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Events at Smith

Geothermal Project Tour
May 3, 2023
Have you been wondering what all the construction around campus is about? Have you ever been inside a Smith building in the summer and wondered when we'll install AC? Have you ever wanted to know what the college is doing to combat climate change? Come find out the answers to these questions and more on one of our student-run Geothermal Project Tours! Rain date is 5/4 at the same time. Open to all Smith community members.
Meet at the Elm St entrance to the Campus Center
4:15 pm to 5:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Wrestling with Equity: Considering Disparate Impact
May 4, 2023
with Jamaal Green, Assistant Professor of Planning, University of Pennsylvania, Weitzman School of Design. Part of the Zube Lecture Series, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
Design Building Rm. 170, UMass Amherst
4:00 pm

Events at Smith

Becoming Carbon Neutral: Smith's Geothermal Energy Project
May 10, 2023
Smith College is committed to being carbon neutral by 2030 and addressing heating and cooling is key to our success. Join us in CEEDS for lunch and learn more about our plans for achieving that goal using geothermal energy, renewable electricity, operational transformations, and community engagement. This event is open to everyone in the Smith community. Bring your questions!
12:15 pm

Events Off Campus

Webinar: The Status of Tribes and Climate Change Report
May 10, 2023
with Nikki Cooley, Co-Director of the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals and Co-Manager of the Institute's Tribal Climate Change Program. This report was specifically developed to honor the resilience of Tribes across the country as they face increasing climate impacts. To develop this document, the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals Tribes and Climate Change team convened a group of more than 90 authors, including those from Tribal Nations, federal agencies, Tribal organizations, academic institutions, and non-profits. Each chapter of the report is preceded by narratives that features voices from Tribes who speak about the climate impacts they are facing and their actions to address the impacts on their lands and culture. Ms. Cooley will give an overview of the report, making sure to focus on portions that may be especially relevant to the Northeast. Hosted by the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center. See link below for Zoom link.
Virtual via Zoom
4:00 pm

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