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December 5-11

December 12-18

December 19-25

Events at Smith

Symbiotic Nostalgia
December 6, 2023
Using reclaimed lawn chairs and white, rubber coated shelving units, Symbiotic Nostalgia, by artist Liz Miller explores our desire to acquire such objects--and our constant need to get rid of them. As ubiquitous cast-away items no longer at the peak of their function and losing their form, these objects serve as a reminder of the things we live with daily…and the things we discard daily. Through weaving of the shelving units, the woven structures of the lawn chairs are echoed, while paint both highlights and negates the woven structures. Installed in the space, these objects create an environment that is at once familiar and surprising. Presented by the Art Department through December 20th.
Orseman Gallery, Hillyer Hall

Opening Reception: Understanding Climate Change through Plant Biology & the Arts
December 6, 2023
Art, poems and soundscapes by students from Biology 368/369 in response to questions about how we can understand climate change, how we can process and internalize plant biology-climate interactions, and how we can communicate scientific information in a way that gently nudges both viewer and artist to develop a greater awareness of nature. Exhibit on display through December.
Campus Center 204
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

COP28 Climate Simulation: Updates from Week One
December 7, 2023
Live from Dubai: as Week One of COP28 climate negotations wrap up, where do we stand? Join us in CEEDS for a live simulation of the climate impacts of the first week of negotiations as we look ahead to one more week of global climate agreements in the UAE. Snacks provided.
10:00 am to 11:00 am

Sapere i Sapori: A Sensory Journey into Italian Olive Oil
December 8, 2023
Discover different tastes and shades of gold and experience different regional varieties of Italian olive oil on toasted bread. Sponsored by the German & Italian Departments and First Year Seminars.
Campus Center 103/104
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

The Challenges of Using Meadows to Enrich College Landscapes
December 11, 2023
Sophia Patt '24 presents their environmental concentration capstone project about the challenges of incorporating meadows in the landscapes of institutions of higher education, with a special focus on Smith's Davis Lawn restoration project. Lunch provided. Email ceeds@ for a Zoom link.
Center for the Environment, Wright Hall
12:15 pm to 1:10 pm

Events at Smith

Presentation: "Climate Justice Visioning at Smith College:
December 12, 2023
A Report on Workshops with Faculty and Staff, Students, and Community Member Stakeholders" Senior environmental science and policy majors Brianna Bell, Addy Dwyer, Ryan Emerson, Fish Fischer, Kaila Frazer, Alyssa Foley, Helen Glover, Lia Jacobs and Jade Wong share the outcomes of their ENV 312 capstone research project. This work was conducted in partnership with CEEDS, the Committee on Sustainability, the Office of Equity and Inclusion and the Wurtele Center. Lunch provided. To join virtually, email ceeds@ for a Zoom link.
Neilson Browsing Room
12:15 pm to 1:10 pm

Environmental Science and Policy Honors Progress Presentations
December 14, 2023
Featuring senior ES&P majors Kaila Frazer with an update on "Modeling the Impact of Marine Cold-Spell Events on Endangered Species Habitat in the California Current" and Fish Fischer talking about "Using the FTIRS Technique to Reconstruct Past Climate in Northeastern Pennsylvania". Refreshments provided.
The Center for the Environment, Wright Hall
4:30 pm

Multiplying Power: Image as Protest in Prints and Photographs
December 15, 2023
This installation displays a range of prints and photographs from the SCMA collection whose circulation documents and sparks social change. Primarily made in the United States during the 20th and 21st century, these works engage with issues of racial justice, civil rights, gay liberation, feminism, Indigenous land rights, and environmental justice, among others. Activists and artists continue to work together to transform our world everyday-- creating and sharing images on social media, digital journalism, and in public spaces. On view through January 2024, the museum is open and free for all. More information at link below.
Smith College Museum of Art
11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Finals period
December 18, 2023

Events at Smith

Finals period
December 19, 2023
December 20, 2023
December 21, 2023

Holiday Break- December 22-January 2
December 25, 2023