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Events at Smith Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) Info session January 26, 2018 Hands-on research collaboration between faculty and students is a cornerstone of science education at Smith. We are celebrating our 51st year! Are you interested in participating this summer? The Summer Research Fellowship (SURF) Program provides the opportunity to participate directly in research and work with a faculty mentor and student colleagues. The application for 2018 is now open. To begin the process, start a conversation with a faculty member whose research interests you, and who will consider endorsing your application. Please note that if you wish to work with a faculty member in the chemistry department, you will need to complete a pre-application no later than Monday February 5, 2018. General information, application instructions, and program guidelines are available at the link below: More... McConnell 103 12:15 pm
Aligning Climate Mitigation Goals with the Forest Goals of Small Communities in Chiapas, Mexico January 29, 2018 with Paul Wetzel, Environmental Monitoring Coordinator, CEEDS. Part of the Environment and Sustainability: Notes From the Field lecture series sponsored by CEEDS. Open to the public. McConnell 103 2:40 pm
Young Library Planning Update January 30, 2018 Presented by Kevin Shea, Department of Chemistry & Faculty Director of Clark Science Center, as part of the Sigma Xi Lunch Talks Series.
Lunch will be served in the Foyer at 11:45 am. McConnell 103 12:10 pm
Featured Event Hemlock Hospice: landscape ecology, art, and design February 1, 2018 a presentation by David Buckley Borden (artist/designer) and Aaron M. Ellison (Senior Ecologist, Harvard Forest) which focuses on the intersection of ecology, art, and design as viewed through the lens of the Hemlock Hospice project. Hemlock Hospice is an art-based interpretive trail conceived and developed by David Buckley Borden, Aaron M. Ellison, and their team of interdisciplinary collaborators. On view through mid-November 2018, this immersive site-specific science-communication project tells the story of the ongoing demise of the eastern hemlock tree at the hands (and mouth) of a tiny aphid-like insect, the hemlock wooly adelgid. While telling the story of the loss of eastern hemlock, the project addresses larger issues of climate change, human impact, and the future of New England forests. Graham Hall, Hillyer 5:00 pm
Events at Smith ES&P Lunchbag: Global Container Ships and Southern California's Blue Collar Community Coalitions: January 31, 2018 Contestation Over Air Quality with Smith alumna Emily H.A. Yen '09, Doctoral Candidate in Sociology at UCLA. The Port of Los Angles and Port of Long Beach are adjacent container ports that serve as the United States' largest international trade gateway handling approximately 37% of the entire county’s manufactured goods. Residents of the nearby blue collar harbor communities bear the brunt of these environmental pollution created by the ships, trucks, and cargo handling equipment and experience very high rates of asthma. This 4-year ethnography examines how the communities took collective action that ultimately forced the ports to adopt stricter environmental measures. Lunch provided. McConnell 103 12:15 pm
A Conversation with Emily H. A. Yen '09 January 31, 2018 Join us for a conversation with Emily about her research, ask her about grad school or about how her studies at Smith have helped set her on her post-graduation path. Emily is a Doctoral Candidate in Sociology at UCLA, and the ES&P lunchbag speaker. CEEDS, Wright Hall lower-level 4:00 pm
Food Recovery Action! February 4, 2018 Be a part of our on-campus Food Recovery Network initiative to combat food waste! Meet the FRN team at Cutter-Z, where we will distribute materials and organize volunteers. From there, teams of volunteers will collect leftover food from 6 kitchens and then deliver the donations to MANNA Soup Kitchen. No experience necessary! We welcome new and returning volunteers. Please come, and bring a friend or housemate! Cutter-Ziskind dining hall 3:50 pm
“I Have No Idea What Fish You Will Get Today.” Eating from a Supply Driven Fishing Fleet February 5, 2018 with Jamey Lionette, Sustainability Director at Red's Best, Boston, MA. Part of the Environment and Sustainability: Notes From the Field lecture series sponsored by CEEDS. Open to the public. McConnell 103 2:40 pm
Creating Sustainable Ventures at Smith February 6, 2018 Green Businesses and Sustainable Development Goals:Organizational Rationale, Goals and Impact.This Conway Center event will provide an overview and analysis of diverse green businesses (capitalist and non-capitalist) and their organizational practices, goals and rationale in response to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We will explore the impact within organizations in adopting SDG in their operational structure and the extent to which they redefine business practices. Also we will look at community impact of such green businesses and their potential for entrepreneurship driven social change. Lunch Provided. RSVP on Social Network. Interested in developing a green business idea for Draper?
More... CC 102 12:00 pm
Forest Conservation by Small Landholders in Latin America February 6, 2018 A Sigma Xi talk by Paul Wetzel, CEEDS.Lunch is served in the Foyer at 11:45 a.m., talks begin at 12:10 p.m. and are open to all faculty, emeriti, staff, and students. The full schedule of Sigma Xi Lunch Talks is available online at the link below: More... McConnell 103 12:10 pm
Events Off Campus Interactive, Creative Responses to Climate Change January 31, 2018 Reflective writing, art-making, and sharing. A collaboration with Paperbark Literary Magazine. Arrive at 2:30 P.M. for quiet contemplation and check-in. This event is part of the 2018 Climate Change Series "Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice around the Climate Crisis". All events are free and open to the public. Please note that seating is limited. UMass Amherst, Goodell 406A 3:00 pm
Fossil Free Fast: The Climate Resistance Live Event watch party January 31, 2018 Bill McKibben, Jaqui Patterson, and Bernie Sanders will all be speaking at this live-streamed event. Meet others in our community who want to organize to build local power and take climate action. RSVP at the link below: More... Unitarian Church, 220 Main Street, Northampton, MA 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm
The Natural and Cultural History of Burts Pit February 5, 2018 A talk by Laurie Sanders, co-executive director, Historic Northampton Sponsored by Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways. Part of the week-long "Just Big Enough- Green Housing for ALL" design competition hosted by the Northampton Department of Planning and Sustainability. A.P.E. Gallery, 126 Main Street, Northampton 7:00 pm
Big Enough- Pioneering the Small Home Revolution February 6, 2018 A talk sponsored by Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity. Part of the week-long "Just Big Enough- Green Housing for ALL" design competition hosted by the Northampton Department of Planning and Sustainability. A.P.E. Gallery, 126 Main Street, Northampton 6:00 pm