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March 20-26

March 27- Apr 2

April 3-9

Featured Event

Climate Cafe-- The Future of Solar and Electric Utilities
March 22, 2016
with Nathan Phelps, Program Manager at Vote Solar. Nathan focuses on regulatory design for distributed generation in the eastern United States. Prior to joining Vote Solar, Nathan was a senior economist at the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. Nathan holds degrees from Willamette University and Tufts University.
Neilson Library Browsing Room
4:15 pm

Events at Smith

Life Sciences Colloquium
March 21, 2016
Featuring Dr. Ben Letcher from UMASS Amherst/Conte Lab. Ben will be speaking on local trout population dynamics relative to climate change. Ben and his collaborators have been studying native brook trout population dynamics and population genetics in the West Brook watershed, immediately downstream of Smith MacLeish Field Station, for 10-15 years. They've found some fascinating correlations between trout population dynamics, water temperature, and shifting climate. Tea and cookies are served before the lecture starting at 4 p.m. in the McConnell Foyer.
McConnell 103
4:30 pm

Tabling: Sun Coffee Roasters
March 22, 2016
Sun Coffee Roasters CEO Keith Lemnios will be on campus to share information about how his company sources coffee. Sun Coffee Roasters strives to support coffee growing cooperatives and grow support for independent coffee growers who also use sustainable practices. Those who love coffee and/or support sustainable practices are strongly encouraged to stop by!
Campus Center near the Cafe
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Sun Coffee Roasters Bean to Cup Presentation & Tasting
March 22, 2016
Sun Coffee Roasters CEO Keith Lemnios will be on campus to speak about how his company sources coffee. Sun Coffee Roasters strives to support coffee growing cooperatives and grow support for independent coffee growers who also use sustainable practices. The presentation will be very laid-back, and will include coffee tasting and free samples. Those who love coffee and/or support sustainable practices are strongly encouraged to stop by!
Campus Center 103/104
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Wednesday Webinar: Environmental Justice and US Climate Policy
March 23, 2016
The fourth in the series of webinars hosted by Bard College's Center for Environmental Policy that focuses on key elements of the Clean Power Plan, the US commitment to reduce global warming pollution from the power sector. Join us to hear Avi Allison & Sarah Jackson, associates at Synapse Energy Economics Inc., as they discuss the social implications of the Clean Power Plan. Bring your own lunch, chips and drinks provided. Sponsored by CEEDS.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Documentary and Discussion: Re-Weaving the Web: Amazonian Dark Earth
March 24, 2016
We invite you to join us to learn more about what is considered to be the most sustainable soil in the world - Amazonian Dark Earth. This film looks into the origin of Brazil's sustainable soil and how the Sachamama Center for Biocultural Regeneration is working in partnership with local indigenous peoples to rediscover and use centuries old knowledge. This knowledge addresses issues such as deforestation, food sovereignty and climate change mitigation, and what the Center has disovered is that indigenous knowledge has the potential to make a huge positive difference. The screening will be followed by a conversation with the Sachamama Center director, Fredrique Apffel-Marglin, about the work the Center does and opportunities for Smith students to intern and get involved.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Poster Creation Tips & Tricks Workshop
March 25, 2016
With Celebrating Collaborations fast approaching (4/16) the CATS group is offering a workshop for students and faculty. Topics to be covered include the preparation of content, basic aesthetic and layout tips, core tools to use in Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, PowerPoint and Keynote, and porting tips to the final PDF file.
Bass Hall room102
1:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Taking Steps to a Renewable Future
March 20, 2016
During spring break, come walk to stop the proposed Kinder-Morgan fracked gas pipeline and champion renewable energy! A 4-day, 53-mile intergenerational walk along the route of the proposed pipeline with food and lodging provided, as well as evening events open to the public. Walk with your friends to raise awareness of the pipeline and the dangers of continued fossil fuel use and our shared vision of local renewable energy! RSVP on Facebook and register online (!

Crafting Personal Stories
March 22, 2016
Interactive group discussion focusing on sharing climate stories based on personal passion and motivation to inspire action. Part of a series organized by Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice Around the Climate Crisis, a collaborative community comprised of UMass students, faculty and staff working together to integrate the intellectual, emotional and spiritual dimensions of climate change.
W.E.B. Du Bois Library, Floor 26, University of Massachusetts Amherst
12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

The 1937 Project Exposition and Exhibition
March 24, 2016
Join the Applied Humanities Learning Lab (APPHULL) at this year's class event and exhibition opening! This event encompasses the cultural and historical preservation of the four lost towns flooded by the Quabbin Reservoir. Interesting local history involving environmental issues, history, museum studies. This year's program "Resurrecting the Lost Towns of the Swift River Valley" was created in partnership with the Swift River Historicl Society with the generous support of the Five Colleges Inc./Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Bridging Initiative in the Public and Applied Humanities.
UMASS Student Union Ballroom and Gallery
7:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Protest/Vigil about the assassinated Indigenous environmental activists and military "aids" role
March 26, 2016
This Saturday we will have a Pine Needle, Flower, Candle honoring circle. We will be there. With signs. With hope. With Information about the assassinated Indigenous environmental activists and how US military "aid" has fueled repression and violence in Honduras and elsewhere. Come stand against it, and be in dialogue about what we can do. In standing together here we also stand with those holding vigils in NYC, DC, Toronto, Vancouver, Waterloo, and elsewhere around the globe. Event co-sponsored by Oonagh Doherty, em jollie, First Churches Committee for Peace and Justice, and Western Mass Code Pink. Share! Join! Invite your friends!
Intersection of Main & Pleasant/King AND nearby lawn of First Churches (First Churches is next door to Urban Outfitters)
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Featured Event

Climate Cafe-- Performance: Dr. Keeling's Curve
April 1, 2016
In this poignant one man show, environmental activist,journalist and author George Shea portrays Keeling, the quirky and brilliant man who created the iconic chart that illustrates the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels from 1958 to the present, and introduced the concept of climate change. The story combines Keeling's personal journey with the insights of atmospheric scientists who, hundreds of years earlier, made discoveries that laid the foundation for Keeling’s own extraordinary work.
Neilson Library Browsing Room
4:15 pm

Folk Music at the Field Station
April 2, 2016
A lively group of musicians will be having a fun concert/open jam session in the field station, with fiddles, banjos, a standup bass, and more. There will be cozy seating, tea, snacks, and maybe even an opportunity to learn some dance moves, if you wish. This was the most popular field station event last year. All Smithies are welcome! Vans leave Smith at 6:30 p.m. and arrive back at 9:30 p.m. To sign up, visit the link below:
MacLeish Field Station (leave from Chapin loading dock)
6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Events at Smith

Field Station Getaway!
March 27, 2016
It's finally spring, so it's beautiful weather to spend the afternoon at the field station! There will be opportunities for hiking, hanging out in nature, or relaxing in the eco building. Transportation provided. Sign up at:
Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Green Team Meeting
March 27, 2016
Join us for some fun and planning for Earth Week & other events we might like to hold before the finals season kicks in! Bring a friend--newbies more than welcome! THERE ARE RUMORS THAT THERE COULD BE VEGAN PIE &/OR TREATS.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
8:00 pm

Coming to America: Invasive Species, Ocean Rafting, and Japanese Tsunami Marine Debris
March 28, 2016
with James T. Carlton, Professor of Marine Sciences Emeritus, Williams College, Director Emeritus of the Williams-Mystic Maritime Studies Program. Come for refreshments at 3:30 p.m., Lecture starts at 4.
McConnell Foyer/103
4:00 pm

The Landscape of Globalization Over Five Continents
March 29, 2016
Acclaimed photographer and writer Leo Rubinfien will present "Back Roads Through the World City," a lecture about his travels through the landscape of globalization over five continents. Known for his luminous, intimate vision and its unsentimental humanism, he will show photographs and read excerpts from his books, and from work in progress. Rubinfien's work has been exhibited at major museums and galleries around the world.
Graham Hall, Hillyer
5:30 pm

Presentation of the major and minor in Geosciences
March 31, 2016
For Smith students. Indian food lunch provided!
Sabin-Reed 103
12:00 pm

Featured Event

Open Climate Cafe
April 8, 2016
Join us for an informal conversation over tea and cookies! We'll welcome questions, a discussion of current news, recent events or issues related to climate change, and whatever else is on your mind. Today's Cafe will have a local (action) focus and we'll chat with local activists and Hampshire College students Gabriel Shapiro (Sugar Shack Alliance and Climate Action Now) and Amber Barnes (Climate Action Now) about resources for students, local actions and events to get involved with.
CEEDS- Center for Environment, Ecological Design & Sustainability, Wright Hall 005
4:15 pm

Events at Smith

April Showers - Smith Houses Competition
April 4, 2016
April 4 - 8. April Showers is an annual spring competition between houses with the goal of conserving water. Decrease water usage by taking shorter showers, then compare your usage to other houses and win prizes for the most water saved! Students use 5 minute shower timers to take shorter showers, and put a check on the April Showers calendar when they’ve take a short shower, or no shower that day. The house with the most short or no showers at the end of the week wins! Sponsored by the Eco-Reps.
All Smith Houses

Campus-Wide Free Box
April 5, 2016
Help reduce our community's end of the year waste by reusing and rehoming clothing and more! Bring your unwanted clothes or your house's free box to share, and see if there is anything you’d like to take home. All items are free.
Chapin Lawn / Campus Center Lower Level if bad weather
11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Sigma Xi: Smithies in Panama: An Integrative Field Course in the Tropics
April 5, 2016
With Lisa Mangiamele. Open to all faculty, staff, and students. A complimentary lunch is offered in McConnell Foyer.
McConnell 103 auditorium
12:10 pm

Bike Kitchen Open Hours
April 6, 2016
Maybe you are wondering where the bike paths are or where bike resources are in the area. Maybe you are having trouble with your brakes or something else on your bike and want to learn how to fix it yourself. Or maybe you just LOVE bikes. In any case, come to Open Hours and we can help!
Talbot basement
6:00 pm

Film screening: Cowspiracy
April 8, 2016
The Green Team and Eco-reps want you to come on out to enjoy vegan treats & watch this 2014 documentary about animal agriculture's effects on the environment that earned an 8.5 rating on IMDB. LEO IS THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER (what more can you ask for?):
CC 104
7:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Power Dialog 4.4.16
April 4, 2016
The Power Dialog is a nation-wide effort to support students engaging face-to-face with state and local officials on efforts to meet the US climate commitment. This is an opportunity for students to hear firsthand how climate change is being addressed in Massachusetts and for their voices to be heard by our legislators. Featured panelists: Stephanie Ciccarello, Amherst Town Sustainability Coordinator; Ben Downing, Massachusetts State Senator; Jordan Garfinkle, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.
Paino Lecure Hall, Beneski, Amherst College
6:00 pm

New Coastal Urban Infrastructures: Recent Work of LOLA
April 7, 2016
Walter Meyer, co-founder of Local Office Landscape and Urban Design, has been recognized for leadership in coastal resiliency by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the White House. Jennifer Bolstad is a Landscape Architect and co-founder of Local Office Landscape and Urban Design. She teaches at the Pratt Institute and holds degrees from Harvard College and Harvard Graduate School of Design. Her research and practice concentration is coastal landscapes at all scales, operating between infrastructure, urbanism and ecology. Together, these two great minds will explore the recent work of Local Office Landscape & Urban Design, LLC (LOLA). This company addresses the impact of cities on the sea, how to protect cities from sea surges and more
Procopio Room, 105 Hills North, UMass
12:00 am to 12:00 am

Of Bees and Anxiety: Imagining Animals in Ancient Christianity
April 7, 2016
Patricia Cox Miller is the Bishop W. Earl Ledden Professor of Religion, Emerita, at Syracuse University, where she taught from 1977 to 2012. Her research focuses on religion in the period of the Roman Empire, especially Christianity.
Pruyne Lecture Room, 115 Fayerweather Hall, Amherst College
5:00 pm

Panel: The Future of Offshore Wind in Massachusetts
April 8, 2016
The UMass Wind Energy Center and the Offshore Wind IGERT program are excited to present an important discussion with panelists Thomas Brostrøm (DONG Energy), Jeffrey Grybowski (Deepwater Wind), Erich Stephens (OffshoreMW), and Matthew Morrissey (Offshore Wind MA). Panelists will discuss the path forward to include offshore wind in the energy market in Massachusetts. Massachusetts Senate President Stanley Rosenberg will share his perspective on the future of energy in the state, with a particular focus on offshore wind. Use the lnk below to contact Jody Lally at the UMass Wind Energy Center for further information:
Bernie Dallas Memorial Room (Rm. 506), Goodell Building, at UMass Amherst
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm