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November 17-23

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December 1-7

Events at Smith

Field Station Friday: Game Night at MacLeish
November 17, 2023
Join us for a cozy game night at MacLeish this Friday! If it's not too chilly we will make s'mores over the fire as well! Vans leave at 4:15 PM from Sage Hall circle :) Sign up for a spot in the van at the link below.
MacLeish Field Station - Meet at Sage Hall Circle
4:15 pm to 7:30 pm

Navigating USAJobs and Introduction to Federal Resume Writing
November 21, 2023
This is a virtual information session on federal resume writing, navigating USAJOBS website, including paid internships and fellowships in the federal government. In this session we will walk through the application process to include the questionnaire, discuss resume formats, preferences, required documents to include, and how to align your experience with the job qualifications. This class is designed specifically to help you develop your federal resume and address key areas in the job announcement to make you an eligible applicant. This is a virtual event hosted by the Lazarus Center. Register on Handshake.
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Events Off Campus

Northeast Summit for a Sustainable Built Environment 2023: Justice of Place
November 17, 2023
Energy and Environmental Justice in the Built Environment. NESSBE is a biennial northeast regional summit meant to include a larger community of building professionals, owners, academics, policymakers, advocates, and students in a conversation about sustainability in the built environment. Frontline communities are now experiencing the greatest effects of Climate Change. These communities face both an increased energy cost burden and an associated increased health burden due to environmental pollution and housing conditions. The intention of this summit is to explore the means and solutions for meeting this challenge in the built environment, lifting up our most vulnerable communities, while improving the quality of life -with a focus on CT residents but relevant for other communities.
Yale University, Kroon Hall 195 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT
7:30 am to 5:00 pm

Events at Smith

Lecture: Science Graphics
November 29, 2023
Jen Christiansen, Graphics Editor at Scientific American and Smith class of 1995 will speak about building science graphics. The lecture will discuss honoring complexity, avoiding misinformation pitfalls, and visualizing uncertainty when producing science graphics for a public audience. All welcome.
McConnell 103
4:15 pm

Geothermal Project Tour
November 30, 2023
Would you like to know more about what all the construction around campus is about? Have you wanted to know more about what the college is doing to mitigate its carbon footprint? This is your chance to get answers to these questions and more during one of our student-run Geothermal Project Tours! Rain date is 11/31 at the same time. Open to all Smith community members.
Meet at the Elm St entrance to the Campus Center
12:15 pm

Events at Smith

"Deborah Jack: the water between us remembers, so we carry this history on our skins,
December 1, 2023
long for a sea-bath and hope that the salt will heal what ails us (2018)" On view through February 4, 2024. How do memory, place, nature, and the afterlives of slavery and colonialism connect? What possibilities do video (as a medium) and beauty (as an aesthetic approach) offer artists interested in these connections? In the water between us remembers…, an immersive video installation now on view in SCMA's Video and New Media Gallery, artist Deborah Jack takes up these questions and contends with past and present representations of the Caribbean as a tropical paradise. More information at the link below. Admission to the museum is free to all.
Smith College Museum of Art
11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Friday Craft Night: Making Firestarters
December 1, 2023
Join us a for a craft night in CEEDS! We will be making firestarters, which make great holiday gifts. Materials provided. Sign up for a spot at the link below.
The Center for the Environment, Wright Hall 005
4:15 pm to 6:30 pm

Multiplying Power: Image as Protest in Prints and Photographs
December 4, 2023
This installation displays a range of prints and photographs from the SCMA collection whose circulation documents and sparks social change. Primarily made in the United States during the 20th and 21st century, these works engage with issues of racial justice, civil rights, gay liberation, feminism, Indigenous land rights, and environmental justice, among others. Activists and artists continue to work together to transform our world everyday-- creating and sharing images on social media, digital journalism, and in public spaces. On view through January 2024, the museum is open and free for all. More information at link below.
Smith College Museum of Art
11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Symbiotic Nostalgia
December 6, 2023
Using reclaimed lawn chairs and white, rubber coated shelving units, Symbiotic Nostalgia, by artist Liz Miller explores our desire to acquire such objects--and our constant need to get rid of them. As ubiquitous cast-away items no longer at the peak of their function and losing their form, these objects serve as a reminder of the things we live with daily…and the things we discard daily. Through weaving of the shelving units, the woven structures of the lawn chairs are echoed, while paint both highlights and negates the woven structures. Installed in the space, these objects create an environment that is at once familiar and surprising. Presented by the Art Department through December 20th.
Orseman Gallery, Hillyer Hall

Opening Reception: Understanding Climate Change through Plant Biology & the Arts
December 6, 2023
Art, poems and soundscapes by students from Biology 368/369 in response to questions about how we can understand climate change, how we can process and internalize plant biology-climate interactions, and how we can communicate scientific information in a way that gently nudges both viewer and artist to develop a greater awareness of nature. Exhibit on display through December.
Campus Center 204
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

COP28 Climate Simulation: Updates from Week One
December 7, 2023
Live from Dubai: as Week One of COP28 climate negotations wrap up, where do we stand? Join us in CEEDS for a live simulation of the climate impacts of the first week of negotiations as we look ahead to one more week of global climate agreements in the UAE. Snacks provided.
10:00 am to 11:00 am