His firsthand field reports and interviews with participants reveal the promise, power, and limitations of restoration.
Mount Holyoke College, Art Building Gamble Auditorium
7:00 pm

2014 Valley Sustainability Film Fest
November 14, 2014
This annual free film festival showcases Greater Pioneer Valley region filmmakers’ films on ways communities are working toward sustainable living. Themes such as equality, self-help, valuing resources, supporting locally produced, community building, green marketing, diversity, and celebration will be woven through ten short films. Internationally acclaimed documentarian Rawn Fulton will be the MC for this year's event, and prizes will be given out for the top three short films by adults and 18 and under filmmakers. Join us for a fun night out while building community and learning new things about the region that you live in.
Cohn Dining Commons, Greenfield Community College
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

2nd annual dance party: Lettuce Turnip the Beet!
November 15, 2014
Grow Food Northampton is throwing a party to raise funds for GFN's Food Access Program*. We'll be spinning danceable tunes of all genres, and selling beer and popcorn grown right on our Farm! Mark your calendar! Tickets $15 pp/$25 couple on sale at the link below. *This year GFN spent $18,000 providing 60 subsidized farmshares and 30 garden plots to low-income and senior neighbors, and donating thousands of pounds of produce to a local soup kitchen and the Northampton Survival Center. Please help us raise money to expand our program next year.
Williamsburg Grange Hall
8:00 pm

Featured Event

Lecture: Insights into the Cod Debacle in the Gulf of Maine
November 17, 2014
with Ted Ames, Visiting Research Scientist, Bowdoin College, Penobscot East Research Center. This lecture is part of the ENV 100: Environment and Sustainability: Notes from the Field series and is free and open to the public.
McConnell Hall 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Information Session: Graduate Program in Food Studies,
November 17, 2014
Falk School of Sustainability at Chatham University The School has a 388 acre field site -- they are building a sustainable campus on part of our space and there are an agricultural, field, and energy labs. Presenter Alice Julier directs the graduate program in Food Studies, which has been successful in the last five years in turning out students who get jobs in food, agriculture, and social change. They do a lot of integrated and experiential learning, with classes in Grains, Sustainable Meat, Dairy, and so on. The students work with practitioners (farmers, food producers, distributors, non-profits) and learn both the political economy and the practice of each of these areas. The program also concentrates on inequality and food access.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
4:30 pm

Events at Smith

Engineers for a Sustainable World workshops
November 16, 2014
Join ESW students to make solar charging stations, bike powered smoothie makers, personal solar chargers, and hydroponics set ups! IMPORTANT: While we welcome engineering expertise, majoring in engineering is not required to participate.RSVP by emailing
Ford Hall basement (playground)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Lunch conversation with Ted Ames
November 17, 2014
If you were studying the population dynamics of the most important fishery in the world would you think to ask commercial fishers about that fishery? Ted Ames, a commercial fisherman with training in science did just that. He interviewed commercial fishermen about where and when they fished and what they caught. Through these interviews, Mr. Ames identified lapsed breeding grounds and discrete populations of ancestral fish along the Maine coast when the prevailing view was that cod simply aggregated as one monolithic population. Next week Mr. Ames will be speaking on the cod fisheries in ENV 100. He will also host an informal lunch at CEEDS on Monday at 12:10, November 17th. Please plan to join us for an informal conversation with an historical ecologist.
12:15 pm

Meeting: Animal Advocates of Smith College
November 17, 2014
All are welcome any time - just bring a lunch and good ideas :) We organize regular film screenings, lectures, trips, workshops, bonding events, and more, and always welcome new student involvement. Email: aadvocates at Get on our mail list for updates:
Dewey Hall 104
12:15 pm

Meeting: Divest Smith College
November 17, 2014
Want to be a leader on an important issue that affects all of us? Help us work towards getting the College to divest from the fossil fuel industry. Come to one of our weekly meetings and learn more.
CC 204
7:00 pm

Info Session: Peruvian High Amazon Summer Learning Internships.
November 18, 2014
Frédérique Apffel-Marglin, Smith College Emerita Professor of anthropology, is offering unpaid internship opportunities at her non-profit organization, the Sachamama Center for Biocultural Regeneration (SCBR), in the Peruvian High Amazon focusing on cultural-ecological approaches to recreating fertile pre-Columbian Amazonian soil to arrest deforestation and mitigate climate change.
Smith College Lazarus Career Center
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm

Learn about aquaponics!
November 20, 2014
Engineers for a Sustainable World and CEEDS are hosting a lecture this Thursday about aquaponics, a technology for cultivating plants and fish an an engineered, symbiotic system. Students will be exposed to concepts related to interests in system engineering, marine biology, sustainable food, and food justice. The speaker is Dr. Martin Schreibman, professor emeritus at Brooklyn College and board member of the Recirculating Farms Coalition. A sandwich bar lunch will be provided (Hungry Ghost bread and vegetarian fixings)
Ford 240
12:00 pm

Green Team meeting!
November 20, 2014
We want you, and your ideas about the environment and sustainability. Join us to meet some fun people doing good things. Check out FB page for updates.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
7:30 pm

SWG Reads the News lunches
November 21, 2014
We all read the news in different forms: as ticker tape under the tv broadcaster, in newspapers, on Facebook, twitter or as blog posts. But we often read it alone, even if with running commentary talking back to the news as we do so. Members of SWG invite you to join a more collective setting in Duckett Dining Hall over a Friday lunch to read the news: that is, decipher it, ask questions, give reactions, add new frames, in a sense, re-write the news. For those not on the meal plan, primarily staff and faculty, your lunch is on us.
Duckett Room B
12:10 pm

Events Off Campus

Energy, Transformation, Climate Change Migration and Development
November 17, 2014
Presented by Dr. Robert Brecha, Professor of Physics and Renewable and Clean Energy and Coordinator of the Sustainability, Energy and the Environment Initiative at the University of Dayton. Many challenges and opportunities face current students due to a changing climate and a large-scale transformation of the energy system. Renewable energy and sustainability are keys to the future. In this talk, both promising developments and some real challenges will be addressed.
Kendade 305, Mount Holyoke College
4:30 pm

Panel: Our Farms, Our Food: The Future of Local Food in Hampden County
November 19, 2014
This broad-ranging conversation will feature Elizabeth O'Gilvie of Gardening the Community, Gene Kosinski of Kosinski Farms, Karen Randall of Randall's Farm and Greenhouse, and Margaret Christie of CISA. A region with rural farmland, changing suburban landscapes, and vibrant urban agriculture projects, Hampden County offers unique challenges and opportunities for farmers and for consumers interested in local food. Speakers represent a range of vantage points on the role of local agriculture within the diverse communities of Hampden County, and on the steps that must be taken to keep farms vibrant, and to ensure that locally grown food is accessible to all members of the community. This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided. RSVP (below) is requested by November 17th. We hope you can join us!
Holyoke Senior Center, 291 Pine Street, Holyoke
6:30 pm

Food Justice Society Thanksgiving Dinner
November 22, 2014
Come enjoy free home-cooked food from our local organic farmers! All are welcome and encouraged to come! Free.
Cassani Lounge, Shattuck 102, Mount Holyoke College
4:30 pm to 6:00 pm