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Events Off Campus

Migration, Climate Change, and Fair Trade: How are Farmers Faring in 2021?
June 9, 2021
Meet a recognized farmer cooperative movement leader in Guatemala, Miguel Mateo Sebastian. An activist in the often dangerous arena of rural community organizing for 25 years, since 2007 Miguel has been the Commercial Manager for the longstanding Equal Exchange partner co-op Manos Campesinas. Miguel is uniquely positioned to reflect on the inextricably linked themes of migration, the climate crisis and fair trade to present a real life understanding of how small farmers and their organizations are faring in 2021. Part of the Equal Exchange June speaker series. Register to attend below:
7:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Global solidarity in 2021: Can it meet today's crises of climate change, pandemic
June 16, 2021
and massive migration? Meet U.S. Representative Jim McGovern who hails from Worcester, MA. Jim is a longtime friend of Equal Exchange and holds a special place in the hearts of thousands who have struggled for democracy and human rights in Central America. Our relationship with Jim dates to our founding, which we trace to May 1, 1986. First elected in 1996, Jim now chairs the Rules Committee in the U.S. Congress – an extraordinarily important role in that body. He has been a leading voice on ending hunger and food insecurity both in the United States and globally. He has been an equally leading voice in international human rights, a cause for which he has in fact been arrested multiple times. Jim makes us proud and we are eager for you to meet him. Register to attend this talk in the Equal Exchange June speaker series below:
5:00 pm