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09/26/2024 Digest

Smith College Workplace Campaign 2024

Thank you for contributing to the United Way through Smith’s workplace giving campaign! This helps fund new and persistent community needs for children, youth and families. If you haven't yet pledged, you still have one week left to do so - the campaign ends January 10. To contribute through payroll, visit To contribute by credit card, visit Or, you may send a check to United Way of Franklin & Hampshire Region (UWFH), P.O. Box 123, Northampton, MA 01061, Memo: Smith College campaign. To volunteer please contact Jenny Coeur Thank you!

First Tuesdays Return with Coffee, Donuts and More! , Tuesday, Oct. 1, 8:30 a.m., Campus Center Main Level Table

Bring a friend, meet some new ones, and catch up on what's happening around campus at First Tuesdays, a monthly gathering aimed at providing a welcoming space where all of us -- students, staff and faculty -- can come together over refreshments in the Campus Center, main level. Gluten free, dairy free, and vegan options will be available.

FIRST TUESDAYS RETURN with Coffee, Donuts and More! , Tuesday, Oct. 1, 8:30 a.m., Campus Center Main Level Table

Bring a friend, meet some new ones, and catch up on what's happening around campus at First Tuesdays, a monthly gathering aimed at providing a welcoming space where all of us -- students, staff and faculty -- can come together over refreshments in the Campus Center, main level. Gluten free, dairy free, and vegan options will be available.

Register Now for 'Toward Equity: Inclusive and Equitable Advising for Student Success' , Tuesday, Oct. 22, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 205

Academic advising is an important part of the work faculty do at Smith. In this session, faculty will learn how to enhance academic advising from the first year to graduation and beyond, enable students to develop pathways through the curriculum, and build a bridge with career advising to better articulate how essential capacities become transferable skills. In partnership with the Class Deans Office and the Lazarus Center for Career Development. Part of the Fall 2024 Faculty Development Series ( Register in advance (

Banks, Interests, and Loans , Friday, Sept. 27, 12:15 p.m., Conway Center, 103 Neilson

The Conway Center's Demystifying Money: Foundations workshop series continues with a focus on banking. Explore all things banks, interest (the kind earned and the kind paid), and loans. Learn about interest and how it informs a lot of our adult socioeconomic experiences. *Lunch provided; RSVP required by visiting

Forging Women's Networks in Aemilia Lanyer's 'Salve Deus,' A Lecture by Ramie Targoff , Thursday, Sept. 26, 5 p.m., Neilson Library 102

This lecture will explore the publication of Aemilia Lanyer's "Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum", the first book of poetry published by a woman in 17th century England, and arguably the first great collection of feminist poetry. It will consider how Lanyer came to write both her polemical central poem ("Salve Deus") and the extraordinary dedications to a group of nine aristocratic women, and how this publication might have changed the trajectory of women's writing in the period. Ramie Targoff is the Jehuda Reinharz Professor of the Humanities and co-chair of Italian Studies at Brandeis University.

Liberal Arts Lunch Series , Thursday, Sept. 26, 12:10-1:10 p.m., Neilson Library 102

The Liberal Arts Lunch series welcomes Qianyi Qin, lecturer of philosophy, to present "Self and Imagination." Lunch offered to the first 40 attendees, start time is approximately 12:10, ending by 1:10.

Liberal Arts Lunch Series , Thursday, Oct. 3, 12:10-1:10 p.m., Neilson Library 102

October 3, the Liberal Arts Lunch series welcomes Alex Barron, associate professor of environmental science and policy, and Sian Bareket '25, to present "Diversity in Scholarship for (Climate) Justice at Small Colleges." Lunch offered to the first 40 attendees, start time is approximately 12:10, ending by 1:10.

Nominate a Student for Smith in the World Conference

The Smith in the World conference ( is held annually to celebrate and share students’ off-campus experiential learning, including internships, community service and research. In a series of panel presentations, students reflect on how their experiences have impacted and enriched their academic and professional paths. To nominate a student to present, please submit a nomination form by October 11: Panelists will be selected by committee, contacted in mid/late October and invited to practice their presentations with Lazarus Center advisers. Panels will take place via Zoom, January-February 2025. Questions?

Star Gazing , Thursday, Oct. 3, 8:30 p.m., McConnell Hall Roof

The Astronomy Department will hold an open house Thursday, October 3, 8:30-9:30 p.m., on the roof of McConnell Hall. Come see Saturn, star clusters, and a dying star. All are welcome - please dress warmly. For further information or to check on weather conditions, contact Meg Thacher (, 413-585-3935).

Calling in for Human Rights and Democracy: A Consideration of Project 2025 , Monday, Sept. 30, 4:30 p.m., Stoddard Auditorium

We’re in a political season when the ideas and opinions of young people matter like never before. Join us for an exciting conversation about what’s at stake and what you can do to make sure your voice is heard. Featuring Smith professors Loretta Ross, MacArthur "Genius" Fellow; Carrie Baker, Ph.D., J.D.; and the Smith Roundtable Group. You do not want to miss this. All are welcome.

Call for 5-College Submissions: Submit to Sátya, the Smith College Philosophy Journal , Deadline: October 29

Sátya, the Smith College Philosophy Journal, is calling for submissions! Sátya is accepting papers that fall under the large umbrella of philosophy and encourages students from all years and all schools within the consortium to submit. The last day to submit is October 29th. Here is the link to submit:

New Play Reading Series: 'Lunch' by Mary Beth Brooker , Thursday, Sept. 26, 7:30 p.m., Acting Studio 1, Mendenhall CPA

The Smith College Department of Theatre’s New Play Reading Series presents Lunch by Mary Beth Brooker, MFA ’20. For the first time in forty years and on the eve of an unnamed cataclysm, two estranged sisters meet for lunch. While the two reminisce and rehash the past, the restaurant’s wait staff tells a different story. Lunch is an exploration of story, language, and when what went wrong is right. Directed by Gabby Farrah ’19.

Music Monday 2: Mosaic: A Few of My Favorite Things with Hanif Lawrence, tenor , Monday, Oct. 7, 1 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall, Sage

New faculty member and tenor Hanif Lawrence will present a collection of his favorite art songs, arias, and spirituals from European, American, and Jamaican origins. Part of the Music Department’s Music Monday series of half-hour midday concerts. Free and open to the public.

Campus School Open House , Thursday, Nov. 14, 8:30-10:30 a.m., 33 Prospect Street

The Campus School of Smith College will host an Open House for prospective families with students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn more about the school and observe its programs in action. Interested families are encouraged to RSVP by visiting

Hangul Day Celebration 2024: Celebrating 578 Years of Hangul, the Korean Alphabet , Saturday, Oct. 5, 11 a.m., Davis Ballroom

The Smith Korean Program presents Hangul Day Celebration 2024. The event will celebrate 578 years of Hangul, the Korean alphabet, with authentic Korean food, activities, and performances. It is free and open to the Five College community. It is sponsored by the Five College Consortium and the Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures at Smith College, in collaboration with SKDC (Smith College K-pop Dance Crew) and the Smith College Korean Students Association (KSA).

Smith Wellness' Narcan Training , Tuesday, Oct. 1, 4:30 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Join the CHO's for the first Narcan training of the year! Learn how to properly administer naloxone, recognize an opioid overdose, and more tips for decreasing the risk involved in substance use. Join us at 4:30 pm on October 1, 2024 in the Neilson 102

Workshop: Optimizing Your Digital Presence , Due October 1

What will someone see when they google your name? How do you make sure that the online first impression people get of you is optimal for your career and personal goals? Explore these questions in a workshop with Eszter Hargittai ’96, the Fall 2024 Neilson Professor, on October 29 & 30. Statement of Interest due Tuesday, October 1.

Reading Group on Methods to Study Digital Society , Due October 1

The internet, digital media, and new computational tools offer novel opportunities while also raising unique challenges when it comes to methods for studying our social world. Readings offer unusual first-hand accounts—with warts and all—of doing empirical social science research using both traditional and cutting-edge methods when studying digital society. Join Eszter Hargittai ’96, the Fall 2024 Neilson Professor, for a reading group to study this methodology. The group will gather for three lunch discussions: Tuesday, Oct. 22; Wednesday, Nov. 13; and Tuesday, Dec. 10. Express your interest by October 1 by visiting

International Experience Grant Info Session , Friday, Sept. 27, 12:15 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

The Lewis Global Studies Center will be awarding International Experience Grants (IEGs) for travel during Interterm 2025. Come learn more about how to fund your international travel! Pizza will be served to the first 25 attendees.

Global FLEX Greece Info Session , Wednesday, Oct. 2, 12:15 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

Take a deep dive into Greek history as the Global FLEX Greece: Archaeology of Greek Mythologies program examines deep and meaningful connections between Homeric epics, modern archaeological interpretations, tourism, and the Cold War. You'll come away no longer romanticizing, but truly engaging with the praxis of historical inspection.

The Women's Revolution--How We Changed Your Life , Thursday, Sept. 26, 7 p.m., Seelye 106

National Organization for Women’s co-founder Muriel Fox will offer firsthand stories of NOW’s fight to pass and enforce laws prohibiting discrimination in employment, education, housing, credit and more. Fox worked closely with Betty Friedan ‘42 to create NOW, serving as the organization’s public relations director, vice president, chair of the board and National Advisory Committee chair. She was co-founder and president of NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund. Fox will share new memoir that documents NOW’s efforts to pass and enforce sex discrimination laws in the face of government indifference and massive resistance from business interests.

Presentation of the Concentrations , Friday, Oct. 4, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

A concentration is designed to connect academic learning to real-world experience through internships and work in the field. Students can take a concentration in addition to a major and minor. Attendees will learn more about each of the concentrations: Archives, Book Studies, Collaborative Innovation, Community Engagement & Social Change, Environmental, Global Finance, Interdisciplinary Making, Journalism, Museums, Poetry, and Translation Studies. This event provides a chance to meet the concentration directors and ask all your burning questions. Pizza provided. Unable to attend? Please reach out to and we will assist you in obtaining the information you need. Register:

Program in Middle East Studies Guest Book Talk on the Syrian Diaspora , Wednesday, Oct. 2, 4:15 p.m., Seelye 201

Wendy Pearlman, Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Perspectives on Politics" will speak about her recent book, “The Home I worked to Make: Voices from the New Syrian Diaspora”, which traces stories and reflections on the meaning of home. This event is sponsored by the Program in Middle East Studies, The Smith Lecture Fund, The Conway Center, and the Departments of Government and Anthropology. Email for more information.

Junior Class Meet and Greet , Thursday, Oct. 3, 2:30 p.m., College Hall 101

Juniors, come meet your class dean. Dean Beichman invites you to College Hall 101 to meet some of the Class Deans Office staff, have some snacks, and ask any questions you might have. Did we mention we'll have snacks?

Kick Off the ‘Turn Up the Languages’ Festival , Monday, Sept. 30, 5 p.m., Weinstein Auditorium, Wright

A celebratory kick-off of the “Turn Up the Languages” Festival. From September 30 to October 7, celebrate all the languages of the Smith community at the Turn Up the Languages Festival. Whether you are staff, faculty, or student, join the campus-wide, multilingual conversation! For more information about the festival, visit

International Music and Dance Party , Friday, Oct. 4, 4 p.m., Chapin Lawn

Join us for the International Music and Dance Party, where we’ll celebrate our languages and cultures through vibrant music, dance, and delicious snacks. Come experience the linguistic and cultural diversity on campus and enjoy an afternoon full of fun and connection. Part of the “Turn Up the Languages” Festival. (rain location: Campus Center 103/104)

Ross Perlin, 'Language City: The Fight to Preserve Endangered Mother Tongues' , Monday, Oct. 7, 5 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Contemporary cities are the most linguistically diverse in history, even as half of the world’s 7000-plus languages are endangered. How did this happen, and what does it mean for the future of language? Ross Perlin describes the race to document and support little-known languages, following six remarkable yet ordinary speakers of endangered languages deep into their communities, from New York’s outer borough neighborhoods to villages on the other side of the world, to learn how they are maintaining and reviving their languages against the odds. Part of the “Turn Up the Languages” Festival:

'Therapy for Monolinguals' Exhibit , September 30-October 4, Nolen Art Lounge, Campus Center

An “ear-opening” interactive 15-minute exhibit that invites you to a meditation on your attitude toward languages you do not understand. Part of the “Turn Up the Languages” Festival.

Smithies in SDS Interest Meeting , Thursday, Sept. 26, 4:15 p.m., Seelye 106

Come get to know Smithies in SDS on Thursday, September 26, 4:15 PM at Seeyle 106. We will go over who we are, and our events for the semester, and will also host ice-breaking games to get to know each other. Snacks are provided, no RSVP is required.

Stories of CEEDS (Center for the Environment, Ecological Design and Sustainability)

Find inspiration in CEEDS' most recent newsletter, including a profile of Smith by the UNFCC, stories of local interns and international artwork, meadows and goats, and a composting tool named "Thor." Read all about it here: And continue to learn about environmental, ecological and sustainability work that students, faculty, and staff are doing with CEEDS by signing up for the quarterly newsletter packed with interesting stories and beautiful photos here:

Vice Presidential Debate Viewing Event, Hosted by Government Department , Tuesday, Oct. 1, 8:30 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Join the faculty of the Department of Government for a vice presidential debate viewing party in the Neilson Library Klingenstein Browsing Room. Light refreshments will be served.

Comic Making for Beginners , Tuesday, Oct. 1, 5 p.m., Capen Annex

Join folks at the DTI for a casual comic making workshop for anyone from total beginner to pro. Use multimedia tools, draw whatever and however you want, and make personal or collaborative comics with other workshoppers! RSVP on the Smith Social Network at

Drop in Crochet at the DTI , Monday, Sept. 30, 7 p.m., Capen Annex

No experience required! Come learn how to crochet a granny square or a basic heart with DTI's Studio Design Partners! Bring your own crochet hooks or yarn if you have any. Space is limited, so please RSVP on the Smith Social Network at:

Print Making Intro Series: Lino Cut Printing , Thursday, Oct. 3, 7 p.m., Capen Annex

Join folks at the DTI for the second part of our introduction to printmaking series: linocut printing. Space is limited so please RSVP on the Smith Social Network:

Jummah Prayer , Friday, Sept. 27, 12:30 p.m., Meet at Helen Hills Hills Chapel

Join us for Jummah at the Hampshire Mosque in Hadley. Meet in front of the Helen Hills Hills Chapel at 12:25 pm. Van will leave by 12:30 pm and return to campus no later than 2:30 pm. Bring a prayer rug and complete your ablution beforehand. We have extra prayer rugs if you need one! Sponsored by the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. To RSVP, email

Soup Salad Soul , Friday, Sept. 27, 12:10 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel

Come get cozy and enjoy a hot, delicious vegetarian soup made by awesome student cooks while taking part in reflective, student-led discussions on spirituality and life! Students of all religious, spiritual, and non-religious/non-spiritual backgrounds are welcome. Limited to Smith OneCard holders. For details on food and other general accessibility questions, email or

Mindful Mondays With Anna Ostow , Monday, Sept. 30, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 205

If you are looking for a place to make connections and practice tools for awareness and self-acceptance, come join Mindful Mondays! With light meditation, embodiment practice, and discussion, we make a space that encourages healing and community. All levels of experience are welcome.

Shabbat , Friday, Sept. 27, 5:30 p.m., Kosher K Kitchen, Jordan House

The Smith College Jewish Community invites you to the “K," the Kosher Kitchen in Jordan House, for Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday nights at 5:30pm! Join together in song and prayer to welcome in Shabbat as a community. Services will often be followed by Kosher vegetarian meals. All are welcome! Please reach out to with any questions.

