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September 9-15

September 16-22

September 23-29

Featured Event

Lecture: Vermont Farm to School: A Legacy of Women, Politics, Partnerships and Food
September 12, 2016
with Alexandra Zipparo AC' 12, Senior Agriculture Development Specialist, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets, Montpelier, VT. This event is free, open to the public, and wheelchair accessible.
McConnell Hall, Rm. 103
2:40 pm to 4:00 pm

Events at Smith

GEO lunchbag: Student Summer GEO Adventures
September 15, 2016
with Bethany Gulla-Devany ‘18, Casey Armanetti ‘18
 and Eli Bergman ‘17
. Pizza lunch is served.
Sabin-Reed 103
12:10 pm

SCOPES general meeting
September 15, 2016
Come to the garden to find out more about us! Check out the FaceBook link below for more info.
Community Garden
5:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Hilltown Chautauqua Festival, "Earthcare: A Sense of Wonder"
September 9, 2016
September 10, 2016
September 11, 2016
The theme of the festival is "the larger conversation" on our relationship to the natural environment and how we care for it in a time of dramatic climate change. The festival features art, poetry, live performances, and workshops, including presentations by Joan Maloof, Juliet Schor, Lauret Savoy, Alan Weisman, and Kaiulani Lee's one-woman play "A Sense of Wonder" which portrays the life of Rachel Carson. More information and tickets can be found at the event's website:

Why Shop Local: an overview
September 11, 2016
with Daniel Finn of Pioneer Valley Local First. Part of the "Why Shop Local" Seminar series. Free samples galore- raffles and prizes, $3 sandwich of the day for participants.
Serios Market, 65 State Street
12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

Creating Social Centers: Designing in the Public Realm
September 15, 2016
with Bob Uhlig ASLA LEED AP BD+C, President & CEO, Halvorson Design. This lecture is part of the Fall 2016 Zube Lecture Series at UMass Amherst - LA&RP Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning. All are welcome.
Procopio Room, 105 Hills North
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

A conversation with Melisa Vargas Echevarria
September 15, 2016
Melisa Vargas is spokesperson for the activists/protestors camping in front of the federal courthouse in San Juan Puerto Rico in opposition to PROMESA and the dictatorial fiscal board imposed by the U.S. Government. She is a member of the Partido del Pueblo Trabajador in Puerto Rico, a recognized environmental activist, and part of a civil disobedience movement occupying public beaches to prevent ecological harm by big hotels like Marriot and Hilton. Active in the feminist movement in Puerto Rico, Melisa is also a radio producer at Radio Huelga, a radio station created by students during the strike at the University of Puerto Rico in 2010. Sponsored by: ARISE for Social Justice
Arise for Social Justice, 467 State Street, Springfield, Massachusetts
5:30 pm

Featured Event

12th Annual Sustainability Summit: Energizing and Democratizing New England's Local Energy Economy
September 17, 2016
Join local energy leaders and concerned citizens from across New England to learn, share, and work together to catalyze a new energy economy in our region that is based on clean sources, thriving local economies, and access for all. We’ll be grappling with tough questions, sharing inspiring solutions, and looking to hear from YOU about the strategies you see in your community as we craft a path forward for our region. Keynote speaker Sandra Steingraber, an acclaimed ecologist and author, will explore the links between human rights and the environment, with a focus on climate change, chemical contamination, and shale gas extraction via fracking. College students can register for free before 9/12- just use promo code "STUDENT" and bring your student ID with you on 9/17.
Smith College- various locations
9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Events at Smith

How to Get an Internship at the EPA and other Good Stories
September 19, 2016
a lunchtime conversation with Francesca Grifo ' 81, Director, Office of Scientific Integrity, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Lunch provided.
CEEDS- Center for Environment, Ecological Design & Sustainability, Wright Hall 005
12:00 pm

Study Abroad in New Zealand Info Session
September 19, 2016
Learn about the Frontiers Abroad study away program at University of Canterbury in New Zealand from Max Borella, Administrative Director. Pizza lunch will be served.
Sabin-Reed 103
12:10 pm

Scientific integrity and science policy at the EPA
September 20, 2016
with Francesca Grifo '81 Director, Office of Scientific Integrity, US Environmental Protection Agency. This talk is part of the Environment and Sustainability: Notes from the Field series sponsored by CEEDS. Lunch provided for the first 30 participants.
Seelye 106
12:00 pm

Coexistence and the Environment: Cooperation at the Arava Institute
September 20, 2016
Join us to make (and eat!) hummus and learn more about the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies from program alumni Nasr Al-Qadi, Kama Lee-Tal and Veida Lekakh '17.
6:30 pm

Green Team Meeting!
September 20, 2016
Come learn more about our org & what we have in store for the semester, & share your thoughts & ideas with us. No commitment necessary! There will be treats!
CC 204
7:30 pm

Divest Smith College: General Interest Meeting
September 22, 2016
Interested in Social Justice? Environmental activism? Challenging the status quo at Smith College? Come check us out!
CC 103/4
8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Documentary: Forgotten Farms
September 16, 2016
New England’s dairy farmers remain the backbone of the region's agriculture but fight for survival in an age of baby greens and artisan cheese. Forgotten Farms examines class divisions and cultural divides in New England's farm and food communities. Profiles of traditional New England dairy farmers, including Ashfield farmer, Ed Carter. Panel discussion and Q&A in town hall and later at Elmer's with the Director, Producer, local farmers and Franklin Land Trust.
Ashfield, MA
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Bike Fest and Tour of the Valley
September 18, 2016
Come out to enjoy the stunning fall foliage, dairy farms, and quaint villages of the Pioneer Valley, then stay for the gourmet food, beer, live music and entertainment. BikeFest is the most fun you can have on or off a bike! Organized by the Northampton Cycling Club.
Look Park, Florence, MA

