Events Off Campus Optimization for economically and ecologically robust floodplain planning. August 19, 2015 Join Caitlin Spense '11 - Graduate Research Assistant in Civil and Environmental Engineering at UMass for her talk. Climate nonstationarity and uncertainty raise important issues related to design and planning within the water sector. In addition, the water sector has acknowledged the need for improved methods of incorporating impacts of water resources development on ecosystems into project evaluation. We present a decision analytic approach to selecting flood management portfolios that maximize robustness to climate change of both economic and ecological objectives. Robustness is measured according to the breadth of possible change in climate variables that can occur while maintaining acceptable economic and ecological performance of the flood management system and floodplain. A satisficing criterion is used to assess system performance, in which thresholds in quantifiable economic and ecological performance metrics delineate acceptable performance. The model is applied to choose combinations of infrastructural and non-structural, options-based flood management interventions on the Iowa River. Results demonstrate the trade-offs between the high level of flood protection afforded through levee construction and low-regret reservoir re-operation which would expedite reservoir flood preparation and restore mid-magnitude flows downstream of a flood control dam. UMass - FH 241 3:00 pm
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Featured Event Lecture- The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future with Naomi Oreskes September 3, 2015 Ms. Oreskes will speak about her most recent book, co-authored with Erik M. Conway, of the same title. The book is the Summer Reading selection for 2015. Mark your calendars! The lecture is free and open to the public. The building is wheelchair accessible. More... John M. Green Hall, Smith College 7:00 pm
Events at Smith Campus Sustainability for First Years: Session I September 4, 2015 Interested in environmental sustainability? So is Smith! Come visit CEEDS for an interactive information session and learn what resources and opportunities Smith offers for students to engage in sustainability efforts and initiatives. Discover how you can become a part of the sustainability community on campus through programs such as the House Sustainability Representatives and the Smith College Green Team!
CEEDS- Center for Environment, Ecological Design & Sustainability, Wright Hall 9:30 am to 10:30 am
Campus Sustainability for First Years: Session II September 4, 2015 Interested in environmental sustainability? So is Smith! Come visit CEEDS for an interactive information session and learn what resources and opportunities Smith offers for students to engage in sustainability efforts and initiatives. Discover how you can become a part of the sustainability community on campus through programs such as the House Sustainability Representatives and the Smith College Green Team! CEEDS- Center for Environment, Ecological Design & Sustainability, Wright Hall 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Lecture: Permian mass extinctions at high latitudes September 7, 2015 With Dr. Paul Wignall from the University of Leeds. Smith College will host it's installment of the 5 College Geology Lecture Series. Dinner will be served at 6pm in the McConnell Foyer. McConnell 103 7:00 pm