What We Can't Burn , September 30, 3:05 p.m., CEEDS Wright Hall

by Eve Driver, co-author of What We Can't Burn, a ‘memoir in two voices’ that she co-wrote with Kenyan climate entrepreneur Tom Osborn who was critical of Harvard's fossil fuel divestment campaign while Eve was part of it. This talk is part of the ENX 100 Environment and Sustainability: Notes from the Field lecture series. All are welcome!

Environmental Study Abroad Info Session , Thursday, Oct. 3, 12:15 p.m., CEEDS Wright Hall

Students interested in studying abroad with a program that has an environmental focus should plan to attend this information session- regardless of your program of study. LGSC staff will provide an overview of the different types of programs available and Environmental Science & Policy majors who studied abroad last year will talk about their experiences. Hosted by CEEDS & the Lewis Global Studies Center.

Knit n'Listen at Hillyer Art Library , Friday, Sept. 27, 4-6 p.m., Hillyer Art Library

Swing by Hillyer Art Library anytime from 4pm-6pm for a cozy craft-session with Hillyer’s collage supplies and Josten’s vinyl records. Puzzles, coloring books, seltzers and snacks will be available. All craft projects are welcome, from needle felting to sock darning. Bring your friends and make some new ones!

Open Office Hours With Dean Keller and Dean Ohotnicky , Tuesday, Oct. 1, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center

Meet Dean of the College Alex Keller and Dean of Students Julie Ohotnicky during their open hours in the Campus Center. This is an opportunity to talk about your student experience. Snacks are provided. Additional open hours this fall will be held on November 7.

Computer Store Closed for Inventory , Tuesday, Oct. 1, Stoddard Hall

The Smith College Computer Store will be CLOSED on Tuesday, October 1st all day for inventory, we will reopen on Wednesday October 2nd at Noon. We will respond to all emails upon reopening on Wednesday afternoon. If you have a need for assistance please knock. Thank you

Education Session: Market Volatility and Your Retirement Plan , Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1:30 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Certified Financial Planner Matt O'Brien from Voya Financial Services will present an informational session about how external events, including elections, can affect market volatility and how participants can mitigate market volatility in their retirement account.

Catholic Mass , Sunday, Sept. 29, 3 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

Join Smith’s Newman Catholic Club and Fr. Valentine Nworah to celebrate Mass on the following Sundays: September 29th, October 20th & 27th, November 10th & 17th, December 8th. Arrive at 2:30pm to pray the Rosary with the Newman Catholic Club members. You are welcome to receive the sacrament of confession between 2:30-3:00pm. Contact Fr. Val at for information. All are Welcome!

Sign Up Now to Host a Prospective Student During Women of Distinction , October 18-19; November 8-9

The Women of Distinction program for current high school seniors offers an inside look at life at Smith, with an emphasis on the opportunities available for students of color and/or first gen students. An integral component is our hosting process, in which we match prospective students to current Smithies, who host overnight in their house, sharing their Smith experience along the way. (Host training is offered ahead of each program. Students come with their own sleeping bags and spend Friday night with their host.) If you'd like to host, sign up at If you'd like more information, email

Sherrerd Center Teaching Arts Luncheon on Executive Function , Friday, Oct. 4, Noon, Neilson Library 102

Hannah Lord (EDC) in collaboration with ej siebert (ARC) will present on executive function (EF), a common phrase in the academic environment: students name it as a challenge, it’s included on student accommodation plans, and it’s in the teaching vernacular as an increasingly common challenge professors face when thinking about student learning. This two-hour workshop will: 1) introduce a comprehensive and user-friendly definition of EF, 2) teach you how to identify EF challenges in your classroom, and 3) introduce concrete, practical strategies for addressing EF challenges, both classroom-wide and individually. Lunch at noon; presentation at 12:20 pm. RSVP:

Turn Up the Languages - Story Time , Tuesday, Oct. 1, 7 p.m., Poetry Center, Wright

As part of the "Turn Up the Languages" Festival, we invite students to join in an evening of sharing childhood stories from different countries, cultures and languages. Come hear from others, and share your own. Milk and cookies are provided. You are welcome to RSVP by emailing, and let us know if you might share a story. For more information about the language festival, click here:

Rosh Hashanah Evening Services , Wednesday, Oct. 2, 6 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

All are welcome to celebrate the Jewish New Year at Rosh Hashanah Evening Services. Services will be led by Smith’s Jewish Student Advisor, Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer, Rabbinic Intern Abby Allen ‘19, Lux Onigman, and other Smith students. Services at Smith are campus-style (more informal than most synagogues, dress up or down, arrive late or leave early) and a combination of Conservative, Reform, and creative practice. Students from most traditions, and even students with no background, will find them welcoming and comfortable. Followed immediately by a Kosher dinner (RSVP for dinner at

Rosh Hashanah Morning Services , Thursday, Oct. 3, 9 a.m., Chapel Sanctuary

All are welcome to celebrate the Jewish New Year at Rosh Hashanah Morning Services. Services will be led by Smith’s Jewish Student Advisor, Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer, Rabbinic Intern Abby Allen ‘19, Lux Onigman, and other Smith students. Services at Smith are campus-style (more informal than most synagogues, dress up or down, arrive late or leave early) and a combination of Conservative, Reform, and creative practice. Students from most traditions, and even students with no background, will find them welcoming and comfortable. Shofar will be sounded after 11:30am. Followed immediately by a Kosher lunch (RSVP for dinner at

Solidarity Fair , Friday, Sept. 27, 3 p.m., Chapin Lawn

Get to know the unions on campus at our first ever Solidarity Fair! Representatives from each union on campus will be running tables with info about their work and everyone is invited come mingle and have their questions answered - whether you're in a union or not. Come for the snacks and union stickers, stay for the community and solidarity!

Festive Rosh Hashanah Dinner , Wednesday, Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

Smith College Jewish Community and Center for Religious and Spiritual Life invite you to a festive Kosher dinner to celebrate the Jewish New Year. All are welcome to the meal cooked by Kosher Dining but reservations are required. Join us for sweet challah, apples and honey, salmon, and more. Dinner will begin at approximately 7:30pm following the conclusion of Rosh Hashanah Services. Come just for dinner or come at 6pm for services and stay for dinner. RSVP:

Share Events That Foster Connections

Share programs to help students and other members of the Smith community foster connections and better understand the upcoming election. This effort promotes a sense of community care with a streamlined list of activities where everyone can come together to learn and reflect in a time of uncertainty. Events are sorted into three broad categories: connect, think, and do. Submit programming here and see what’s happening at

Everyday Tools for Equity and Inclusion: Tools for Accessibility , Oct. 16 or 17

Building on last year’s session, this session will provide a deeper understanding of how to be proactive about access needs in the classroom, with colleagues, and yourself. Come learn about available resources and brainstorm together about how to find creative supports so that all of us can work and learn together. Bring your questions and tips to share! In person session - Wednesday, Oct. 16, from 12:15-1:15 in Lilly Hall 206. Virtual session - Thursday, Oct. 17, from 10:30-11:30 on Zoom. To register use this link:

RSVP for Sherrerd Center Teaching Circles; Next Event , Friday, Oct. 11, Noon-1:15 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

Teaching circles provide great opportunities to discuss topics which address teaching in contemporary times in small groups. New circles this fall include the Human Rights Initiative Teaching Circle, one on Reflective Practices, and one on Universal Design for Learning. Also offered are Languages Across the Curriculum, the NTT Faculty Circle, and Ungrading, Grading and the In-between. Please visit the Sherrerd website for links to RSVP and more details and descriptions: RSVPs will be needed to determine space and counts for lunch. Participants will be emailed with invitations and details about the circle locations during the week of the

Sherrerd Center Teaching Arts Luncheon: Sherrerd Prize Winners , Friday, Oct. 18, Noon, Neilson Library 102

This year's Kathleen Compton Sherrerd ’54 and John J. F. Sherrerd Prize recipients for Distinguished Teaching are Jen Beichman (MTH), Alicia Grubb (CSC), and Jina Kim (ENG). The award is given annually to Smith faculty members to recognize sustained and distinguished teaching by long-time faculty members as well as to encourage younger faculty members whose demonstrated enthusiasm and excellence influences students and colleagues. This year's winners will discuss their teaching experiences, practices, and philosophies; as well as how they infuse innovation, generosity, empathy and respect into their teaching. Lunch available at noon; presentation begins at 12:20 pm. RSVP:

Postcard Writing to Get Out the Vote , Sunday, Oct. 6, 3-5 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

Write get-out-the-vote postcards provided by Reclaim Our Vote, an initiative which focuses on increasing BIPOC voter turnout. Drop in for as long or short a time as you like, write some postcards, and help defend democracy. RSVP here: Sponsored by the Human Rights Initiative, the Smith College Democrats, and local community members. Donations of postcard stamps are welcome and appreciated. Light refreshments will be served. Email with questions.

Upcoming Outdoor Adventure Program Trips , Tuesday, Oct. 1, 4:30 p.m., Boathouse Lawn

Outdoor Adventure Program is hosting weekly bike trips, leaving from the Paradise Pond Boathouse. No registration or gear is needed, meet at the Boathouse at 4:30 every Tuesday. Registration is also open for a beginner friendly outdoor rock climbing trip. Find details for registration on the Athletics Website. Finally, come support Smith athletes this Thursday at Float Night from 6-8pm.

Medieval Studies Presentation of the Major and Minor , Tuesday, Oct. 29, 4:15 p.m., Dewey Common Room

Medieval Studies- Presentation of the Major and Minor will take place Tuesday, October 29 in the Dewey Common Room from 4:15-5:15 PM. Food will be provided. Come meet faculty and current students to discuss the many opportunities offered by the major.

History Department Presentation of the Major and Minor , Thursday, Oct. 31, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

History Department- Presentation of the Major and Minor will take place Thursday, October 31 in Campus Center 103/104 from 12:15-1:15 PM. Lunch will be provided. Come meet faculty and current students to discuss the many opportunities offered by the major.

Jewish Studies Presentation of the Major , Wednesday, Oct. 30, 4:30 p.m., Campus Center 205

Jewish Studies Department- Presentation of the Major and Minor will take place Wednesday, October 30 in Campus Center 20 from 4:30-5:30 PM. Food will be provided. Come meet faculty and current students to discuss the many opportunities offered by the major.

Celebrate the New Year With Reflective Writing and Casting Off Burdens , Friday, Oct. 4, 4 p.m., Boathouse Lawn

A theme of the Jewish New Year is reflection on the past year to open ourselves to the new year to come. CRSL Rabbinic Intern Abby Allen, Smith College '19, will lead a reflective writing exercise followed by tashlich, the ritual of casting off the burdens of the previous year. We will meet by the boat house at 4pm and walk together to the Mill River at 4:10pm. (The walk along the Mill River is not fully accessible.)

Legalizing Morality--Queer Rights in Ghana: Human Rights Speaker Series , Thursday, Oct. 3, 2:30 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Roberta Edem Abbeyquaye will discuss her work including serving as the Communications Consultant who volunteered communications services for the successful release of 21 queer rights activists who were incarcerated in Ghana. She will also discuss her work with the Afroqueer podcast on the current wave of criminalization of queer and trans identities in Africa.

Ambiguous Loss Group , Wednesday, Oct. 2, 4:30-5:40 p.m., Schacht Center for Health, Schacht

Is someone you love seriously or terminally ill? You are not alone. Join other students for the Ambiguous Loss support group at the Schacht Center, Wednesdays from 4:30 - 5:40p. Facilitated by staff therapist Noah Cochran and clinical intern Yvonne Kawamura. Call the Schacht Center or email us at to register.

Election Day Is Tuesday, Nov. 5

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5. Polling hours in Massachusetts are from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Check for your polling location. Find information for other states and territories at

Vote Today!

TODAY, Tuesday, Nov. 5 is Election Day. Polling hours in Massachusetts are from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Check for your polling location. Find information for other states and territories at

Film and Media Studies Faculty Filmmaking Screening , Thursday, Oct. 17, 4:15 p.m., Graham Hall, Hillyer

The FMS department faculty invite the Smith community to a screening of work by Hazel Katz & Clio Yang, McPherson/Eveillard Post-MFA Fellows in Film and Media Studies. Profs. Katz and Yang will each introduce and screen samples of their filmmaking, to be followed by a Q&A with the audience. If you have any questions, please email department administrator, Jeanette Wintjen -

Please Be Aware of Those With Nut Allergies

The campus community is asked to increase awareness of those with nut allergies. As of Friday September 27, Neilson 310C and Campus Center Swymmer lounge on the upper level are designated areas where members of the community are asked not to bring any peanuts or tree nuts. Signs have been posted with this guideline to remind all users of these spaces. In other areas of campus, please maintain awareness of who is around you if you are eating peanuts or nut-containing products as some community members have life-threatening reactions. Thank you for your attention and care.

Presentation of the Art Major and Minor , Wednesday, Oct. 23, 12:15 p.m., Alumnae House

Meet faculty and students and learn about declaring a major or minor in Art History, Studio Art, or Architecture and Urbanism. Lunch will be provided. We acknowledge the conflict between this event and the Film and Media Studies POM. If you're interested in attending both, please complete the interest form:

ZineFest Panel Conversation and Lunch: The Past, Present, and Future of Zines , Monday, Oct. 7, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

Join the Wurtele Center for Leadership and the Design Thinking Initiative for a celebration of all things ZINE! Our co-sponsored ZineFest will include a panel conversation and zinemaking workshops. The lunch panel (12:15-1:15) features three visiting zine makers, scholars, and educators: Ebony Flowers, Shay Mirk, and Mimi Thi Nguyen. Panelists will discuss the histories of the zine as an artform and political medium, and explore the present and future of zine making practices. Bring zines to display on the Zine Browsing Table. ZineFest is part of the Wurtele Center’s Amplify Program. The panel conversation includes lunch; RSVP at

Sign Up Now for ZineFest: Zine-Making Workshops , Monday, Oct. 7, Campus Center 103/4

Attend ZineFest Zine-Making Workshops on Monday, October 7! Ebony Flowers will offer “Sister Zines” (4:30-5:30): engage remembering as a creative activity and explore relationships amongst past, present, and “meanwhile time.” Shay Mirk will offer “Playing With Gender and Zines” (6:30-7:30): explore how to document your own gender expression through creating a mini-zine. Mimi Nguyen closes it out with “No One Turned Away for Lack of Future” (7:30-8:30): discuss punk zines made by queers and people of color, and create a one-page zine in this same spirit. All in CC103-104, students only. Registration links on Social Network and

ZineFest Panel Conversation and Lunch: The Past, Present, and Future of Zines , Monday, Oct. 7, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

The Wurtele Center for Leadership and the Design Thinking Initiative are co-sponsoring ZineFest, which includes a panel conversation and lunch open to staff, faculty, and students. Three visiting zine makers, scholars, and educators (Ebony Flowers, Shay Mirk, and Mimi Thi Nguyen) will discuss the histories of the zine as an artform and political medium, and explore the present and future of zine making practices. Bring along your own zines to display on the Zine Browsing Table! ZineFest is part of the Wurtele Center’s Amplify Program. The panel conversation includes lunch; RSVP at

Spanish and Portuguese Department Study Abroad Info Session , Tuesday, Oct. 1, 4:15 p.m., Campus Center 205

The Spanish and Portuguese Department welcome you to a Study Abroad Info Session. Please join the SPP faculty to learn about this exciting possibility.

Flu Vaccine Walk-ins Available Through Walgreens , Thursday, Sept. 26, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

Flu vaccines are available for students and employees at the Campus Center Carroll Room (Second floor) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday 9/26. Walk-ins are accepted and encouraged. Please bring your insurance information to the appointment. Email with questions.