Holding Earth: Mindful Climate Action
September 19, 2016
Weekly 30-minute mindfulness practice. Followed by sharing of resources, action-based opportunities, and ideas. Part of the Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice Around the Climate Crisis Fall 2016 SERIES. Limited seating – please arrive early.
Room 1638, Du Bois Library, UMASS, Amherst
3:00 pm to 3:45 pm

Featured Event

Curriculum and Campus Culture: An SGCC Community Engagement Event
September 23, 2016
September 26, 2016
How can Smith address climate change through the curriculum? Are there programs and events we can offer to support sustainability on campus for students, staff and faculty? These and other questions will be discussed. Choose the meeting time that best fits your schedule; a light lunch will be served at each. This event is open to all members of the Smith community.
Campus Center 103/104
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Canoe Trip!
September 24, 2016
Take a break from studying to go out on the Connecticut River for a fun paddle and do some good at the same time by helping clean up our rivers as part of the the Connecticut River Watershed Council's Source to Sea Clean-up. Bring your friends! You can register for the trip by emailing Meet up that morning at the Boat House at 10am, return to campus by 3-4pm.
Connecticut River

Mountain Day at MacLeish!
September 26, 2016
Mountain Day is coming... who knows exactly when, but here at CEEDS we are thinking about it, and we wanted to let you know that you are welcome to take the opportunity to visit MacLeish that day! You can come and hang out (check out Smith's Living Building and play a game, read in the swing outside, sit in the grass and enjoy the lovely weather) or come and be active (take a hike on one of our trails, explore, play games, go on our challenge course). Your call. All are welcome. Buses will run every 45 minutes from the Elm Street side of the Campus Center starting at 10am, with the last bus leaving MacLeish at 4:30pm.
Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station!
9:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Events at Smith

Food Recovery Network-- Meet and Greet
September 25, 2016
Learn about Smith's Food Recovery Network. Talk with us about food waste on and off campus. Eat brunch with us -- and bring your friends!
Cutter-Ziskind Dining Room
11:30 am

Sigma Xi: Investment and Divestment
September 27, 2016
Mike Howard, Vice President for Finance and Administration, will discuss "College and University Endowments, Divestment and Impact Investing." There will be a Q&A following the presentation. A light lunch will be served in McConnell Foyer before the talk.
McConnell Hall 103
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Living with the Nuclear Meltdown in Fukishima
September 28, 2016
Global Salon with Professor Nat Fortune, Professor Bob Newton, Aio Ogawa '20, Yuri Furukawa '20, and Mami Yamamoto '20. Pizza lunch will be served to the first 25 attendees.
Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright Hall
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

College and University Endowments, Divestment and Impact Investing
September 28, 2016
Mike Howard, Vice President for Finance and Administration, will discuss investment and divestment as part of the Study Group on Climate Change's fall community engagement series. There will be a Q&A following the presentation. Dinner will be provided for the first 50 attendees.
Neilson Browsing Room
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Real Food Challenge meeting
September 28, 2016
We are a recently chartered org in pursuit of food justice here at Smith! The Real Food Challenge is a national student movement that aims to shift one billion dollars by 2020 towards "real food." Real food means food that is local/community based, fair, ecologically sound, and humane. Smith is planning to sign a commitment to real food this fall, but there is still much more work to be done! Facilitating the signing, actions, coalitions, and this important shift in Smith's dining are just a few of the plans we have for the year. Snacks will be provided.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Screening: No Impact Man
September 29, 2016
Tell your classmates, & bring your friends! Sponsored by Green Team. Want to know where it will be and we haven't updated the calendar yet? Email greenteam at
7:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Holding Earth: Mindful Climate Action
September 26, 2016
Weekly 30-minute mindfulness practice. Followed by sharing of resources, action-based opportunities, and ideas. Part of the Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice Around the Climate Crisis Fall 2016 SERIES. Limited seating – please arrive early.
Room 1638, Du Bois Library, UMASS, Amherst
3:00 pm to 3:45 pm

MA Green Careers Conference
September 29, 2016
Careers. Clean Energy. Sustainability. Meet employers, green-career-ready candidates, experts and learners all in one place. Connect with stakeholders from business, education, government, and nonprofits. Take home ideas, best practices, and resources. Career development and sustainable development go hand in hand!

Local Identity and Urban Design: Culture in Planning and Design
September 29, 2016
with Drew Kane AICP Utile Architecture & Planning. This lecture is part of the Fall 2016 Zube Lecture Series at UMass Amherst - LA&RP Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning. All are welcome.
Procopio Room, 105 Hills North
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

What We’re Fighting For Now Is Each Other: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Climate Justice
September 29, 2016
Author reading and discussion with writer and activist Wen Stephenson offers an up-close look at individuals who are laying everything on the line to build and inspire the climate justice movement. Free book to the first 40 people to arrive! Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice Around the Climate Crisis Fall 2016 SERIES. Limited seating – please arrive early.
Floor 26, Du Bois Library, UMASS, AMherst
7:00 pm