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January 25-31

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February 8-14

Events at Smith

Lecture: “New Perspectives on Dynamic Landscapes”
January 26, 2015
with Reid Bertone-Johnson, Landscape Studies professor at Smith College. This lecture is part of the LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment series and is free and open to the public.
Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Exhibition: Paper or Plastic?
January 29, 2015
An exhibition of bookstore bags from around the world. Among the 45,000 books, manuscripts, and objects in the Mortimer Rare Book Room at Smith College is a somewhat frivolous collection of 176 paper and plastic bags from bookstores and museum gift shops from the U.S. and around the world. An eclectic selection of these bags, saved by Elizabeth A. Swaim and presented to the MRBR in 2000, are on view. Exhibition curated by Naomi Sinnathamby, Smith College class of 2015. For more information: 413-585-2906 or
Neilson Library 3rd Floor Core Exhibit Area
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Lecture: The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil
January 29, 2015
- An Evening with Christine Bader Amherst College'93. Both pragmatic and optimistic, Bader counts herself among the many "Corporate Idealists" who represent a "global army of people fighting for better social and environmental practices inside multinational companies – with mixed success." Her book focuses on the efforts of these individuals who join corporations with the goal of helping it to act more responsibly, and the practical difficulties they encounter. As David Vogel succinctly concludes in his review for the Stanford Social Innovation Review, "Many firms have both CSR achievements and limitations. The challenge for corporate idealists is to continue pushing for greater achievement without letting the limitations discourage them. This engaging book offers useful if sobering lessons on how to meet that challenge." Books will be available for purchase at the event, Q&A to follow.
Stirn Auditorium, Amherst College
7:00 pm

Featured Event

Lazarus Center's Annual Life Sciences and Technology Fair
February 5, 2015
Students of all majors and class years are encouraged to attend, as employers may be offering full-time positions as well as internships.
Campus Center Carroll Room
3:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Events at Smith

Lecture: “To play or protect? Competing meanings of Rockaway Beach after Superstorm Sandy”
February 2, 2015
with Leigh Graham, Urban Studies and Planning at John Jay College, City University of New York. This lecture is part of the LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment series and is free and open to the public.
Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Ecocritical Euclides, or Sustainability Avant la Lettre
February 2, 2015
In this Five College Afro-Luso-Brazilian faculty seminar, Aarti Madan, Professor at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, will present on the visions of sustainability and social ecology in the early 20th-century Amazon writings of journalist, engineer, and ethnographer Euclides da Cunha. For Euclides, there is a direct correlation between settlement of the land and its preservation, populating the forest while valuing its alterity. Untangling the political, racial, and economic dramas that develop in Euclides’s Amazon, Professor Madan considers ways in which his essays critique global economic forces while illuminating fault lines between society and ecology in the Global South.
Lewis Global Studies Center
4:30 pm

Exhibition: Paper or Plastic?
February 4, 2015
An exhibition of bookstore bags from around the world. Among the 45,000 books, manuscripts, and objects in the Mortimer Rare Book Room at Smith College is a somewhat frivolous collection of 176 paper and plastic bags from bookstores and museum gift shops from the U.S. and around the world. An eclectic selection of these bags, saved by Elizabeth A. Swaim and presented to the MRBR in 2000, are on view. Exhibition curated by Naomi Sinnathamby, Smith College class of 2015. For more information: 413-585-2906 or
Neilson Library 3rd Floor Core Exhibit Area
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

General Interest meeting: Smith Built Environment Org
February 6, 2015
Interested in architecture + design + landscape studies + urban studies + ? Join us. Contact odaddi or psriwahyuni @ for more information.
Arch Room, Hillyer
12:15 pm

Events Off Campus

Lecture: Regional Food Security
February 2, 2015
Former Massachusetts Commissioner of Agriculture Greg Watson will speak about the regional food security in the face of climate change, touching on "A New England Food Vision," urban agriculture, and Cuba's agroecology system. Following his presentation, Mr. Watson will be joined by Liz Wills-O'Gilvie for a conversation about local food systems. The lecture is free and open to the public, but space is limited. Please register at the link below.
Springfield City Library, 220 State Street, Springfield, MA
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

MA Food System Plan- Listening Session
February 3, 2015
A comprehensive Food Systems Plan is being developed for Massachusetts for the first time in 40 years. Your input is needed! Everyone is to participate in this session, designed to inform attendees about the planning process and elicit feedback on strategies for strengthening the Commonwealth's food system. Strategies will include legislative, regulatory and budget recommendations for increasing food production, improving food access and equity, enhancing food safety, and related issues, as well as actions that individuals and institutions might pursue. Free and open to the public. Parking is available in the adjacent Campus Center Parking Garage.
Amherst Room, UMASS Campus Center, 10th floor
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Poetry and Song about the Climate Crisis
February 4, 2015
A community gathering to take heart--and inspire action and resilience—in response to worsening climate change. * John Berkowitz, Northampton poet {Saving—and Savoring—the World (‘11)} * Don Ogden, Florence poet (Bad Atmosphere (‘14) * Ben Grosscup, Greenfield singer/songwriter, coordinator of People’s Music Network * Sarah Pirtle, Shelburne singer/songwriter, children's music teacher. {Sponsors: Climate Action Now, western MA; 350MA, Pioneer Valley; Jewish Community of Amherst}
Northampton Friends Meeting, 43 Center St.
7:00 pm

Featured Event

Today's LSS 100 Lecture: Canceled because of snow!
February 9, 2015
(with Max Page, MS Design Program Director and Director of Historic Preservation Initiatives, Department of Architecture, UMass, Amherst.)

Local Foods Dinner tonight at all Residence Halls!
February 10, 2015
Please join us to celebrate Local Foods and Farming with our Local Foods Dinner at all residential dinner locations on campus. Our Featured Farms are: Misty Knolls Chicken, New Haven, Vt Winter Moon Roots, Hadley, Ma Swaz Potatoes, Hatfield, Ma Outlook Farm, Westhampton, Ma Czajkowski Farm, Hadley, Ma Maple Valley Creamery, Hadley, Ma
All Dining Halls

Real Food Challenge Campaign Presentation
February 11, 2015
Interested in learning more about sustainable food in the dining rooms? Would you like to be kept in the loop about the nation-wide campus campaign to invest in 20% real food by 2020? If so, stop by CEEDS (garden level, Wright Hall). The Real Food Challenge Team will be presenting research on food purchasing by the college, analyzing working conditions of producers, environmental impact, humaneness, locality, and nutritional values. They will also be introducing the campaign for Real Food at Smith, along with students from the 5-College Real Food Challenge Campaign.
7:30 pm

Be our Valentine: Global Divestment Day
February 13, 2015
Join Divest Smith College on Global Divestment Day in asking Smith College President Kathleen McCartney to be our Valentine! Valentine's cards, love songs, and passionate serenading are sure to put love in the air. President McCartney, won't you break up with fossil fuels and be our Valentine? Love, Divest Smith College.
Meet up at the tabling station in the Campus Center
11:30 am

Events at Smith

Sign a Valentine to President McCartney
February 9, 2015
February 10, 2015
February 12, 2015
Join Divest Smith College in asking Smith College President Kathleen McCartney to be our Valentine on Global Divestment Day! Come by our table in the Campus Center during the lunch hour to sign the valentine and find out the delivery details. Valentine's cards, love songs, and passionate serenading are sure to put love in the air. President McCartney, won't you break up with fossil fuels and be our Valentine? Love, Divest Smith College.
Tabling station in the Campus Center
11:30 am to 1:00 pm

General Interest meeting: Divest Smith College
February 9, 2015

CC 204
7:00 pm

Info Session: Smithsonian Institution internships program
February 10, 2015
Smith College sponsors an internship program at the Smithsonian Institution whereby 9-10 Smith students spend their fall semester in Washington, doing an intensive internship at one of the Smithsonian museums and earning 16 Smith credits in the process. Beginning in fall 2015, the National Zoo will offer internship opportunities as part of this program. More information on the program is found at the link below.
Campus Center 103/104
5:00 pm

POSTPONED- Gender-STEM" Identity Compatibility Among Women Scientists
February 10, 2015
with Bonita London, Associate Professor of Social and Health Psychology, Stony Brook University. Dr. London's research focuses on how people respond to their academic and social contexts based on their social identities as well as their own sense of skill and competence. Part of the She is a Scientist series.
5:00 pm

Exhibition: Paper or Plastic?
February 11, 2015
An exhibition of bookstore bags from around the world. Among the 45,000 books, manuscripts, and objects in the Mortimer Rare Book Room at Smith College is a somewhat frivolous collection of 176 paper and plastic bags from bookstores and museum gift shops from the U.S. and around the world. An eclectic selection of these bags, saved by Elizabeth A. Swaim and presented to the MRBR in 2000, are on view. Exhibition curated by Naomi Sinnathamby, Smith College class of 2015. For more information: 413-585-2906 or
Neilson Library 3rd Floor Core Exhibit Area
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Brown bag lunch for faculty and staff: Learn how to switch to local, clean energy
February 11, 2015
February 13, 2015
There will be a short presentation about the the option to choose 100% local, clean electricity with Q&A to follow. Bring your own lunch; drinks and dessert provided. Hosted by The Center for EcoTechnology (CET) and the SGA Sustainability Committee.
CC 103/104
12:15 pm

Drilling for earthquakes: Results from IODP Expedition 343 in the Japan Trench
February 13, 2015
A GEO lunchtime talk with Christie Rowe ('00), professor of geology at McGill University in Montreal. Lunch will be provided at noon, with Cristie's talk beginning at about 12:10.
Sabin-Reed 103
12:00 pm

Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) project meetings
February 14, 2015
Everyone is welcome- you do NOT have to be an engineering major, just bring an active mind and excitement! This semester ESW will focus on a compost proposal for the Office of Sustainability, a solar charging station for central campus, and Smith Hackathon! ESW will also be planning trips- possibly to a fish elevator, a passive solar house, to see UMass aquaponics, and a national conference.
Campus Center 102
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Field Station Saturdays
February 14, 2015
Want to get off campus? Come visit MacLeish Field Station! You can explore the five miles of trails (rent snowshoes or skis from the Outing Club) or stay cozy in the building with a cup of tea. It's a great place to study or relax—and there's a collection of board games! The van will leave from the Chapin loading dock at 1pm and return to campus by 4:30pm. Space is limited, please sign up here: For more information, contact
Chapin loading dock
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Global Divestment Day/350MA Ct River Valley
February 14, 2015
Fossil fuel divestment supporters from around the world will come together with a single message on Global Divestment Day: Fossil fuels are history, and renewable energy is our future. The local event is happening in Amherst. RSVP using the link below:
Grace Episcopal Church, Amherst, MA
2:00 pm