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September 18-24

September 25- Oct 1

October 2-8

Events at Smith

Study Abroad Fair
September 20, 2022
Hosted by the Office for International Study.
Davis Ballroom
11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Aimee Nezhukumatathil: reading and conversation with Conkling Writer-in-Residence Leila Chatti
September 20, 2022
Free and open to the public. Co-sponsored by the Boutelle-Day Poetry Center and the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design, and Sustainability (CEEDS). Livestreams available on Boutelle-Day Poetry Center YouTube and Facebook channels.
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
7:00 pm

Food Systems and Climate Resilience
September 21, 2022
How can we heal ourselves and the natural world from the profit-over-people-based practices of industrial and corporate agriculture? How can we farm in ways that save and restore the complex and interactive ecosystems (soil, water, air) that sustain human and more-than-human life? Alisa Klein of Grow Food Northampton and Gaby Immerman from the Smith Botanic Garden will offer participants a chance to engage for themselves with these pressing real-world problems. First workshop in the Community Conversations series offering an opportunity for students to discover problems worth solving and develop solutions worth building. Dinner provided. For Smith community members. RSVP on the Smith Social Network, link below:
Neilson 103
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Closing Performance: Native American and Indigenous Studies Symposium 2022
September 23, 2022
Jennifer Kreisberg, Tuscarora (North Carolina), and member of the critically acclaimed Native women's Trio Ulali. Jennifer comes from four generations of Seven Singing Sisters through the maternal line. She is known for fierce vocals, soaring ranges and lilting, breath-taking harmonies. More information and registration at link below:
Campus Center Carroll Room, Smith College
7:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Lecture: Landscape Approach: From Local Communities to Territorial Systems
September 22, 2022
How we can learn from traditional ecological knowledge, sustainable technologies, and alternative worldviews that offer a critical lens for designers, planners, policymakers to not only consider but partner with the communities affected by our professional outcomes? Samantha Solano, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning at UMass Amherst and Alberto de Salvatierra, Assistant Professor of Urbanism and Data in Architecture at the University of Calgary present. Part of the Zube lecture series. More details at the link below:
Design Building Rm. 170, UMass Amherst
4:00 pm

Opening Reception and exhibit: Native American and Indigenous Studies Symposium 2022
September 22, 2022
Opening reception and "Considering Indigeneity" exhibit. Wampanoag cuisine by Sly Fox Den. Register for symposium events using the link below:
Mount Holyoke College Art Museum
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Webinar: Occupying Massachusetts: Layers of History on Indigenous Land
September 22, 2022
The occupation of the land today—and throughout history—is a theme that’s gaining renewed focus. Through images and discussion, authors David Brule and Suzanne Gardinier will guide us as we look at the human occupation of land with an emphasis on the long presence of Indigenous people and the waves of settlement by people from other countries that began during the early 1600s and continues today. Their work raises questions such as: How do people occupy land and make it their “home”? How are these stories of occupation told? How can we now engage with difficult histories? Organized by Kestrel Land Trust. Register below (students can attend for free):
6:30 pm

Native American and Indigenous Studies Symposium 2022
September 23, 2022
Panels, Roundtables, Keynote address by Taino Chief Jorge Estevez (Veteran museum educator and leader of Grupo Higuayagua, which organizes Native families and individuals, recovers Indigenous cultural practices), Mentoring Meetings, and Social Connections. Information and registration at link below:
UMass Hotel, Amherst, MA
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Events at Smith

ES&P Lunchbag- Housing Justice is Climate Justice: Notes from Informal Settlements in Bangladesh
September 29, 2022
Across the world, expanding informal settlements are home to displaced migrants who endure multiple climate and development-induced vulnerabilities. As urbanization accelerates and inequalities widen, how do approaches to housing justice and climate justice shape each other? By reflecting on ongoing engaged research in Bangladesh, Efadul Huq, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy will explore the convergence of housing and climate justice and highlights local struggles and experiences of community-led approaches to adaptation that have implications for urban climate planning and policy. Lunch provided.
12:15 pm to 1:10 pm

Poster-Making Party for Climate Action
September 30, 2022
Explore the public art of postering & learn wheat pasting techniques. Stop by, make a poster & paste it to community panels. Sponsored by the Wurtele Center for Leadership, CEEDS, and the Design Thinking Initiative.
Davis Ballroom
4:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Events Off Campus

