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February 12-18

February 19-25

February 26- Mar 3

Featured Event

Climate Change, Conflict, and Migration: The Intersection
February 12, 2016
Don't miss this third "intersections" lecture organized by Divest Smith College. Christian Parenti, professor at New York University, contributing editor to The Nation and author of Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence, will speak about how climate change intensifies conflicts, resource scarcity and the refugee crises. Part of the Climate Cafe series held each Friday. Refreshment provided.
Neilson Library Browsing Room
4:15 pm

Sledding and game day at MacLeish
February 13, 2016
Join us for an afternoon at the MacLeish Field Station! There will be a Living Building tour and board games inside, and sledding outside! We'll leave from Chapin loading dock at 12:20pm and return by 4pm. Email sakim at to reserve a spot in the van!
Chapin Loading Dock/MacLeish Field Station
12:20 pm to 4:00 pm

Events at Smith

Stargazing and Astronomy Open House
February 12, 2016
Come see stars, planets, galaxies, and a region of active star formation. All are welcome - please dress very warmly. For further information or to check on weather conditions, contact Meg (mthacher at
McConnell Hall Roof
8:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Info Session: Yestermorrow
February 18, 2016
Learn about opportunities for students to enter the world of sustainable building and design at the Yestermorrow Design/Build School in Vermont through summer and winter break workshops, internships, and the Fall 2016 Semester in Sustainable Design/Build. Free pizza for all attendees.
Hillyer Hall 106
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Featured Event

Open Climate Cafe
February 19, 2016
Join us for an informal conversation over homemade soup and cookies! We'll be prepared to answer questions, discuss current news, recent events or issues related to climate change, and whatever else is on your mind. Today's "hosts" are Eliana Gevelber '19 and Elliot Fratkin (anthropology).
CEEDS Wright Hall 005
4:15 pm

Tango Time: History and Introductory Lesson
February 25, 2016
The Argentine Tango has millions of adherents all over the planet. The world's most sensual dance, tango is all about communication between two people. The rhythmic embrace carries partners into a world of their own, shared through music. Join Williams-Mystic Professor and long time Tango enthusiast Glenn Gordinier for a brief history an introductory lesson and an explanation of how this global phenomenon grew out of one of the world's leading portside communities. All are welcome. For more information, contact Contact Emily Volkmann at evolkmann at
Scott Gym Dance Studio
6:30 pm

Events at Smith

Wednesday Webinar: Public Health Impacts of US Climate Policy
February 24, 2016
The first in the series of webinars hosted by Bard College's Center for Environmental Policy that focuses on key elements of the Clean Power Plan, the US commitment to reduce global warming pollution from the power sector. Topics range from environmental justice to renewable energy, carbon pricing to jobs and public health. Join us today to hear Kathy Fallon Lambert, the Science & Policy program director at Harvard Forest, Harvard University, speak out about climate policy and how it affects public health. Bring your own lunch, chips and drinks provided. Sponsored by CEEDS.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Lunchbag: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of America’s Coastlines
February 25, 2016
Emily Volkmann '16 and Kaitlyn Klema '16 will present about their study away experience with the Williams-Mystic program! Lunch will be served at 12:00 and the talk will begin at 12:10.
Sabin-Reed 103
12:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Talk: The Geohistory of the Connecticut River Valley
February 21, 2016
Retired geology professor Richard Little, author of "Dinosaurs, Dunes and Drifting Continents" will discuss the geology of the Connecticut River Valley, which was formed millions of years ago when supercontinent Pangea split up into the continents we know today. The Valley is one of the best places in the world to study geology since we have all three types of rock — igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary — as well as dinosaur footprints and glacial potholes.
White Square -Fine Books and Art, 86 Cottage St, Easthampton, MA
2:00 pm

The Science Behind Climate Change
February 21, 2016
Join the Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Association to learn how Climate Change happens and how it will affect the World around us. The lecture will be presented by David S. Jones, Assistant Professor of Geology, Amherst College.
Stirn Auditorium, Amherst College
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Featured Event

Open Climate Cafe
February 26, 2016
Join us for an informal conversation over tea and cookies! We'll welcome questions, a discussion of current news, recent events or issues related to climate change, and whatever else is on your mind. Today's "hosts" Andrea Schmid '17 and Greg White (government) will ask us what it means to talk about climate change as an issue of national security.
CEEDS- Center for Environment, Ecological Design & Sustainability, Wright Hall 005
4:15 pm

Events at Smith

Bad Science Movie Series: San Andreas
February 26, 2016
Join us as we critique, mock and rationalize some of our favorite bad science disaster movies! Tonight's rocking movie will be hosted by Jack Loveless. There will be snacks, drinks and great company, so stop by the Cave and join the fun!
Burton 109
7:30 pm

Hiking or Relaxing at the Field Station
February 28, 2016
Welcome the warmer weather with a trip up to the field station for a couple hours! There are games, cozy reading spots, and warm drinks inside the eco building, and we'll also be leading a hike for those who want to explore! RSVP below at:
MacLeish Field Station (leave from Chapin loading dock)
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Sigma Xi: Nightmare on Elm Street
March 1, 2016
A talk by Michael Marcotrigiano, director, Smith Botanic Gardens. Open to all faculty, staff, and students. A complimentary lunch is offered in McConnell Foyer.
McConnell 103 auditorium
12:10 pm

Bad Science Movie Series: Supervolcano
March 1, 2016
Join us as we critique, mock and rationalize some of our favorite bad science disaster movies! Tonight's rocking movie will be hosted by Mark Brandiss. There will be snacks, drinks, pizza and great company, so stop by the Cave and join the fun!
Burton 109
4:30 pm

Info Session: Shoals Marine Lab
March 2, 2016
SML is located on an island off the coast of New Hampshire and offers summer courses in marine science and policy. Lunch provided.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Wednesday Webinar: US Climate Policy: Renewables, Efficiency and Carbon Pricing
March 2, 2016
The second in the series of webinars hosted by Bard College's Center for Environmental Policy that focuses on key elements of the Clean Power Plan, the US commitment to reduce global warming pollution from the power sector. Topics range from environmental justice to renewable energy, carbon pricing to jobs and public health. Join us today to hear Rachel Cleetus, the lead economist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, discuss the role of renewable energy and its efficiency. Bring your own lunch, chips and drinks provided. Sponsored by CEEDS.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Lecture: An ‘Other’ Feminism: Women's Involvement in the Zapatista Movement
March 3, 2016
Join us for a talk with Hilary Klein, author of Compañeras: the only English language source for Zapatista women’s stories of their lives and struggles to construct dignity and peace and to strengthen their communities from within.
Seelye Hall Room 106
5:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Non-Violent Direct Action Training
February 27, 2016
Join the local climate justice movement in defeating the Kinder Morgan Northeast Energy direct Pipeline. Learn more about the pipeline at For more information and to reserve a spot, email
Amherst Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse 121 N Pleasant Street
9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Workshop: Facing an Uncertain Future: Building Your Inner and Outer Skills
February 29, 2016
This workshop is led by Skills-for-Life, a Royalston, MA-based group which imparts skills that strengthen communities and support individual growth. Participants explore the idea of balancing outer skills such as carpentry and gardening with inner skills such as self-awareness. Part of a series organized by Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice Around the Climate Crisis, a collaborative community comprised of UMass students, faculty and staff working together to integrate the intellectual, emotional and spiritual dimensions of climate change.
W.E.B. Du Bois Library, Floor 26, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm

info session: earth architecture and cultural sustainability course
March 1, 2016
This course explores the notion of cultural sustainability, a form of sustainable development that is also culturally appropriate—catering to the needs and ideals of different ethno-cultural groups. The course explores how the notion of cultural sustainability has been applied to sustainable design in Ecuadorian architectural practice, and how do rural communities in the Andes have related to this notion. This course is open to all Five College students. No background in architecture is required. The course is interdisciplinary by nature, accommodating students’ diverse interests in ecology, geography, anthropology, social development, planning, building, and other areas. Knowledge of Spanish is not required. More info at link:
EDH 3, Hampshire College
4:00 pm

Women In Design: Mass Architectural Loopty Loops
March 1, 2016
Next Tuesday March 1st, Jennifer Bonner of Mass Architectural Loopty Loops will be lecturing as part of the Women in Design Lecture Series through the Department of Architecture and Design at UMass. We hope that you will join us and also share this lecture with others in your community. The poster is attached and please feel free to forward to others! Please contact Caryn Brause if you have any further questions at
Integrative Learning Center Room S140, UMass Amherst
5:30 pm