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Smith eDigest

The Smith eDigest is sent to all campus e-mail accounts on Tuesday and Thursday each week during the academic year, and on Tuesday during the summer, providing important notices, college news, links to articles of general interest to the community, deadline notifications, and other college information. Submissions are due by 5 p.m. the day before publication date. Information on submitting items is available at:

     View the eDigest archives >

03/28/2025 Digest

Geothermal Energy Project

Geothermal Energy Project Update
Tuesday, March 25

Sidewalks between Neilson Library and Washburn House, as well as along the lawn adjacent to College Hall, Pierce Hall, and Lilly Hall, are closed through early May. The northern portion of Dickinson lot will also be closed due to excavation during the same period. Drilling is ongoing at the athletic fields with the use of two drill rigs. Upper College Lane is closed for the continuation of excavation activities near Sabin-Reed. Building conversion work will continue in basements and mechanical spaces in all Quad buildings and select Central District buildings. Please view the project website,, to view graphics.

Faculty/Staff Notices

Traffic Flow Around Campus

Eversource Energy is replacing lines on West Street. One-way traffic flow is in place through approximately April 2, with continued congestion expected on West St./Elm St. through April 4. Work will then shift to Bedford Terrace (week of April 10), causing minor lane shifts but no closures. The project will move away from campus after that, with a brief return in mid-May for final work that may cause delays. Please allow extra travel time as needed and, if possible, please avoid this intersection.

Your Input Needed: Privacy Workshops Offered by the Libraries

Would you be interested in attending privacy workshops? Let the Libraries know your interest in topics such as: How to stay safe as a student activist; securing your financial data; staying safe from government surveillance; avoiding stalkers/online harassment; how to stay safe while dating online; and more. Take the survey here:

Reimagining Our Moniker: We Want Your Ideas!

The process for selecting a new moniker and mascot is underway, and we want to hear from you! If you missed the email about this, you can read more about the renaming initiative by visiting Students, staff, and faculty can log in to submit ideas by visiting Please note that the submission form closes at the end of the day on Friday, April 11, so send in your ideas soon!

2025 Subsidy Application Process Is Open for Healthcare and Dependent Care

Smith offers Healthcare and Dependent Care subsidies for income eligible staff and faculty. The priority deadline to submit a request in Workday is 04/19/25. To qualify in 2025, family income on the 2024 federal tax return must be under $81,760 and the applicant must be enrolled in a Smith Medical plan that covers themselves and at least one family member (for the Healthcare subsidy) or enrolled in a 2025 Dependent Care FSA with an election of at least $100 (for the Dependent Care subsidy). For more information, review the subsidy information at or contact

Sherrerd Center Friday Luncheons
March 28, April 4, 11, 18

On Friday, 3/28, Tina Wildhagen, chair of the Honor Board Review Committee, along with committee members, will share an overview of the committee's work on Conceptualizing Honor Board Interactions as Opportunities for Teaching/Learning in Neilson Browsing Room. RSVP: On Friday, 4/4, Sherrerd Teaching Circles will be offered in the Campus Center. Please visit the Sherrerd website for links to RSVP (if you haven’t already been invited through google calendar): On Friday, 4/11, Designing Accessible Courses will be offered in Neilson Browsing Room. RSVP: On Friday 4/18, circles in the Campus Center will meet for the last time.

President's Open Office Hour
Monday, March 31, 4:15 p.m., College Hall 203

President Sarah Willie-LeBreton will have an open office hour on Monday March 31 between 4:15 and 5:15pm in her office at 203 College Hall. The door is open to all students and employees to drop in and share with her what is on your mind.

Reminder: Submit 2024 FSA Account Claims to Voya
Deadline: March 31

All employees with a remaining 2024 Medical or Dependent Care FSA account balance are reminded that the IRS deadline to spend 2024 funds was March 15th. The deadline to submit claims for qualifying purchases made by March 15th is March 31st. Unused funds are forfeited so don't miss this important deadline! For assistance, go to: or contact Voya Financial at (833)232-4673.

On-Campus Strategic Planning Sessions
Monday, March 31, Campus Center

We want to hear from you! Our next phase of strategic planning work involves refining the objectives and initiatives that will underpin each of the four strategic goals. We invite you to engage with a set of draft strategic initiatives and share your feedback via in-person sessions that will feature a short presentation followed by small group discussion. Multiple sessions will be held throughout the day. To participate, please sign up here: Posters with additional information and other channels for providing feedback are currently located in the Campus Center and outside the Bass Hall faculty lounge.

First Tuesdays With Coffee, Donuts and More!
Tuesday, April 1, 8:30 a.m., Campus Center Main Level Table

Bring a friend, meet some new ones, and catch up on what's happening around campus at First Tuesdays, a monthly gathering aimed at providing a welcoming space where all of us -- students, staff and faculty -- can come together over refreshments. Gluten free, dairy free, and vegan options will be available.

Spring Open Office Hours With General Counsel, Gretchen Groggel Ralston
Tuesday, April 1, 1 p.m., College Hall 302A

Gretchen Groggel Ralston, Smith's General Counsel, invites both faculty and staff to connect with her during three upcoming monthly office hours, April 1 (1 pm in her office, College Hall, Room 302A), April 30 (12:15 pm in Faculty Lounge, Bass Hall, 105/106), and May 9 (10:30 am in her office, College Hall, Room 302A). Gretchen welcomes any work-related legal questions or to just stop by and say hello. The length of the meetings are 10 minutes and first come first serve. If you have any scheduling questions, feel free to reach out to Gretchen's assistant, Kim Jurado at

Trans Rights: A Historical and Legal Perspective
Wednesday, April 2, 4:30 p.m., Weinstein Auditorium, Wright

The legal landscape for trans rights is shifting rapidly in new, alarming, and unprecedented ways. This panel is an opportunity to learn more about current and historical context from experts in their fields. Bring your questions! Sponsored by: Community Care Coordination Team, Resource Center for Sexuality and Gender, Office of Equity and Inclusion, Dean of the College, Lewis Global Studies Center

Liberal Arts Lunch Series
Thursday, April 3, 12:10 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Liberal Arts Lunch series welcomes Esther Burson, Assistant Professor of Psychology, to present "Critical Consciousness: An Antidote to Oppression?" Lunch offered to the first 40 attendees, start time is approximately 12:10, ending by 1:10.

JostenLive! Hosts Magic Mic Night (An Open Mic Salon)
Friday, April 4, 5 p.m., Josten Library, Mendenhall

Invite your besties and your professors! Signups start at 4:30 pm on a first come, first serve basis. What’s your talent? It can be music, poetry, standup comedy, or more. Share what you want to share. Smithie talent showcase meets purple carpet, great acoustics (and mics), and a Steinway piano. Magic Mic Night is a student-led open mic organization that hosts events for Smithies to showcase their art. JostenLive! Is a patron-driven performance series: free and open to all. Contact:

Class Deans Faculty Appreciation Gathering
Monday, April 7, 3:30 p.m., Not Listed

The Class Deans Office would like to formally recognize all that faculty do on behalf of our students. The Deans are grateful for their faculty partnerships, and to that end, they are collaborating with the Provost's Office to host a faculty appreciation gathering in honor of Smith faculty. Please save Monday, April 7 from 3:30-5:30 in the Faculty Lounge in Bass Hall for drinks and appetizers to thank faculty for all the work they do in supporting students! Please feel free to stop by at any point during the event.

Wind Down and Relax with Restorative Yoga Classes
Wednesdays, April 9, 23 and 30, 12:15-1:05 p.m., Campus Center 203

Human Resources is excited to announce that restorative yoga classes will continue to be offered through the spring with yoga instructor Arden Sundari Pierce. Easy strength and stretch yoga exercises help reduce stress, fatigue, and creates flexibility. Most exercises will be practiced using a chair and can be modified. No clothing change is needed. To sign up, please email

Student Notices

Traffic Flow Around Campus

Eversource Energy is replacing lines on West Street. One-way traffic flow is in place through approximately April 2, with continued congestion expected on West St./Elm St. through April 4. Work will then shift to Bedford Terrace (week of April 10), causing minor lane shifts but no closures. The project will move away from campus after that, with a brief return in mid-May for final work that may cause delays. Please allow extra travel time as needed and, if possible, please avoid this intersection.

Posting Policy FEEDBACK SESSIONS on March 28 and April 3
March 28 and April 3, Noon, Campus Center Main Level Table

Would you like to give some feedback on the current Posting Policy? Do you have ideas on what should be included in a future Posting Policy? Visit this tabling event to share your thoughts.

Fall 2025 Nolen Art Lounge Applications Open

The fall 2025 application for the Nolen Art Lounge are now available. Please fill out the application by April 27th for exhibit considerations. Please email Student Programs Coordinator Casey Martin at with questions. Apply here:

Smith Students' Aid Society Application Deadline for Summer Opportunities
Deadline: April 15

Smith Students' Aid Society Application Deadline for Summer Opportunities The deadline for Summer SSAS applications is Tuesday, April 15. SSAS grants are available for not-for-credit and credit-bearing programs, as well as for travel opportunities. Students applying for credit-bearing programs should note that the SSAS can only fund courses that have been accepted for transfer credit by Smith College. If you are a student in financial need and your program fits the above description, you may fill out the application by copying and pasting this link into your browser: w-ixg/viewform

Apply Now: Leanna Brown '56 Fellowship
Deadline: April 25

The Smith College Department of Government sponsors an annual competition for the Leanna Brown ‘56 Fellowship. This fellowship (normally between $500 and $1,000) is intended to support Smith students working at summer internships in state or local government, or in organizations (governmental or nongovernmental) focused on issues of particular concern to women. All students are invited to apply. The deadline to submit all application materials is Friday, April 25, 2025. For more information and to download the application, visit the Department of Government website at Questions can be sent to

