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February 3-9

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Featured Event

Climate Cafe-- COP21 Debrief
February 5, 2016
Climate change is one of the most pressing and complex issue of our time. The world was hoping that the 2015 COP21 in Paris would provide robust and ambitious international political answers to climate change. To some, the Paris Climate Agreement that came out of the Conference mis the world greatest diplomatic success. To others, the text reflects the power of the fossil fuel industry on our governments. Come learn more about what the Paris Climate Agreement entails and climate action after COP and make your own informed decision! Refreshments provided. The Friday afternoon Climate Cafe series is sponsored by CEEDS in partnership with Divest Smith College, Engineers for a Sustainable World, the Environmental Science and Policy Program, Five College Scopes and the Study Group on Climate Change.
Neilson Browsing Room
4:15 pm

Events at Smith 2016!
February 6, 2016
February 7, 2016
Registration for the 24-hour Hack@Smith 2016 is now open at! See link below. Hack@Smith is currently one of the only college hackathons designed to promote gender equality in computer science. Join us on February 6th-7th to create programs during this exciting 24-hour programming event!
Davis Ballroom, Smith College

Food Recovery Network
February 7, 2016
The Food Recovery Network is jumping right in and starting recovery!Please let us know if you'd like to join us by emailing! All are welcome.
3:50 pm

The 'Feel Good Monday' Lunch: What is the Relationship Between Social Justice and Righteous Anger?
February 8, 2016
Join Matilda Cantwell, Smith College Interfaith Fellow, for a conversation about the relationship between social justice work and righteous anger, and about the possibility of letting go and hanging on at the same time. This workshop is part of the series, "The Feel Good Monday Lunch." We'll begin and end each session with a very short exercise in contemplative practice. This series is co-sponsored by the Wurtele Center for Work & Life, Wellness Education, and Religious & Spiritual Life. Lunch and grab & go materials are provided.
Campus Center 204
12:15 pm

A Legal Stroll Through the Rugged Climate Change Landscape
February 8, 2016
a talk by Janet Milne, Director of Environmental Tax Policy Institute, Vermont Law. Part of the LSS 100 spring lecture series. All welcome.
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Exploring New Worlds: NASA's Dawn Mission to Asteroid Vesta and the Dwarf Planet Ceres
February 3, 2016
with Dr. Lucy McFadden of NASA as part of the Five College Geoscience Program Distinguished Lecture Series. Lucy McFadden investigates the surface composition of the solar system's small bodies (asteroids, comets, and meteorites) as well as natural satellites such as the moons of Earth and Jupiter. She is a Co-Investigator (Co-I) on NASA's Dawn mission to the asteroid 4 Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres. She has been leading the search for moons orbiting Ceres (none found so far) and is currently analyzing data returned from the Dawn spacecraft orbiting Ceres until June, 2016. Contact us (jbenkley at if you'd like to go and need a ride from Smith.
Main Lecture Hall in the Franklin Patterson Hall building
7:00 pm

Zube Lecture
February 4, 2016
with Wayne Feiden, Director, Planning and Sustainability for Northampton, MA; Lecturer of Practice, LARP, UMass
Procopio Room, 105 Hills North
4:00 pm

A Conversation on Climate Change
February 5, 2016
with Dr. Ray Bradley, leading climatologist at the University of Massachusetts. Wine and Hors d’oeuvres at 6:00 pm. At 7pm, Mr. Bradley will talk about the history of climate change, related environmental problems and future changes/potential environmental impacts in New England. Ray will then discuss some of the opportunities to address these issues. Q&A will follow. Although the event is free to the public, please register by emailing Harvey Hill, or or Michael Scuderi :
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 335 Longmeadow Street, Longmeadow, MA
6:00 pm

Science in Exile: Albert Francis Blakeslee and Sophie Satin in Northampton
February 6, 2016
Historic Northampton is pleased to announce a new lecture series, From Mars to Molecules: Quirky Scientists who put the Valley on the Map. The Valley has long been home to remarkable scientists. This spring we highlight several who were also unusual characters. This first lecture will be given by C. John Burk, Elsie Damon Simonds Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences at Smith College.
Damon Education Center, Historic Northampton, 46 Bridge Street, Northampton
2:00 pm

Featured Event

Climate Change, Conflict, and Migration: The Intersection
February 12, 2016
Don't miss this third "intersections" lecture organized by Divest Smith College. Christian Parenti, professor at New York University, contributing editor to The Nation and author of Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence, will speak about how climate change intensifies conflicts, resource scarcity and the refugee crises. Part of the Climate Cafe series held each Friday. Refreshment provided.
Neilson Library Browsing Room
4:15 pm

Sledding and game day at MacLeish
February 13, 2016
Join us for an afternoon at the MacLeish Field Station! There will be a Living Building tour and board games inside, and sledding outside! We'll leave from Chapin loading dock at 12:20pm and return by 4pm. Email sakim at to reserve a spot in the van!
Chapin Loading Dock/MacLeish Field Station
12:20 pm to 4:00 pm

Events at Smith

Stargazing and Astronomy Open House
February 12, 2016
Come see stars, planets, galaxies, and a region of active star formation. All are welcome - please dress very warmly. For further information or to check on weather conditions, contact Meg (mthacher at
McConnell Hall Roof
8:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Featured Event

Open Climate Cafe
February 19, 2016
Join us for an informal conversation over homemade soup and cookies! We'll be prepared to answer questions, discuss current news, recent events or issues related to climate change, and whatever else is on your mind. Today's "hosts" are Eliana Gevelber '19 and Elliot Fratkin (anthropology).
CEEDS Wright Hall 005
4:15 pm

Events at Smith

Info Session: Yestermorrow
February 18, 2016
Learn about opportunities for students to enter the world of sustainable building and design at the Yestermorrow Design/Build School in Vermont through summer and winter break workshops, internships, and the Fall 2016 Semester in Sustainable Design/Build. Free pizza for all attendees.
Hillyer Hall 106
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Talk: The Geohistory of the Connecticut River Valley
February 21, 2016
Retired geology professor Richard Little, author of "Dinosaurs, Dunes and Drifting Continents" will discuss the geology of the Connecticut River Valley, which was formed millions of years ago when supercontinent Pangea split up into the continents we know today. The Valley is one of the best places in the world to study geology since we have all three types of rock — igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary — as well as dinosaur footprints and glacial potholes.
White Square -Fine Books and Art, 86 Cottage St, Easthampton, MA
2:00 pm

The Science Behind Climate Change
February 21, 2016
Join the Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Association to learn how Climate Change happens and how it will affect the World around us. The lecture will be presented by David S. Jones, Assistant Professor of Geology, Amherst College.
Stirn Auditorium, Amherst College
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm