Featured Event Interactive exhibit: Dialogue: A Decade of Smithies on Sustainabilty April 15, 2015 A collection of 65 works from various disciplines, by students who have sought to address Food, Waste, and Landscapes on campus and in the Pioneer Valley, brought together by Eve Pan, '15. Do underline the books, write on the margins, comment on the back, take our survey & enjoy. Notes from the curator:Over my four years at Smith, I have seen the great work of both my peers and my predecessors, yet the absence of a
thorough library and space where these works may be accessed for viewing, reference use, and inspiration. ^ May we graduate knowing we may leave behind our work for the next generation to build upon. Co-sponsored by the Smith College Libraries.
Neilson Hillyer Young Visit the common spaces in Neilson, Hillyer, Young Libraries
Earth Week Events! April 19, 2015 There is so much going on for Earth Week! Check out our other postings and also visit the Earth Week website for many more events all week long! More... All over campus
Lecture: Quenching Our Thirst: Resources in a Changing World April 21, 2015 With Drew Guswa. McConnell 103 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
April 20, 2015 Lecture with Steve Moga. Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall 2:40 pm to 4:00 pm
Events at Smith Earth Week Tabling April 20, 2015 featuring WOZQ, Animal Advocates, Eco-Reps, vox, green team, divest, ESW and the outing club. Chapin Lawn 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Lecture: Down in the Bottoms: Lowland Names and Landscape Change in the 19th Century American City April 20, 2015 with Steven Moga, Landscape Studies program, Smith College. This lecture is part of the LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment series and is free and open to the public. Weinstein Auditorium 2:40 pm to 4:00 pm
Girls and Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: April 20, 2015 STEMing the Tide and Broadening Participation in STEM Careers with Nilanjana Dasgupta ’92, Professor of Psychology, Director of Faculty Equity and Inclusion,University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Seelye 106 4:30 pm
Earth Week Tabling April 21, 2015 Featuring Eco-Reps, Green Team, and Divest. Chapin Lawn 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Earth Week: Canoe Instruction and Trip Upriver April 21, 2015 With Scott Johnson. Boathouse 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Earth Week: Ted Talk and Discussion April 21, 2015 Hosted by SGA Sustainability Committee. Seelye 103 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Events Off Campus Film screening: The Weight of the Nation April 15, 2015 Obesity is not only one of the top public health issues facing our country; it's also a threat to our nation's bottom line. Rising obesity rates threaten to drag our economy down through higher health care costs and lower productivity. Currently, 69% of American adults are overweight or obese. Hosted by The Springfield Food Policy Council and the Mason Square Health Task Force
Please RSVP to Jbaymon@springfieldpartnersinc.com Or 413.263.6500 x6539 Springfield Central Library 220 State St. in Springfield 5:30 pm to 7:45 pm
2015 Massachusetts Sustainable Communities and Campuses Conference April 16, 2015 The Massachusetts Sustainable Communities and Campuses Conferences connects stakeholders from government, education, business, and nonprofits, and people interested in sustainable development.Come and here what's happening in communities across the commonwealth! More... Devens Common Center, Devens, MA 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Featured Event Interactive exhibit: Dialogue: A Decade of Smithies on Sustainabilty April 22, 2015 A collection of 65 works from various disciplines, by students who have sought to address Food, Waste, and Landscapes on campus and in the Pioneer Valley, brought together by Eve Pan, '15. Do underline the books, write on the margins, comment on the back, take our survey & enjoy. Notes from the curator:Over my four years at Smith, I have seen the great work of both my peers and my predecessors, yet the absence of a
thorough library and space where these works may be accessed for viewing, reference use, and inspiration. ^ May we graduate knowing we may leave behind our work for the next generation to build upon. Co-sponsored by the Smith College Libraries.
Neilson Hillyer Young Visit the common spaces in Neilson, Hillyer, Young Libraries
Earth Week Events! April 23, 2015 There is so much going on for Earth Week! Check out our other postings and also visit the Earth Week website for many more events all week long! More... All over campus
Earth Week: Walking Mill River Tour April 23, 2015 Join John Sinton for a tour of the historic Mill River, in Smith's own backyard! Meet in CEEDS and bring shoes for walking. Open to all members of the community. CEEDS, Wright Hall 005 4:30 pm
Rescheduled: Invasive Species Scout and Pull April 23, 2015 With Gaby Immerman. Please meet down by the Lamont Bridge at 5pm. CEEDS 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Earth Week: Give Back and Catch Chestnut Fever! April 25, 2015 Smith College is growing blight resistant trees at the MacLeish Field Station. We need your help to plant nuts in the seed orchard. You’ll get your hands dirty but its outside and you’ll contribute to a national conservation project. Join us! Catch Chestnut Fever!
Come dressed for the weather. Bring a hat, water and gloves if you have them. We will leave from Chapin loading dock at 12:00 sharp on Saturday April 25th and return by 4:00. Please RSVP to Paul Wetzel (so we have a van seat for you) and contact him with any questions—pwetzel@smith.edu. Chapin Lawn/loading dock
Field Station Saturdays April 25, 2015 Want to get off campus? Come visit MacLeish Field Station! You can explore the five miles of trails (rent snowshoes or skis from the Outing Club) or stay cozy in the building with a cup of tea. It's a great place to study or relax—and there's a collection of board games! The van will leave from the Chapin loading dock at 1pm and return to campus by 4:30pm. Space is limited, please sign up here: http://goo.gl/nhrVZF. For more information, contact ewald@smith.edu. Chapin loading dock 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Events at Smith Vigil for Environmental Justice: Sustaining Ourselves, Sustaining the Earth April 22, 2015 Acknowledge and celebrate your connection to the earth.
Stand in solidarity with communities upon whom the distribution of environmental burdens is the highest. Recommit to practices of sustainability and resistance. Sponsored by The Smith College Eco Reps & The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. Campus Center Steps 12:10 pm
The Gaza Water Crisis April 22, 2015 Earth week event hosted by J-Street U. Seelye 101 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Panel: Indigenous Communities and Environmental Sovereignty April 24, 2015 With Frank Waln and the Sampson Brothers. Hosted by ISSA and the Office of Campus Sustainability. Neilson Browsing Room 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
NECOS Opening Panel: A Call to Action for Climate Justice with Ashanti Alston and Anne Petermann April 24, 2015 Join us as we kick off the Northeast Climate Organizers Summit. We'll hear from anarchist Black Panther Ashanti Alston, and Anne Petermann, long time climate justice organizer and Executive Director of Global Justice Ecology Project on why we need to organize and take action for racial, economic and climate justice. Open to the public. Stoddard Hall 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
NECOS Keynote Address & Climate Cabaret: Suzanne Patles & Jacqui Patterson on the Climate Crisis April 25, 2015 Open to the Public. Suggested Donation: $10-50. Come celebrate the first full day of the Northeast Climate Organizers Summit. We'll hear from Suzanne Patles, of the Mi’kmaq Warriors Society, and a native organizer and activist from Elsipogtog. We'll also hear from Jacqui Patterson, Director of the Climate and Environmental Justice Program for the NAACP. After Suzanne and Jacqui, join us for an evening of brass bands, puppets, and climate-related performances. Helen Hills Hills Chapel 7:00 pm to 12:00 am
Building the Movement for Climate Justice: A Panel Discussion April 26, 2015 What does it mean to 'build a movement' and in what direction does this movement need to head? Panelists will discuss the history of the climate justice movement, the goals of a broad movement fighting for systemic change, and the opportunities and challenges faced by organizers today.
Speakers include: Anne Petermann, Executive Director, Global Justice Ecology Project; Jacqui Patterson, Director, NAACP Climate and Environmental Justice Program; Jeremy Brecker, Labor Network For Sustainability; Sandy Nurse, Rising Tide NYC and Erin Heany. Open to the public Helen Hills Hills Chapel 9:00 am to 10:30 am
Food access and labor rights at our local farms April 26, 2015 Examining undocumented workers' rights, histories, conditions, and food access in the Pioneer Valley and beyond. Hosted by OUSR, SACA, and the RFC. Free and open to the public. Seelye 110 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Lecture: Sparking our Imagination April 27, 2015 with Carolina Aragon, Landscape Studies program, Smith College and Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Program, UMass-Amherst. This lecture is part of the LSS 100: Landscape, Design, and the Environment series and is free and open to the public Weinstein Auditorium 2:40 pm to 4:00 pm
Environmental Science and Policy Program Capstone Presentations April 28, 2015 Join us for lunch and to hear from seniors about their research projects. Neilson Browsing Room 12:00 pm
Events Off Campus Exploring Environmental Justice through Socioeconomics April 22, 2015 How would you feel if you had to live in a home poisoned by lead paint or directly next to a coal-fired power plant? Come clear the air by discussing the realistic effects environmental pollution has within different socioeconomic levels of living.
Refreshments provided. Campus Center Room: 804-808, UMass 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Earth Day Panel On Regional Food System Strategies April 22, 2015 Environmental educator and writer David Orr, Henry P. Kendall Foundation executive director Andrew W. Kendall, and CISA special projects director Margaret Christie will join President Jonathan Lash for a panel discussion of regional food system strategies. Franklin Patterson Hall, Main Lecture Hall, Hampshire College 4:00 pm
Film screening: The Weight of the Nation April 22, 2015 Obesity is not only one of the top public health issues facing our country; it's also a threat to our nation's bottom line. Rising obesity rates threaten to drag our economy down through higher health care costs and lower productivity. Currently, 69% of American adults are overweight or obese. Hosted by The Springfield Food Policy Council and the Mason Square Health Task Force
Please RSVP to Jbaymon@springfieldpartnersinc.com Or 413.263.6500 x6539 Springfield Central Library 220 State St. in Springfield 5:30 pm to 7:45 pm
Lecture: Conversations on Community and Sustainability in Trinidad and Tobago April 23, 2015 A talk by Akilah Jaramogi. ILC Film Studies Screening Room: S404, UMass 5:00 pm
Earth Day Keynote Address: Gasland: Fracking and the Environment April 23, 2015 Join Josh Fox, director, producer, and narrator of Gasland and its sequel Gasland 2. Fox's films have sparked a nationwide conversation about the dangers of fracking and the hazardous unsustainable path that natural gas takes before reaching our cars, colleges, and homes. Free and open to the public. Integrated Learning Center N151, UMass 7:00 pm
Lecture: "Past and Future Climate Change in the Horn of Africa" April 24, 2015 Part of the Geosciences Lecture Series, Dr. Jessica Tierney of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) will be lecturing at UMass. Cookies and coffee will be provided. Morrill 129, UMass 3:30 pm
Workshop: Healthy Soil - Testing and Amending Your Garden Soil April 25, 2015 Healthy soils are essential for raising healthy crops. In this workshop you will learn the basics of soil composition, microbial life and structure as they relate to the home garden, as well as the nitty gritty on soil testing, amendments and fertilizers needed to maintain crop health each season and build your garden’s soil over time. Powisset Farm 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Workshop: Insect Pests and Diseases of Apples and How to Manage Them April 25, 2015 One of the most challenging thing about growing your own fruit is knowing how to identify the insect pests and diseases that might afflict them. Learn the basics of pest and disease identification and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in the home orchard. Newton Community Farm 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Workshop: The 100Sq Ft, 25-Tree, 5-Variety Backyard Apple Orchard Fruiting Wall April 25, 2015 Your fruiting wall will produce two bushels each of five apple varieties in just 3 years from planting using just over 100 square feet of backyard. Marshfield Fairgrounds Admin Bldg 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Lecture: Getting Cities Right: Creating a public realm that serves everyone April 27, 2015 with Joel Russell, Executive Director of the Form-Based Codes Institute. A conversation with Joel and Lee Pouliot, Acting City Planner, City of Chicopee will follow the lecture. This lecture is part of the Smaller Cities | Greener Futures lecture series presented by The Conway School, which focuses on issues relevant to small, post-industrial cities. Though the lecture is free and open to the public, space is limited. Please get location details and RSVP using the link below. More... Chicopee, MA 6:30 pm
Featured Event Interactive exhibit: Dialogue: A Decade of Smithies on Sustainabilty April 29, 2015 A collection of 65 works from various disciplines, by students who have sought to address Food, Waste, and Landscapes on campus and in the Pioneer Valley, brought together by Eve Pan, '15. Do underline the books, write on the margins, comment on the back, take our survey & enjoy. Notes from the curator:Over my four years at Smith, I have seen the great work of both my peers and my predecessors, yet the absence of a
thorough library and space where these works may be accessed for viewing, reference use, and inspiration. ^ May we graduate knowing we may leave behind our work for the next generation to build upon. Co-sponsored by the Smith College Libraries.
Neilson Hillyer Young Visit the common spaces in Neilson, Hillyer, Young Libraries
Events at Smith Exhibit: Places for the Spirit: Traditional African American Gardens May 1, 2015 For twenty years, photographer Vaughn Sills collected images of a gardening style that, despite its long history, is unknown to most horticulturists and is disappearing quickly. Sills traveled through the Deep South searching out African-American folk gardens: those yards and gardens that reflect in form and organization some of the earliest African-American religious and cultural traditions. The exhibit runs from March to September 2015. More... Lyman Plant House, Smith College
Events Off Campus Changes in Forests Under Alternative Climate Scenarios in the Northeastern U.S. April 29, 2015 Changes in regional forest composition in response to climate change are often predicted using niche-based models or biophysical process models that either do not account for or greatly simplify processes such as succession, dispersal, and tree harvest. University of Massachusetts, Morrill Science Center, 134 3:30 pm
Film screening: The Weight of the Nation April 29, 2015 Obesity is not only one of the top public health issues facing our country; it's also a threat to our nation's bottom line. Rising obesity rates threaten to drag our economy down through higher health care costs and lower productivity. Currently, 69% of American adults are overweight or obese. Hosted by The Springfield Food Policy Council and the Mason Square Health Task Force
Please RSVP to Jbaymon@springfieldpartnersinc.com Or 413.263.6500 x6539 Springfield Central Library 220 State St. in Springfield 5:30 pm to 7:45 pm