Reminder: Strategic Planning Partners Visiting Campus Today and Friday , September 26 and 27, Campus Center

Make your voice heard! Smith’s strategic planning partners from Wellspring Consulting will be on campus today, September 26 and Friday, September 27, to gather input from our community. Wellspring will be tabling in the Campus Center to learn more about the college’s strengths and opportunities for the future. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to stop by to share their thoughts and learn more. Input can also be provided using this Google form, and zoom focus groups will be announced later in the fall. Thank you in advance for your engagement.

Reminder: Strategic Planning Partners Visiting Campus Today and Friday , September 26 and 27, Campus Center

Make your voice heard! Smith’s strategic planning partners from Wellspring Consulting will be on campus today and Friday, September 27th to gather input from our community. Wellspring will be tabling in the Campus Center to learn more about the college’s strengths and opportunities for the future. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to stop by to share their thoughts and learn more. Input can also be provided using this Google form, and zoom focus groups will be announced later in the fall. Thank you in advance for your engagement.

09/25/2024 Digest

Register to Vote by Saturday for the November Election , October 26

Want to vote in Massachusetts for the upcoming presidential election? The registration deadline is Saturday, Oct. 26. Early voting in Massachusetts runs from October 19 - November 1. Learn more at or find information for other states and territories at

09/24/2024 Digest

Credit Cards and Credit Scores , Friday, Oct. 4, 12:15 p.m., Conway Center, 103 Neilson

Nothing says adulting more than getting a first credit card and wisely handling spending and payments. Learn the economic factors that impact credit and credit scores and get tips for staying on top of this potentially costly type of debt. Part of the Conway Center financial literacy series, Demystifying Money: Foundations. *Lunch provided; RSVP required by visiting

Register Now: The Latina Leadership Tipping Point - Community Keynote , Thursday, Sept. 26, 1 p.m., Virtual Event

Despite investments in elevating women into leadership positions through corporate diversity and equity initiatives, professionals who identify as Latina continue to face a disproportionate gap in executive representation. Our September Community Keynote, led by Latina leader Marilyn Alverio, MBA, will expose the specific challenges of the Latina experience, with takeaways that are relevant for anyone who is committed to being an inclusive leader. To register, visit

'Responding to Student Writing and Giving Effective Feedback' - Register by Sept. 25 to Order Lunch , Wednesday, Oct. 2, 12:15-1:15 p.m., Campus Center 102

Sometimes we are reluctant to assign more writing because responding to it adds to our already heavy workload. But there are different ways to respond to student writing. Some writing doesn’t even have to be collected; other writing can be acknowledged for completion or skimmed; and only some writing requires individual feedback. In this workshop we’ll discuss strategies for responding to student writing, including effective and time-efficient feedback. Part of Jacobson Center's series on teaching with writing, led by faculty development specialist Magdalena Zapedowska. Register by 9/25 if you'd like lunch ( Email with any questions.

Sherrerd Center Fall Teaching Circles , Friday, Sept. 27, Noon, Campus Center Carroll Room

Teaching Circles with many relevant topics to the teaching landscape today are being offered this fall (on four Fridays beginning September 27th). Teaching Circles offer the opportunity to discuss a topic of interest with your colleagues in small groups over lunch. For a list of current Teaching Circles, dates, and links to RSVP, please see the Sherrerd Center website: RSVPs will be needed to determine space and counts for lunch. Participants will be emailed with invitations and details about the circle locations during the week of the circle.

Eileen Chow (Duke University): 'Families/Fictions/Dispersal -- The Chinese Family Romance' , Thursday, Oct. 24, 4:30 p.m., Klingenstein Browsing Room, Neilson Library 102

Public lecture by Eileen Chengyin Chow (Asian & Middle East Studies, Duke University) speaking on “Families/Fictions/Dispersal – The Chinese Family Romance, from Story of the Stone to Everything Everywhere All at Once“ Thursday, October 24, 4:30 pm, Klingenstein Browsing Room, Neilson Library 102. Lecture is in conjunction with the film screening of Everything Everywhere All at Once (Friday, October 18, 7pm, Seelye 201). Sponsored by the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, and co-sponsored by Film & Media Studies, the Program in World Literatures, and the Five College Center for East Asian Studies.

Register Now: Gender Expansive Live Streaming Symposium , October 4-5, 2024, Ford Hall

GELSS—a two-day event to investigate, debate, and celebrate the gender expansive activism that women, non-binary, and trans folks engage in on live streaming platforms around the world—will be held October 4-5th in Northampton, MA on the Smith College campus. Scholars of live streaming interested in participating in the pre-conference workshop should respond to the Call for Participation by September 20th. Curious academics and members of the public interested in learning more about the intersection of live streaming and gender expression should register to attend by September 30th. See for more details.

Sign Up: Get Fit Smith - Shake Your Soul , Wednesdays, 4:45 p.m., Ainsworth 304

Join instructor Hayley Spizz on Wednesdays this fall from 4:45-5:45 p.m. as part of Get Fit Smith. Experience the joy of dance, release tension, nurture your body and soul, and play with this fluid and fun movement practice. All staff, faculty, and students with all levels of movement/dance experience and fitness welcome! Sign up:

FYE Week at DTI , Through September 27, 6-8 p.m., Capen Annex

Join us for one (or all!) events we have planned, especially for first years, though we always welcome everyone! Drop in anytime between 6-8pm. 9/23 Origami Gumballs; 9/24 Laser Cut Key Chains; 9/25 Crochet; 9/26 Lino Cut Stamps; 9/27 Chainmail Keychain

'torrin a. greathouse,' Presented by the Boutelle-Day Poetry Center , Tuesday, Sept. 24, 7 p.m., Weinstein Auditorium, Wright

What does it mean to be in a body? Transgender (& self-described) cripple-punk poet, essayist, and educator torrin a. greathouse fiercely confronts the complexity of this question in her inventive poetry that, in her words, “teases the most truth out of the telling.” She is the author of Wound from the Mouth of a Wound (Milkweed Editions, 2020) and DEED (Wesleyan University Press, 2024). Jina Kim will join greathouse in conversation following the reading. Books will be sold and a signing will follow. Free and open to all! Livestreams on the Boutelle-Day Poetry Center Facebook and YouTube.

Now On View 'Younes Rahmoun: Here, Now' Exhibition , Museum of Art

SCMA presents "Younes Rahmoun: Here, Now" the first North American exhibition devoted to the art of Younes Rahmoun, one of Morocco’s leading contemporary artists. Rahmoun has found inspiration in a profound connection to his here and now. He transforms simple shapes, materials and gestures from his daily life into sculptures and installations. At Smith, there are three new site-specific commissions as well as a selection of major sculptures, drawings, videos, and installations that Rahmoun has made since the 1990s. Learn more here!

SDS Guest Speaker: Kaelen Medeiros , Friday, Sept. 27, 12:15 p.m., McConnell 103

Kaelen Medeiros, healthtech data scientist/statistician at Calibrate will be presenting: "After the Fairy Tale: Key Takeaways From Ten Years In Data." This talk will pick up where Kaelen left off in 2019 outlining the journey to how they became a data scientist by outlining the key lessons they've learned after 10 years of having one data job title or another.

Info Session: 'Hauntings' Long-term Kahn Project Application , Wednesday, Sept. 25, 12:15-1:15 p.m., Kahn Institute, 21 Henshaw Ave

The 2025-26 long-term Kahn project, “Hauntings,” organized by Alexis Callendar, Art, and Jennifer DeClue, Women and Gender Studies, is now accepting faculty and staff applications. Learn more: Join the organizers for an information session at the Kahn Institute and Zoom on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 12:15-1:15 p.m. Lunch provided. Applications are due Friday, Oct. 18, 2024.

Al Nur Spiritual Gathering , Thursday, Sept. 26, 6 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel

A monthly discussion with the Muslim Student Advisor and guest speakers on spiritual topics. A halal meal will be offered with vegetarian options. End with Maghrib prayer. To RSVP, email

Learning to Meditate , Wednesday, Sept. 25, 7 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel

Learn Meditation Practices from Tibetan Buddhist Tradition, hosted by Smith College Community Spiritual Partner Geshe Ngawang Singey. These bi-weekly interactive sessions will include instruction on and practice of breathing meditation, concentration meditation, blessing meditation, and tong-len (exchange of self and other), concluding Q&A with light refreshments. Geshe Singey received his novice and ordination vows directly from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. All are welcome!

University of Canterbury Info Session & Tabling , Thursday, Sept. 26, 12:15 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

In this session, you will hear from the Study Abroad and Exchange Manager at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand and hopefully a Gilman scholarship winner who recently returned after spending the Spring 2024 semester there. After this lunch session, meet with a representative from the University of Canterbury from 1:30-4:00 pm in the Campus Center to discuss their visiting student program for Smith students and to learn about how to spend a semester studying in New Zealand.

Study of Women and Gender Education Abroad Panel , Wednesday, Sept. 25, 12:15 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

The Study of Women and Gender department and the Office for International Study present a Study Abroad Panel. Ask fellow students about their preparation to study abroad and experiences around the world. Panelists are Alena Rooney (SIT Chile), Claire Sullivan (Oregon in London), Amelie Horn (Smith in Paris), and Emily Silva (University of Edinburgh).

Accepting Donations for ISSO Winter Clothes Closet , Through Friday, Oct. 11, Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

The ISSO is collecting winter clothes for international students who have never experienced a Massachusetts winter before. Faculty and staff are encouraged to contribute gently worn clothes, shoes, and gear that no longer spark joy for them. Who knows, maybe they will spark joy for someone else! Please bring your donations by the Lewis Global Studies Center and drop them off in the donation bin at the Wright Hall lobby by October 11th. We would love for you to help keep our international Smithies warm!

Accepting Donations for ISSO Winter Clothes Closet , Through Friday, Oct. 11, Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

The ISSO is collecting winter clothes for international students who have never experienced a Massachusetts winter before. Students are encouraged to contribute gently worn clothes, shoes, and gear that no longer spark joy for them. Who knows, maybe they will spark joy for someone else! Please bring your donations by the Lewis Global Studies Center and drop them off in the donation bin at the Wright Hall lobby by October 11th. We would love for you to help keep our international Smithies warm!

Writing Support for Thesis Students

Are you writing a thesis? Apply to the Jacobson Center's Thesis Writing Support Program to be paired with a writing instructor for regular meetings throughout your process. Your instructor will help you stay on track, organize your writing, articulate and focus your argument, and work on structure & clarity, among other things. Your instructor will be in contact with your advisor throughout the process as well, to be sure your work is proceeding as needed. Applications are due by September 30th. Contact Sara Eddy ( for an application form and for further information.

'Do Plants Know Math?' The Exhibit and Book Launch , Thursday, Sept. 26, 4:30 p.m., McConnell Foyer

The exhibit features large prints of some of the pictures in the book "Do Plants Know Math? Unwinding the Story of Plant Spirals from Leonardo to Now." The event is at once the exhibit opening and a book launch. Created by Prof. Christophe Golé and co-authors Jacques Dumais, Stéphane Douady and Nancy Pick. Photographs by Victor Mozqueda.

Sophomore Class Meet and Greet , Thursday, Sept. 26, 10 a.m., College Hall 101

Sophomores, come meet your class dean. Dean Rossi-Reder invites you to College Hall 101 to meet some of the Class Deans Office staff, have some snacks, and ask any questions you might have. Did we mention we'll have snacks?

International Graphic Novel Pop-Up Display , October 1-4, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Neilson Library, 1st Floor

Browse the Libraries’ collection of graphic novels in languages other than English. These include a range of subject areas, artistic styles and formats. Some international candy can be sampled too. Part of the "Turn Up the Languages" Festival.

100-Level/Foundations Showcase , October 2-15, 8:30 a.m., Jannotta Gallery, Hillyer

An exhibition of work by current students in 100-level studio courses in the Department of Art. Features work by students in ARS 163 Drawing I, ARS 172 Studio Foundations, and ARS 162 Intro to Digital Media. Free and open to the public.

Nominate a Friend (or Yourself!) for The Smith in the World Conference

The Smith in the World conference ( is held annually to celebrate and share students’ off-campus experiential learning, including internships, community service and research. In a series of panel presentations, students reflect on how their experiences have impacted and enriched their academic and professional paths. To nominate a student to present, or to self-nominate, please submit a nomination form by October 11: Panelists will be selected by committee, contacted in mid/late October and invited to practice their presentations with Lazarus Center advisers. Panels will take place via Zoom during Interterm 2025. Questions?

Study Abroad in China & Taiwan Info Session , Friday, Oct. 4, 12:15 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

Interested in study abroad in China or Taiwan? Come to the general information session about study abroad options in China and Taiwan for 2025-26 on Friday, October 4, 12:15-1:15 p.m., in the Lewis Global Studies Center 127 & 128 (pizza provided). All Smith students are welcome! Sponsored by the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures.

Invitation to Join the FBB Refugee Youth Initiative

Friends Beyond Borders is a student-led initiative at Smith focused on breaking down barriers to higher education for refugee youth in our local community. As part of this program, you’ll have the opportunity to be the "big pal" to your "little pal" refugee student supporting them through the college application process while fostering a lasting friendship and companionship. We advance access to quality education by providing mentorship, career guidance, and shadowing programs. Please fill out the INTEREST FORM: or contact Joanne ( | Learn more about our work:

Spiritual Insight Time (SIT) , Wednesday, Sept. 25, 12:15 p.m., Chapin Lawn

Come to SIT (Spiritual Insight Time) Lunch Hour with the College Chaplain Matilda Ros Cantwell and College Religious Advisors. Have conversations, ask questions, request and give others blessings and prayers, pause and connect. There will be a short program at 12:15, the rest of the time will be open. Matilda's small dog Lucita will attend some weeks. Rain location HHH Chapel.

Making Meaning of ‘Women for the World' to Advance Climate Action , Monday, Oct. 7, 3 p.m., CEEDS Wright Hall

by Blythe Coleman-Mumford ‘17, Climate Programs Manager: HBCU/MSI Engagement and BIPOC Affinity Programming at Second Nature. This talk is part of the ENX 100 Environment and Sustainability: Notes from the Field lecture series. All are welcome!

From Buddhism to Biogeochemistry, a Journey to a Career in Sustainability , Monday, Oct. 21, 3 p.m., CEEDS Wright Hall

by Beth Hooker, Director of Sustainability & Administrative Director of CEEDS. Beth will share her career story, from where she started to where she is now. This talk is part of the ENX 100 Environment and Sustainability: Notes from the Field lecture series. All are welcome!

Climate Consulting at Christensen Global Strategies , Monday, Nov. 4, 3 p.m., CEEDS Wright Hall

by Aimée Christensen '91, Founder & CEO of Christensen Global, a strategic advisory firm developing, accelerating, and scaling solutions for impact. This talk is part of the ENX 100 Environment and Sustainability: Notes from the Field lecture series. All are welcome!

Perspectives From an EnvironmentalLlawyer: From the EPA to the Environmental Law Institute , Monday, Nov. 18, 3 p.m., CEEDS Wright Hall

by Leslie Carothers '64, a Scholar-in-Residence at Pace Law School and former President of the Environmental Law Institute from 2003 to 2011. This talk is part of the ENX 100 Environment and Sustainability: Notes from the Field lecture series. All are welcome!

ES&P Lunchbag: The World of Langston Hughes and the Logistics of Counter-Mapping with Aaron Nyerges , Thursday, Sept. 26, 12:15 p.m., CEEDS Wright Hall

Dr. Nyerges will discuss the literal and literary map-making practice of the modernist poet, arguing that Hughes's spatial praxis locates national identity by dislocating it, seeking to make cartographic representations personal, provisional, and negotiable rather than fixed and authoritative. Dr. Aaron Nyerges is a Senior Lecturer of American Studies at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. His work engages with literature, geography, and the history of media technologies. Lunch provided.

