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March 7-13

March 14-20

March 21-27

Featured Event

Enjoy Spring Break!
March 13, 2023

Events at Smith

Empowering value-based stewardship within local communities through GIS
March 7, 2023
...and ridge to reef remote sensing. The Spatial Analysis Lab is hiring for a new Spatial Data Specialist, and we'd like your feedback on our final candidates, Heather Rosenfeld (speaking Monday) and Kala'i Ellis (speaking Tuesday)! Enjoy a tasty lunch in the finest CEEDS tradition (provided for the first 15 attendees)--or join in via Zoom. We'll ask for your feedback following the events.
CEEDS or Zoom (see "more" link)
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm

Maple Sugaring with CEEDS!
March 8, 2023
Join CEEDS staff and students for a maple sugar boil with sap from the MacLeish Field Station. Stop by to sample some sap, have a pancake with some real New England maple syrup, and learn more about how maple syrup is made. We will be there between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Come on by!
Chapin Loading Dock
9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Smith students only: Late Night at Lyman: Bulb Show
March 9, 2023
The Botanic Garden and the Office of Multicultural Affairs present an evening at the Bulb Show. Enjoy relaxing activities, herbal tea, and good company. Open to Smith students only.
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Events Off Campus

The Social Side of Environmental Planning and Design
March 9, 2023
with María Ballalta, FASLA, IFLA, Dean, School of Landscape Architecture, Boston Architectural College. Part of the Zube Lecture Series, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
Design Building Rm. 170, UMass Amherst
4:00 pm

Featured Event

Enjoy Spring Break!
March 14, 2023
March 16, 2023
March 17, 2023
March 15, 2023

Events at Smith

Geothermal Project Tour
March 20, 2023
Have you been wondering what all the construction around campus is about? Have you ever been inside a Smith building in the summer and wondered when we'll install AC? Have you ever wanted to know what the college is doing to combat climate change? Come find out the answers to these questions and more on one of our student-run Geothermal Project Tours! Rain date is 3/21 at the same time. Open to all Smith community members.
Meet at the Elm St entrance to the Campus Center
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm

Wissatinnewag: Healing of an Indigenous Landscape
March 20, 2023
with David Brule, Author, Activist, & Volunteer for the Nolumbeka Project. Part of the Landscape Studies LSS 100 speakers program.
Hillyer Art Complex-Graham Hall
3:05 pm

Events at Smith

Sustainable Energy Lunch Learn In: Biofuels
March 22, 2023
Renewable and sustainable energy is key to combating climate change, but information on how it works and legislation surrounding it is often highly technical and hard to understand. Designed by a student for students to give us the tools we need to support environmentally conscious energy change. Lunch provided.
12:15 pm to 1:10 pm

ES&P Lunchbag: Interview Skills Practice
March 23, 2023
Join Jason Bauer-Clapp, Lazarus Center's Director of Career Education, to explore how best to present your ES&P skills, knowledge and experiences- in an interview and otherwise. Lunch provided.
CEEDS, Wright Hall 005
12:15 pm

Mary Oliver: A Handsome Life, Queer Visions and Practice in the Poems and Essays
March 23, 2023
A talk by poet Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Weinstein Auditorium, Wright Hall
4:30 pm

Lecture with Mindy Fullilove, Writer and Social Psychiatrist
March 25, 2023
Part of the spring semester Landscape Studies LSS 100 speakers program.
Hillyer Art Complex, Graham Hall
3:05 pm to 4:45 pm

(Re)Claiming Grief: An Embodied Journey Back to the Earth
March 27, 2023
Healer, educator, and artist Lindsay Hopkins will lead this four-part workshop series on climate grief and guide a creative group brainstorming process, ending with a temporary, socially engaged art installation and community gathering. Space is limited; sign up at the link below: All Smith community members welcome!
Smith campus.
3:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Getting Creative at the Mall
March 27, 2023
with Alexandra Lange, Architecture & Design Critic. Part of the Landscape Studies LSS 100 speakers program.
Hillyer Art Complex-Graham Hall
3:05 pm to 4:45 pm

Events Off Campus

Stop funding climate chaos-- National Day of Action!
March 21, 2023
Rally and March to the site of the new Chase Bank For the sake of our beloved planet's web of life, we will gather at Pulaski Park for a rally, followed by marching to King and Main Streets, to spread the word that Chase Bank is destroying the climate by financing the fossil fuel industry and that no one should bank at Chase. This event is coordinated with National Day of Action to Stop Dirty Banks sponsored by Third Act. We encourage everyone to move your money out of Chase Bank, Bank of America, TD Bank, and other big banks that finance fossil fuels. Let's get rid of our credit cards managed by these banks. Learn more and register at the link below:
Pulaski Park: 240 Main Street, Northampton
4:30 pm to 5:45 pm

Career Development Day at MassRecycle 2023 Conference & Trade Show
March 23, 2023
Are you concerned about the environment, but do not know where to begin? Looking for your next step after graduation? Trash and waste are urgent environmental concerns; sustainable materials management is the solution. The MassRecycle Conference and Trade Show is the largest recycling and waste reduction conference in Massachusetts. This year, MassRecycle will be opening the afternoon session to students and job seekers for Career Development. Join us to learn about the current world of recycling, trash, reuse, and waste reduction, and emerging career opportunities. Learn about the creative solutions being implemented and how you can be a part of them. There will be lectures followed by an interactive discussion session and networking. Speaker Presentations include: Destinations for items banned from landfills; How to build Zero Waste plans into contracts; Municipal strategies to divert food waste; Extended Producer Responsibility legislation: holding manufacturers responsible. $10 for admission. Bring a resume and be ready to network. There will be Job Boards with open positions posted, company representatives recruiting, and roundtable discussions to offer career guidance. Learn about the many sustainability jobs in materials management, community outreach, regional planning, sales and marketing.  Registration opens at 12:30 pm. Speaker Sessions are 12:45-4:00 pm with a break for networking and job hunting, Roundtable discussions and networking will take place 4:00-5:00 pm.
Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel, Marlboro
12:30 pm to 5:00 pm

The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American Migration
March 23, 2023
In the coming decades millions of Americans will be uprooted by wildfires, floods, and rising seas in the largest migration in our country’s history. And many are already on the move. "The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American Migration" by Jake Bittle compassionately tells their stories and uncovers how government and insurance policies are shaping who rebuilds and who retreats. The Living on Earth Book Club, UMass Boston School for the Environment and Sustainable Solutions Lab at UMass Boston proudly present this free, live conversation between author Jake Bittle and Host Steve Curwood, with a special introduction by distinguished guest, UMass Boston Chancellor Marcelo Suárez-Orozco. SSL Director Rebecca Herst will also be offering remarks. This event is in a hybrid format. Register below:
Virtual via Zoom
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm