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March 21-27

March 28- Apr 3

April 4-10

Featured Event

Smith Sugaring!
March 25, 2018
CEEDS staff and student interns will be hosting this traditional New England wintertime event. Come on by and help us boil down maple sap gathered at the MacLeish Field Station into sweet syrup at this all-day event.
Chapin Loading Dock
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Women in the Environment Alumnae Panel
March 26, 2018
The environmental science and policy program has invited 3 Smithies back to campus to talk with you about their career paths and how their studies at Smith help set them on their way. This year's guests are Elizabeth (Liz) Esposito ’13 Associate Planner, Western Connecticut Council of Governments; Jessie Banhazl ’06 CEO and Founder, Green City Growers, Summerville, MA; and Andrea Treece ’95 Staff Attorney, Oceans Program, Earthjustice, San Francisco, CA. Bring your questions and join the discussion! Traditional tea starts at 4 p.m.
Campus Center 103/104
4:15 pm

Events at Smith

Music Jam at MacLeish
March 22, 2018
CEEDS is hosting a music jam session from 4:30 to 6:45. We'll be featuring Smith staff members and other musicians! We welcome you to bring your harmonicas, Ukuleles or voices to join us in creating or just listening to joyful songs. So if listening to the sweet sounds of a guitar, mandolin, upright bass and Dobro seems like a way you'd want to spend your Thursday, please sign up for a spot in the van by going to the link below:
Chapin loading dock- to MacLeish
4:30 pm to 6:45 pm

A Most Dangerous Game: International Cooperation to Limit Climate Change
March 22, 2018
Despite an unprecedented diplomatic effort, concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased year upon year. Countries have pledged to avoid dangerous climate change, but their actions virtually guarantee that they will breach the limit they say must not be breached. Why is this and what will be the consequences should climate diplomacy continue to fail? Scott Barrett is the Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics at Columbia University and a leading scholar on transnational and global challenges, ranging from climate change to disease eradication. His research focuses on how institutions like customary law and treaties can be used to promote international cooperation. The event is sponsored by Sponsored by the Smith College economics and government departments, the environmental science and policy program, the Lewis Global Studies Center, and the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design and Sustainability. The event is open to the public.
McConnell 103
5:00 pm

Lecture: A Humanist Approach to Data Science
March 22, 2018
Dr. Rachel Schutt is a Managing Director at BlackRock where she leads Data Science in collaboration with Dr. Sherry Marcus. Previously Dr. Schutt was the Chief Data Scientist of News Corp where she oversaw the company-wide data strategy as an executive on the senior technology leadership team. There she established the company’s first data science team for Dow Jones, the Wall Street Journal, and other media brands. Rachel was named a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader in 2015. She has expertise in the areas of corporate data strategy and data science, as well as in data science education and higher education curriculum design., Managing Director at BlackRock.
Stoddard Hall G2
5:00 pm

Eco-Logical & Intersectional Activism
March 22, 2018
With Pattrice Jones, Co-Founder of Vine Animal Sanctuary. Queer liberation, anti-racism, food justice, animal rights, and more: how do we find the roots without oversimplifying complex differences? This talk is presented by the Animal Advocates of Smith College. Free and open to the public.
Seelye 107
7:00 pm

Field Station Friday!
March 23, 2018
Get off campus and reconnect with nature at MacLeish! Our field station has it all- scenic views, miles of hiking trails, sites for research and a state-of-the-art Living Building with tea and wifi. Vans leave from Chapin loading dock at 1, and will be back in time for tea. Sign up with the link below:
Macleish Field Station
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Climate Change & Needed Technical Solution for a Sustainable Future
March 21, 2018
Presented by Steven Chu, Professor of Physics at Stanford University, 1997 Nobel Prize winner, and 12th US Secretary of Energy. This talk will discuss the unintended consequences of the industrial and agricultural revolutions, as well as new data on climate change, carbon-free energy progress, and the remaining scientific and technological hurdles in the transition to clean energy solutions. Refreshments will be served in the Converse lobby. Open to the public.
Amherst College, Cole Assembly, Converse Hall
7:00 pm

Native Americans and the Land
March 21, 2018
We'll hear from three writers (Cheryl Savageau, Lisa Brooks, and Jillian Hensley) on the first inhabitants of North America and their conceptions of living with the land. Recent conflict over the Dakota Access oil pipeline and the rise of the #NoDAPL movement have brought Native American perspectives to the forefront of environmental discourse. As we struggle to envision a healthier relationship with our natural world, looking through the eyes of other cultural imaginations has never been more relevant. Free and open to the public.
Coolidge Museum, Forbes Library
7:00 pm

Climate Leadership: Starting with Your Story
March 22, 2018
Learn how to discover and communicate your unique story in a compelling way for different audiences. Facilitated by Lauren de la Parra, Climate Reality Leadership Corps trainee (Pittsburgh 2017) and UMass graduate student in Sustainability Science. This event is part of the 2018 Climate Change Series "Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice around the Climate Crisis". All events are free and open to the public. Please note that seating is limited.
UMass Amherst W.E.B. Du Bois Library, Room 2601
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

24th Annual Westfield River Symposium
March 24, 2018
8:30- 9 a.m. Registration- Free! 9-11:50 a.m. Speaking program: Keynote "Celebrating the Westfield River: 25 years" with Christopher Curtis, Chief Land Use Planner, Consultant, and Photographer; speaker: Carrie Banks, MA Division of Ecological Restoration "Restoring and Connecting a Wild and Scenic River"; Panel Discussion "Wild and Scenic Internship Program" with Meredyth Babcock. 12-12:30 p.m. Viewing of Exhibits and Raffle Drawing. 1:30 p.m. Field Trip to the Keystone Arches. Sponsored by the Westfield River Watershed ASsociation
Scanlon Banquest Hall, Westfield State University
9:00 am to 1:30 pm

Events at Smith

Smith Power Plant Tour
March 28, 2018
Come see the Smith Power Plant! Aren't you wondering how we keep your house warm? Wondering where your electricity comes from? See a boiler the size of a house! For Smith students only.
Meet at CEEDS
4:00 pm

Webmapping with ArcGIS Online
March 28, 2018
This event is part of the Spatial Analysis Lab Spring Workshop Series. Learn how to make interactive online maps with ArcGIS Online.
Sabin-Reed 104 Lab
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

No-Bake Cookie Making and Documentary Screening
March 28, 2018
Come enjoy a screening of Hungry for Change, a documentary about the food industry’s influence on modern diets, and learn to make no-bake cookies out of local and fair-trade food. This event is presented by The Green Team and hosted by CEEDS.
CEEDS, Wright Hall Lower Level
7:00 pm

Lunch and Conversation with Carolyn Finney
March 29, 2018
Carolyn Finney, Ph.D. is a writer, performer and cultural geographer. As a professor in Geography at the University of Kentucky, she is deeply interested in issues related to identity, difference, creativity, and resilience. In particular, she explores how issues of difference impacts participation in decision-making processes designed to address environmental issues. She will also deliver a lecture: All Things Considered: Black Faces, White Spaces & the Possibility of Us at 5 p.m. in Seelye 106.
CEEDS, Wright Hall lower-level
12:00 pm

Presentation of the Geosciences Major/Minor
March 29, 2018
During lunch hour. Indian food will be served.
Sabin-Reed 103
12:00 pm

Making Story Maps
March 29, 2018
This event is part of the Spatial Analysis Lab Spring Workshop Series. A compelling visual storytelling platform that combines narrative text, interactive maps, and multimedia in a single web-based presentation.
Sabin-Reed 104 Lab
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

All Things Considered: Black Faces, White Spaces & the Possibility of Us
March 29, 2018
Carolyn Finney, Ph.D. is a writer, performer and cultural geographer. As a professor in Geography at the University of Kentucky, she is deeply interested in issues related to identity, difference, creativity, and resilience. In particular, she explores how issues of difference impacts participation in decision-making processes designed to address environmental issues.
Seelye 106
5:00 pm

Witness to Mass Incarceration
March 29, 2018
Evie Litwok, founder of Witness to Mass Incarceration, an LGBTQ prisoner advocacy group, will discuss her experiences as a previously incarcerated queer, Jewish woman. Evie has spoken at the White House and is currently working on creating policy for evacuating prisoners during natural disasters. Much of her work has centered on the intersections of climate change and mass incarceration. Hosted by ACLU: Smith College and Smith College Jewish Community.
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
7:00 pm

Field Station Friday!
March 30, 2018
Get off campus and reconnect with nature at MacLeish! Our field station has it all- scenic views, miles of hiking trails, sites for research and a state-of-the-art Living Building with tea and wifi. Vans leave from Chapin loading dock at 1, and will be back in time for tea. Sign up with the link below:
Macleish Field Station
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Art Walk with Dan Ladd
March 31, 2018
Join us for an art walk with Dan Ladd! The artist in residence at MacLeish, Dan Ladd manipulates living trees by grafting, pruning, and otherwise working with their natural growth to create his art. He will be presenting and discussing his MacLeish sculptural projects, including a work shaped from six individual trees. Come see this unique living art for yourselves! Van leaves from the Chapin loading dock at 1 pm and will return by 4. Reserve your seat with the link below.
MacLeish Field Station
12:30 pm

Walk for Water
March 31, 2018
Join this Water Mission Initiative walk to raise awareness and life-saving funds for the 1.8 billion people that lack access to safe, clean water. Everyone is welcome.
Paradise Pond Boat House
1:30 pm

Cold Wars: The fight to protect and control seeds in an unstable world
April 2, 2018
with Tim Johnson, Director, Botanical Garden, Smith College. Part of the Environment and Sustainability: Notes From the Field lecture series sponsored by CEEDS. Open to the public.
McConnell 103
2:40 pm

Lecture: Resilience, Tenacity and Hard Work:
April 2, 2018
My Story, Your Future and Our Responsibility to Create a Strong Quantitative Community with Erika Camacho, Associate Professor in the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences at Arizona State University. Sponsored by the Science Center Committee on Diversity.
Ford Hall 240
5:00 pm

Events Off Campus

The Trump Administration and Environmental Policy: How Bad Is It?
March 29, 2018
Presented by Dr. Jessica Hejny, visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at Amherst College. This event is open to the public.
Amherst College, Piano Lecture Hall, Beneski
5:00 pm

Featured Event

Poetry Workshop with Naila Moreira
April 7, 2018
Get off campus and give yourself the gift of some time with poetry at the MacLeish Field Station. Naila Moreira, writer, naturalist, journalist, and Writer-in-Residence at Forbes will lead a workshop for all interested writers. Vans leave from Chapin loading dock at 1 p.m. so don't be late! We'll be back by 4:30 p.m. Reserve your seat with the link below.
MacLeish Field Station
12:30 am

Events at Smith

Sea-Level Fingerprinting: Projecting into the Future by Revisiting the Past
April 4, 2018
Professor Carling Hay from Boston College will present work that uses projections of climate change in conjunction with models of Earth's mantle in order to figure out how, for example, melting ice caps in Antarctica will result in sea level rise off the Eastern Seaboard. The talk will be held at 12:10 in Sabin-Reed 103, with lunch served at noon.
Sabin-Reed 103
12:00 pm

Solving Problems with Spatial Analysis
April 4, 2018
This event is part of the Spatial Analysis Lab Spring Workshop Series. Leverage vector and raster analysis to answer spatial questions — after all, everything has a place.
Sabin-Reed 104 Lab
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Field Station Friday!
April 6, 2018
Get off campus and reconnect with nature at MacLeish! Our field station has it all- scenic views, miles of hiking trails, sites for research and a state-of-the-art Living Building with tea and wifi. Vans leave from Chapin loading dock at 1, and will be back in time for tea. Sign up with the link below:
Macleish Field Station
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Events Off Campus

UMass Green Building Tour
April 5, 2018
Led by Ludmilla Pavlova, Senior Campus Planner. Get the inside stories of Crotty Hall, the renovated Old Chapel, the South College addition, the Integrative Learning Center, and more. This event is part of the 2018 Climate Change Series "Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice around the Climate Crisis". All events are free and open to the public.
UMass Amherst, Crotty Hall
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Finding Your Life Purpose: Career Workshop
April 5, 2018
Reflective writing, group discussion, and practical steps to support career exploration. Led by contemplative career coach and mindfulness teacher Jennifer Earls, M.Ed., Dance with Life Consulting. This event is part of the 2018 Climate Change Series "Talking Truth: Finding Your Voice around the Climate Crisis". All events are free and open to the public. Please note that seating is limited.
UMass Amhest W.E.B. Du Bois Library, Room 2601
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Pioneer Valley Ecological Research and Management Symposium
April 7, 2018
Join UMass, Smith College, and Mass Audubon for presentations on research and ecological management happening in the Pioneer Valley. Presenters will cover a range of topics including floodplain forest restoration, emerald ash borer control, chestnut restoration, rising temperature's effect on herring, house wren predation pressure, and wetlands assessment. This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Please register at the link below.
Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, 127 Combs Rd, Easthampton
9:00 am to 12:00 pm

ThinkFOOD 5 conference: The Future of Farming: Democratizing the Food System
April 7, 2018
Join us for the 5th annual ThinkFOOD conference at Simon's Rock. At the morning panel, speakers from Soul Fire Farm, Gardening the Community, and the National Young Farmers Coalition will discuss why the ownership of food production is important. At the afternoon Roundtables, invited moderators will lead open discussions on food activism, right-to-farm policies, empowering people to make healthy food choices, and more. Roundtable topics will be selected by audience members at the close of the first panel. The conference will close with a campus tree walk to learn about native trees, with an emphasis on those that provide foraging opportunities. Admission is $25 for adults (free for students) plus $10 for lunch. Maryann Tebben Professor of French Division of Languages and Literature Head, Center for Food Studies Bard College at Simon's Rock 84 Alford Road Great Barrington, MA 01230 (413) 528-7219
Kellogg Music Center, Bard College at Simon's Rock, Great Barrington, MA
10:00 am to 5:00 pm