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September 25- Oct 1

October 2-8

October 9-15

Featured Event

Curriculum and Campus Culture: An SGCC Community Engagement Event
September 26, 2016
How can Smith address climate change through the curriculum? Are there programs and events we can offer to support sustainability on campus for students, staff and faculty? These and other questions will be discussed. Choose the meeting time that best fits your schedule; a light lunch will be served at each. This event is open to all members of the Smith community.
Campus Center 103/104
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Mountain Day at MacLeish!
September 26, 2016
Mountain Day is coming... who knows exactly when, but here at CEEDS we are thinking about it, and we wanted to let you know that you are welcome to take the opportunity to visit MacLeish that day! You can come and hang out (check out Smith's Living Building and play a game, read in the swing outside, sit in the grass and enjoy the lovely weather) or come and be active (take a hike on one of our trails, explore, play games, go on our challenge course). Your call. All are welcome. Buses will run every 45 minutes from the Elm Street side of the Campus Center starting at 10am, with the last bus leaving MacLeish at 4:30pm.
Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station!
9:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Events at Smith

Food Recovery Network-- Meet and Greet
September 25, 2016
Learn about Smith's Food Recovery Network. Talk with us about food waste on and off campus. Eat brunch with us -- and bring your friends!
Cutter-Ziskind Dining Room
11:30 am

Sigma Xi: Investment and Divestment
September 27, 2016
Mike Howard, Vice President for Finance and Administration, will discuss "College and University Endowments, Divestment and Impact Investing." There will be a Q&A following the presentation. A light lunch will be served in McConnell Foyer before the talk.
McConnell Hall 103
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Living with the Nuclear Meltdown in Fukishima
September 28, 2016
Global Salon with Professor Nat Fortune, Professor Bob Newton, Aio Ogawa '20, Yuri Furukawa '20, and Mami Yamamoto '20. Pizza lunch will be served to the first 25 attendees.
Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright Hall
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

College and University Endowments, Divestment and Impact Investing
September 28, 2016
Mike Howard, Vice President for Finance and Administration, will discuss investment and divestment as part of the Study Group on Climate Change's fall community engagement series. There will be a Q&A following the presentation. Dinner will be provided for the first 50 attendees.
Neilson Browsing Room
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Real Food Challenge meeting
September 28, 2016
We are a recently chartered org in pursuit of food justice here at Smith! The Real Food Challenge is a national student movement that aims to shift one billion dollars by 2020 towards "real food." Real food means food that is local/community based, fair, ecologically sound, and humane. Smith is planning to sign a commitment to real food this fall, but there is still much more work to be done! Facilitating the signing, actions, coalitions, and this important shift in Smith's dining are just a few of the plans we have for the year. Snacks will be provided.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Screening: No Impact Man
September 29, 2016
Tell your classmates, & bring your friends! Sponsored by Green Team. Want to know where it will be and we haven't updated the calendar yet? Email greenteam at
7:30 pm

Info session: Environmental J-term course in Israel
September 30, 2016
Interested in studying about environmental challenges in Israel? Come on a two week January Global Flex course in Israel- looking at how ongoing border disputes, access to natural resources and human security complicate the kinds of environmental projects that could otherwise bring people together. Funding is available. Deadline to apply : Oct 7th- 9am.
Lewis Global Center
12:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Holding Earth: Mindful Climate Action
September 26, 2016
Weekly 30-minute mindfulness practice. Followed by sharing of resources, action-based opportunities, and ideas. Part of the Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice Around the Climate Crisis Fall 2016 SERIES. Limited seating – please arrive early.
Room 1638, Du Bois Library, UMASS, Amherst
3:00 pm to 3:45 pm

MA Green Careers Conference
September 29, 2016
Careers. Clean Energy. Sustainability. Meet employers, green-career-ready candidates, experts and learners all in one place. Connect with stakeholders from business, education, government, and nonprofits. Take home ideas, best practices, and resources. Career development and sustainable development go hand in hand!

Local Identity and Urban Design: Culture in Planning and Design
September 29, 2016
with Drew Kane AICP Utile Architecture & Planning. This lecture is part of the Fall 2016 Zube Lecture Series at UMass Amherst - LA&RP Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning. All are welcome.
Procopio Room, 105 Hills North
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

What We’re Fighting For Now Is Each Other: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Climate Justice
September 29, 2016
Author reading and discussion with writer and activist Wen Stephenson offers an up-close look at individuals who are laying everything on the line to build and inspire the climate justice movement. Free book to the first 40 people to arrive! Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice Around the Climate Crisis Fall 2016 SERIES. Limited seating – please arrive early.
Floor 26, Du Bois Library, UMASS, AMherst
7:00 pm

Featured Event

Presentation of the Environmental Concentrations in Climate Change and Sustainable Food
October 3, 2016
The environmental concentrations let students engage in an interdisciplinary exploration of the many issues involved in the topics of sustainable food and climate change. Come find out more! Indian food provided.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
12:00 pm

