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Events at Smith

Autumn Cider Pressing and Heirloom Apple tasting
October 26, 2024
Join CEEDS staff and students for this annual event! Stop by to taste the many flavors of this amazing fruit at our heirloom apple tasting. Then, experience the magic of turning apples into delicious fresh cider & enjoy a cup with a locally made cider donut!
Check out the Family Weekend calendar later in the semester for details!
10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Events at Smith

Exhibition: Here, Now
August 30, 2024 through July 13, 2025
From August 30, 2024 until July 13, 2024, The Smith College Museum of Art (SCMA) will host a solo exhibition of art by Younes Rahmoun—one of Morocco’s most important artists—in partnership with the Botanic Garden of Smith College and Arts Afield at CEEDS. The exhibition will explore how Rahmoun’s place-based sculptures and installations have, for the last 25 years, created space for viewers to be in community, together in the here and now. Foremost among the exhibition's themes are nature, place, and landscape; spirituality; migration as a consequence of de/colonization; and the relationship between the macrocosm and the microcosm. The public can visit various elements of he exhibition- on Smith Campus at the SCMA and the Botanic Garden- and at Smith's Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field Station.
Smith College Museum of Art and the MacLeish Field Station