Abigail Chabitnoy Reading
September 29, 2022
Free, ticket required (see link below) Poet Abigail Chabitnoy’s stunning new work, In the Current Where Drowning Is Beautiful, is a meditation on water, land, women, and violent environmental changes as they affect both the natural world and human migration. Chabitnoy is a Koniag descendant and member of the Tangirnaq Native Village in Kodiak, Alaska. This reading is produced in conjunction with the MFA's Visiting Writers Series, presenting emerging and established writers since 1964. A book signing and reception follow the reading.
Old Chapel, Umass Amherst
6:00 pm

Events at Smith

Exhibit: "We Are Not Machines // No Somos Máquinas: Farmworker
October 3, 2022
Resistance in the Connecticut River Valley//Resistencia de los trabajadores agrícolas en el valle del río Connecticut". In the face of oppression, people have and always will resist and organize. Farmworkers are no exception. Through the words and portraits of farmworkers in Western Massachusetts, the No Somos Máquinas exhibit explores the broken immigration system, the exclusion of farmworkers from basic labor protections, and the conditions that have compelled them to rise up. Developed by the Pioneer Valley Workers Center with the support of the Botanic Garden of Smith College, this fully bilingual exhibit sheds light on the experiences of local farmworkers in Western Massachusetts. It consists of portraits, interpretive panels, and a timeline of farmworker organizing, as well as audio of oral history excerpts. No Somos Máquinas will be on display from October 3–December 16th.
Lyman Plant House, Smith College
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Entrepreneurial Approaches Toward a Sustainable Food Community in the Pioneer Valley
October 3, 2022
Deb Christakos, chef, educator, and founder of Pioneer Valley Food Tours, will be on campus to give an interactive presentation from 3:05-4:20 p.m. Open to all in the Smith community, this is part of the ENX 100 lecture series.
Neilson Browsing Room
3:05 pm to 4:20 pm

Arava Institute Info Session
October 4, 2022
This info session is an opportunity to learn more about the approved field study abroad program in Israel through the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies; a great and unique program option for students interested in ES&P or peacebuilding. Bring lunch and come learn more! Open to members of the Smith community only.
Dewey Common Room
12:15 pm

International Experience Grant Info Session
October 4, 2022
The Lewis Global Studies Center will be awarding International Experience Grants (IEGs) for Interterm 2023. Come hear from students who traveled internationally this summer with the help of IEGs and learn more about how to apply! Pizza will be served to the first 25 attendees. Open to members of the Smith community only.
Lewis Global Studies Center
12:15 pm

Presentation of the Environmental Concentration
October 4, 2022
A concentration is designed to connect academic learning to real-world experience through internships and work in the field. Students can take a concentration in addition to a major and minor. Join us for a pizza lunch to find out about how and why you might want to join the Environmental Concentration and get all your questions answered! Be sure to register below so we can provide lunch for you!
CC, Carroll Room
12:15 pm to 1:10 pm

Workshop: Ethics of Drones
October 7, 2022
We are in the process of revising our Drone Code of Ethics and your concerns, ideas, and thoughts will help inform our practice. During the workshop we will go over the draft document and collaboratively edit. We will also think about how this document should be implemented, and the implications of conduct and ethics in other lab spaces. Drones will be out for exploration and engagement. We welcome all students, staff, faculty, community members, technophiles and technophobes alike. Pizza lunch will be provided and to access the draft code of ethics, please register in advance, at the link below:
Spatial Analysis Lab (Sabin-Reed 104)
12:15 pm to 1:10 pm

Events Off Campus

Art Sustainability Activism Series Panel - Archives of the Future
October 6, 2022
Please join us for this meeting of minds working at the intersection of climate change, literature, and social justice. Gathered by the UMass School of Earth & Sustainability. Free, ticket required (see link below):
Bromery Center for the Arts Lobby, UMass Amherst
4:00 pm

Instigating landscape democracy: The transformative agency of participatory co-creation,
October 6, 2022
action-research, and storytelling in sustainable development. A Zube lecture by Deni Ruggeri, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture.
UMASS Olver Design Building, Room 170
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm