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November 16-22

November 23-29

November 30- Dec 6

Events at Smith

Fall Crysanthemum Show
November 18, 2018
Saturday, November 3 through Sunday, November 18, 2018 Each fall as colors fade outdoors, a riot of color erupts indoors in the Lyman Conservatory at the Botanic Garden of Smith College. Groups of 10 or more must schedule in advance. Hours: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm daily; Fridays - 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. The suggested donation is $5.00.
Botanic Garden of Smith College
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Life Sciences Lunchbag: Graduate School- tips for finding, applying to, and succeeding
November 19, 2018
in the right program for you. Lunch is provided- Bring your own beverage.
McConnell 103
12:15 pm

Events Off Campus

Myco-sustainability Symposium
November 17, 2018
Using mushrooms to create a more sustainable future- with presentations on mycelium products, myco-remediation, myco-restoration, myco-medicinals, mushroom farming, organics recycling. Keynote speaker: Susan Van Hook. Free and open to the public. Lunch provided. For more information, email
Franklin Patterson Hall, Hampshire College
10:00 am to 4:30 pm

Field Notes
November 18, 2018
True tales from the farms and kitchens of the Pioneer Valley! Farmers, chefs, and neighbors from throughout our region will take the stage to share their real-life stories -- expect everything from the tragic to the hilarious as we journey through the fields and kitchens of the Pioneer Valley. Tickets required.
Academy of Music
2:00 pm

A Lecture with Gina McCarthy, Former EPA Administrator
November 18, 2018
Join students and community members at Mt. Holyoke for "The Future of the Planet: Climate Change, Health Equity & Environmental Justice," a Lecture by Gina McCarthy, former EPA administrator. Hosted by the Miller Worley Center for the Environment at Mount Holyoke College
Gamble Auditorium, Mt. Holyoke College
7:30 pm

Events at Smith

Global Salon with Marine Denis
November 28, 2018
Climate change is predicted to lead to an increased intensity and frequency of natural disasters. This increase in extreme weather events may lead to displacement and forced migrations, involving UNHCR and IOM responsibility on the international scene. Focusing on the UNHCR and IOM international organizations, how are these existing international development, migration and humanitarian organizations dealing with climate change? Marine Denis, PhD candidate in public international law at Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, will challenge and discuss these issues. Pizza will be provided for the first 25 attendees.
Lewis Global Studies Center
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Lunchbag: Coral Reef EdVentures!
November 28, 2018
Coral Ed is a paid 8-week marine environmental education and research program held primarily in San Pedro, Belize each summer. Sound like something you might want to do? Come for lunch and hear more about what it entails from former student participants and faculty advisers.
CEEDS, Wright Hall lower level
12:15 pm

Pasts, Presents, and Futures of Semi-Arid Woodlands in Rural Central Chile
November 28, 2018
Meredith Root-Bernstein has a PhD in Ecology and has worked on interdisciplinary approaches to conservation research and action in Chile and Italy. In her work she takes an ethnobiology approach, focusing on indigenous and local knowledge, ontologies, and STS approaches, to combine ecological research with environmental anthropology.
Dewey Common Room
3:00 pm

Environmental Justice and Environmental Inequalities
November 29, 2018
Environmental Justice and Environmental Inequalities: Towards a Legal Vision of the Climate Justice Concept, is a lecture by Marine Denis, PhD candidate in public international law at Unversite Sorbonne Paris Cite. Denis will address how the issues of inequality and fairness in the environmental domain are growing challenges in Europe, and the importance of the climate justice concept. Sponsored by the ES&P and Anthropology departments.
Seelye 106
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Featured Event

Exhibition: A Gathering of Leaves
December 1, 2018
from Artist Annie Zeybekoglu '67. Tea is everywhere--its ubiquitous presence rivals the most common object. Once used, each stained teabag holds a personal experience, records a private sharing, serves as a visual reminder of conversations, reunions, and journeys. Tea is a common denominator in much of the artwork of Smith alumna Annie Zeybekoglu '67. Tea serves as a vehicle for preserving memories offering subtle tonalities that have evolved into her artist’s palette, finding expression in her handcrafted jewelry, books and image making. Exhibition on view Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Opening exhibition reception is Friday, Sept. 28, 5-7 p.m. September 10-December 14,
Alumnae House Gallery, 33 Elm St.
9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Events at Smith

An Invitation to Lunch Time Conversation: Students for Food Justice
December 3, 2018
Come talk with other students about food waste issues at an institutional level and how to re-frame food waste as a food justice issue. Part of the SGA Committee on Sustainability's Food Waste/Recovery Week.
Campus Center 102
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Composting Recipe for Success: Center for EcoTechnology
December 4, 2018
Come learn how to create your own, safe compost collection. There will be earthworms, smiles, and many other fun things. Come collect some knowledge (and maybe stickers?). Part of the SGA Committee on Sustainability's Food Waste/Recovery Week.
Campus Center Main Level
11:30 am to 1:00 pm

ES&P Honors Thesis Presentations
December 4, 2018
ES&P Honors Presentations: "EPA regulated mercury emissions: you'll never believe what happened next!" by Haleigh Anderson and "Prenatal Exposure to Bisphenol-S and its Effects on the Adult Female Mouse Mammary Gland" by Athena Sofides
Dewey Common Room
4:30 pm

Food Waste Awareness: Starting At Home
December 5, 2018
Compost and food waste will be measured in all dining halls - try to reduce your waste as much as possible! All dining halls. All meals. Part of the SGA Committee on Sustainability's Food Waste/Recovery Week.
Dining halls across campus
7:00 am to 8:00 pm

Environmental Concentrations Capstone Presentations
December 5, 2018
Climate Change Concentration: Feed, Lead, Reduce: A GHG Mitigation Plan for the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts. Team Members: Alexandra Golikov, Meg Kikkeri, Kyra McClary, Victoria Tse Sustainable Food Concentration: Examining Regional Food Access: Assessing the Impact of the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts. Team Members: Sydney N. Bobrow, Hazel Edwards, Emily Hitchcock, Elsbeth Pendelton-Wheeler, Noa Randall, Elsa Weintraub, Emily Whittier
12:15 pm

Student Late Nights at Lyman: Smith Ukuleles and Herbal Tea Blending Workshop
December 5, 2018
Create your own original blend of herbal tea & enjoy the music of the Smith Ukuleles in the greenhouses! Please bring your Onecard and your own mug to reduce waste.
Lyman Plant House
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Compost Outreach on Campus: Eco-Reps!
December 6, 2018
Come let your voice be heard about compost outreach on campus. Additionally, there will be a really fun mock waste sorting activity and signage about where Smith's compost goes, and the importance of limiting contamination! Part of the SGA Committee on Sustainability's Food Waste/Recovery Week.
Campus Center Main Level
11:30 am to 1:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Environmental Justice and Related Legislation and Local Initiatives in the Valley
December 5, 2018
A panel discussion featuring: 1.Jo Comerford, incoming Mass State Senator, Hampshire-Franklin-Worcester District. Jo has spent the last two decades in the Pioneer Valley leading initiatives on a host of public policies including criminal justice, health care, education and the environment. 2. Clare Higgins, Executive Director, Community Action Pioneer Valley, and former Mayor of Northampton. 3. Mindy Domb, incoming Mass State Representative, 3rd Hampshire District, and Executive Director of the Amherst Survival Center. For more information contact Casey Beebe,, or Tim Zimmerman,
Hitchcock Center for the Environment
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Screening of AWAKE: A Dream from Standing Rock
December 6, 2018
Join Hampshire College Assistant Professor of Native American Studies & Environmental Justice Ashley Smith at the Kern Center for a screening and discussion of AWAKE: A Dream from Standing Rock, a documentary about the indigenous-led protests of the Dakota Access Pipeline in 2016. Pizza and snacks will be provided (GF/vegan options too).
Taylor Meeting Room, Kern Center, Hampshire College
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm