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February 16-22

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March 1-7

Events at Smith

LSS 100 lecture: Steven Moga
February 17, 2020
Steven Moga, Assistant Professor, Landscape Studies, Smith College will speak as part of the Spring 2020 Landscape Studies Lecture Series: Landscape, Design, and the Environment, in honor of the 20th year of Landscape Studies at Smith College. 
Graham Hall, Brown Fine Arts Complex
2:45 pm to 4:00 pm

Winter Art at MacLeish
February 21, 2020
The event will involve some short guided drawing exercises led by Claire to warm up. We'll have paper and pastels for everyone. If the weather is crummy or too cold, we will draw inside, all cozy next to a window in the building. If you are interested you should sign up to reserve a spot in the vans at 1 pm leave from Sage Hall, return by 4 pm.
MacLeish Field Station
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

The Radical Vision of Social Ecology: Rojava's Revolutionary, Feminist Project in Syria
February 21, 2020
Debbie Bookchin, investigative journalist, author and former press secretary for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, will speak as part of the Kahn short-term project Social Ecology: Rethinking the Interdependence of Individuals, Communities and the Environment. n an era defined by global warming, the cruelties of neoliberalism, and increasing authoritarianism, it is imperative that we examine new forms of social organization. Social ecology—the idea that our rapacious attitude toward nature directly reflects exploitative social relations—offers an emancipatory alternative for the future.
CC 103
4:30 pm

Events at Smith

LSS 100 lecture: Niall Kirkwood
February 24, 2020
Niall Kirkwood, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA will speak as part of the Spring 2020 Landscape Studies Lecture Series: Landscape, Design, and the Environment, in honor of the 20th year of Landscape Studies at Smith College. 
Graham Hall, Brown Fine Arts Complex
2:45 pm to 4:00 pm

Syntropic Materials Lecture with designer Eugenia Morpurgo
February 25, 2020
Eugenia Morpurgo is an independent designer interested in researching the environmental, economic, social and cultural impact that production processes have on society. Come to hear about her work exploring the social and cultural impact that production processes have on environments and economies. (50-minute lecture with 10-min for Q&A, lunch provided)
Campus Center, Carroll Room
12:10 pm to 1:10 pm

A Conversation with Miranda Massie, Founder and Director of The Climate Change Museum
February 25, 2020
Join Miranda Massie for a conversation facilitated by Museums Concentration students about her work founding and leading the Climate Museum after leaving a career in social justice law. All are welcome.
Graham Hall, Hillyer
4:30 pm

Digital Wax Print Presentation with Eugenia Morpurgo
February 26, 2020
Eugenia Morpurgo is an independent designer interested in researching the environmental, economic, social and cultural impact that production processes have on society. Join us for a 45-minute introduction with 15-min for Q&A to the Digital Wax Print project, an open-source hot wax drawing machine for digital textile design that is currently being built and tested at the Design Thinking Initiative by a group of EGR and CS Special Studies students. 
Design Thinking Initiative, Capen Annex Classroom (25A Henshaw Ave)
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Sunrise Smith Meeting
February 26, 2020
New people are always welcome - Come and see what the Sunrise Movement is about, with Smith's newly-formed chapter. At this week's meeting, strategy for recruiting Smith students to participate in an Earth Day climate strike, using a version of Sunrise National's "Strike Circles" structure will be discussed.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

ES&P Lunchbag: Students Present Series
February 28, 2020
Join fellow students to learn about their projects: "Communicating Science Through Documentaries" by Emma Evans '20 and Sam Nunziata '20 and "Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Interweaving Indigenous Perspectives to Mitigate Climate Change and Create Spaces for Liberation" by Mia Fuentes-Deonate '21. Lunch will be provided.
CEEDS, Wright Hall
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm

Sap Boiling Demo, Sap Sampling, Pancakes and Syrup Tasting
February 28, 2020
Did you know that Smith owns 260 acres of land in West Whately? The Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station, home to the Bechtel Environmental Classroom, is a patchwork of forest and farmland that provides opportunities for the Smith community to pursue environmental research, outdoor education and low-impact recreation. It even has a sugar bush or two! The Botanic Garden and the Center for the Environment are bringing a taste of MacLeish to you. Join us for a sweet event on campus featuring maple syrup produced from MacLeish sugar maples (Acer saccharum). Drop-by whenever! Free and open to the public.
Chapin House Loading Dock
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Conway School- Student Project Presentations
February 28, 2020
The Conway School, a graduate program in ecological landscape design and planning located in Northampton (MA), is accepting applications for the 2020-2021 academic year. At Conway, students work on real landscape design and planning projects, exploring green infrastructure, food security, flood resiliency, habitat restoration, urban green space, and other topics related to ecology and climate change. Students earn a Master of Science in Ecological Design in one year. Please email for more information about the application process and curriculum.
Conway School, 88 Village Road, Northampton, MA
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Events at Smith

LSS 100 lecture: Signe Nielsen
March 2, 2020
The Mitia S. Sawhill Lecture Fund presents: Signe Nielsen, Principal, Matthews Nielsen Landscape Architects (MNLA), New York, NY. MNLA is the consulting landscape architecture firm for the Smith College Landscape Master Plan. This talk is part of the Spring 2020 Landscape Studies Lecture Series, Landscape, Design, and the Environment, in honor of 20th year of Landscape Studies at Smith College. 
Graham Hall, Brown Fine Arts Complex
2:45 pm to 4:00 pm

Chaired Professor Lecture: Bright Galaxies, Dark Skies
March 3, 2020
James Lowenthal, Mary Elizabeth Moses Professor of Astronomy, will give his inaugural lecture. All are welcome.
Seelye 201
5:00 pm

International Film Series on Climate Change: 三峡好人 (Still Life)
March 3, 2020
The construction of Three Gorges Dam, the largest dam in the world, has left over one million people living along the Yangtze River in central China displaced or evicted from their homes. In Still Life, a man and a woman return to the small town of Fengjie, just upstream of the dam, in search of their estranged spouses. But the film’s drama lies in what they find along the way: their town is being slowly demolished and flooded in order to make way for the dam, washing away along with it their people and their history. Directed by Jia Zhangke.
Graham Hall, Brown Fine Arts Center
6:30 pm to 10:00 pm

Science to Policy to Practice: The Trials & Tribulations of Adapting to Climate and Weather Hazards
March 3, 2020
presented by Maria G. Honeycutt, Ph.D., CFM, Senior Policy Advisor – Disaster Resilience, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Dr. Honeycutt is a class of 1995 Smith alumna. A catered dinner for all will be provided in McConnell Foyer at 6 pm.
McConnell Auditorium, room 103
7:00 pm

Climate Change in the Here and Now
March 3, 2020
A lecture by Min Hyoung Song, Professor of English at Boston College. What are the challenges of sustaining attention on this important topic, and how can contemporary literature, especially that by writers of color, contribute to the practice of reading for climate change that includes what Andrew Epstein calls "everyday life projects?"
Seelye Hall 211
7:30 pm

Exploring ArcPro
March 4, 2020
Curious about making the switch to ArcPro? Learn the basics of using ArcPro. This event is part of the Spatial Analysis Lab's Spring 2020 workshop series. We ask that you register using the link for the workshops you are interested in so we know how many snacks to provide. Please join us for any or all.
Spatial Analysis Lab, 104 Sabin Reed Hall
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm

Working Writers—Embracing the Ephemeral: Make a Zine, Give a Zine
March 4, 2020
Working Writers - Embracing the Ephemeral: Make a Zine, Give a Zine! A writing workshop for faculty and staff on finding your voice through the creative process of making zines. Open to all in the Smith community and the general public and wheelchair accessible.
Seelye 106
4:30 pm

Lecture/reception: The Russian Environment and Social Critique: Ivan Turgenev’s Nature Writing
March 4, 2020
Ivan Turgenev, revered for his skill with fictionalized depictions of ideological strife and unhappy love, was also one of Russia's finest nature writers. In his cycle of short stories, Notes of a Hunter(1847-52), he deploys his expert knowledge of hunting and the natural world to support one of the cycle's key functions: the denunciation of serfdom as a crime against humanity as well as nature. Guest speaker Thomas Hodge is Professor of Russian at Wellesley College, where he teaches literature and language courses and co-founded a humanities-and-science course on Lake Baikal that features fieldwork in Siberia. A specialist in nineteenth-century Russian literature, he is the author of A Double Garland and has translated Sergei Aksakov's classic Notes on Fishing. His new book, Hunting Nature: Ivan Turgenev and the Organic World, will be published by Cornell University Press in September. Sponsored by the Smith College College Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies Program, the Endowed Lecture Committee and the Five College REEES Certificate Program.
Campus Center 103/104
7:00 pm

Lecture: Proforestation for People and the Planet
March 5, 2020
With guest lecturer Susan Masino, Vernon D. Roosa Professor of Applied Science Neuroscience and Psychology. Forests protect biodiversity, clean our water and air, and mitigate multiple effects of climate change. We know we also need places for respite, and new research shows that forests support our health – especially brain health. It is urgent to heed new science so we can strike a balance among responsible resource use, high quality long-term research, and proforestation – a nature based solution that protects ecosystems and maximizes benefits for people and for the planet.
McConnell 103
5:30 pm

Art and Board Games at MacLeish Field Station
March 6, 2020
Join us for a cozy afternoon of art making, board games, and tea in the beautiful Bechtel Environmental Classroom. The perfect spot to enjoy New England beauty! Or to do homework in a cozy space. Sign up for a spot in our vans at the link below. And bring your friends!
meet at Sage Hall to get the van to MacLeish
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Climate Change, Food, and Landscapes: Bulb Show opening lecture
March 6, 2020
What we eat, how we manage our landscapes, and how our food is grown have a huge impact on climate change. In fact the food system is responsible for almost a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions – yet it also offers great promise as part of the solution. This presentation will introduce practical steps you can take at many levels: in your garden, in your kitchen, and with the farms and ecosystems in your community. Mitigating climate change also means addressing climate justice and helping farmers around the world adapt to challenging new conditions. Some suggestions will be offered for policies to push for from the local to international levels.
Carroll Room, Campus Center
7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Healing Climate Grief … and fear, despair, and other feelings
March 2, 2020
A free group for all those concerned about climate change, Led by: Eunice Torres and Russ Vernon-Jones. Sponsored by Climate Action Now of Western Mass and Sustaining All Life* First Mondays, Feb-June, 2020. Are you grieving for our planet and its inhabitants? Are you worried? Or are you avoiding thinking about climate change because you don’t want to face what you might feel? Are you discouraged or fearful? We can help. We can all help each other. Please join us for a warm and connected opportunity to be together and share laughter, tears, and what’s most in our hearts. Come to one session; come to all of them; or come as often as you want. We’d love to know ahead to time that you are coming, but you are also welcome to drop in without advance notice. For more information, or to let us know you are coming, please contact Eunice Torres at 413-695- 8667, or Russ VernonJones at 413-687-4080,
At First Church, Amherst, 165 Main St. (enter from parking lot behind church)
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

If You Can't Fix It, Don't Break It: African Feminisms and Climate Justice
March 4, 2020
Shailja Patel, Kenyan author of Migritude, and Nobel Women's Initiative Spotlighted Global Activist, breaks down the ways in which African women are silenced, excluded, and erased in current global discourse on climate crisis, and shows how African feminisms are critical to the concept of climate justice. Dinner provided. The venue is accessible.
Five College Women's Studies Research Center, 83 College Street, Mount Holyoke College
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm