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Events at Smith

Cripping the Apocalypse, a Public Conversation
January 21, 2020
Alison Kafer, author of Feminist, Queer, Crip and Nirmala Erevelles, author of Disability and Difference in Global Contexts will explore what a transnational feminist disability perspective offers in the face of regimes of austerity and the global rise of far-right movements. They will examine human values beyond current terms of productivity, self-sufficiency and capacity to work and how disability theory bears on climate equity and justice movements. Featuring Nirmala Erevelles,professor of social and cultural studies in education, University of Alabama and Alison Kafer, associate professor of English and women’s and gender studies, University of Texas; moderated by Jina Kim assistant professor of English and the study of women and gender.  
Graham Hall, Brown Fine Arts Center
7:00 pm

Events at Smith

A Winter Concert: Incantations for the Times We're Livin' in!
January 24, 2020
with Pan Morigan vocals/songwriter, Steve Gores Piano/composer, and Andrea Hairston/Spoken Word! Experience in-the-wild songs and incantations improvised on the spot (Never before heard, never to be heard again). Also folk-jazz-roots music in multiple tongues. And performances by Andrea Hairston from her forthcoming novel Master of Poisons (, fall 2020). We want to sing, play and read for you in this specific moment - to share our energy, radiance, defiance, and creativity in a surreal winter! All welcome. By donation.
Hallie Flanagan Studio Theater, Mendenhall Ctr. for the Performing Arts: 122 Green St., Northampton, MA
7:30 pm

Effects of Recent Climate Change on Clintonia borealis in Western Massachusetts
January 27, 2020
A preliminary Honors Thesis presentation by Ashley Fishbein (BIO) as part of the Life Sciences Lunch Bag Series. Lunch is provided. Bring your own drink. Lectures begin at 12:15 p.m., lunch is served in McConnell Foyer starting at 12:00 p.m.
McConnell 103
12:15 pm

LSS 100 lecture
January 27, 2020
Steven T. Moga (Landscape Studies, Smith College) will kick off the Spring 2020 Landscape Studies Lecture Series in honor of the 20th year of Landscape Studies at Smith College. 
Graham Hall, Brown Fine Arts Complex
2:45 pm to 4:00 pm

LSS 100 lecture
January 27, 2020
Reid Bertone-Johnson (Landscape Studies, Smith College) will speak as part of the Spring 2020 Landscape Studies Lecture Series: Landscape, Design, and the Environment, in honor of the 20th year of Landscape Studies at Smith College. 
Graham Hall, Brown Fine Arts Complex
2:45 pm to 4:00 am