Featured Event Take a (creative) break-- at MacLeish! November 18, 2017 Looking for a new and refreshing study break? Join us for an artsy afternoon at the MacLeish Field Station! Take some time to capture this beautiful New England fall weather before it’s too late. Sketching, painting, doodling… all is welcome! No art background is necessary and all art supplies will be provided. We will leave from the Chapin loading dock at 1pm. Sign up for a spot in the vans at the link below. Hope to see you there!” More... MacLeish Field Station 1:00 pm
Lunch Talk w/ Breanna Parker '18: Carbon Pricing: A Transition Strategy to a Low Carbon World November 17, 2017 Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) is presenting a student-led Sustainability Discussion Series, featuring Breanna Parker '18, who will be talking about carbon pricing as a market-based strategy for mitigating carbon emissions. What should the price of carbon be? And what is Smtih College doing to put a price on carbon?
Ford Hall 240 12:10 pm to 1:00 pm
Events at Smith GIS Day! November 15, 2017 The highly anticipated day of year is here! Open house of all things GIS—including edible ones. Open to all Smithies. Register on the SAL website- link below. More... SAL
GIS Day: Welcome and introduction to GeoWeek November 15, 2017 Show your love for Geography Awareness Week over coffee and donuts, with story maps and printmaking. Celebrate the mappiest day of the year with the Spatial Analysis Lab! SAL, Sabin-Reed 104 10:00 am to 10:50 am
GIS Day: Short Presentations November 15, 2017 Hear from Cindy Li '18 (EGR), Rachel Moskowitz '18 (ENV), and Tracy Whelen (GIS Specialist at UMASS Amherst, Microwave Remote Sensing Lab) on the various facets of GIS. Celebrate the mappiest day of the year with the Spatial Analysis Lab! The SAL, Sabin-Reed 104 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
GIS Day: Drone Flying /DYI Spatial Chocolates/Color Old Maps November 15, 2017 Be a visual observer to a flight mission (weather permitting), make your own chocolates with SAL's special molds, or color in antique maps. Celebrate the mappiest day of the year with the Spatial Analysis Lab! The SAL, Sabin-Reed 104 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
GIS Day: OSM Humanitarian Mapping workshop November 15, 2017 Contribute to disaster repsonses by identifying infrastructure in satellite imagery for effective relief efforts. Celebrate the mappiest day of the year with the Spatial Analysis Lab! The SAL, Sabin-Reed 104 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
GIS Day: Geopardy! November 15, 2017 Unleash the Ken Jennings in all of us to conclude the day; snack on treats and your competitors' tears. Celebrate the mappiest day of the year with the Spatial Analysis Lab! The SAL, Sabin-Reed 104 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Alternative Nature: the ideas and works of PARKIM November 16, 2017 a lecture by Jungyoon Kim, Founder and Principal of PARKKIM, Landscape Architects, Seoul, Republic of Korea, and Visiting Design Critic, Department of Landscape Architecture, Harvard Design School, 2017-2018. This lecture is part of the LSS 100 series, and is free and open to the public. Weinstein Auditorium 3:00 pm to 4:50 pm
Farming with Dignity: A Conversation with Migrant Justice November 16, 2017 Organized by Smith Students for Food Justice and Organizing for Undocumented Students' Rights with support from CEEDS, Dining Services, Religious and Spiritual Life, ES&P, Latin American and Latino/a Studies, and ORC. Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall 7:00 pm
Stargazing November 17, 2017 Come see stars, galaxies, and star clusters. All are welcome to this astronomy department open house - please dress warmly. For further information or to check on weather conditions, contact Meg Thacher (mthacher @smith.edu). McConnell Hall Roof 8:30 pm
Art Exhibit: local landscapes November 20, 2017 An art exhibit by students in Sedimentary Geology (GEO 232) course in now on display through December 1. The art is inspired by our local landscapes and communicates information about their geological origins. McConnell Foyer
Making Story Maps November 20, 2017 A compelling visual storytelling platform—a red hot chili pepper (see: RateMyProfessor.com) in the presentation world. Open to all Smithies. Register on the SAL website- link below. More... SAL 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Events Off Campus Gallery Talk: Interweaving Themes in Physics and Art November 16, 2017 Spencer Smith, Assistant Professor of Physics, Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, Art Museum Exhibit Hall 4:30 pm
6th annual Hilltown Fall Seed Exchange November 18, 2017 Learn to save your own garden seed, get answers to your seed saving questions, and exchange seed that you’ve saved with your friends and neighbors! This year's event will feature an opening talk by Amy Pulley of Wing and A Prayer Pollinator Nursery in Cummington. Amy is actively working to restore pollinator habitats throughout the area and educate gardeners, children and families about how to support pollinators by planting more pollinator plants (and saving their seeds!). There will be plenty of time to browse and help yourself to the dozens of home grown varieties of tomatoes, beans, kale, wildflowers, and many other crops. We appreciate seeds that come labeled with variety name, source, and year or date saved. Please note that you don’t have to bring seed to come to this event. We welcome people at all levels of experience, including those who have never saved seed before. As always, we encourage everyone who is bringing seed to the event to list it online using our Virtual Seed Bank. Once you have registered (a quick and easy process at the link below), you will be able to browse varieties that other people in the Hilltowns are saving and bringing to the Seed Exchange. The suggested donation for this event is a sliding scale: $5 – $10. Visit https://hilltownseeds.wordpress.com for more info, or contact Sadie at 413- 475-2692. More... Cummington Community House, 33 Main Street, Cummington 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Mondays: “Hearts in Action: Creative Responses to Climate Change” November 20, 2017 Join this weekly collaboration between Talking Truth and Paperbark Magazine (a new UMass Amherst environmental-humanities publication). The sessions include art-making, readings, reflective writing, discussion, contemplative exercises and more.
[Mondays: September 11 — November 27, 2017] Lederle Lowrise, Science and Engineering Library, UMass Amherst Campus 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Featured Event Fellowships Info Session November 27, 2017 Have you ever wondered if there is a fellowship out there for you? Do you have questions about when you should begin to prepare an application? Or what steps you might take to make you an even stronger candidate? If any of these are your questions, we hope you will join us for an informal session with Fellowships Advisor Margaret Lamb to learn more about some fellowships opportunities for students with environmental interests. CEEDS, Wright Hall 005 12:00 pm
Events at Smith Exhibition: 'Greenhouse Panoramas: a Process of Reinvention' November 22, 2017 This show is the result of a series of creative re-inventions. Esther Pullman '64 trained as a graphic designer but made a self-directed mid-career transition to photography which itself morphed from a hands-on, craft-based discipline to a computer-based digital process. This series of large-scale greenhouse images, began as an intuitive and visceral effort to bring light and life into my own home, as I anticipated the darkening seasons, gradually took on a more symbolic and metaphorical meaning in the face of our increasingly imperiled home planet. Exhibition open to public Monday-Friday, Sept. 8 to Jan. 8, 2018 Alumnae House Gallery 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Art Exhibit: local landscapes November 27, 2017 An art exhibit by students in Sedimentary Geology (GEO 232) course in now on display through December 1. The art is inspired by our local landscapes and communicates information about their geological origins. McConnell Foyer
Sigma Xi lunch and talk: Watching a virus at work: correlated cryofluorescence and November 28, 2017 cryo-electron miscropscopy of influenza virus fusion with Lauren Metskas '08 (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge University, UK). Lunch is served in the Foyer at 11:45 a.m., talks begin at 12:10 p.m. and are open to all faculty, emeriti, staff, and students. More... McConnell 103 12:00 pm
Events Off Campus Mondays: “Hearts in Action: Creative Responses to Climate Change” November 27, 2017 Join this weekly collaboration between Talking Truth and Paperbark Magazine (a new UMass Amherst environmental-humanities publication). The sessions include art-making, readings, reflective writing, discussion, contemplative exercises and more.
[Mondays: September 11 — November 27, 2017] Lederle Lowrise, Science and Engineering Library, UMass Amherst Campus 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Women Entrepreneurs in Agriculture and the Food System November 28, 2017 Come hear about how women entrepreneurs are creatively revolutionizing our farms and food system. Each month this fall, women entrepreneurs will share the successes ans challenges of their journey in food system entrepreneurship. 9/28: Amanda Brown, UMass Amherst Student Farm; Maida Ives, Book and Plow farm. 10/24: Annie Myer, Myer Produce; Susan Pincus, Sawmill Herb Farm. 11/28: Tucka Saville, Anarchy Apiaries; Julia Coffey, Mycoterra Farm. Light refreshments will be provided. Free! Conference Room, Paige Lab, UMASS AMherst 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm
Events at Smith ENV Lunch Talk: Coral Reef EdVentures November 29, 2017 Coral Ed is a paid 8-week marine environmental education and research program held primarily in San Pedro, Belize each summer. Sound like something you might want to do? Come for lunch and hear more about what it entails from former student participants and faculty advisers. McConnell 103 12:10 pm
What Unexpected Things to Begin to Expect: Climate Change Impacts in the Northeast November 30, 2017 a lecture by Richard N. Palmer, University Director of the DOI Northeast Climate Center, UMass-Amherst. This lecture is part of the LSS 100 lecture series. All welcome. Weinstein Auditorium 3:00 pm to 4:50 pm
DIY Deodorant November 30, 2017 The Smith Green Team is hosting a make-your-own deodorant event! Join us to make environmentally-friendly, healthy, waste-free deodorant! The event is free; supplies will be provided. CEEDS, Wright Hall 005 7:00 pm
Webinar: How to Get a Job in Sustainability: Purpose-Driven Careers in Business, NGOs, & Government November 30, 2017 Dr. Eban Goodstein, Director of Graduate Programs in Sustainability at Bard College, will outline mission-driven career strategies in sustainable business, non-profits and goverment for both soon-to-be and recent college graduates, and for professionals looking to make a move. Goodstein will provide participants with a concrete job-search strategy, discuss what the current political climate means for careers in social and environmental sustainability, cover grad school and continuing education options (including school now / school later); and take questions from the audience. Please register at the link below for log-in details and more information.
More... From your computer 7:00 pm
Exhibit of Etchings by Ruth Wilson Sutro '46 December 3, 2017
Lyman Plant House 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Menstrual Cup Workshop December 3, 2017 All are welcome to this fun peer-led workshop demystifying menstrual cups and other reusable menstrual products! What are they, how do they work!? Take home a free temporary one at the and see what you think! :) We'll be using gender neutral language. All are welcome. The FaceBook event link is below:
More... downstairs Chapel Lounge 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Sigma Xi lunch and talk: Does anyone really know what time it is? December 5, 2017 with Mary Harrington (psychology). Lunch is served in the Foyer at 11:45 a.m., talks begin at 12:10 p.m. and are open to all faculty, emeriti, staff, and students. More... McConnell 103 12:00 pm
Events Off Campus Rack City Thrift Sale December 1, 2017 Rack City is a student-run thrift shop that strives to combine equity, economy and the environment. We promote secondhand clothing because it avoids unethical practices from fast fashion and cheap clothing. We provide affordable clothing options for all community members. We encourage people to donate, repair, and reuse their items to divert waste from the landfill. All proceeds stay in the community. Income from sales cycle back into the Sustainability Innovation and Engagement Fund which grants money to students working on campus sustainability projects. Entrance UMass Amherst Campus 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Action Workshop - Eliminating Nuclear Weapons December 2, 2017 The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) just won the Nobel Peace Prize for getting 122 countries to agree to a new treaty criminalizing the possession of nuclear weapons. With Trump's finger on the nuclear button, now is the time to take action before it is too late. This workshop will explore how residents, students and others in the Northampton-Amherst area can start right now implementing the new Treaty - on college campuses, at town meetings and in many other places. The workshop is sponsored by The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice, and is free and open to the public! Workshop leader Timmon Wallis is an integral part of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) which developed the United Nations Treaty to abolish nuclear weapons for which they won the Noble Peace Prize. Northampton Friends Meeting, 43 Center St., Suite 202, Northampton 10:00 pm to 12:30 pm
Community Food Systems Conference December 5, 2017 New Entry Sustainable Farming Project's Community Food Systems Conference will address common underlying themes between food security, social justice and sustainable agriculture including obstacles in urban and rural environments and fostering community empowerment to create and sustain resilient local food systems. More... Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, MA
Action Workshop- Eliminating Nuclear Weapons December 5, 2017 The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) just won the Nobel Peace Prize for getting 122 countries to agree to a new treaty criminalizing the possession of nuclear weapons. With Trump's finger on the nuclear button, now is the time to take action before it is too late. This workshop will explore how residents, students and others in the Northampton-Amherst area can start right now implementing the new Treaty - on college campuses, at town meetings and in many other places. The workshop is sponsored by The Resistance Center for Peace and Justice, and is free and open to the public! Workshop leader Timmon Wallis is an integral part of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) which developed the United Nations Treaty to abolish nuclear weapons for which they won the Noble Peace Prize. 145 Integrated Science Building, University of Massachusetts at Amherst 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm