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April 16-22

April 23-29

April 30- May 6

Events at Smith

Climate Solutions for Massachusetts
April 19, 2021
The SGA sustainability committee hosts a viewing of a webinar on climate Solutions for Massachusetts, hosted by Brandeis University and the Bard Center of Environmental Policy. Panelists include Dr. Jennie C. Stephens and Professor Tibor Toth. Dr. Stephens is the Dean’s Professor of Sustainability Science & Policy at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. Her research focuses on integrating social justice, feminist, and anti-racist perspectives into climate and energy resilience. Professor Toth is currently the Managing Director of Investments at the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center. His work focuses on clean energy. We'll watch the webinar and then have a discussion afterwards.
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

AMA Alum Chat with Arame Tall '07
April 20, 2021
Join ES&P in the (Zoom) Living Room for an informal conversation about careers and life after Smith with our third and final alum guest in Ask Me Anything series. Arame is a Senior Adaptation & Resilience Specialist in the Climate Change Group of the World Bank. Dr. Tall leads the coordination of the Bank’s work on Adaptation & Resilience and is the team leader for the World Bank Group’s first-of-its-kind Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation & Resilience. Email jbenkley for a link to join.
12:30 pm

Lyman Plant House Open Hours - Extended for Earth Week
April 20, 2021
Celebrate Earth Week by visiting the Lyman Plant House! The Botanic Garden is offering extended visitation hours to students in the COVID testing protocol. Come by and enjoy some plant life with a friend! Sign up with link below.
Lyman Plant House
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Sustainability Trivia with SGA
April 20, 2021
The SGA sustainability committee will lead a fun and interactive game about sustainability in everyday life and at Smith. How much do YOU know?!
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Water in the Philipines: Colonialism, Imperialism, & People's Resistance to Development Aggression
April 20, 2021
with Leo XL Y. Fuentes, Jr. Fuentes is an agroecology advocate, columnist, and the regional coordinator for MASIPAG. MASIPAG is a farmer-led network of community organizations, NGOs, and Filipino scientists. Fuentes will outline a hydraulic history of the Philippines from the pre-colonial period, through Spanish colonization, and to today's neocolonialism that grants water rights to corporations. Fuentes will dive into case studies that intersect conversations surrounding Indigenous struggle for water rights, displacement, poverty, hydraulic development projects, mono-cropping, food sovereignty, and climate change. Brought to you by: ES&P, CEEDS, LAS, and Liyang Network Western Mass. Email jbenkley for the Zoom information to join.
7:00 pm

Walk & Sketch with an Eco-Rep!
April 21, 2021
Meet us outside the boathouse. From there, we will walk along Paradise Pond and up the river. Bring a notebook and drawing tool (pencil, pen, crayon, etc.). No experience required! This is a casual meet-up for people who are curious about drawing and getting out into nature! This will be about an hour-long experience. Sign up here:
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

SGA Sustainability Discussion with Smith Alums for Earth Day
April 22, 2021
The SGA Sustainability committee and alums Aidan Coffin Ness, Emelyn Chiang, and Frances Duncan get together in the Zoom Living Room for Earth Day! Aidan, Emelyn and Frances were winners of a 2020 national sustainability research award for the work they did investigating how Dining's greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced through milk and meat substitutions when they were students at Smith. Bring your questions and ideas for this conversation!
3:00 pm to 3:45 pm

Earth Day Meditation and Conversation
April 22, 2021
Take some time of your course work and join the Eco-Reps for a meditation and conversation centered around our relationship with the environment. Brought to you by the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability and the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. Sign up with link below.
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

An On-Campus Memorial to Mark the Pandemic Year: From Remembrance to Hope
April 22, 2021
A welcoming community memorial ritual wherein participants will have the opportunity to share and remember loved ones. This event is for any and all of us who have experienced a loss in the last year, or anytime, from Covid or otherwise; and to mark "dreams deferred" from this time of disruption. We will build community and generate hope together. We will also recognize that the year has been characterized by an increased awareness of police brutality against BIPOC citizens. We will mourn the loss of Daunte Wright, the most recent victim of widely publicized police violence, especially in the context of the feelings elicited by the Chauvin trial. We will say his name. Paradise Pond was chosen on the Smith Campus because of the ways in which water represents and reflects spirituality for many people. As a special part of this ritual we will have the opportunity to put bulbs gleaned from the bulb show into the ground to symbolize new life. (Directions will be provided to participants). Co-sponsored by Botanic Garden of Smith College, the Religion Department, Design Thinking Initiative, and Student Affairs. Sign up at the link below:
Boathouse Lawn
5:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Hop Reuse Hub Presents: Plastic Bag Reuse and How to Reduce
April 16, 2021
Register below to join the Johns Hopkins Homewood Recycling Office for a fun, two-part Lunch & Learn series this spring. We will teach you how to use plastic bags to make a reusable produce bag! This is a two-part event. During the first event, from noon to 1 p.m. on March 26, we will teach you how to use disposable plastic bags to make plarn, aka plastic yarn. During the second lunchtime event, from noon to 1 p.m., on April 16, we will teach you how to use the plarn to make a reusable produce net bag (see attachment for example). To participate in the event, all you will need is approximately four to six disposable bags and a pair of scissors. During both events we will also chat about the importance of reduction and reuse as well as the Baltimore City plastic bag ban and extended producer responsibility (EPR). You must register to get the Zoom link. Contact with questions. We look forward to seeing you!
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Indigenous Antipodes: Indigenous Women's Rights, Environmental Racism, Peacemaking and Sovereignty
April 20, 2021
Rooted in Indigenous communities from two hemispheres but committed to building alliances across geo-political divides, Indigenous rights advocates, Binalakshmi Nepram, a Harvard Kennedy School Carr Center Fellow, and June L. Lorenzo JD, Ph.D., discuss areas of overlap and distinction in the long and intense struggles they and other Indigenous women face in their efforts to resist and counter the violences of settler/colonial nation-states. Register below:
6:00 pm

Panel: Better Together
April 21, 2021
A discussion with producer Nancy Black, director Isaac Hernandez and other cast members from the film, "Better Together". Synopsis: The 1969 Union Oil blowout mobilized the Santa Barbara community to fight for the environment, inspiring the creation of many nonprofit organizations, Earth Day, the Environmental Protection Agency and one of the first interdisciplinary Environmental Studies programs. Register for panel below: The legacy of the oil spill continues to inform the citizens, who have come together over the years to protect the air and water, preserve open spaces and for each other, as to when 3,000 volunteers joined the Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade to dig mud from homes after the deadly 2018 debris flow. As the world faces a global climate disruption, the community needs to come together as never before. Free and open to the public. Information about how to watch the film provided after registration for the panel. Register at link below:
6:00 pm

Monadnock Region Earth Day Film Festival
April 22, 2021
A FREE virtual event to celebrate and cultivate a more resilient world. Monadnock International Film Festival, Monadnock Food Co-op, and Feast On This! Film Festival invite you to join us. FREE OF CHARGE, but you must register below. As soon as the festival site is available, you'll be notified to browse available films and events and add them to your library for viewing and attending during the festival dates.

What Do We Mean When We Say "Justice"?: Environmental and Climate Decision-making at a Crossroads
April 22, 2021
How can the next generation of environmental and climate law and policy change the balance of power in the United States? While policymakers have begun to embrace procedural justice, public engagement alone falls short of shifting power to those most at risk. Social movements push us further, calling for systems change that creates new rights and remedies to address past harms and reallocate resources. This talk will explore what decision-making looks like when designed with the needs and voices of frontline communities at the center. Speaker Amy Laura Cahn is an environmental and climate justice attorney. Through movement lawyering practice and scholarship, she collaborates with community-based organizations to confront cumulative effects of racial segregation, neighborhood disinvestment, and environmental risk and support community self-determination. Most recently, she has led the environmental justice advocacy for the Conservation Law Foundation, launching CLF's community lawyering initiative.
12:00 pm

Uncharted: Navigating to a Sustainable Future
April 22, 2021
A timely topic for these turbulent times! Creating a sustainable future demands navigating uncharted territory to address highly complex challenges and to work across silos and sectors to develop bold, effective, sustainable solutions. Best-selling author, entrepreneur, and CEO Margaret Heffernan will draw from her latest award-nominated book, Uncharted, which highlights people and organizations who aren’t paralyzed and daunted by uncertainty. Session will include Heffernan’s keynote and dialog with business leaders. Register below for the link:
12:30 pm

Frontlines: Climate Risks & Migration
April 22, 2021
- A Reflective Conversation on Migrants at the US Southern Border. The number of migrant arrivals at the US-Mexico border has increased in recent weeks, leading to outcries by the usual actors and even some mainstream media of a “border crisis.” Many of these individuals are asylum-seekers from Central America, where compounding pressures and the failure to address conditions displacing individuals, including climate risks, are among the reasons driving forced movements to US borders.Now Climate Refugees and the Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University are hosting a virtual panel discussion on Central American migration at US borders through the lens of actors and activists working on the frontlines. We will bring together experts in asylum, climate policy, and environmental justice, working at individual, community and regional levels to discuss their respective work and solutions, and an overarching view on what can be done at the global level, ahead of the climate negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow. Panelists: -Alma Maquitico, Co-Director, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights -Jasmine Sanders, Executive Director, Our Climate -Adrián Martinez Blanco, Director, La Ruta del Clima -Erika Andiola, RAICES. Moderator: Amali Tower, Founder and Executive Director of Climate Refugees. Hosted by Climate Refugees & the Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University. Register at the link below:
1:00 pm

EARTH TALKS at Seattle University
April 22, 2021
The theme for the 2nd edition of Earth Talks, a virtual showcase of short, 5-minute presentations by SU faculty, students, staff, and community partners is Unifying for Climate--Climate Solutions for a Just World. The event will be held across 2 sessions, with a diverse array of topics including research, service, community projects, artwork as well as a Q&A session with keynote speakers Jamie Margolin and Donna Moodie. The first session is between 2-3:30pm (EST)and includes Q&A with keynote Jamie Margolin. The second session is between 5-6:30 pm (EST) and includes Q&A with keynote Donna Moodie. The EARTH TALKS program and schedule can be found at This registration form (linked below) serves for both the morning and afternoon sessions. The event's Zoom link for both sessions will be the same.
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Lehigh University Virtual Earth Day Speaker: Dr. Julian Agyeman
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021 marks the 51st anniversary of Earth Day! This year’s theme, “Restore Our Earth,” rejects the idea that the only solution to save the planet is to adapt to the changing climate and instead focuses on natural system processes and emerging green technologies to replenish the world’s ecosystems and forests, revitalize soils, enhance farming practices, and diminish waste from the world’s oceans. Lehigh's Office of Sustainability, in collaboration with the Eco-Rep Leadership Program, Environmental Initiative, Environmental Studies Program, and the Lehigh Sustainability Council, are thrilled to announce that the virtual keynote speaker for Lehigh’s Earth Day 2021 celebration will be Dr. Julian Agyeman, Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts University. Register for virtual webinar with link below.
4:30 pm

Events at Smith

Lyman Plant House Open Hours - Extended for Earth Week
April 23, 2021
Celebrate Earth Week by visiting the Lyman Plant House! The Botanic Garden is offering extended visitation hours to students in the COVID testing protocol. Come by and enjoy some plant life with a friend! Sign up with link below.
Lyman Plant House
10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Sunrise Smith Demonstration
April 23, 2021
Sunrise Smith leads an this Earth Week demonstration to hold Smith, the media, and the country accountable to acting on the climate crisis. This is for and organized by students. All welcome! Contact sunrisesmith with any questions.
Chapin Lawn
12:30 pm

Getting Out Alive: Scientist to Science Writer
April 23, 2021
Bethany Brookshire, Ph.D. will talk about her career path from the lab bench to the writer's table, what a day in the life of a science writer is like, and more! There will be an opportunity for Q&A towards the end. Register below:
3:00 pm

SGA Sustainability Screening of Wall-E
April 23, 2021
We'll watch the 2008 film and then take some time to discuss it together. Join us for the fun!
7:00 pm

Lyman Plant House Open Hours - Extended for Earth Week
April 24, 2021
Celebrate Earth Week by visiting the Lyman Plant House! The Botanic Garden is offering extended visitation hours to students in the COVID testing protocol. Come by and enjoy some plant life with a friend! Sign up with link below.
Lyman Plant House
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

SGA Sustainability Earth Week Closing Discussion
April 24, 2021
To conclude our exciting and eventful Earth Week, the SGA Sustainability Committee will gather to issue a closing statement and facilitate a discussion around future initiatives to further sustainability at Smith. Join and share your thoughts, ideas, and feedback!
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Community - Engaged Research, Help or Harm? Three Critical Considerations
April 28, 2021
Yanna Lambrinidou ’89 believes that teaching and action are deeply intertwined, and that the two should be lifelong endeavors. A Washington, D.C.-based scholar and activist serving as this year’s Lucille Geier Lakes Writer-in-Residence, Lambrinidou has a particular interest in lead in U.S. drinking water. She's also devoted to examining the connections between those who we define as “knowledge-makers” and those whose knowledge we marginalize in the process. Sponsored by the Psychology Department. Register using the link below:
12:30 pm

Birding with CEEDS
April 29, 2021
Learn to identify some of our local birds on this casual walk around Paradise Pond and along the Mill River with Dano Weisbord. No previous birding experience necessary! Please wear comfortable walking shoes and be ready for spring mud. Space limited and sign up is required. To sign up email ceeds@
Meet on Chapin Lawn
8:30 am to 10:00 am

Special Screening of Heartbeat Opera's Breathing Free:
April 29, 2021
a visual album set to the music of Beethoven’s Fidelio, newly arranged Negro Spirituals, and art songs by Black composers and lyricists. The film (a nominee for the 2021 Drama League Award for Outstanding Digital Concert Production) weaves opera, dance, music and film to center Black experience and artistry while examining universal themes of justice, hope, protest, rage, grief, and love. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with Smith and Five College faculty in conversation with the filmmaker, Anaiis Cisco, Assistant Professor of Film and Media Studies. The free event is sponsored by SmithArts and the Offices of the Provost and Alumnae Relations. Registration at the link below is required.
7:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Monadnock Region Earth Day Film Festival
April 23, 2021
April 24, 2021
A FREE virtual event to celebrate and cultivate a more resilient world. Monadnock International Film Festival, Monadnock Food Co-op, and Feast On This! Film Festival invite you to join us. FREE OF CHARGE, but you must register below. As soon as the festival site is available, you'll be notified to browse available films and events and add them to your library for viewing and attending during the festival dates.

Grinspoon Entrepreneurship Initiative - Virtual Celebration
April 28, 2021
The Grinspoon Entrepreneurship Initiative was founded to elevate the importance of entrepreneurship and recognize entrepreneurial excellence among college students in the Pioneer Valley region. This year, six Smithies have been recognized with Entrepreneurship Concept Awards! Join this virtual celebration to honor them and other students in the area, representing 42 ventures from 14 schools. Register at the link.
Virtual via Zoom
5:30 pm

Featured Event

Panel: What does an equitable food system entail?
May 5, 2021
The Office of Residence Life, Hopkins House, & The Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS) invites Smith College students to attend this panel discussion centering food justice and sustainability. Our esteemed panelists, Choonhee Woo, Amy Quichiz, and Razz Cacho, will introduce themselves and their critical work in their communities. Moderator Julieta Mendoza '21 will help facilitate the discussion. The event is supported by a 2019-202 Innovation Grant. Use the link below to join the webinar.
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Events at Smith

Radiation Culture: Religion and the Environment in a Post-Chernobyl World
May 4, 2021
Elena Romashko is a PhD candidate in Religious Studies at Göttingen University currently on a dissertation completion fellowship at the Orthodox Christian Studies Center, Fordham University. Her lecture is an insight into how the Chernobyl nuclear disaster has been perceived through the local religious thought with a focus on the ways the alteration of the environment has initiated rituals, imagery and the creation of memorial spaces -- and thus brought about an emerging nuclear culture of religion. Sponsored by the Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies Program and the Lecture Committee. Email for Zoom link.
5:00 pm

Ecological opportunities on a former golf course: the case of Nashawannuck Brook restoration
May 5, 2021
Kate Bentsen, Streamflow Restoration Specialist, and Cindy Delpapa, Riverways Program Manager, both from the MA Division of Ecological Restoration, will provide an introduction to the diverse and proactive restoration efforts underway in Massachusetts followed by a closer look into the local Pine Grove Golf Course – Nashawannuck Brook Restoration project. They will talk about the many restoration opportunities available on this large open space, and end with a discussion of the ways students and faculty can become involved and contribute to the active learning objectives at this dynamic site. Click below for the zoom link.
12:30 pm to 1:20 pm

Events Off Campus

Seminar: "Redefining Strong Corals: Identifying trade-offs
May 5, 2021
between coral bleaching resistance and recovery capacity" with Nia Walker, a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University in Stephen Palumbi’s lab based at Hopkins Marine Station. Nia primarily uses genomics, genetics, and physiology techniques to study climate change resilience in coral reefs. Her current research is focused on not just identifying, but also challenging, what makes "strong" corals by studying both coral thermal resistance and recovery. This talk is the last in the Online Conversations for Equity, Action, and Networking (OCEAN) webinar series.   Register for the webinar below. To learn more about the OCEAN Webinar Series, check out the website here:
4:00 pm