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April 3-9

April 10-16

April 17-23

Featured Event

Interactive exhibit: Dialogue: A Decade of Smithies on Sustainabilty
April 8, 2015
A collection of 65 works from various disciplines, by students who have sought to address Food, Waste, and Landscapes on campus and in the Pioneer Valley, brought together by Eve Pan, '15. Do underline the books, write on the margins, comment on the back, take our survey & enjoy. Notes from the curator:Over my four years at Smith, I have seen the great work of both my peers and my predecessors, yet the absence of a thorough library and space where these works may be accessed for viewing, reference use, and inspiration. ^ May we graduate knowing we may leave behind our work for the next generation to build upon. Co-sponsored by the Smith College Libraries. Neilson Hillyer Young
Visit the common spaces in Neilson, Hillyer, Young Libraries

Lecture: The Age of Sustainable Development
April 8, 2015
with Jeffrey Sachs, economist and director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. Sachs is known for his work on the challenges of economic development, environmental sustainability, poverty alleviation, debt cancellation and globalization. Part of the Presidential Colloquium Series.
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
4:15 pm

Field Station Saturdays
April 4, 2015
Want to get off campus? Come visit MacLeish Field Station! You can explore the five miles of trails (rent snowshoes or skis from the Outing Club) or stay cozy in the building with a cup of tea. It's a great place to study or relax—and there's a collection of board games! The van will leave from the Chapin loading dock at 1pm and return to campus by 4:30pm. Space is limited, please sign up here: For more information, contact
Chapin loading dock
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Events at Smith

Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) project meetings
April 4, 2015
Everyone is welcome- you do NOT have to be an engineering major, just bring an active mind and excitement! This semester ESW will focus on a compost proposal for the Office of Sustainability, a solar charging station for central campus, and Smith Hackathon! ESW will also be planning trips- possibly to a fish elevator, a passive solar house, to see UMass aquaponics, and a national conference.
Campus Center 102
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Food Recovery Network
April 5, 2015
Help us collect leftover dining hall food to donate to people who need it! We recover food twice a week and donate it to a local shelter in Holyoke. We meet Wednesdays & Sundays at 6:45p.m. in the lower level Campus Center (by the colored couches). Join Us! Questions? Email Allison and/or Pam: acwu at or pmatcho at
Campus Center lower level
6:45 pm

Lecture: A Natural and Cultural History of the MacLeish Field Station
April 6, 2015
with Jesse Bellemare, Biological Sciences, Smith College. This lecture is part of the LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment series and is free and open to the public.
Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

The effects of hostile work environments on scientists’ careers
April 7, 2015
Kate Clancy, a feminist biologist at the University of Illinois, talks about sexual harassment, assault, and professional trajectories.
McConnell 103
12:10 pm

Fossil Fuel Divestment Interest Meeting for Faculty & Staff
April 7, 2015
Divest Smith College would like to invite all faculty and staff members to learn more about the global fossil fuel divestment movement and discuss ways to get involved in Smith's campaign. Join the conversation about the importance of aligning our investments with our institutional values and the role that faculty and staff have in upholding the college's fiscal and moral responsibility. Any member of the Smith community is welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served at 4:00pm.
CEEDS, Wright Hall
4:15 pm to 5:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Farm to Institution Summit
April 7, 2015
April 8, 2015
April 9, 2015
Are you an advocate, educator, food service rep, institutional chef, farmer, fisherman, processor, distributor, aggregator, student, sustainability coordinator, clinician or policymaker? This conference is just for you! The Farm to Institution Summit will bring together leaders from the Northeast who are working to get more local and regional food into schools, colleges, health care and other institutions. Please join us -- along with hundreds of other farm to institution advocates -- for three exciting days of learning, connecting, sharing and exploring! The program will be chock full of engaging sessions, inspiring speakers, exciting tours, fun social events and more! Registration is now open. Early bird rates are available until March 2nd.
UMASS Amherst

Film Screening: Food For Change
April 7, 2015
Food For Change is a feature-length documentary focusing on food co-ops as a force for social and economic change, examining their pioneering quest for organic foods and current efforts to create regional food systems. The film explores the effects of large agri-businesses on the environment as well as the economy. The film shows how the co-op movement strengthens communities where they are located, enhancing local economies and food security. The goal of the film is to educate an audience about the principles of cooperation with a focus on food.
Gamble Auditorium, Mount Holyoke College
5:00 pm

Towards Racial Equality and Social Justice: Sharing the Work and Research of Dr. James Jennings
April 8, 2015
Come and join a celebration of Dr. Jennings' work, featuring current and former colleagues as well as panel discussion. Dr. Jennings has championed racial equality – read a new report that identifies spaces for fighting for black equality. Register using the link below.
Barnum Hall, Room 008 163 Packard Avenue, Medford, MA 02155 (Tufts)
4:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Film screening: The Weight of the Nation
April 8, 2015
Obesity is not only one of the top public health issues facing our country; it's also a threat to our nation's bottom line. Rising obesity rates threaten to drag our economy down through higher health care costs and lower productivity. Currently, 69% of American adults are overweight or obese. Hosted by The Springfield Food Policy Council and the Mason Square Health Task Force Please RSVP to Or 413.263.6500 x6539
Springfield Central Library 220 State St. in Springfield
5:30 pm to 7:45 pm

Conference: Strengthening Ties for Collective Impact: Campus Sustainability in the Northeast Region
April 9, 2015
Hunter Lovins, Author and President/Founder of Natural Capitalism Solutions will provide a key note on the evening of 9 April. President McCartney will join a Presidents Panel Friday morning 10 April. Smith's Bechtel Environmental Classroom with be one of the featured tours. Mitchell Thomashow, Author, "The Nine Elements of a Sustainable Campus" and President Emeritus, Unity College will proivde a key note at the close of the conference on 10 April. LOW COST for STUDENTS.
UMASS Amherst

Protecting Cultural Landscapes in the Era of Climate Change
April 9, 2015
Melnick is Professor of Landscape of Landscape Architecture, University of Oregon, and Senior Cultural Resource Specialist with MIG, Inc, in Berkeley and Portland. He is co-editor of Preserving Cultural Landscapes in America (2000) and has published widely on theoretical and practical issues relating to cultural and historic landscapes. His written works and professional projects have received numerous national awards from the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Society of Architectural Historians, and the National Endowment for the Arts. He is currently working on thorny issues around climate change and how we understand and protect cultural landscapes.
School of Management 137, UMass
4:00 pm

The Art of Sustainability
April 9, 2015
Jay Mead will discuss the Art of Sustainability, stimulating exploration and creativity as essential approaches for achieving personal and professional goals, for creative problem solving and for better understanding and working with systems. Mead has been creating environmental art for over 30 years. He has worked with Bread and Puppet, Cristo, The PuppeTree and was a core member of Wise Fool Puppet Intervention. His work has ranged from large installations to processions and performances. Aside from the USA, he has had projects in Germany, the Czech Republic, and Brazil. 10-5pm Skinner Green (MHC Community Art Installation)
Cleveland Hall L2 Mount Holyoke College
7:30 pm

Featured Event

Interactive exhibit: Dialogue: A Decade of Smithies on Sustainabilty
April 15, 2015
A collection of 65 works from various disciplines, by students who have sought to address Food, Waste, and Landscapes on campus and in the Pioneer Valley, brought together by Eve Pan, '15. Do underline the books, write on the margins, comment on the back, take our survey & enjoy. Notes from the curator:Over my four years at Smith, I have seen the great work of both my peers and my predecessors, yet the absence of a thorough library and space where these works may be accessed for viewing, reference use, and inspiration. ^ May we graduate knowing we may leave behind our work for the next generation to build upon. Co-sponsored by the Smith College Libraries. Neilson Hillyer Young
Visit the common spaces in Neilson, Hillyer, Young Libraries

Field Station Saturdays
April 11, 2015
Want to get off campus? Come visit MacLeish Field Station! You can explore the five miles of trails (rent snowshoes or skis from the Outing Club) or stay cozy in the building with a cup of tea. It's a great place to study or relax—and there's a collection of board games! The van will leave from the Chapin loading dock at 1pm and return to campus by 4:30pm. Space is limited, please sign up here: For more information, contact
Chapin loading dock
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Panel: "What's At Stake? Diverse Perspectives on the Implications of Fossil Fuel Divestment at Smith
April 14, 2015
The event will continue the campus discussion about fossil fuel divestment, with a panel of stakeholders in how Smith's endowment is invested, and focus on the moral, financial, and political impacts and nuances of divestment at Smith. Students Siiri Bigalke and Blythe Coleman-Mumford, Professor James Lowenthal, Dano Weisbord, Director of Campus Sustainability and Space Planning, and Michael Howard, Vice President for Finance and Administration, will join together to engage in an open and robust conversation on how fossil fuel divestment would affect Smith as an institution and community.
Neilson Browsing Room
4:00 pm

Events at Smith

Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) project meetings
April 11, 2015
Everyone is welcome- you do NOT have to be an engineering major, just bring an active mind and excitement! This semester ESW will focus on a compost proposal for the Office of Sustainability, a solar charging station for central campus, and Smith Hackathon! ESW will also be planning trips- possibly to a fish elevator, a passive solar house, to see UMass aquaponics, and a national conference.
Campus Center 003
1:00 pm

Film: Vegucated + discussion w/ Smith alumna director Marisa Miller Wolfson ’98
April 11, 2015
Part sociological experiment and part adventure comedy, Vegucated is an award-winning, guerrilla-style documentary that follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who go vegan for six weeks. Lured by tales of weight lost and health regained, they begin to uncover the hidden sides of animal agriculture and soon find themselves risking everything to expose an industry they supported just weeks before. But can their convictions carry them through when times get tough? Free, accessible, and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Hosted by Animal Advocates, Eco-Reps, and UMass Plant-Based Nutrition Club. More info and RSVP below:
Neilson Browsing Room
6:30 pm

Lecture: Beyon Participation: Indigenous Peoples and Housing Agency in Guyana
April 13, 2015
with Gabriel Arboleda, Environmental Design, Hampshire and Amherst Colleges. This lecture is part of the LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment series and is free and open to the public.
Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Conference: From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom
April 10, 2015
April 11, 2015
April 12, 2015
Hampshire College's Civil Liberties and Public Policy group (CLPP) is holding their annual conference featuring reproductive rights and social justice speakers from across the country. Workshops, panels, plenaries and training are geared towards student and community activists. Conference registration is free for students and sliding-scale registration will be offered for all attendees. Registration opens in January 2015.

Conference: Strengthening Ties for Collective Impact: Campus Sustainability in the Northeast Region
April 10, 2015
Hunter Lovins, Author and President/Founder of Natural Capitalism Solutions will provide a key note on the evening of 9 April. President McCartney will join a Presidents Panel Friday morning 10 April. Smith's Bechtel Environmental Classroom with be one of the featured tours. Mitchell Thomashow, Author, "The Nine Elements of a Sustainable Campus" and President Emeritus, Unity College will proivde a key note at the close of the conference on 10 April. LOW COST for STUDENTS.
UMASS Amherst

The Art of Sustainability
April 10, 2015
Jay Mead will discuss the Art of Sustainability, stimulating exploration and creativity as essential approaches for achieving personal and professional goals, for creative problem solving and for better understanding and working with systems. Mead has been creating environmental art for over 30 years. He has worked with Bread and Puppet, Cristo, The PuppeTree and was a core member of Wise Fool Puppet Intervention. His work has ranged from large installations to processions and performances. Aside from the USA, he has had projects in Germany, the Czech Republic, and Brazil. 10-5pm Skinner Green (MHC Community Art Installation)
Cleveland Hall L2 Mount Holyoke College
7:30 pm

Project Native's 5th annual environmental Film Festival
April 12, 2015
10:00am Family Program (two films in 3D): Deepo: A Fish Story and Watermelon Magic- 43 min.; 10:10am Extreme Realities - 53 min.; 11:30am Open Sesame: The Story of Seeds - 82 min.; 1:20pm Oil & Water - 77 min.; 3:15pm Angel Azul - 72 min.; 5:00pm Cowspiracy - 91 min.; 7:10pm The Human Experiment - 91 min. This festival is free and open to the public and is made possible by funding from the Dr. Robert C. and Tina Sohn Foundation and official sponsors: Berkshire Coop Market, GoodWorks Insurance, Kenver Ltd., and Bobbie Hallig.

Film screening: The Weight of the Nation
April 15, 2015
Obesity is not only one of the top public health issues facing our country; it's also a threat to our nation's bottom line. Rising obesity rates threaten to drag our economy down through higher health care costs and lower productivity. Currently, 69% of American adults are overweight or obese. Hosted by The Springfield Food Policy Council and the Mason Square Health Task Force Please RSVP to Or 413.263.6500 x6539
Springfield Central Library 220 State St. in Springfield
5:30 pm to 7:45 pm

2015 Massachusetts Sustainable Communities and Campuses Conference
April 16, 2015
The Massachusetts Sustainable Communities and Campuses Conferences connects stakeholders from government, education, business, and nonprofits, and people interested in sustainable development.Come and here what's happening in communities across the commonwealth!
Devens Common Center, Devens, MA
8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Featured Event

Earth Week Events!
April 19, 2015
April 23, 2015
There is so much going on for Earth Week! Check out our other postings and also visit the Earth Week website for many more events all week long!
All over campus

Lecture: Quenching Our Thirst: Resources in a Changing World
April 21, 2015
With Drew Guswa.
McConnell 103
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Interactive exhibit: Dialogue: A Decade of Smithies on Sustainabilty
April 22, 2015
A collection of 65 works from various disciplines, by students who have sought to address Food, Waste, and Landscapes on campus and in the Pioneer Valley, brought together by Eve Pan, '15. Do underline the books, write on the margins, comment on the back, take our survey & enjoy. Notes from the curator:Over my four years at Smith, I have seen the great work of both my peers and my predecessors, yet the absence of a thorough library and space where these works may be accessed for viewing, reference use, and inspiration. ^ May we graduate knowing we may leave behind our work for the next generation to build upon. Co-sponsored by the Smith College Libraries. Neilson Hillyer Young
Visit the common spaces in Neilson, Hillyer, Young Libraries

Earth Week: Walking Mill River Tour
April 23, 2015
Join John Sinton for a tour of the historic Mill River, in Smith's own backyard! Meet in CEEDS and bring shoes for walking. Open to all members of the community.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
4:30 pm

Rescheduled: Invasive Species Scout and Pull
April 23, 2015
With Gaby Immerman. Please meet down by the Lamont Bridge at 5pm.
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

April 20, 2015
Lecture with Steve Moga.
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Events at Smith

Earth Week Tabling
April 20, 2015
featuring WOZQ, Animal Advocates, Eco-Reps, vox, green team, divest, ESW and the outing club.
Chapin Lawn
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Lecture: Down in the Bottoms: Lowland Names and Landscape Change in the 19th Century American City
April 20, 2015
with Steven Moga, Landscape Studies program, Smith College. This lecture is part of the LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment series and is free and open to the public.
Weinstein Auditorium
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Girls and Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics:
April 20, 2015
STEMing the Tide and Broadening Participation in STEM Careers with Nilanjana Dasgupta ’92, Professor of Psychology, Director of Faculty Equity and Inclusion,University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Seelye 106
4:30 pm

Earth Week Tabling
April 21, 2015
Featuring Eco-Reps, Green Team, and Divest.
Chapin Lawn
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Earth Week: Canoe Instruction and Trip Upriver
April 21, 2015
With Scott Johnson.
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Earth Week: Ted Talk and Discussion
April 21, 2015
Hosted by SGA Sustainability Committee.
Seelye 103
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Vigil for Environmental Justice: Sustaining Ourselves, Sustaining the Earth
April 22, 2015
Acknowledge and celebrate your connection to the earth. Stand in solidarity with communities upon whom the distribution of environmental burdens is the highest. Recommit to practices of sustainability and resistance. Sponsored by The Smith College Eco Reps & The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life.
Campus Center Steps
12:10 pm

The Gaza Water Crisis
April 22, 2015
Earth week event hosted by J-Street U.
Seelye 101
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Exploring Environmental Justice through Socioeconomics
April 22, 2015
How would you feel if you had to live in a home poisoned by lead paint or directly next to a coal-fired power plant? Come clear the air by discussing the realistic effects environmental pollution has within different socioeconomic levels of living. Refreshments provided.
Campus Center Room: 804-808, UMass
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Earth Day Panel On Regional Food System Strategies
April 22, 2015
Environmental educator and writer David Orr, Henry P. Kendall Foundation executive director Andrew W. Kendall, and CISA special projects director Margaret Christie will join President Jonathan Lash for a panel discussion of regional food system strategies.
Franklin Patterson Hall, Main Lecture Hall, Hampshire College
4:00 pm

Film screening: The Weight of the Nation
April 22, 2015
Obesity is not only one of the top public health issues facing our country; it's also a threat to our nation's bottom line. Rising obesity rates threaten to drag our economy down through higher health care costs and lower productivity. Currently, 69% of American adults are overweight or obese. Hosted by The Springfield Food Policy Council and the Mason Square Health Task Force Please RSVP to Or 413.263.6500 x6539
Springfield Central Library 220 State St. in Springfield
5:30 pm to 7:45 pm

Lecture: Conversations on Community and Sustainability in Trinidad and Tobago
April 23, 2015
A talk by Akilah Jaramogi.
ILC Film Studies Screening Room: S404, UMass
5:00 pm

Earth Day Keynote Address: Gasland: Fracking and the Environment
April 23, 2015
Join Josh Fox, director, producer, and narrator of Gasland and its sequel Gasland 2. Fox's films have sparked a nationwide conversation about the dangers of fracking and the hazardous unsustainable path that natural gas takes before reaching our cars, colleges, and homes. Free and open to the public.
Integrated Learning Center N151, UMass
7:00 pm