Mountain Day at MacLeish!
October 3, 2016
Mountain Day is coming... who knows exactly when, but here at CEEDS we are thinking about it, and we wanted to let you know that you are welcome to take the opportunity to visit MacLeish that day! You can come and hang out (check out Smith's Living Building and play a game, read in the swing outside, sit in the grass and enjoy the lovely weather) or come and be active (take a hike on one of our trails, explore, play games, go on our challenge course). Your call. All are welcome. Buses will run every 45 minutes from the Elm Street side of the Campus Center starting at 10am, with the last bus leaving MacLeish at 4:30pm.
Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station!
9:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Nearing the Tipping Point
October 7, 2016
is a one-day exhibition curated by Ellen Sulser '18 of works on paper from the Museum's permanent collection. The show examines the natural world and the consequences of human interactions with it. Works by artists such as Maggie Puckett, Patrick Nagatani, and Huma Muji will be represented. Ellen is a CEEDS intern.
Cunningham Center, Museum of Art
12:00 pm

Events at Smith

SmiTHrift Meet and Greet
October 2, 2016
Join us for brunch and help brainstorm session about sustainable campus fashion. Feel free to bring your friends!
Cutter-Ziskand Dining Hall
11:00 am to 12:00 pm

NOAA Internship Presentations
October 3, 2016
Hear about the excellent internships four Smithies participated in this summer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). You'll learn about a variety of coastal stewardship and conservation programs around the country and about this great internship program and how you might participate next summer. Presenters are: Coral Reef Conservation Communications Internship Sable Liggera '17; Mapping Habitat Change and Sea Level Rise in the Waquoit Bay Estuary, Cape Cod, MA Chloe Brownlie ‘17; Estuarine Stewardship and Diamondback Terrapin Conservation in the Chesapeake Bay Claudia Deeg ‘17; Studying the Slough: Vegetation’s response to sea level change Chloe Lee ‘17. Pizza lunch provided.
McConnell B15
12:15 pm

Green Team Meeting!
October 4, 2016
Missed our first meeting? It's not too late to join! Come learn about environmental issues, & make an impact! Potential Upcoming Events: - Zero-Waste Conference @ UNH; - “GMO OMG” showing; - Green Party Candidate Jill Stein visit
CC 003 Lounge
8:00 pm

Addressing Climate Change
October 6, 2016
Mary Skelton Roberts, Senior Program Officer of the Climate Barr Foundation will address climate change and solutions for clean energy, mobility, and resilient communities. Light refreshments will be provided. Sponsored by Jill Ker Conway Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center.
Campus Center 103/104
4:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Sustainability Science: It’s More than Just Changing Out Light Bulbs
October 3, 2016
with Weston Dripps, Executive Director of the David E. Shi Center for Sustainability and Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Furman University. Recent decades have seen the emergence of sustainability as a concept central to the development and future of humankind. Sustainability science is a rapidly emerging trans-disciplinary field that aims to develop a deeper and more fundamental understanding of the critical linkages between environmental, human, and social systems at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Within this new discipline, Furman University has been at the cutting edge of curriculum development with the first liberal arts major in Sustainability Science. The grand challenge of sustainability science lies in finding ways to elevate the standard of living for all humans above the necessary social foundation that protects against critical human deprivation while at the same time lowering the environmental impact below the critical natural thresholds. The challenge of moving into this space for humanity is complex because social and planetary boundaries are interdependent. In this talk I will share some basic principles of the discipline, an overview of Furman’s Sustainability Science curriculum, and some examples of student research in this arena.
Paino Lecture, Beneski Museum of Natural History, Amherst College
4:00 pm

Notes for a Queer ecology
October 3, 2016
Brigitte Baptiste, ecologist and director of Instituto Von Humboldtof Biodiversity will discuss queer ecology and its links to biodiversity and sustainability. The talk problematizes notions of bodies and landscapes as “natural” and contends that they are not just linked by biology. Rather cultural narratives shape and link both. Examining these narratives may help us explore better future scenarios for both.
Herter Hall 301, UMASS
5:00 pm

Next Generation Infrastructure: Principles for Post-Industrial Public Works
October 6, 2016
with Hillary Brown FAIA, Professor of Architecture, Spitzer School of Architecture, City College of New York. This lecture is part of the Fall 2016 Zube Lecture Series at UMass Amherst - LA&RP Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning. All are welcome.
Procopio Room, 105 Hills North
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Where Do We Stand on Climate Change
October 6, 2016
Ray Bradley delivers the first in a series of three talks that explores the science, ethics and politics of climate change, one year after the historic agreement made at the COP21 - 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris. Ray Bradley's research focuses on climate variability over recent centuries and millennia and he has carried out extensive fieldwork in the Arctic and North Atlantic region. Sponsored by the Miller Worley Fund for the Center for the Environment and The Science Center.
Gamble Auditorium, Mount Holyoke College
7:30 pm

Events at Smith

October 12, 2016
What changes to campus infrastructure and buildings need to be made to reach the college's goal of being carbon neutral by 2030? Vlad Mickler, Principal at Integral Group, will present the results of his group's study and analysis. Q&A will follow. Light refreshments will be provided.
Neilson Browsing Room
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Follow the Money: Economic Benefits of Local to Communities
October 9, 2016
with Bjorn Markeson of Smith College. Part of the "Why Shop Local" Seminar series. Free samples galore- raffles and prizes, $3 sandwich of the day for participants.
Serios Market, 65 State Street
12:30 pm to 1:30 pm