Funding Available for Summer Projects in Music

All sophomores, juniors and seniors enrolled at Smith whose curriculum has included classroom courses in music are eligible—and encouraged—to apply for a Susan Rose Internship grant. The grant provides funding up to an approximate maximum of $5,000 for summer internships in music. Recent internships have included: Community music education (South Africa), Public radio and documentary internship (LA), Summer courses in music production (NYC), Study of Javanese Gamelan (Indonesia). Students who would like to apply for 2025 Susan Rose funding should email a one-page proposal and detailed budget to Anna Goudreau,, by April 25. Full application details at

Host a Future Smithie!
April 18-19, 24-25

We are just a few weeks away from welcoming hundreds of admitted students to campus and we hope you will consider hosting one (or more!) of these future Smithies overnight as they experience Smith firsthand. Join us in supporting the class of 2029 as they find their way here to our community! Sign up here:

Reimagining Our Moniker: We Want Your Ideas!

The process for selecting a new moniker and mascot is underway, and we want to hear from you! If you missed the email about this, you can read more about the renaming initiative by visiting Students, staff, and faculty can log in to submit ideas by visiting Please note that the submission form closes at the end of the day on Friday, April 11, so send in your ideas soon!

Important Commencement Information for Graduating Students

In preparation for Commencement on May 18, 2025, please review the important information found on the Commencement webpage at, and take note of the upcoming deadlines listed on the Graduating Student To-Do List at Forms found here include the translation and accommodation needs forms for Ivy Day and Commencement, as well as other important deadlines for Workday. Please take the time to look at these and complete any time-sensitive forms you may need to fill out. The deadline for forms is Friday, April 11. Questions about forms? Call the Events Management Office at (413) 585-2669 or email

Alumnae Gym Open for Use

Alumnae Gym is once again open for use. For up-to-date information, visit the Libraries' hours page:

Enroll in Arabic First Year Classes

Enroll in Arabic Classes with the Middle East Studies Program Join the Arabic Language Program, offering two first-year classes at 8:00 AM and 9:25 AM. The program also welcomes those with prior Arabic experience. Second- and third-year courses are available, providing opportunities to learn both formal and colloquial Arabic while exploring Middle Eastern traditions and cultures. Arabic is the fifth most widely spoken language, and scholarships for studying abroad in Jordan, Morocco, or Oman are offered. Engage in activities like Arabic music concerts, IT and Design Thinking projects, and collaborations with the Smith Museum and Botanical Garden.

Apply Now: Denis Johnston 2025 Playwriting Prize
Deadline: April 4

The Denis Johnston Playwriting Prize is now open for submissions. All current undergraduates of any of the Five Colleges are eligible. This annual prize is awarded jointly by the Smith College Departments of English and Theatre. Unpublished manuscripts or screenplays of any length may be submitted to the prize committee. More than one script may be submitted. Each submission should include a cover letter with current contact information. Send submissions via email to The deadline for script submission is Friday, April 4, 2025.

Apply Now: Elizabeth Killian Roberts '45 Prize for Drawing
Deadline: Thursday, April 17

Established in 1990 by family and friends in memory of Elizabeth Killian Roberts ’45, this prize is awarded annually for the best drawing. Entries are judged by faculty in the Department of Art. Limited to one entry per student. Winners receive a substantial cash prize. Visit “Prizes, Internships, & Opportunities” for eligibility and more information. Deadline for submissions is Thursday, April 17, 2025.

Apply Now: Fox-Boorstein International Internship Fellowship
Deadline: April 25

The Smith College Department of Government sponsors an annual competition for the Fox-Boorstein International Internship Fellowship. The fellowship, awarding between $300-$800, is intended to support Smith students working internationally at summer internships in governmental or nongovernmental organizations that involve a policy focus or global issues. The deadline to submit all application materials is Friday, April 25, 2025. More information and the application can be found on the Government web page: Questions can be sent to

Apply Now: Program in Middle East Studies - Support for Summer Language Study
Deadline: April 11

Smith's Program in Middle East Studies is pleased to be able to support students who plan to study a language of the Middle East (e.g., Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Turkish, Berber) during the summer of 2025. The support is made possible by the Near East Studies Fund. Applications and all related materials are due on April 11, 2025. For more information on summer language study funding and a link to the application, see the Middle East Studies webpage: Questions can be sent to

Apply Now: Enid Silver Winslow Prize in Art History
Deadline: Friday, May 2

The Enid Silver Winslow ’54 Prize in Art History is awarded annually for the best student paper completed for an art history course taught at Smith College. Papers are judged anonymously by a committee of art history faculty. Students may submit a paper written at any point during their studies. Announced on Ivy Day, winners of the Winslow prize receive a substantial cash award. Apply online at: Deadline for applications is Friday, May 2.

Spring Repair Faire
Friday, March 28, Noon-6 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

Have a beloved clothing or cloth accessory that needs fixing or tailoring? See demos and get assistance with hand mending and sewing techniques to patch holes, hem sleeves/pants, and fix zippers and straps. No experience necessary. Held from 12-6pm.

Knit n'Listen at Hillyer Art Library
Friday, March 28, 4 p.m., Hillyer Art Library

Come down to the Hillyer Art Library for a cozy craft-session with Hillyer's collage supplies and Josten's vinyl records. There will be puzzles. There will be snacks. There will be Polar. Premium. SELTZER. Bring your friends (and crafting projects) and make some new ones.

President's Open Office Hour
Monday, March 31, 4:15 p.m., College Hall 203

President Sarah Willie-LeBreton will have an open office hour on Monday March 31 between 4:15 and 5:15pm in her office at 203 College Hall. The door is open to all students and employees to drop in and share with her what is on your mind.

Navigating Public Health Careers in Non-profits, Government, Academia, and More
Monday, March 31, 12:15 p.m., Lazarus Center, Drew

Laura-Nicole Sisson will be joining us to discuss the range of careers open to folks interested in pursuing public health. She is currently completing a NIH-funded postdoctoral fellowship (Drug Dependency Epidemiology) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her current research focuses on the evaluation of innovative harm reduction programming throughout the state of Maryland and is informed by nearly 10 years of direct practice in Vermont developing and implementing housing and community-based mental health programming for individuals with histories of chronic housing instability, incarceration, and psychiatric hospitalization. Register:

On-Campus Strategic Planning Sessions
Monday, March 31, Campus Center

We want to hear from you! Our next phase of strategic planning work involves refining the objectives and initiatives that will underpin each of the four strategic goals. We invite you to engage with a set of draft strategic initiatives and share your feedback via in-person sessions that will feature a short presentation followed by small group discussion. Multiple sessions will be held throughout the day. To participate, please sign up here: Posters with additional information and other channels for providing feedback are currently located in the Campus Center and outside the Bass Hall faculty lounge.

First Tuesdays With Coffee, Donuts and More!
Tuesday, April 1, 8:30 a.m., Campus Center Main Level Table

Bring a friend, meet some new ones, and catch up on what's happening around campus at First Tuesdays, a monthly gathering aimed at providing a welcoming space where all of us -- students, staff and faculty -- can come together over refreshments. Gluten free, dairy free, and vegan options will be available.

Apply Now: 2025 Mary Maples Dunn Fund Grants for Summer Language Study or Research
Deadline: April 1, 4:30 p.m.

Mary Maples Dunn Fund Grants for Summer Language Study or Research. Small travel grants (up to $1,200) are available to students planning to study an East Asian Language (Chinese, Korean or Japanese) in a Summer 2025 study abroad program or conduct advanced research on East Asia through travel to the region. Submit your application here: You will also be asked to submit an itemized budget that includes other funding sources (e.g., IEG), an unofficial transcript, and a recommendation letter from your current language instructor. Deadline: 4:30 PM, Tuesday, April 1. For complete details, go to:,-scholarships-and-grants-2.

OPT Information Session
Tuesday, April 1, 4:30 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

This information session is an opportunity for international students who use an F-1 visa to attend Smith to learn about post-graduation work authorization available through the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program. Students preparing to graduate who wish to apply for OPT will be required to attend an OPT session prior to applying.

Trans Rights: A Historical and Legal Perspective
Wednesday, April 2, 4:30 p.m., Weinstein Auditorium, Wright

The legal landscape for trans rights is shifting rapidly in new, alarming, and unprecedented ways. This panel is an opportunity to learn more about current and historical context from experts in their fields. Bring your questions! Sponsored by: Community Care Coordination Team, Resource Center for Sexuality and Gender, Office of Equity and Inclusion, Dean of the College, Lewis Global Studies Center

Arabic Open House
Wednesday, April 2, 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m., Campus Center 102

You're invited to the Arabic Open House! Join us to explore Arabic language classes, study abroad opportunities, and scholarships. Enjoy a falafel lunch, experience the art of Arabic calligraphy, and get a beautiful henna tattoo. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in Arabic culture—we look forward to welcoming you!

Lunch and Learn: Claiming Your Leadership Skills
Thursday, April 3, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 205

Leadership skills are among the top competencies employers look for when hiring. Whether you’re a club officer, student employee, community organizer, or practice leadership in other ways, join us to explore how to claim your leadership skills and effectively present them as you take your next step. Co-sponsored by Laz, WCL, and OSE. Lunch offered to the first 25 attendees.

Creative Jobs That Pay the Rent: Arts, Media, & Communications Cohort Lunch
Thursday, April 3, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

Do you want to put your passions to work and also earn a comfortable wage? Of course you do! Learn about jobs and companies that pay well for the talents of writers, visual artists, performers, tech creatives, and all sorts of humanities majors. We'll talk about well-known options and some you may never have considered. Then brainstorm with your peers about how to explore these possibilities. Meet other campus creatives, eat well, and feel supported and informed at our last AMC cohort lunch of the year. To register:

French Skills in the Workplace - Alum Panel
Thursday, April 3, 4:30 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

How can your language and cultural skills shape your career path? This will be a lively conversation with French Studies alums who have built dynamic careers in fields like international development, strategic communications, education, and global business. Panelists include Clare Dreyfus ’07, Associate Director at Save the Children US, and Ejona Gjata ’21, a media planner and master’s student in strategic communications at Columbia University. All class years and majors welcome! Register on Handshake-

JostenLive! Hosts Magic Mic Night (An Open Mic Salon)
Friday, April 4, 5 p.m., Josten Library, Mendenhall

Invite your besties and your professors! Signups start at 4:30 p.m. on a first come, first serve basis. What’s your talent? It can be music, poetry, standup comedy, or more. Share what you want to share. Smithie talent showcase meets purple carpet, great acoustics (and mics), and a Steinway piano. Magic Mic Night is a student-led open mic organization that hosts events for Smithies to showcase their art. JostenLive! Is a patron-driven performance series: free and open to all. Contact:

EALC honors thesis presentation by Amel Guillory '25
Friday, April 4, 1:30 p.m., Hatfield Hall 205

Please join the Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures for an honors thesis oral presentation with Amel Guillory ’25 (snacks provided). Thesis Title: A System of Cracks and Leaks: Reticence, Marginality, and Social Conventions in Tsai Ming Liang's The River. Tsai Ming-Liang's film The River provides insight into a pivotal moment in 1990s Taiwanese LGBTQ politics and culture. The film's depiction of place, poetics, themes, and cinematography reflects the marginality and reticence of its main characters. It also reveals the flaws of heteropatriarchal institutions and the traditional family system while opening the possibility for a new paradigm of living.

Studio Visit to UMass Amherst MFA: Art-Based Research and Material Experimentation
Friday, April 4, 4:30 p.m., Capen Annex

This behind-the-scenes studio visit at UMass Amherst will explore how artistic practice intersects with research, material experimentation, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Get an inside look at MFA life, ongoing projects, and how studio-based research informs contemporary art-making with MFA candidate Bo Kim. Transportation will be provided from Smith's campus to UMass. The van will leave from Capen Annex at 4:30 and will return at 6:30. Register here:

Film Screening: Show Her The Money
Monday, April 7, 5 p.m., Weinstein Auditorium, Wright

Featuring rock-star female investors who invest in diverse women entrepreneurs with innovations that will change the world, Show Her The Money reminds us that money is power and women need it to achieve true equality. Presented by the Smith College Money Mentors, stay after the screening for a Q+A with the Money Mentors. Dinner and snacks provided

Being Well Abroad Workshop
Monday, April 7, 12:15 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

Reflect on how your identity may have an impact on your time abroad. Consider what it might be like to suddenly be in the minority or in the majority for the first time. Hear tips from past students on how to achieve growth and maintain mental health given global inequities.

Panel: Alums Who Work in Archives
Tuesday, April 8, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 205

Meet Smith-trained archivists employed at the American Museum of Natural History's paleontology department in New York City, the European Center for Nuclear Research in Switzerland (aka CERN, home of the supercollider!), and the Frost Library at Amherst College. Take away ideas for career paths in a surprising variety of fields. Ask your questions and enjoy lunch. Co-sponsored by the Archives Concentration and the Arts, Media, & Communications (AMC) Career Community at Lazarus Center. To register:

Public Speaking Workshop
Wednesday, April 9, 4:30 p.m., Seelye 312

Address all your public speaking concerns in 60 minutes! You will sharpen your communication skills and build confidence in this workshop facilitated by Peter Sapira (Jacobson Center). Learn how to structure engaging speeches, conquer stage fright, and deliver presentations with clarity. For questions, contact Peter Sapira:

From Smith to TikTok - with Maggie Nanney '13, Policy Manager @ TikTok
Wednesday, April 16, 4:30 p.m., Campus Center 205

Who decides what’s allowed on social media—and how do those decisions impact gender, sexuality, and expression online? Maggie Nanney, PhD ’13 is the Nudity & Sexual Content Policy Manager at TikTok, shaping policies that affect what users can share and see. Their career spans research, DEI, and tech policy, all grounded in gender and sexuality studies. Join us for a conversation about Maggie’s career journey—from Smith to a PhD in Sociology to working in content regulation—followed by a Q&A on careers in policy, tech, DEI, and beyond. Hosted by SWGS and the Gov, Law, Policy, & IA Career Register:

Save the Date: SGA '28 Bazaar
Saturday, April 19, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Chapin Lawn

The Class of 2028 will be hosting a bazaar event from 11:00am-5:00pm on 4/19! Students in any year and clubs/organizations are welcome to sign up for a booth. Students can sell clothes, art, baked goods, and other items to make money for themselves or their club! The fair will be on Chapin Lawn, and the booths will be set up similarly to the involvement fair. The event is open to Northampton community members, 5C students, and incoming students visiting for Accepted Student Weekend. Booth sign-up:

'That's Absurd Please Elaborate'
Sunday, April 20, 2-4 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

Ever wondered if we colonize a breathable gas giant? Or how hard would you have to fart to lift off the ground? Send your ridiculous science questions to Trace Dominguez and Julian Huguet, hosts of the science communication and comedy podcast "That's Absurd Please Elaborate," for a seriously researched answer. Students will hear the questions answered live and learn about Dominguez and Huguet's creative careers. Naila Moreira, a science writing expert and Jacobson Center faculty member, will join us as a guest speaker. Submit your questions: To listen to the podcast, visit

Technology News

Smith College Self-Service Unavailable
Monday, March 31, After 2 p.m.

Self-Service for macOS will be unavailable beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, March 31, for approximately 4 hours due to a planned software update. This means that community members using Smith-assigned Mac computers will be unable to install self-service applications and utilities, direct printer queues, and followme printers during that time. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact

Smith College Computer Store Closed for Inventory
Tuesday, April 1

The Smith College Computer Store will be CLOSED on Tuesday, April 1st all day for inventory, we will reopen on Wednesday, April 2nd at Noon. We will respond to all emails upon reopening on Tuesday afternoon. If you have a need for assistance please knock. Thank you.

New Email Messages When You Add or Remove Duo Devices
Beginning Thursday, April 3

For additional security, beginning Thursday, April 3, you will get email alerts from Duo Security ( when you add or delete a device from your list of Duo devices for approving login requests. In the future, if you receive a notification that a new device was added or an existing one was deleted, and you did not initiate this, select “No, this wasn’t me” in the email and change your password immediately. For assistance with managing Duo devices, email or call 413-585-4487 during business hours.

What's New in Workday

We’re excited to let you know about some new features and updates you’ll see in Workday beginning this week. Students can now access an expanded list of tasks using the Workday mobile app, and the Purchases app is being retired from the Menu. To see the full list of updates, view the What’s New in Workday help article -


Book Talk: Professor Gizem Zencirci on 'The Muslim Social'
Friday, March 28, 4:15 p.m., Seelye 201

Gizem Zencirci, Associate Professor of Political Science and director of the Middle East Studies program at Providence College, will speak on her recently published book “The Muslim Social: Neoliberalism, Charity, and Poverty in Turkey.” The book explores the blending of religious values and neoliberal elements in dynamic, flexible, and unexpected ways. Co-sponsored by the Program in Middle East Studies and the Department of Religion.

Updated: Miller Lecture in Art History with Dr. Hannah Feldman, Plus Reception
Friday, March 28, 4:30 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

SCMA presents the Miller Lecture in Art History with Dr. Hannah Feldman, the Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Associate Professor of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania. The lecture, titled "The 1001st Night of Scheherazade, Here, and Now: A tale untold in dots and forms," starts at 4:30 p.m. in the Carroll Room at the Campus Center and is followed by a 6:00 p.m. reception at SCMA. The exhibition "Younes Rahmnoun: Here, now" will be open and light refreshments provided. This program is in-person only and free and open to all! Learn more:

Taking Buddhist Philosophy Seriously: A Symposium in Honor of Jay L. Garfield
Saturday, March 29, Mary Maples Dunn Conference Room, Pierce

Eight scholars who write and teach in the field of Buddhist Studies present and discuss their papers on topics of Buddhist philosophical inquiry. All are former students of Professor Jay Garfield and convene in this symposium to celebrate him on his upcoming retirement. Panels run from 10 am to 5 pm; everyone is welcome to attend any portion of the day. Coffee, tea, and snacks, as well as lunch, provided. Sponsored by the Buddhist Studies Program, the Religion department's Ada Howe Kent fund, and the Lecture Committee.

Religion and Jewish Studies Lecture
Monday, March 31, 4:30 p.m., Seelye 201

"Prophecy, Law, and What God Really Wants: How Jews and Christians Think Differently about the Biblical Call for Justice" by Ethan Schwartz, Villanova University. In this lecture, Schwartz argues that the progressive Christian image of the prophets—figures such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Amos— as the sole biblical representatives of social justice is mistaken and that biblical law and ritual can and does deeply inform thinking about justice, both in the Bible itself and in later Judaism, including contemporary progressive Jewish activism. Sponsored by the Religion Department, Jewish Studies Program, Center for Religious and Spiritual Life and Lecture Committee.

'Taitetsu Unno: A Legacy of Dialogue, Debate, and Friendship'
Tuesday, April 1, 4:30 p.m., Seelye 201

Dialogue in the public square demands curiosity, active listening, the willingness to set aside assumptions, and an open-hearted exchange between individuals with diverse perspectives and social backgrounds. Smith College Emeritus Professor Taitetsu Unno was a pioneering advocate of such dialogue, particularly between Buddhist and Christian traditions. In this lecture, three distinguished panelists—each of whom has carried forward Professor Unno’s legacy—will share their insights, experiences, and the deep friendships they have cultivated across America’s religious and spiritual landscape. Through their reflections, they honor his commitment to the enduring power of interfaith. Sponsored by the Religion Department and Buddhist Studies Program.

Against the Tide: Women, Power, and Political Change in Kenya
Thursday, April 3, 4:30 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Martha Wangari Karua popularly called 'The Iron Lady' is a Kenyan Politician, Lawyer and Activist. She will be sharing her inspirational story and celebrating her book launch.

Meet the Author: Dr. Beaudelaine Pierre
Thursday, April 17, 4:30 p.m., Weinstein Auditorium, Wright

In "You May Have the Suitcase Now," Beaudelaine Pierre offers a complex gaze on immigration in the US through her experience of living under Temporary Protected Status, or TPS. Her writing—-at once poetic, musical and jugular—-deranges our sense of home, family, community, and nation and offers much to unpack. The earthquake--like tremor of the volume isa voice to be heard.

Performing Arts/Films/Fine Arts

'A Different Beast' Exhibition
M-F, March 27-April 2, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Jannotta Gallery, Hillyer

Experience the uncovering of "A Different Beast." From projected 3-D spaces to 2-D liminal realms, we reveal our inner monsters. "A Different Beast" explores themes of faith, escapism, processes, and politics through alternate realities and the unnatural. Featuring the artwork of senior studio art majors Alex Theiss, Isabel Inda, Kloe Keidel, Lara Cayci, Lily Yu, and Sarah Asofsky. Free and open to the public. On view through April 2, 2025 (Mondays-Fridays, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.).

Updated: Miller Lecture in Art History With Dr. Hannah Feldman, Plus Reception
Friday, March 28, 4:30 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

SCMA presents the Miller Lecture in Art History with Dr. Hannah Feldman, the Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Associate Professor of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania. The lecture, titled "The 1001st Night of Scheherazade, Here, and Now: A tale untold in dots and forms," starts at 4:30 p.m. in the Carroll Room at the Campus Center and is followed by a 6:00 p.m. reception at SCMA. The exhibition "Younes Rahmnoun: Here, now" will be open and light refreshments provided. This program is in-person only and free and open to all! Learn more:

Opening Reception: 'A Different Beast' Exhibition
Friday, March 28, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Jannotta Gallery, Hillyer

Experience the uncovering of "A Different Beast" at our opening reception on Friday, March 28 at 4:30-6:30 p.m. From projected 3-D spaces to 2-D liminal realms, we reveal our inner monsters. "A Different Beast" explores themes of faith, escapism, processes, and politics through alternate realities and the unnatural. Featuring the artwork of Alex Theiss, Isabel Inda, Kloe Keidel, Lara Cayci, Lily Yu, and Sarah Asofsky. This event and exhibition are free and open to the public. On view through April 2, 2025 (Mondays-Fridays, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.).

Five College Choral Festival
Saturday, March 29, 5 p.m., John M. Greene Hall

Smith College hosts the Five College Choral Festival, a favorite cultural event in the area featuring hundreds of students from multiple ensembles representing schools around the Pioneer Valley. Free and open to the public.

Jenny George Presented by the Boutelle-Day Poetry Center
Tuesday, April 1, 7 p.m., Weinstein Auditorium, Wright

Jenny George is a poet whose work explores the delicate line between life and death. Her recent collection, After Image (Copper Canyon, 2024), has been described by Poetry Northwest as "intense and controlled and delicate, a study of character and narrative.” George will be joined in conversation by Matt Donovan following the reading. Books will be sold at the event and a signing will follow. Free and open to all. Livestream also available on Boutelle-Day Poetry Center YouTube.

Audible Loss: New Music and the Crisis of Memory: A Book Release Event
Wednesday, April 2, 6 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

Celebrate the release of Audible Loss: New Music and the Crisis of Memory by Andrea Zarafshon Moore, Assistant Professor of Music at Smith College. Moore analyzes a range of musical works written to commemorate late 20th and early 21st century crises in the U.S—the AIDS crisis, 9/11, and anti-Black violence—and explores how contemporary classical music frames and narrates crises, gives voice to grief, and seeks to make loss audible. This program includes a conversation between Moore and Lisa Armstrong, Professor of the Study of Women & Gender.

JostenLive! Hosts Magic Mic Night (An Open Mic Salon)
Friday, April 4, 5 p.m., Josten Library, Mendenhall

Invite your besties and your professors! Signups start at 4:30 pm on a first come, first serve basis. What’s your talent? It can be music, poetry, standup comedy, or more. Share what you want to share. Smithie talent showcase meets purple carpet, great acoustics (and mics), and a Steinway piano. Magic Mic Night is a student-led open mic organization that hosts events for Smithies to showcase their art. JostenLive! Is a patron-driven performance series: free and open to all. Contact:

Piano Lecture-Recital: Robert and Clara Schumann Through Kreisleriana
Friday, April 4, 7:30 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall, Sage

Acclaimed pianist Christopher Harding, Chair and Professor of Piano at the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre and Dance, will give a fascinating lecture-recital to explore the human relationship between Robert and Clara Schumann through Robert's masterful Kreisleriana, op. 16, inspired by E.T.A. Hoffmann's writing.

Lost Loves and Lost Lands With Katherine Saik DeLugan, Mezzo Soprano
Saturday, April 5, 7:30 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall, Sage

Mezzo soprano Katherine Saik DeLugan and pianist Lemuel Gurtowsky present Hector Berlioz’s song cycle, "Les nuits d'été," Hugo Wolf’s "Mignon Lieder" and Reena Esmail’s trio, "This Love Between Us" with violinist Robyn Quinnett. Free and open to the public.

Presentation of Majors/Minors

Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality Presentation of the Major and Minor
Monday, March 31, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

Join us to learn more about the Program for the Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality! Lunch will be provided.

Religious Life

Passover Information and Reservations
April 12-April 20

The Jewish holiday of Passover will take place from Saturday April 12 through the evening of Sunday April 20. Passover celebrates the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and the arrival of Spring’s renewal. Limited Passover items will be in all dining halls and Kosher Dining will serve three meals daily. All are welcome to reserve a place for Seder (Sat. 4/12) and those observing the holiday should reserve Kosher lunch and dinners (no reservation needed for breakfast). Complete information and links are found at Please address any questions to or

Jummah Prayer
Friday, March 28, 12:30 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

Join us for Jummah at the Hampshire Mosque in Hadley. Meet in front of the Helen Hills Hills Chapel at 12:25 pm. Van will leave by 12:30 pm and return to campus no later than 2:30 pm. Bring a prayer rug and complete your ablution beforehand. We have extra prayer rugs if you need one! Sponsored by the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. To RSVP, email

Friday, March 28, 5:30 p.m., Kosher Kitchen in Jordan House

The Smith College Jewish Community invites you to the Kosher Kitchen in Jordan House, for Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday nights at 5:30pm! Join together in song and prayer to welcome in Shabbat as a community. Services will often be followed by Kosher vegetarian meals. Check out @scjewishcomm on Instagram for weekly themes. All are welcome! Please reach out to with any questions.

Soup, Salad, and Soul
Friday, March 28, 12:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel

Come get cozy and enjoy a hot, delicious vegetarian soup made by awesome student cooks while taking part in reflective, student-led discussions on spirituality and life! Students of all religious, spiritual, and non-religious/non-spiritual backgrounds are welcome. The Bodman Lounge is in the basement of the Helen Hills Hills Chapel and accessible via elevator from the rear of the building. For details on food and other general accessibility questions, email or

Catholic Mass
Sunday, March 30, 3:30 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

All are welcome to celebrate Mass with Smith's Newman Catholic Club and Fr. Val Nworah. If you would like to receive the sacrament of confession before the start of Mass, please contact Fr. Val at Stay after Mass to pray the Rosary with members of the Newman Club.

Mindful Mondays
Monday, March 31, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 205

If you are looking for a place to make connections and practice tools for awareness and self-acceptance, come join Mindful Mondays with College Chaplain Matilda Cantwell! With light meditation, embodiment practice, and discussion, we make a space that encourages healing and community. All levels of experience are welcome.

Mindful Mondays
Monday, March 31, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 205

If you are looking for a place to make connections and practice tools for awareness and self-acceptance, come join Mindful Mondays with College Chaplain Matilda Cantwell! With light meditation, embodiment practice, and discussion, we make a space that encourages healing and community. All levels of experience are welcome.


Soup, Salad, and Soul
Friday, March 28, 12:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel

Come get cozy and enjoy a hot, delicious vegetarian soup made by awesome student cooks while taking part in reflective, student-led discussions on spirituality and life! Students of all religious, spiritual, and non-religious/non-spiritual backgrounds are welcome. The Bodman Lounge is in the basement of the Helen Hills Hills Chapel and accessible via elevator from the rear of the building. For details on food and other general accessibility questions, email or

Funding Graduate School and Postgraduate Fellowships
Tuesday, April 1, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 204

Find out about highly selective awards for excellent students who plan master's-level or doctoral study in the US or abroad. Among the awards available, there are different citizenship rules (some are open to the world, some open only to US citizens), and different timing of applications (some require application in junior year, some permit application well after graduation). Some focus on particular academic disciplines; some emphasize diversity. Find out what you can do now to enhance your chances of securing a competitive award and create your personal short list of possible awards. Register here

Connect With Your Senses
Tuesday, April 1, 4 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

The Community Health Organizers invite you to participate in "Connect With Your Senses", an event focused on strengthening your connection to your five senses and grounding yourself in your body! Come FEEL slime with the Design Thinking Initiative, LISTEN to music with Josten, VIEW the Nolan Art Exhibit, SMELL essential oils from the Botanic Garden, and TASTE a sundae treat from the CHO's!

Other Events and Activities

Blood Drive — Connecticut Blood Center Comes to Smith
Tuesday, April 1, Campus Center Carroll Room

Are you a regular blood donor when you're home? Do you wish it were easier to donate blood while at Smith? The Smith College Pre-Health Society is partnering with the Connecticut Blood Center to facilitate just that. Check donor eligibility at the Connecticut Blood Center website then sign up for a donation slot at and use code C115.

Star Gazing
Friday, April 4, 8:30 p.m., McConnell Hall Roof

The Astronomy Department will hold a stargazing open house on the McConnell roof, 8:30-9:30 p.m. Come see the Moon, Jupiter, Mars, star clusters, and a region of active star formation. All are welcome. Please dress warmly. Event will be canceled in the event of heavy cloud cover. For further information or to check on weather conditions, contact Meg Thacher (, 413-585-3935).