New Features in Workday

This week’s Workday release includes the following updates: All community members will now see a new toggle after performing a search, allowing a choice between two different search result formats. The new Simplified Search option incorporates the AI powered Workday Assistant to generate suggested results. For students, there's a new layout to the View Saved Schedules task, making it easier to view both current and past schedules. For more details, visit the What’s New in Workday help article.

Where Are We and How Did We Get Queer? , Wednesday, Oct. 23, 4:30 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

Hugh Ryan is the author of When Brooklyn Was Queer (2019) and The House of Detention (2023), two exciting and award-winning texts in LGBTQ History, and the founder of the Pop Up Museum of Queer History. This lecture will look at the changing nature of LGBTQ+ identity in America today, and how this strange, exciting and sometimes frightening moment we are in has direct parallels to the changes that happened in queer identity at the end of the 19th century.

Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality Presentation of the Major and Minor , Wednesday, Oct. 30, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 205

Join us to learn more about the Program for the Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality! Lunch will be provided.

09/19/2024 Digest

Timothy Laquintano, ‘Before Writing: LLMs as Reading Machines’ , Thursday, Sept. 19, 4:30 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Timothy Laquintano, director of the College Writing Program at Lafayette College, will give the talk, "Before Writing: LLMs as Reading Machines” as part of the Kahn Institute short-term project, "Generative AI & Writing." Students have quietly been using large language models (LLMs) for a variety of use cases related to reading—and these activities tend to be undetectable by instructors. After considering how LLMs might affect undergraduate reading and learning, the talk will conclude with a brief profile of some classroom activities designed to help students acquire a more critical understanding of LLMs.

WIMIN: Women in Mathematics in New England (Free) , Saturday, Sept. 21, Campus Center Carroll Room

WIMIN is the longest-running conference for Women in Mathematics in New England. Hosted at Smith College every fall since 2009, WIMIN brings together over 100 students and faculty of all genders for a one-day gathering in mathematics and statistics, featuring two plenary speakers in theoretical and applied topics, as well as a collection of parallel sessions with talks by students from around the region, panel discussions, mentoring activities and other opportunities for networking. Lunch and ample coffee breaks are provided. All undergraduate, post baccalaureate and graduate students are invited to give session talks. Free registration (required). Details found at

Tibetan Studies in India Program - Information Session , Thursday, Sept. 19, 12:15 p.m., Dewey Common Room

What better way to spend J-Term than traveling to India to learn about Tibetan Buddhism? The Tibetan Studies in India Program will be hosting Information Sessions on Monday, September 16 at 7p in the Pemberton Lounge of Chapin Hall at Amherst College and on Thursday, September 19 at 12:15 in Dewey Common Room at Smith College. The Information Sessions are open to students from all Five Colleges. Can't make either session? Email for more information.

Personal Finance and Psychology , Friday, Sept. 20, 12:15 p.m., Conway Center, 103 Neilson

This Demystifying Money: Foundations workshop will focus on the ways individual backgrounds can impact one's relationship with money. Explore how knowing motivations can be reflected in the ways debt and credit are handled. This session cannot cover everything, but hopefully will help to realize that personal finance is just that “personal,” no one is just an automaton trying to automate/maximize finances. Sponsored by the Conway Center. *Lunch provided; RSVP required by visiting

Grief Support Group , Friday, Sept. 20, 12:15-1:10 p.m., Schacht Center for Health, Schacht

A weekly group for students who have lost someone close to them - recently or long ago. Fridays 12:15 - 1:10. Facilitated by Meg Laird LICSW. To register, call the Counseling Service at 413-585-2800 or email

Film Screening: 'Anima -- My Father's Dresses'; Followed by Q&A With the Filmmaker, Uli Decker , Monday, Sept. 23, 6:15 p.m., Weinstein Auditorium, Wright

A film screening and Q&A with filmmaker Uli Decker: Anima -- My Father's Dresses (2022, animated feature documentary, German original with English subtitles). Monday, September 23, Leo Weinstein Auditorium. Film screening starts at 6:15 p.m., followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker. Sponsored by the Smith College Department of German & Italian; Program for the Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality (Smith College); Film & Media Studies (Smith College); and the Department of German (Amherst College)

Sign Up for SOFA NOTES - the Smith Office for the Arts Monthly Newsletter!

The Smith Office for the Arts (SOFA) newsletter - SOFA Notes launched last year - and it's never too late to sign up! This new monthly email aims to connect the Smith community to the arts activities, resources, and opportunities on campus and will include information about arts events, exhibitions, workshops, calls for proposals, alumni features, faculty profiles, and more. Sign up to receive SOFA Notes monthly and if you don't already receive the weekly SmithArts events email - you can also sign up for that too! Sign up HERE:

Smith Students' Aid Society for Fine Arts Supplies Funding--Apply Now , Deadline: Monday, Sept. 23, 4:30 p.m.

Fine arts supplies grants apply to all Smith students in financial need and enrolled in a qualifying fine arts course (art, dance, music or theater). Proof of registration is required. The deadline for Smith Students’ Aid Society applications for fine arts supplies is Monday September 23, 4:30pm. Complete the Academic Funding Form on the Smith Social Network (, selecting the Fine Arts category. All decisions will be made by art department staff after the deadline.

Are You Worried About a Student?

Are you concerned about a student? Please let us know. Faculty, staff, students, and community members may use this referral form to file a report online: If there is an immediate risk to life or property, contact campus safety at (413) 585-5555 or extension 5555. The Dean of Students or a member of the Dean of the College's team reviews referrals during normal business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., so they may not be immediately reviewed.

Timothy Laquintano, 'Before Writing: LLMs as Reading Machines' , Thursday, Sept. 19, 4:30 p.m., Neilson Library 102

After considering how large language models might affect undergraduate reading and learning, the talk will conclude with a brief profile of some classroom activities designed to help students acquire a more critical understanding of LLMs. This lecture is hosted as part of the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute short-term project, “Generative AI & Writing,“ organized by co-chairs of the Committee on Writing and Public Discourse, Julio Alves and MJ Wraga. Learn more:

Free and Confidential Student Support

TELUS Health is available to students as a free and confidential mental health support service for urgent and non-urgent matters 24/7. No insurance is needed, and it is available worldwide. Chat or schedule video appointments through the app or by calling (413) 585-2800. Search TELUS Health Student Support in the Google Play or Apple App Stores, and select "Install" / "Get" or through the website at

You Belong: Navigating Your Time and Place at Smith , Thursday, Sept. 19, 4:15 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

Want to get involved outside the classroom? Looking to connect with new people and find your community? The Office of Student Engagement is here to help! Drop by our casual, friendly gathering to meet student leaders from across campus and learn about how they’re involved outside the classroom. Staff from the Office of Student Engagement will also be there to help you learn about the many ways you can get involved at Smith, from clubs and organizations, to internships and jobs!

Register Now: Climate Justice Symposium--Exploring Feminist Interventions and Possibilities , Friday-Saturday, Sept. 20-21, Various Campus Locations

The September 20- 21 Symposium will convene scholars, artists, students, activists, and professionals for a dynamic interdisciplinary symposium that seeks to galvanize participants, urging them to take bold action in addressing the climate crisis. Delving deeper than mere examination, we aim to explore how the intersectionality of gender and climate can foster innovative approaches to social change and transformative climate justice. Together, participants will discuss dismantling patriarchal structures that perpetuate climate apartheid, offering collective visions for climate justice. Multiple locations. Saturday events start at 8:30 a.m. Learn more and register online:

'Nervous System Development in the Common Octopus' , Thursday, Sept. 19, 4:15 p.m., McConnell 103

Eve Seuntjens, of Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, will present this talk which is part of the Fall 2024 Mary Elizabeth Dickason King M.D. Annual Lecture Series in Memory of Professor Howard Parshley. Light snacks will be served at 4:15 p.m.; talk to begin at 4:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. Visit for the full schedule.

Sign Up for Print Making Intro Series: Lego Printing , Thursday, Sept. 19, 7 p.m., Capen Annex

Join us for the first of four introduction to printmaking sessions! Our first workshop will focus on Lego Printing, with Lino Cut (10/3), Block Printing (10/17), and Screen Prining (11/14) to come later this semester. Space is limited. Sign up on the Smith Social Network

'Tidepools,' Written and Performed by Francesca Sobrer , Friday, Sept. 20, 7:30 p.m., Hallie Flanagan Studio Theatre

The Smith College Department of Theatre presents "Tidepools," the story of one woman’s journey away from the shore and back. This hour-long performance takes the audience for a ride in the waves with a story of finding and living love only to be caught in an undertow of loss and grief eventually drifting back onto the shore in a tidepool of realized joy. The play is free and open to the public, no reservations required. Leonard Berkman, Professor of Theatre will lead a post show talkback with the artists, and Professors Monica Lopez Orozco and Benita Jackson.

Sign Up Now: Talking With the Walls--On Writing Ekphrastic Poetry Workshop With Poet Jessica Jacobs , Friday, Sept. 27, 4:15 p.m., MacLeish Field Station

Together, we’ll explore 13 different pathways into the deep conversations available to us with visual art and its creators. Ideal for writers and artists of all levels of experience, our time together will be primarily generative and designed to give you a new set of tools to carry away with you and keep you writing. The workshop is sponsored by Arts Afield and the Boutelle-Day Poetry Center, and co-organized with the SCMA in conjunction with the exhibition, "Younes Rahmoun: Here, Now". Sign up:

Drop-in Research Support With the Library Research Mentors

Library Research Mentor Drop-in hours are back for Fall. Research Mentors work in Neilson Library’s Learning Commons to provide research support to their peers, helping other students to find books on specific topics, locate peer-reviewed articles, format their citations and get setup with the citation management tool Zotero. Drop-in hours: Sunday-Thursday, 1-4 p.m. & 7-10 p.m.; Friday, 1-4 p.m.

Liberal Arts Lunch Series , Thursday, Sept. 19, 12:10-1:10 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Becca Thomases, professor of mathematical sciences, will present "How to Swim Through Goo." Lunch offered to the first 40 attendees, start time is approximately 12:10, ending by 1:10.

Soup, Salad and Soul , Friday, Sept. 20, 12:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel

Come get cozy and enjoy a hot, delicious vegetarian soup made by awesome student cooks while taking part in reflective, student-led discussions on spirituality and life! Students of all religious, spiritual, and non-religious/non-spiritual backgrounds are welcome. The Bodman Lounge is in the basement of the Helen Hills Hills Chapel and accessible via elevator from the rear of the building. For details on food and other general accessibility questions, email

Sign Up Now: Art of Leading Teams (VIRTUAL)--Establishing Psychological Safety & Healthy Feedback Cultures , Tuesday, Sept. 24, 12:15 p.m., Virtual Event

Most of us crave two things in our working environment: a feeling of safety to speak our minds without repercussions, and growth-oriented feedback. Maintaining team cultures marked by these qualities can be challenging, however. Join us to discuss what can get in the way and learn some language and tools to begin shaping your team’s culture. Part of the Art of Leading Teams monthly lunch series for faculty and staff, sponsored by the Wurtele Center for Leadership and co-facilitated by Emily Norton, Director of the Design Thinking Initiative. In-person registration is FULL. Please RSVP for Zoom link:

Heating Season Start-up, Monday, September 16th

Facilities Management will be turning on the heat to the campus starting on Monday, September 16th. The process of getting heat to all buildings on campus takes approximately three weeks to complete. Thank you for your understanding through this time of transition.

RSVP Now: Lewis Global Studies Center Keynote Speaker Lunch: Eduardo Gonzalez Cueva , Thursday, Sept. 19, 12:15 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

LGSC staff encourage you to meet and greet Eduardo Gonzalez Cueva, a leading global expert in transitional justice, who, later in the day, will be discussing healing historical injustices in his keynote titled, South-South-North? Routes of Knowledge in Transitional Justice. A light lunch will be served for the first 20 attendees who respond. RSVP by September 15 by visiting

Open Ukulele Strum, Josten Library: Welcoming Our New Baritone Ukes!! , Saturday, Sept. 21, 10 a.m., Josten Library, Mendenhall

Have you always wanted to learn to play the ukulele? Do you already play the guitar, and want to play baritone ukulele, which is tuned similarly? The Northampton-based community Ukulele Strum Group will hold a beginner-friendly session at Josten Library, Saturday, September 21, led by local musician and teacher, Don Rovero. This is a chance to meet local residents who play weekly at Forbes Library, that distinguished public library right across from College Hall. Josten Library lends ukuleles, and will have some ukuleles available, along with shareable copies of The Daily Ukulele, and the Baritone Edition.

Telephone System Maintenance , September 17-19, 6-11 p.m.

ITS will be performing maintenance on the campus telephone system between 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm on Tuesday 9/17, Wednesday 9/18 and Thursday 9/19. During this time, campus phones may experience periods of approximately 10 minutes each evening during which they will not be able to make or receive calls.

Try Out for Smith Varsity Track and Field , Monday, Sept. 23, 4:15 p.m., ITT

Interested in competing in a varsity college team? Have any experience in sprint/field events? Smith Varsity Track and Field will be hosting open sessions to explore the sport for sprint/field events in the coming weeks. If you are interested, please fill out this form

Recycle. Reuse. Restore Dignity , Through September 20, Jandon Center, Wright

Do you have unused tote bags, backpacks, shopping bags, or baseball hats lying around? Donate them today to help migrants and asylum seekers. Every day, deported asylum seekers endure inhumane and humiliating treatment at the hands of Border Patrol. Stripped of their belongings, they are sent back with nothing but ziplock bags or onion bags to carry the little they have left. This practice not only robs them of their dignity, but it also makes them easy targets for cartels, putting their safety at even greater risk. Bring your donation to the Jandon Center between Sept 13-Sept 20.

Day of Mindfulness , Saturday, Sept. 21, 9:30 a.m., Conference Center Meeting Room C

Enjoy a day of mindfulness guided by the monastics of Blue Cliff Monastery. We will partake in sitting and walking meditation, group sharing, and a dharma talk. Light vegan lunch provided. All are welcome, priority given to Smith Community Members. Please RSVP at this link:

Jummah Prayer , Friday, Sept. 20, 12:30 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

Join us for Jummah at the Hampshire Mosque in Hadley. Meet in front of the Helen Hills Hills Chapel at 12:25 pm. Van will leave by 12:30 pm and return to campus no later than 2:30 pm. Bring a prayer rug and complete your ablution beforehand. We have extra prayer rugs if you need one! Sponsored by the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. To RSVP, email

Generating Justice & Joy and CRSL Welcome Festival , Thursday, Sept. 19, 6 p.m., Fire Pit, Athletic Fields

Meet at the fire pit by the Athletic Fields at Smith, where we build community and make (halal) S'mores around a cozy fire to bring in the new semester while sharing, learning and experiencing spirituality at Smith. Please arrive promptly at 6:00 p.m. for the activity, but if you need to join later, you are still welcome. This is part of the Generating Justice & Joy series, a campus-wide community gathering in times of crisis and hope, sponsored by the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. All are welcome!

Soup Salad Soul , Friday, Sept. 20, 12:15 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel

Come get cozy and enjoy a hot, delicious vegetarian soup made by awesome student cooks while taking part in reflective, student-led discussions on spirituality and life! Students of all religious, spiritual, and non-religious/non-spiritual backgrounds are welcome. Limited to Smith OneCard holders. For details on food and other general accessibility questions, email or

September Contra Dance and Clothing Sale Fundraiser , Sunday, Sept. 22, 3 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

The first contra dance of the year is finally here! Come dance, enjoy live music, and meet new people. Beginners are always welcome, and a lesson covering the basics of contra dance will be held at the start of the event. Update your dance wardrobe for the new year at our clothing sale fundraiser before and during the dance!

'Comfort Girl': A Jazz Song Cycle by Stephanie Chou , Sunday, Sept. 22, 3 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall, Sage

Comfort Girl, an 80-minute song cycle exploring the lives of Asian “comfort women” abducted by the Japanese army during WWII; a groundbreaking fusion of East-West musical traditions about a formerly taboo subject that still resonates globally for women today. Comfort Girl highlights an often-overlooked, dark chapter in history that is still relevant, as survivors seek justice and trafficking remains a global issue. This jazz-influenced song-cycle combines historical drama with the energy of improvised jazz.

Neuroscience Department Study Abroad Info Session , Monday, Sept. 23, 12:15 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

Join faculty and alums of the Neuroscience department in Wright Hall to learn about your program options and ways that study abroad can advance your goals in the major!

Course Registration Deadlines

Monday, September 23 is the last day to add a full semester Smith course. Wed, October 9 is the last day to drop a full semester Smith course or Five College course without penalty or use of a free drop. Be sure to check the registration status of your courses on Workday. Course changes at this time require the approvals of the instructor, adviser, and class dean on the add form or drop form. All deadlines and forms are on the registrar's website:

Radical Listening Workshops With Alison Cook-Sather , Friday, Sept. 20

In increasingly tense and divisive times, it can be especially difficult to listen to one another across difference. This week, Alison Cook-Sather, Professor of Education at Bryn Mawr College and Director of the Teaching and Learning Institute at Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges, will lead workshops on Radical Listening. With Cook-Sather, attendees will consider some theoretical underpinnings of listening, experience practices that prompt critical reflection, and generate takeaways for contexts on campus in which listening to one another is essential to thoughtful engagement. 10:30-12:00 in CC103/104 for staff and 4:30-5:30 in Lilly Hall 206 for faculty

Radical Listening With Alison Cook-Sather , Thursday, Sept. 19, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Seelye 201

In increasingly tense and divisive times, it can be especially difficult to listen to one another across difference. This week, Alison Cook-Sather, Mary Katharine Woodworth Professor of Education at Bryn Mawr College and Director of the Teaching and Learning Institute at Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges, will lead workshops and give a lecture on Radical Listening. The lecture will be held on Thursday, September 19th from 4:30-5:30 in Seelye 201. Sponsored by the Office for Equity and Inclusion, the Office of the Provost, the President’s Office, Dean of the College, and HR

Radical Listening Workshop with Alison Cook-Sather , Friday, Sept. 20, 1:30-3 p.m., Dewey Common Room

In increasingly tense and divisive times, it can be especially difficult to listen to one another across difference. This week, Alison Cook-Sather, Mary Katharine Woodworth Professor of Education at Bryn Mawr College andDirector of the Teaching and Learning Institute at Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges, will lead workshops on Radical Listening. With Cook-Sather, attendees will consider some theoretical underpinnings of listening, experience practices that prompt critical reflection, and generate takeaways for classrooms and other contexts on campus in which listening to one another is essential to fostering communication, thoughtful engagement, and belonging. 1:30-3:00 in Dewey Common Room for students

Student Workshop With Stephanie Chou, Guest Jazz Artist Who Fuses Eastern/Western Musical Styles , Saturday, Sept. 21, 7 p.m., Earle Recital Hall, Sage

This workshop is meant to accompany the performance of "Comfort Girl: a jazz song cycle by Stephanie Chou." The guest artists will talk about the inspiration and composition process for the work as well as give an introduction to traditional Chinese instruments. The workshop will also include a broader discussion of AAPI representation in western music. All students welcome, no registration required. "Comfort Girl" will be presented on Sunday, Sept. 22 at 3 p.m.

ISO Meet & Greet , Thursday, Sept. 19, 5:30 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

ISO invites all international community to a sweet meet and greet! Come over for some mochinuts & hotdogs, learn about what we have this semester, chat with other international students, and learn about ways to get involved!

Shabbat Services and Dinner , Friday, Sept. 20, 5:30 p.m., Kosher K Kitchen, Jordan House

Celebrate Shabbat with the Smith College Jewish community and Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer. Student-led Introduction to Shabbat Services followed by Kosher Shabbat dinner prepared by students. Meet new CRSL Rabbinic Intern Abby Allen ‘19, a student at the Jewish Theological Seminary.

This Week's Outdoor Adventure Program Trips , Tuesday, Sept. 24, 4:30 p.m., Boathouse Lawn

Outdoor Adventure Program is hosting weekly bike trips, leaving from the Paradise Pond Boathouse. No registration or gear is needed, meet at the Boathouse at 4:30 every Tuesday. The climbing wall is up and running with open hours in Ainsworth 304. No experience necessary to come climb. Find the hours on the Athletics website. Finally, Paradise Pond Boathouse also has weekly open hours for any student to come and get out on the water. Find these hours on the Athletics website as well.

Weekly 'Lets Talk About It...' Group , Monday, Sept. 23, 12:15-1:10 p.m., Schacht Center for Health, Schacht

"Lets Talk About It" at Counseling Services, is still open to students interested in joining this weekly group to talk about your life. Enrollment closes Monday, Sept. 23. We meet weekly on Mondays at the Schacht Center from 12:15 - 1:10. Facilitated by staff therapist Elena Volpe and counseling intern Sarah Coburn.

Catholic Mass , Sunday, Sept. 22, 3 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

Celebrate Mass with the Newman Catholic Club, Fr. Val Nworah, and Smith's Catholic Community. All are welcome! To learn about upcoming student org events, email for information

09/18/2024 Digest

Mocktail-Making Harm Reduction Soirée With the Community Health Organizers , Thursday, Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m., Alumnae House

Dress your best (or however you feel comfortable) and join the Community Health Organizers (CHOs) for an elegant autumn evening. Let your creativity blossom while making your own mocktails with the help of some very talented mixologists. Enjoy some delicacies while participating in interactive stations where you’ll learn about the effects of alcohol and harm reduction strategies to empower yourself to make informed choices about your alcohol consumption. The event is wheelchair accessible.

Emergency Naloxone Boxes Scavenger Hunt , October 3-16

The NaloxBox scavenger hunt has begun! Those who attended the Narcan Training on October 1 got a head start, but now we are opening the hunt to the public from now until October 16. If you can locate all 6 emergency Naloxone boxes on campus, identify the words on each of them, and unscramble the message in an email to, you will receive a prize: a succulent and a journaling notebook with cute pens and decorations. Visit the Wellness Instagram to find more information about the NaloxBoxes and their locations, which are all wheelchair accessible.

Remote Lecture: ICRC and International Humanitarian Law , Thursday, Oct. 10, 1:20-2:35 p.m., Ford 240 or via Zoom

RMatt Pollard, Legal Advisor, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Geneva, Switzerland will be a guest speaker via Zoom in GOV 249 International Human Rights. All are welcome. To attend and watch with the class or for the Zoom link, contact Professor Zümray Kutlu, Supported by the Human Rights Initiative.

Remote Lecture: The International Criminal Court , Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1:20-2:35 p.m., Ford 240 or via Zoom

Remote Lecture: The International Criminal Court Tues. Nov. 5th, 1:20-2:35pm, view in Ford 240 or via Zoom Matias Hellman, Head of Outreach, International Criminal Court (ICC), The Hague/Netherlands will be a guest speaker via Zoom in GOV 249 International Human Rights. All are welcome. To attend and watch with the class or for the Zoom link, contact Professor Zümray Kutlu, Supported by the Human Rights Initiative.

Remote Lecture: The Feminist Movement in Turkey , Thursday, Dec. 5, 1:20-2:35 p.m., Ford 240 or via Zoom

Feride Eralp, feminist activist, Istanbul, Turkey will be a guest speaker via Zoom in GOV 249 International Human Rights. All are welcome. To attend and watch with the class or for the Zoom link, contact Professor Zümray Kutlu, Supported by the Human Rights Initiative.

Senior Class Meet and Greet , Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2:30 p.m., College Hall 101

Seniors, come meet your class dean. Dean Glasser invites you to College Hall 101 to meet some of the Class Deans Office staff, have some snacks, and ask any questions you might have. Did we mention we'll have snacks?

09/17/2024 Digest

Register Now for Wellness Webinar: What Is Anxiety & What Can I Do About It? , Friday, Sept. 20, 1-1:30 p.m., Virtual

Do worried thoughts shift your focus or does your body tell you that you’re troubled with an upset stomach? Even if they seem like they’re coming out of nowhere, these can be signs of anxiety. Join Smith's Learn to Live partners who will help you better understand anxiety and introduce you to evidence-based strategies to help you address anxiety symptoms and improve your well-being. Register for either session using the links below and access code SmithL2L. Friday, Sept 20 from 1:00-1:30 pm: Tuesday, Sept 24 from 4:00-1:30 pm:

Faculty Show , Through Sept. 24, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Jannotta Gallery, Hillyer

Celebrate artwork created by faculty in the Department of Art.

'Designing and Sequencing Effective Writing Assignments' - Register by Sept. 11 to Order Lunch , Wednesday, Sept. 18, 12:15-1:15 p.m., Campus Center 102

Assignment prompts constitute our writing for the courses we teach, and the way they are designed influences the quality of student essays. Effective assignment sequences move from simple to complex tasks so that students can develop foundational skills before we ask them to use more advanced skills. In this workshop we’ll discuss how to write effective assignment prompts and design effective assignment sequences tailored to your discipline and course level. Part of Jacobson Center's series on teaching with writing, led by faculty development specialist Magdalena Zapedowska. Register by 9/11 if you'd like lunch ( Email with any questions.

Make Your Mark on Smith’s Site

The homepage of Smith’s website features profiles of faculty, staff, current students, and alums—all who help to make our community so vibrant. If you’d like to be featured and spotlight what you’re passionate about, please fill out this short questionnaire:

Make Your Mark on Smith’s Site

The homepage of Smith’s website features profiles of faculty, staff, current students, and alums—all who help to make our community so vibrant. If you’d like to be featured and spotlight what you’re passionate about, please fill out this short questionnaire:

Sherrerd Center Teaching Arts Luncheon: How to Build a Successful Collaborative Writing Assignment , Friday, Sept. 20, Noon, Neilson Library 102

Sara Eddy (Jacobson Center) and Megan Lyster (Wurtele Center) will discuss how collaborative writing assignments transform the usually solitary work of writing and editing into a group endeavor, which can help prepare students for future academic and professional partnership work, as well as foster discussion, practice navigating the benefits and challenges of working productively with others, and gain a better sense of thier own strengths and weaknesses. This will be an opportunity to develop or revise a collaborative writing assignment and hear from others' experiences. Lunch available at noon; presentation begins at 12:20 pm. RSVP:

Consultations for Faculty on Writing and Teaching With Writing

Book a confidential consultation with Magdalena Zap?dowska, faculty development specialist at the Jacobson Center, on (1) any aspect of teaching with writing: assignment prompts, giving feedback on student writing, using informal writing as a tool for thinking, etc.; (2) elements of your own writing practice, e.g., productivity, healthy writing habits, organization and argument of your writing project. Feedback on drafts limited to 1 double-spaced page. Mondays 3:30-4:30 (sign up at and by appointment (email In person or on zoom.

Sign Up for SOFA NOTES - Smith Office for the Arts Monthly Newsletter!

The Smith Office for the Arts (SOFA) newsletter - SOFA Notes launched last year - and it's never too late to sign up! This new monthly email aims to connect the Smith community to the arts activities, resources, and opportunities on campus and will include information about arts events, exhibitions, workshops, calls for proposals, alumni features, faculty profiles, and more. Sign up to receive SOFA Notes monthly and if you don't already receive the weekly SmithArts events email - you can also sign up for that too! Sign up HERE:

Reporting and Resources

Students, faculty, staff, and guests are encouraged to alert the college if you experience harm of any kind. If you experience bias, discrimination or harassment on the basis of a protected class, or sexual or relationship violence, please reach out to the Interim Director of Title IX by filing at, calling the office (413-585-2141), or emailing If you feel physically unsafe, contact Campus Safety immediately at 413-585-5555. If you have experienced harm, there are resources available at

Education Abroad Fair , Tuesday, Sept. 17, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Davis Ballroom

The College's annual Education Abroad Fair will give students the opportunity to get information about education abroad opportunities from representatives from dozens of education abroad and study away programs and host institutions on the College's list of approved programs. The Fair runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Register Now: Climate Justice Symposium--Exploring Feminist Interventions and Possibilities , Friday-Saturday, Sept. 20-21, Various Campus Locations

The September 20- 21 Symposium will convene scholars, artists, students, activists, and professionals for a dynamic interdisciplinary symposium that seeks to galvanize participants, urging them to take bold action in addressing the climate crisis. Delving deeper than mere examination, we aim to explore how the intersectionality of gender and climate can foster innovative approaches to social change and transformative climate justice. Together, participants will discuss dismantling patriarchal structures that perpetuate climate apartheid, offering collective visions for climate justice. Multiple locations. Friday events start at 3 p.m. Learn more and register online:

Register Now: Tools for Equity and Inclusion--Tools for Having Challenging Conversations Across Differences , September 18 or 19

Based on requests from the Smith community, this session will focus on concrete tools for self grounding, deep listening, purposeful speaking, setting boundaries, and other strategies for staying engaged and connected when participating in challenging conversations, especially when we disagree with each other. Come share and practice with us! The in-person session will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 18 from 12:15 to 1:15 at the Alumnae House Conference Room. The Zoom session will take place on Thursday Sept. 19, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. To register, visit

Sign Up Now for Walgreens Flu Clinics , Wednesday & Thursday, Sept. 25 & 26, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

The Schacht Center is partnering with Walgreens to offer flu vaccine clinics for students and employees at the Campus Center Carroll Room (Second Floor) on Wednesday, September 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Thursday, September 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sign up here (required): Please bring your insurance information to the appointment. Email with questions.

Jandon Day of Mindfulness , Saturday, Sept. 21, 9:30 a.m., Paradise Room, Conference Center

Join the Jandon Center, Blue Cliff Monastics, and local community members to participate in sitting and walking meditation, group sharing, and a dharma talk. Light vegan lunch will be provided. Please RSVP here:

Register Now: Storytelling Workshop With Francesca Sobrer , Saturday, Sept. 21, Noon-3 p.m., Green Room, Mendenhall

A three-hour long workshop where participants will be given an overview of the elements of the personal narrative, including placing the story, developing the arc, using literary elements in storytelling and wrapping up. The workshop includes practicing performing the story as well as tips on taking the usual 5 minute narrative and expanding it to an hour long performance. Be sure to bring paper and pen, or a laptop if you prefer. To register, email

Spiritual Insight Time , Wednesday, Sept. 18, 12:15 p.m., Chapin Lawn

Come to SIT (Spiritual Insight Time) Lunch Hour with the College Chaplain Matilda Rose Cantwell and College Religious Advisors. Have conversation, ask questions, request and give others blessings and prayers, pause and connect. All are welcome, come at anytime. We'll have a short structured program at 12:15 pm and the rest of the time is open. (Matilda's small dog, Lucita [pronounced Loo-seet-uh] will attend some weeks as per her request to receive Smithie love, and to share some of her personal spiritual practices. Rain location HHH Chapel, 125 Elm St.)

Media’s Role in and Effect on Democracy--Constitution Day Panel , Tuesday, Sept. 17, 5 p.m., Alumnae House Conference Room

With 24-hour news cycles and more media outlets than ever, it’s critical to understand the media’s role in providing information to citizens—especially during an election. With an eye toward media literacy, we invite you to a panel featuring a conversation at 5 p.m., Sept. 17, at the Alumnae House Conference Room, with Smith College government professor Howard Gold and journalists Deborah Becker, host and reporter at WBUR; Elizabeth Román, managing news editor at NEPM; Lisa Williams, social audience engagement at WGBH news. Matt Abramovitz, president of NEPM, will moderate. Learn more about Smith Votes at

Mindich Fellowship Info Session , Wednesday, Sept. 18, 12:15 p.m., Jandon Center, Wright

Are you interested in education? Do you enjoy working with youth? The Mindich Fellowship offers students of all majors and class years the opportunity to intern in a classroom or education non-profit alongside an experienced mentor-educator over January interterm. Attend the info session at the Jandon Center to learn more. Mindich alums will be present at the session to share their experiences and answer questions. Pizza and salad will be provided. Contact with any questions.

Career Communities Connect & Chat at CEEDS , Tuesday, Sept. 24, 12:15 p.m., CEEDS Wright Hall

Lazarus Center for Career Development’s Heather Brinn DeLand, PhD, Career Specialist for Government, Law, Policy & International Affairs and Debra J. Immergut, Career Specialist for the Arts, Media & Communications will be available to discuss possible career paths, internship ideas, career resources, and more. Drop by with your questions! Lunch provided.

Chinese Student Association (CSA) Mid-Autumn Festival Dinner , Tuesday, Sept. 17, 6:30 p.m., Neilson Library 102

Join CSA for an authentic Chinese dinner, and learn more about one of the most important Chinese festivals - the Mid-Autumn Festival with traditional Mooncakes! No RSVP is needed, open to everyone!

Schedule Now: Financial Advising Appointments With Matt O'Brien from Voya , Wednesday, Oct. 2, Garrison Hall Conference Room

Certified financial planner Matt O'Brien from Voya Financial will be on campus for individual retirement planning and financial advising appointments. To schedule, go to this link and select the date of 10/02/2024 to view available appointments:

Geothermal Drilling , Monday-Thursday, Sept. 16-19, Upper College Lane

There will be Geothermal soil drilling along upper College Lane from Monday, September 16th through Thursday, September 19th. The drilling locations are primarily along the west edge of the street from the Conference Center up to the McCartney Hall construction site. Traffic will be minimally impacted as two cars will not likely be able to pass the rig at the same time. The street will remain open.

Kahn Liberal Arts Institute Student Information Session , Tuesday, Oct. 8, 5 p.m., Kahn Institute, 21 Henshaw Ave

Would you like to pursue your own research with scholars across campus? Then come learn about the Kahn Institute and enjoy pizza and refreshments. Hear from past Kahn Student Fellows about their experiences. Find out about next year’s research project, “Hauntings,” learn about compensation, and discover how to apply.

National Voter Registration Day , Tuesday, Sept. 17

Today is National Voter Registration Day! Register to vote, double-check your registration, create a plan to vote, or see what's on your ballot. Information and helpful links are available at Smith Votes

Media’s Role in and Effect on Democracy--Constitution Day Panel , Tuesday, Sept. 17, 5 p.m., Alumnae House Conference Room

Media’s Role in and Effect on Democracy--Constitution Day Panel Tuesday, Sept. 17, 5 p.m., Alumnae House Conference Room With 24-hour news cycles and more media outlets than ever, it’s critical to understand the media’s role in providing information to citizens—especially during an election. With an eye toward media literacy, we invite you to a panel featuring a conversation at 5 p.m., Sept. 17, at the Alumnae House Conference Room, with Smith College government professor Howard Gold and journalists Deborah Becker, host and reporter at WBUR; Elizabeth Román, managing news editor at NEPM; Lisa Williams, social audience engagement at WGBH news. Matt

09/16/2024 Digest

'How Do Microtubule Drugs Work as Medicines' , Thursday, Oct. 24, 4:15 p.m., McConnell 103

Timothy Mitchison, of Harvard Medical School, will present this talk which is part of the Fall 2024 Mary Elizabeth Dickason King M.D. Annual Lecture Series in Memory of Professor Howard Parshley. Light snacks will be served at 4:15 p.m.; talk to begin at 4:30 p.m. Visit for the full schedule.

'Of Worms and Protists: Voyages in Molecular Parasitology' , Thursday, Oct. 31, 4:15 p.m., McConnell 103

Caroline Keroack '14, of Brown University, will present this talk which is part of the Fall 2024 Mary Elizabeth Dickason King M.D. Annual Lecture Series in Memory of Professor Howard Parshley. Caroline gives this presentation to honor Smith College's own Gates Professor of Biological Sciences Steven Williams. Light snacks will be served at 4:15 p.m.; talk to begin at 4:30 p.m. Visit for the full schedule.

'Development of an Effective Hepatitis C Virus Vaccine' , Thursday, Nov. 7, 4:15 p.m., McConnell 103

Nicole Frumento '18, of Oxford University, will present this talk which is part of the Fall 2024 Mary Elizabeth Dickason King M.D. Annual Lecture Series in Memory of Professor Howard Parshley. Nicole gives this presentation to honor Smith College's own Gates Professor of Biological Sciences Steven Williams. Light snacks will be served at 4:15 p.m.; talk to begin at 4:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. Visit for the full schedule.

Career Communities Connect & Chat at CEEDS , Monday, Oct. 21, 12:15 p.m., CEEDS Wright Hall

Lazarus Center for Career Development’s Shawna McCoy, career specialist for the Education, Nonprofit, & Social Impact Career Community will be available to discuss possible career paths, internship ideas, career resources, and more. Drop by with your questions! Limited lunch provided on a first come, first served basis.

Latin American and Latino/a Studies Presentation of the Major & Minor , Thursday, Oct. 24, 4:30 p.m., Campus Center 205

Latin American and Latina/o Studies - Presentation of the Major and Minor will take place Thursday, October 24 in Campus Center 205 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Light snacks and beverages will be served. All welcome!

Star Gazing , Thursday, Nov. 14, 8:30-9:30 p.m., McConnell Hall Roof

The Astronomy Department will hold a stargazing open house on the McConnell roof, 8:30-9:30 p.m. Come see the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, stars, and star clusters. All are welcome. Please dress warmly. Event will be canceled in the event of heavy cloud cover. For further information or to check on weather conditions, contact Meg Thacher (, 413-585-3935).

Star Gazing , Friday, Dec. 6, 8:30-9:30 p.m., McConnell Hall Roof

The Astronomy Department will hold a stargazing open house on the McConnell roof, 8:30-9:30 p.m. Come see Saturn, Jupiter, galaxies, nebulae, stars, and star clusters. All are welcome. Please dress warmly. Event will be canceled in the event of heavy cloud cover. For further information or to check on weather conditions, contact Meg Thacher (, 413-585-3935).

Star Gazing , Friday, Oct. 25, 8:30-9:30 p.m., McConnell Hall Roof

The Astronomy Department will hold a stargazing open house on the McConnell roof, 8:30-9:30 p.m. Come see Saturn, Jupiter, galaxies, nebulae, stars, and star clusters. All are welcome. Please dress warmly. Event will be canceled in the event of heavy cloud cover. For further information or to check on weather conditions, contact Meg Thacher (, 413-585-3935).

Music Department Presentation of the Major and Minor , Thursday, Oct. 24, 12:15 p.m., Green Room, Sage 116

Join Music Department faculty, staff, and liaisons for the presentation of the major and minor in the Sage Green Room/Sage 116. Pizza and snacks will be provided!

09/12/2024 Digest

Nominate a Student for the Dean of the College Student Advisory Board , Deadline: September 15

The Dean of the College and Dean of Students are seeking nominations for the Dean's Student Advisory Board. All class years are welcome. The group will gather monthly for the academic year and looks forward to a robust conversation about student curricular and co-curricular experiences. The group will be hosted by Dean of the College Alex Keller and Dean of Students Julie Ohotnicky. Nominations will be accepted through September 15, 2024. Nomination form:

Nominate a Student for the Dean of the College Student Advisory Group , Deadline: Sunday, Sept. 15

The Dean of the College and Dean of Students are seeking nominations for the Dean's Student Advisory Board. All class years are welcome. The group will gather monthly for the academic year and looks forward to a robust conversation about student curricular and co-curricular experiences. The group will be hosted by Dean of the College Alex Keller and Dean of Students Julie Ohotnicky. Nominations will be accepted through September 15, 2024. Nomination form:

Second Friday , Friday, Sept. 13, 4-8 p.m., Museum of Art

Join us for an evening of fun at the September 13 Second Friday! SCMA is free and open to all. From 4–7pm, participate in Hands-on! Art making for all ages inspired by Younes Rahmoun’s site-specific work Mountain-Stone-Earth #15 (Jabal-Hajar-Turab #15) . Light refreshments will be served. From 4–8pm, enjoy a museum full of art!

Sams Fund for Middle East Study Fall Deadline - September 23

Fall proposals for Sams Fund awards are due on Monday, September 23, 2024. The Sams Fund is a restricted fund established by Betty Hamady Sams '57 and James F. Sams to support the study of Arab history, culture, politics, religion and art. The intent of the Sams Fund is to foster greater understanding among Americans and people of Arab countries. Smith College faculty, lecturers, postdoctoral fellows and currently enrolled students are eligible to apply. Details about supported activities and the application process can be found on the Middle East Studies web page:, or email

Theatre Department Open House , Thursday, Sept. 12, 4:30 p.m., Green Room, Mendenhall

Did someone say Scavenger Hunt? Arrive at the Mendenhall Center for Performing Arts with your curiosity and competitive edge, and be ready to explore the Smith Costume Shop, Light Lab, Scene Shop, and more. You'll learn what's happening in Smith Theatre in 2024-2025, and connect with the people at the heart of this performing arts department. There will be a closing "show," handouts, and swag for attendees. We would love to welcome you to Smith Theatre.

Demystifying Money: Foundations , Friday, Sept. 13, 12:15 p.m., Conway Center, 103 Neilson

The six-session Demystifying Money: Foundations workshop series begins on Friday, September 13 with a focus on knowing one's money. Every journey, even a financial journey, needs a starting point. This workshop will focus on some common places to begin, addressing how to formulate a realistic budget and how to take stock of current financial situations. All are welcome, regardless of how much thought has been given to one's financial future. *Lunch provided; RSVP required by visiting

‘The Role of Social Media in Learning About Science and Religion’ , Monday, Sept. 16, 5 p.m., Neilson Library 102

The Fall 2024 Neilson Professor Eszter Hargittai ’96 will discuss how social media have become an important information source for people on a myriad of topics including the sometimes-contentious domains of science and religion. Hargittai is a Professor and holds the Chair of Internet Use & Society at the University of Zurich. Followed by a reception in the Skyline Reading Room hosted by the provost, 6:15-7:45. Learn more:

ODS Name Change to ARC (Accessibility Resource Center)

The Smith College Accessibility Resource Center (ARC), formerly The Office of Disability Services (ODS), has changed its name based on feedback collected in strategic planning focus groups with students, faculty, and staff across the college. The center maintains a strong focus on Disability Justice, while also acknowledging that some people with access needs do not identify as disabled. This change has become increasingly important as the office has grown rapidly across time (from serving 9% of students in 2008 to 39% in 2023).

ODS Name Change to ARC (Accessibility Resource Center)

The Smith College Accessibility Resource Center (ARC), formerly The Office of Disability Services (ODS), has changed its name based on feedback collected in strategic planning focus groups with students, faculty, and staff across the college. The center maintains a strong focus on Disability Justice, while also acknowledging that some people with access needs do not identify as disabled. This change has become increasingly important as the office has grown rapidly across time (from serving 9% of students in 2008 to 39% in 2023).

Jandon Opportunity Fair , Monday, Sept. 16, 3 p.m., Chapin Lawn

Come visit Jandon's amazing local community partners to learn about advocacy, volunteering, internships, fellowships, and more. Learn how to get involved with Refugee Support, K-12 Tutoring/Mentoring, Food/Housing Security, Pre-Med Experience, Curricular Connections, or anything else you are passionate about! We hope to see you out on Chapin Lawn, or in the CC Carroll Room if weather requires.

Stop, Look, and Listen

Use caution crossing busy streets, such as West and Elm/Route 9. Always use crosswalks and obey traffic signs and signals. Although pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks with no traffic light, be sure drivers see you and stop before crossing. Where there is a traffic light, wait for the “Walk” sign before crossing. If talking or texting while walking, be attentive to your surroundings. Never cross without looking both ways, and don’t assume a driver sees you. Use care during bad weather, dusk, dawn, or when solar glare may impair a driver’s ability to see you.

Enroll in Arabic Classes

The Arabic Language Program in the Middle East Studies is offering two first year Arabic classes this semester; in addition to the second- and third-year Arabic classes. Students will be introduced to a variety of Middle Eastern traditions and cultures; they will learn formal and colloquial spoken Arabic too. Arabic is the fifth most widely spoken language. The Middle East Studies Program offers grants and scholarships to study Arabic abroad in Jordan, Morocco, or Oman. The Arabic program at Smith involves students in activities like, Arabic music concert, projects with IT, Design Thinking, Smith Museum, and Botanical Garden.

Subscribe to SWGS Newsletter

Stay connected with the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Program at Smith by subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletter! Learn about featured topics, news from our faculty and students, upcoming campus events, and other exciting information. Connect with the program on social media and with fellow students and faculty members. Sign up at

Register for Project on Women and Social Change Info Session , Tuesday, Sept. 17, 12:15-1:15 p.m., Virtual Event

The Project on Women and Social Change, in collaboration with the Jandon Center, is pleased to announce a funding opportunity for tenure-track faculty, lecturers, teaching staff and post-doctoral fellows. We are considering proposals to fund a symposium related to gender and women’s lives hosted during 2025 or beyond. Collaborative proposals are encouraged. One award of up to $40K will be granted. To register for this Zoom info session, visit Please contact with questions, or to receive a copy of our application link. Applications will be accepted from October 1 to October 18, 2024.

Mindful Mondays , Monday, Sept. 9, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center 205

If you are looking for a place to make connections and practice self-awareness, come check out our drop-in Mindful Mondays program, every Monday in-person in Campus Center Room 205, 12:15-1pm. We serve a hot, simple vegetarian meal, and practice mindfulness with light meditation, embodiment practice, and discussion. Absolutely zero experience is necessary and all students are welcome. Email with questions.

TODAY: Schacht Center Open House , Thursday, Sept. 12, 4-5:30 p.m., Schacht Center for Health, Schacht

Come learn the ins and outs of the Schacht Center along with all the services they provide! Engage with Schacht Center staff and Community Health Organizers (CHOs) in a fun scavenger hunt to find where the ice cream sundaes are at the end (vegan options available)! The building is accessible.

Date Change: Economics Department Fall Seminar Series--Nidhiya Menon , Friday, Sept. 20, 12:15-1:15 p.m., Seelye 201

Economics Department presents Nidhiya Menon, Associate Professor of Economics at Brandeis University. Professor Menon will be discussing "Climate Shocks, Domestic Violence, and the Protective Role of Climate-Resilience Projects."

Chapin Drive Closure – Starting 9/9/24

Due to utility work in Chapin drive related to both McCartney Hall and the Central Campus Geothermal Project, Chapin Drive will be closed to pedestrian traffic beginning on Monday, September 9th and not reopen until October 4th. Those traveling between the Quad and Central Campus will need to detour at the College Lane crossing out to either the Elm Street sidewalk or head down College Lane and access Central Campus via Burton Lawn.

Catholic Mass , Sunday, Sept. 15, 3 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

The Newman Catholic Club and Fr. Valentine Nworah invite you to celebrate Mass and welcome First Year Students to Smith. Stay for fellowship. light refreshments, and meet members of Smith's growing Catholic Community. All are welcome!

Global FLEX Arizona Information Session , Thursday, Sept. 12, 12:15 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

Learn about American Indian tribes and their relationship to nature in Tucson, Arizona. The program will bring into focus the lives of American Indians and the environment at different scales by visiting communities and exploring the political, cultural, economic, and social activities from American Indian perspectives. Field trips will visit Indian tribes and other communities in the region while seminars will take place with academics at the School of Anthropology at the University of Arizona. This Global FLEX program will take place during Interterm 2025.

Register Now: Skill-Building for Arts, Media & Communications Careers--Cohort Lunch , Thursday, Sept. 12, 1:15 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

The Arts, Media, & Communications Career Community at Lazarus Center invites students to our fall kick-off cohort lunch. Build community with peers, learn about skills needed to thrive in creative careers, and try some no-stress networking. Every month, our AMC lunches provide curated resources and ongoing support for navigating your path and pursuing your passions. We'll cover a range of topics--from building a creative network to job-hunting to virtual chats with arts and media professionals. All majors and undeclared students welcome. To register:

OPT Information Session , Monday, Sept. 16, 4:30 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

This information session is an opportunity for international students who use an F-1 visa to attend Smith to learn about post-graduation work authorization available through the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program. Students preparing to graduate who wish to apply for OPT will be required to attend an OPT session prior to applying.

Celebration of Life Service for Steve Campbell , Saturday, Sept. 14, 1 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

The Smith community members are welcome to join family, friends and events management office staff for a Celebration of Life service in honor of Steve Campbell at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14, in the Helen Hills Hills Chapel. Following the service, all attendees are invited to gather outside in front of the chapel where members of the Holyoke Caledonian Pipe Band will lead everyone down College Lane to the Conference Center for a reception. All are welcome to join and share stories and memories of Steve. A live stream of the service will be available at To read Steve Campbell's obituary, visit

'Media’s Role in and Effect on Democracy'--Constitution Day Panel , Tuesday, Sept. 17, 5 p.m., Alumnae House Conference Room

With 24-hour news cycles and more media outlets than ever, it’s critical to understand the media’s role in providing information to citizens—especially during an election. With an eye toward media literacy, we invite you to a panel featuring a conversation at 5 p.m., Sept. 17, at the Alumnae House Conference Room, with Smith College government professor Howard Gold and journalists Deborah Becker, host and reporter at WBUR; Elizabeth Román, managing news editor at NEPM; Lisa Williams, social audience engagement at WGBH news. Matt Abramovitz, president of NEPM, will moderate. Learn more about Smith Votes at

President's Open Office Hour , Monday, Sept. 16, 4:15-5:15 p.m., College Hall 203

President Sarah Willie-LeBreton will have an open office hour on Monday Sept. 16th between 4:15 and 5:15pm in her office at 203 College Hall. The door is open to all students and employees to drop in and share with her what is on your mind.

Save the Date: President's Open Office Hour , Monday, Sept. 16, 4:15-5:15 p.m., College Hall 203

President Sarah Willie-LeBreton will have an open office hour on Monday Sept. 16th between 4:15 and 5:15pm in her office at 203 College Hall. The door is open to all students and employees to drop in and share with her what is on your mind.

Introduction to Laser Cutting , Thursday, Sept. 12, 4 p.m., Capen Annex

Drop in to DTI for a tutorial on our Glowforge laser cutter to design your own earrings, keychains, etc! Space is limited, so please RSVP on the Smith Social Network. Sign up by visiting

Meet-the-Faculty Concert , Sunday, Sept. 15, 3 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall, Sage

Music Department faculty members will give a short concert followed by a Q & A about studying music at Smith. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear and meet some of the new faculty members and learn about the array of courses and ensembles offered through the Music Department. The program includes works by Frédéric Chopin, Manuel de Falla, Reinhold Glière, and Henry Purcell. Free and open to the public.

Crochet at DTI , Monday, Sept. 16, 7 p.m., Capen Annex

Join us most Mondays this fall semester to crochet at DTI (Design Thinking Initiative). No experience required. Come learn how to crochet a granny square or a basic heart with our SDPs Ariel and Annie. Bring your own crochet hooks or yarn if you have any. Space is limited. RSVP on the Smith Social Network.

Music Monday 1: Waltz Kaleidoscope With Yang Liu, Piano , Monday, Sept. 16, 1 p.m., Sweeney Concert Hall, Sage

The Department of Music presents Music Mondays, free half-hour midday concerts, beginning on September 16. Pianist Yang Liu presents virtuosic transcriptions of celebrated waltzes by Johann Strauss Jr., featuring familiar tunes from The Blue Danube, Frühlingsstimmen, and Die Fledermaus. Also on the program are lesser-known waltzes by Franz Liszt, Florence Price, and Ottorino Respighi.

Star Gazing , Friday, Sept. 13, 8:30-9:30 p.m., McConnell Hall Roof

The Astronomy Department will hold an open house Friday, September 13, 8:30-9:30 p.m., on the roof of McConnell Hall. Come see the Moon, Saturn, and star clusters. All are welcome - please dress warmly. For further information or to check on weather conditions, contact Meg Thacher (, 413-585-3935).

Register: D200 01/02 Information Session , Friday, Sept. 13, 4 p.m., Dance House, 47 Belmont Avenue

Register for D200 01/02! You will be on the crew of a production by the Smith College Department of Dance, where you will learn valuable production skills. No experience required. Come to the info session in the Dance House at 47 Belmont Ave to learn more! Snacks will be provided.

New ITS Satisfaction Survey

Starting the week of September 9, a new one-question survey will be sent to some Smith community members when their ITS support request is complete. The goal of the survey is to begin gathering data on how well ITS is doing and feedback on how we might improve. Thank you in advance for your participation. If you have any questions, please email

Save the Date: Fridays With Floyd , Friday, Sept. 13, 12:15 p.m., Campus Center Main Level Table

Floyd Cheung, vice president for equity and inclusion, will be holding open hours from 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. on Fridays, September 13, October 4, November 8, and December 6. Feel free to stop by to say hello or to let him know what's on your mind.

Jummah Prayer , Friday, Sept. 13, 12:30 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

The CRSL invites students to Jummah at the Hampshire Mosque in Hadley. The group will meet in front of the Helen Hills Hills Chapel at 12:25 pm. The van will leave campus by 12:30 pm and return to campus no later than 2:30 pm. Remember to bring a prayer rug and complete your ablution beforehand. There are extra prayer rugs in the Blue Room in the Chapel, if you need to borrow one! Sponsored by the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. To RSVP, email

Updated: Shabbat , Friday, Sept. 13, 5:30 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel

This week's Shabbat will meet in Bodman Lounge at the Helen Hills Hills Chapel. and will begin with services followed by a vegetarian dinner. Meet new students and Rabbi Bruce; and engage with returning students. Please email for additional information or to be added to the email list.

This Week's Outdoor Adventure Program Trips , Thursday, Sept. 12, 4:30 p.m., Boathouse Lawn

Weekly Bike Trips occur 4:30-6 PM every Tuesday. No registration or gear necessary, trips meet at the pond Boathouse. The Outdoor Adventure Program is hosting an outdoor rock climbing trip this Saturday (9/14). Water levels have been low in the pond, but boathouse open hours are beginning again this Friday from 3-6PM and Saturday/Sunday from 1-4PM. Registration for the Outdoor Adventure Program's fall break backpacking trip is now live. Smith's climbing wall has open hours, no experience or gear necessary. All trip registration can be found on the Athletics website.

Jung Lecture: 'Re-Visioning the American Psyche' Panel Discussion , Friday, Sept. 13, 7 p.m., Virtual Event

Given current political polarization and raging culture wars across the United States, the task of interrogating conscious and unconscious aspects of the national psyche has become ever more pressing. The newly released book of collected essays, Re-Visioning the American Psyche: Jungian, Archetypal, and Mythological Reflections, seeks to respond to this dire need. Pnel discussion with Ipek Burnett, Edward Tick, Dennis Slattery, Glen Slater. CO-SPONSORED BY THE SMITH COLLEGE PSYCHOLOGY DEPT -REGISTER at

Parking Opt Out Deadline , September 15

As a reminder, registration for the opt-out parking program closes on September 15, 2024 for the fall semester. Please note that anyone designated as working as a hybrid or remote employee is ineligible to participate in the program. Reimbursement for participation is based on a one mile radius scale originating at the center of campus. Learn more and register for the program by visiting

09/10/2024 Digest

Register Now for Wellness Webinar: Time Management - Capturing our Time Thieves , Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1-1:30 p.m., Virtual

Balancing work and family commitments while squeezing in time to see friends and set aside time for ourselves can feel like a juggling act! Fortunately we can accomplish our goals with just a few adjustments to our approach. Join Smith's Learn to Live partners on Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 1-1:30 pm ET to uncover how we get off track and learn practical tools for achieving goals even when it feels like there's not enough time. Register via the link below using code SmithL2L.

Auditions: Duct Tape Productions’ 'Something Rotten!' , September 10-September 11, 7 p.m., Sage Hall 15

Directed by Audrey Willius ‘25 and Minna Most ‘27. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, September 10 & Wednesday, September 11 in Sage Hall room 15. Please prepare a verse and chorus of a song, to be sung acapella. Sides from the script will be provided at the audition. Callbacks will be held on September 14 and 15. Performances will be November 21, 22 and 23. Reach out to with any questions.

Exhibition: 'Engravings of Venetian "sotoporteghi" and church interiors and drawings of wisteria made during pandemic isolation' , September 9 -January 10, M-F 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Alumnae House Gallery, 33 Elm St.

Covid-19’s terrifying arrival in Italy coincided with the emergence of Spring. Locked-down at home, I drew my garden plants and the views from my terrace. With my obsession with wisteria, I continue to learn—though drawing—about its astonishing complexity and strength: bare vines, budding, blossoming, purple racemes reaching over a meter in length, petals falling, leafing-out, seed pods forming, and summer’s shadow-y green cave. I capture birdsong, bells, cries of boatmen, and the splash of traffic on the water. I inscribe dates and write notes about deaths and wars. Gallery Hours: M-F 9am-4pm. Meet the Artist Reception: October 23, 9-11 am

Reception: Confluence by Amanda Maciuba , Friday, Sept. 13, 5:30 p.m., Oresman Gallery, Hillyer

Celebrate the opening of Confluence, Amanda Maciuba's latest exhibition, on Friday, September 13 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. in the Oresman Gallery. This work is an exploration of the visible and invisible marks of human hands on the landscape. Her practice investigates human relationships with the environment over time, forefronting the impacts of human driven climate change. Confluence is a series of prints, artist’s books and installations that are inspired by the confluence of the Kaw and Missouri Rivers in Kansas City, Kansas, that has expanded to consider multiple points how water shapes human life and how our actions

Hillyer Art Library Study Carrel Lottery , Enter by Thursday, Sept. 12

Need a dedicated place to study and store your books? Hillyer Art Library is holding a study carrel lottery! You and a friend could get the chance to share your own study carrel, which you can decorate, personalize, and use to store books and other items for the entire semester. Learn more about the carrel policy at Lottery prioritization will go: 1) thesis students 2) non-thesis seniors 3) all other students. Enter by September 12th at Winners will be announced shortly thereafter.

Get Election Ready!

Students, staff and faculty can register with Turbovote, to help you vote, no matter what. Turbovote provides you with the information you need to vote with confidence. Sign up for local, state and national election reminders, get help with voter registration, absentee ballots and voting by mail — all in one place!

TODAY: HR's Second Tuesday of the Month Summer Lawn Series , Tuesday, Sept. 10, 1:30-3 p.m., Garrison Hall, 42 West St.

Set aside time to appreciate the summer weather, enjoy rice crispy treats & lemonade, and catch up on Smith news while relaxing with friends and colleagues at Garrison Hall, 42 West Street. (Human Resources will host our final Second Tuesday of the Month Summer Lawn Series on Tuesday, Oct. 8.) We look forward to seeing you.

Connecting With the Conway Center , Wednesday, Sept. 11, 5 p.m., Conway Center, 103 Neilson

Great things are happening at the Conway Center this year. Conway student interns, club leaders, Money Mentors, and staff -- including two new entrepreneurs-in-residence -- will be on hand to answer your questions. Feel free to stop by during this fun & food-filled hour to enjoy some good music and pick up helpful information.

Sherrerd Center Teaching Arts Luncheon: Teaching and Learning With the Sherrerd Director and Mentors , Friday, Sept. 13, Noon, Neilson Library 102

To kick off the fall, Caroline Melly (ANT) will welcome all back to campus for Sherrerd events and along with the Sherrerd Center's Teaching Mentors, Elizabeth Pryor (HST) and Kate Queeney (CHM), will discuss aspirations for the upcoming year, and teaching and learning as we move into the Fall. Lunch available at noon; presentation begins at 12:20 pm. RSVP:

Subscribe to 'Meridians' Monthly Newsletter

Stay connected with "Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism" by subscribing to our monthly newsletter! Get the latest on forthcoming issues, featured content, news from our Editor and community members, upcoming campus events, and other exciting outreach initiatives the journal is leading. Don’t miss out on updates and opportunities to engage with the vital work we're doing. Sign up today at

Redesigned Discover Advanced Interface on Libraries Website

Smith College Libraries recently migrated to the most updated version of the EBSCO discovery service (EDS), the main search engine on the home page. This search interface, based on the latest programming, provides several changes and new features for a better and more effective search experience. For more information, go to

Redesigned Discover Advanced Interface on Libraries Website

Smith College Libraries recently migrated to the most updated version of the EBSCO discovery service (EDS), the main search engine on the home page. This search interface, based on the latest programming, provides several changes and new features for a better and more effective search experience. For more information, go to

Auditions: 'The Accidental Death of an Anarchist' by Dario Fo , Wednesday-Thursday, Sept. 11-12, 7-9 p.m., Acting Studio 1, Mendenhall CPA

Student Theatre Committee is holding auditions for our fall production, 'The Accidental Death of an Anarchist' by Dario Fo, directed by Alina Tschumakow ‘26. Following the defenestration of a railway worker from a police officer's window, a figure known as the Maniac breaks into the station to prove his death was not, in fact, an accident. Auditions will be held September 11th & 12th, 7-9 pm, in Acting Studio 1, Mendenhall Center. Sides will be provided. Callbacks will be held September 13th, 4-6 pm. Contact,, or @smithstc on Instagram for more info.

TODAY: Presidential Debate Viewing Event Hosted by Government Department , Tuesday, Sept. 10, 8:30 p.m., Neilson 102, Klingenstein Browsing Room

Join the faculty of the Department of Government for a presidential debate viewing party in the Neilson Library Klingenstein Browsing Room. Light refreshments will be served.

Consider Taking a Language Course! There Is Still Time to Sign Up!

Smith College offers a variety of languages with a focus on relevant cultural, historical, and global issues: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. To learn more about the languages at Smith, visit this page: Studying languages will enhance your understanding of the world, give you a deeper insight into your culture, and enrich your engagement with your specific field of study, whether in STEM, social sciences, or humanities.

Advanced Russian Language and Area Studies Program with American Councils: Information Session , Tuesday, Sept. 10, 12:15 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

Get started on your education abroad journey to Almaty, Kazakhstan! Immerse yourself in Russian language and Central Asian culture, meet locals, and travel on guided visits throughout the country. In this info session, you will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Chinese Language Programs with American Councils: Information Session , Tuesday, Sept. 10, 4 p.m., Lewis Global Studies Center, Wright

Get started on your education abroad journey to Taiwan! Immerse yourself in Mandarin language and Chinese culture, meet locals, and travel on guided visits throughout the country. In this info session, you will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Learning to Meditate , Wednesday, Sept. 11, 7 p.m., Bodman Lounge, Chapel

Practices from Tibetan Buddhist Tradition, hosted by Smith College Community Spiritual Partner Geshe Ngawang Singey. These twice monthly interactive sessions will include instruction on and practice of breathing meditation, concentration meditation, blessing meditation, and tong-len (exchange of self and other), concluding Q&A with light refreshments. Geshe Singey received his novice and ordination vows directly from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. All are welcome!

Film Screening: Everything Everywhere All at Once , Friday, Oct. 18, 7 p.m., Seelye 201

Film screening in conjunction with the public lecture by Eileen Chengyin Chow (Asian & Middle East Studies, Duke University) on “Families/Fictions/Dispersal – The Chinese Family Romance, from Story of the Stone to Everything Everywhere All at Once“ (Thursday, October 24, 4:30 pm, Klingenstein Browsing Room, Neilson Library). Sponsored by the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, and co-sponsored by Film & Media Studies, the Program in World Literatures, and the Five College Center for East Asian Studies.

MFA Thesis & Grad Event Audition , Wednesday, Sept. 11, 7 p.m., Scott Gym Dance Studio

MFA candidates Sarah Young, Dimitri Kalaitzidis, Hannah Littman, Chavi Bansal, Gabby Carmichael, Caitlin Canty, Niki Farahani, and Yun Lee will hold open auditions for anyone interested in performing in the Fall Grad Event (December 10) or the MFA Concert (February 6-8). All are welcome to audition.

Celebrate Excellent Teaching at Smith , Thursday, Oct. 24, 4:30 p.m., Campus Center Carroll Room

Students, faculty and staff are invited to celebrate the awarding of this year's Sherrerd Prizes for Distinguished Teaching at a ceremony and reception on Thursday, Oct. 24, at 4:30 p.m. in the Campus Center Carroll Room. Former students and colleagues will introduce this year's award recipients: Jennifer Beichman, lecturer in mathematical sciences, Alicia Grubb, assistant professor of computer science, and Jina Kim, assistant professor of English language and literature and the study of women and gender. A reception will follow in the atrium.

09/05/2024 Digest

Opening Reception for Exhibition 'Younes Rahmoun: Here, Now' , Friday, Sept. 6, 6-8 p.m., Museum of Art

Join us on September 6 from 6 to 8 p.m. for a reception to celebrate the opening of "Younes Rahmoun: Here, Now." This is the first North American exhibition devoted to the work of Younes Rahmoun, one of Morocco’s leading contemporary artists.The exhibition galleries are located on the first floor and lower level. Complimentary light refreshments and cash bar in the atrium. This event is free and open to the public. Please note: During the opening, the first floor (including museum shop) and lower level will be open; the second and third floor will be closed to visitors. For more information, visit

'Confluence' by Amanda Maciuba , On View Through October 17, Oresman Gallery, Hillyer

Amanda Maciuba’s work is an exploration of the visible and invisible marks of human hands on the landscape. Her practice investigates human relationships with the environment over time, forefronting the impacts of human driven climate change. Confluence is a series of prints, artist’s books and installations that are inspired by the confluence of the Kaw and Missouri Rivers in Kansas City, Kansas, that has expanded to consider multiple points how water shapes human life and how our actions impact river environments in return throughout the United States. Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM in the Oresman Gallery

Five College New Music Festival 2024 - 'In a New Light' , Sept. 6-8, Bezanson Recital Hall, UMass Amherst

Hosted in Bezanson Recital Hall, University of Massachusetts Amherst, the festival weekend will feature five programs of new and recent compositions by nineteen composers. The diversity of the music and creators represents a range of contemporary music being created in our region, the U.S., and around the world. Thirty-eight performers from the Five Colleges will bring this music to life. Please visit for information on the programs, composers, and performers.

Today: Kahn Institute Fall Porch Party! , Thursday, Sept. 5, 4 p.m., Kahn Institute, 21 Henshaw Ave

Meet new colleagues and reconnect with old friends at the fall Kahn Porch Party, open to faculty and staff. New faculty are particularly encouraged to attend.

Register Now: Write-on-Sites , Friday, Sept. 20, 1 p.m., Mary Maples Dunn Conference Room, Pierce

Have writing to get done but finding it hard to get started? Find that your writing is easier when done with good colleagues? Earmark your calendar, grab your laptop, and come to this write-on-site opportunity! These sessions, which are being held on September 20, October 25, and December 13, will support you in making progress and increasing productivity. Refreshments will be provided. Feel welcome to join anytime. Part of the Fall 2024 Faculty Development Series ( Register in advance (

Sign Up Now: 'Turn Up the Languages' Festival , September 30-October 7

Sign-up now to be a participant or participant-trainer for the “Turn Up the Languages Festival.” Whether you are staff, faculty, or student, join the campus-wide, multilingual conversation! For seven days, you can participate, whether you are multilingual or not, by wearing a badge that tells others which language you can speak or which you can understand—a little, a lot, it doesn’t matter! Festival activities across the campus will provide opportunities to celebrate as we speak and learn. Sign-up today:

Register for Designing Your Path - 1 credit, s/u , Monday, Sept. 9

Designing Your Path is for you if you'd like to clarify goals for your time at Smith and beyond. You’ll reflect on the problems in the world that are most meaningful to you, and investigate classes, internships, and jobs that will allow you to engage with these problems. You will also learn job-search skills, such as resume writing and networking, as well as how to use LinkedIn and Handshake. Register for one of these sections: Mondays from 3:05 - 4:20 / Tuesdays from 2:45 - 4:00 / Thursdays from 2:45 - 4:00. For more information, visit

Theatre 200 - Get Credit to Work on a Theatre Department Production , Monday, Sept. 9, 4:30 p.m., Hallie Flanagan Studio, Mendenhall

Learn to sew costumes, hang lights, run the sound board, make props, and use hand tools. T200 is a one-credit class for set crew, costume crew, shop crew, box office, electricians, board ops, stage crew and any other theatre-related job you can think of. The class is open to all students--no prior experience is necessary--and you don’t need to major or minor in theatre. T200 is a great way to get involved in the Department and meet other students who love to put on shows. Make Theatre your creative home at Smith! Email for more information.

Auditions: 'Marie Antoinette' by David Adjmi, Directed by Monica Lopez Orozco, Co-directed by Max Lerin , Sunday & Monday, Sept. 8 & 9, 7-9 p.m., Acting Studio 1, Mendenhall CPA

We are casting for the ESSENCE of each character and strongly encourage folks from every background and ability to audition. Our Marie is a woman who a modern audience can relate to and may not accurately or visually align with Marie Antoinette as you know her. Sunday, September 8 and Monday, September 9, 7:00-9:00 PM Acting Studio 1, Mendenhall CPA Callbacks on Tuesday, September 10. Performances are October 23-26. No appointment necessary. Sides from the script will be available at the audition for cold reads. No preparation necessary. Perusal scripts available at Josten Library. Character breakdown at Email with questions.

2025 Spring Bulb Show Art Installation Info Session , Tuesday, Sept. 10, 12:15-1 p.m., Lyman Plant House

Interested in submitting a proposal for this year's bulb show art installation? Join us at Lyman Plant House in Room 111 on Tuesday, September 10 from 12:15 - 1 pm for an info session lunch with Greenhouse Horticulturist Lily Carone and contemporary artist Younes Rahmoun. Rahmoun will introduce his work and discuss his process for developing site specific installations, and Carone will be available to answer questions about this year's project. Space limited to 20 people. Please RSVP: For more information about this year's project, visit To learn more about contemporary artist Younes Rahmoun, visit

Welcome Back Event for the Theatre Community! , Friday, Sept. 6, 4-6 p.m., Green Room, Mendenhall

Stop by in Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts, September 6th from 4:00-6:00pm to welcome new students into the theatre community and welcome back returning ones! All are welcome and food will be provided as well as activities such as: Mural painting! Photo opportunities! Sardines and theatre games around the building! Join us in the green room to get involved with supporting each other on campus through theatre. See you there!

Driver Responsibility at Crosswalks

Use caution while driving on busy streets, like West and Elm/Route 9. Always stop for pedestrians in or entering crosswalks and obey signs and speed limits. Pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks. Ensure pedestrians have finished crossing before entering an intersection. Do not text while driving. Be attentive to cars and vulnerable road users. Never proceed through a crosswalk without looking both ways to make sure there’s no pedestrian, and don’t assume a pedestrian sees you. Use care during bad weather, dusk, dawn, and with solar and light glare. For more on Campus Safety, visit

Artist Walk With Younes Rahmoun at the MacLeish Field Station , Saturday, Sept. 7, 1:15 p.m., MacLeish Field Station

Join multidisciplinary Moroccan artist Younes Rahmoun for a walk to experience his new site-specific sculpture, Ghorfa #13, which is being hosted by Arts Afield and the Smith College Museum of Art at MacLeish as part of the larger exhibition, Here, Now. Rahmoun is a leading figure in contemporary art internationally. We will also be joined by exhibition organizer Emma Chubb, Charlotte Feng Ford '83 Curator of Contemporary Art, SCMA. For Smith students only. Interested? Get more details and fill out the form here (; we will confirm your spot via email.

Mental Health 101 , Monday, Sept. 9, 4:30 p.m., Schacht Center for Health, Schacht

Join the Community Health Organizers (CHOs) in a workshop to learn more about self-care and coping mechanisms for stressful and difficult times. Craft as you learn, making beaded bracelets and paper stars!

Free and Confidential Student Support

TELUS Health is available to students as a free and confidential mental health support service for urgent and non-urgent matters 24/7. No insurance is needed, and it is available worldwide. Chat or schedule video appointments through the app or by calling (413) 585-2800. Search TELUS Health Student Support in the Google Play or Apple App Stores, and select ‘Install’ / ‘Get’ or through the website at

Blue Light Emergency Phones

Campus Safety provides 24-hour emergency telephones strategically placed in more than 70 locations, including near residential houses, parking lots, Lamont Bridge, Smith College tennis court area, Athletic Facilities parking lots, and all levels of the Parking Garage. Each emergency phone is a metal box with a luminescent blue light on top, clearly visible day and night. Press the red button to talk directly to Campus Safety Dispatch. Please note that these phones ensure an immediate response in the event of a dangerous situation but are NOT to be used in non-emergency situations.

Blue Light Emergency Phones

Campus Safety provides 24-hour emergency telephones strategically placed in more than 70 locations, including near residential houses, parking lots, Lamont Bridge, Smith College tennis court area, Athletic Facilities parking lots, and all levels of the Parking Garage. Each emergency phone is a metal box with a luminescent blue light on top, clearly visible day and night. Press the red button to talk directly to Campus Safety Dispatch. Please note that these phones ensure an immediate response in the event of a dangerous situation but are NOT to be used in non-emergency situations.

Shabbat , Friday, Sept. 6, 5:30 p.m., Kosher Kitchen, Adjacent to Jordan House

Shabbat meets Friday evenings in the Kosher Kitchen, adjacent to Jordan House, with services followed by dinner. Meet new students and Rabbi Bruce. Please email for additional information or to be added to our email list.

09/04/2024 Digest

Are You Worried About a Student?

Are you concerned about a student? Please let us know. Faculty, staff, students, and community members may use this referral form to file a report online: If there is an immediate risk to life or property, contact campus safety at (413) 585-5555 or extension 5555. The Dean of Students or a member of the Dean of the College's team reviews referrals during normal business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., so they may not be immediately reviewed.

09/03/2024 Digest

Register Now for Workday Help Fall Classes , Virtual Event

New Workday training sessions for budgets, invoices, expense reports, punchouts, and requisitions have been added for September, October and November. Whether you are new to Smith or need a refresher on any of the topics above, this is an opportunity to get your questions answered. Visit the article in Workday titled Training and Help Sessions (link below) for more information, to see available dates and times, and to sign up.

Enroll in Arabic Classes

The Arabic Language Program in the Middle East Studies is offering two first year Arabic classes this semester; in addition to the second- and third-year Arabic classes. Students will be introduced to a variety of Middle Eastern traditions and cultures; they will learn formal and colloquial spoken Arabic too. Arabic is the fifth most widely spoken language. The Middle East Studies Program offers grants and scholarships to study Arabic abroad in Jordan, Morocco, or Oman. The Arabic program at Smith involves students in activities like, Arabic music concert, projects with IT, Design Thinking, Smith Museum, and Botanical Garden.

Election-Related Courses

As we approach the upcoming November 5th presidential election, it is more important than ever to understand the U.S. political landscape and the issues relevant to the election. This fall, Smith faculty are offering several academic courses that will provide insights into the policy issues, the election process, and the importance of civic engagement. To that end, Smith Votes is sharing a list of courses designed to expand your understanding of these critical issues and provide insights on our democratic process. Please visit Smith Votes for the list here:

Driver Responsibility at Crosswalks

Use caution while driving on busy streets, like West and Elm/Route 9. Always stop for pedestrians in or entering crosswalks and obey signs and speed limits. Pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks. Ensure pedestrians have finished crossing before entering an intersection. Do not text while driving. Be attentive to cars and vulnerable road users. Never proceed through a crosswalk without looking both ways to make sure there’s no pedestrian, and don’t assume a pedestrian sees you. Use care during bad weather, dusk, dawn, and with solar and light glare. For more on Campus Safety, visit

Driver Responsibility at Crosswalks , Not Listed

Use caution while driving on busy streets, like West and Elm/Route 9. Always stop for pedestrians in or entering crosswalks and obey signs and speed limits. Pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks. Ensure pedestrians have finished crossing before entering an intersection. Do not text while driving. Be attentive to cars and vulnerable road users. Never proceed through a crosswalk without looking both ways to make sure there’s no pedestrian, and don’t assume a pedestrian sees you. Use care during bad weather, dusk, dawn, and with solar and light glare. For more on Campus Safety, visit

Stop, Look, and Listen

Use caution crossing busy streets, such as West and Elm/Route 9. Always use crosswalks and obey traffic signs and signals. Although pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks with no traffic light, be sure drivers see you and stop before crossing. Where there is a traffic light, wait for the “Walk” sign before crossing. If talking or texting while walking, be attentive to your surroundings. Never cross without looking both ways, and don’t assume a driver sees you. Use care during bad weather, dusk, dawn, or when solar glare may impair a driver’s ability to see you.

Stop, Look, and Listen

Use caution crossing busy streets, such as West and Elm/Route 9. Always use crosswalks and obey traffic signs and signals. Although pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks with no traffic light, be sure drivers see you and stop before crossing. Where there is a traffic light, wait for the “Walk” sign before crossing. If talking or texting while walking, be attentive to your surroundings. Never cross without looking both ways, and don’t assume a driver sees you. Use care during bad weather, dusk, dawn, or when solar glare may impair a driver’s ability to see you.

08/29/2024 Digest

Smith College Community Job Board

Local community members seek Smith College students for short-term jobs, gigs or projects, including: tutoring, child care, pet care, gardening, household assistance, photography, social media, etc. View ongoing list of opportunities at or access link via Handshake (right tag) Career Center (right tag) Resources. Positions are submitted daily, so check back often! Questions? email

Sign Up Now: 'Turn Up the Languages' Festival , September 30-October 7

Sign up now to be a participant or participant-trainer for the “Turn Up the Languages Festival.” Whether you are staff, faculty, or student, join the campus-wide, multilingual conversation! For seven days, you can participate, whether you are multilingual or not, by wearing a badge that tells others which language you can speak or which you can understand—a little, a lot, it doesn’t matter! Festival activities across the campus will provide opportunities to celebrate as we speak and learn. Sign-up today:

Notice of Required Annual Cybersecurity Training

On Tuesday, September 3, ITS will launch this year's annual campaign requiring anyone with a Smith account to complete cybersecurity training and acknowledge the college's Acceptable Use of Computer and Electronic Resources Policy. Completing this training is essential for maintaining the security of Smith data. If you are required to take the training at this time, you will receive an email from with instructions on how to access the courses in Workday Learning. You will have 60 days to complete these tasks. For more information, visit the Digital Support Site:

Mail Services - Retail Closure , August 29-September 15

Due to the high volume of incoming packages and package collection, Mail Service’s Retail Department will be closed starting Thursday, August 29th and will reopen Monday, September 16th. We will still take returns as long as they are boxed, labelled and ready to go. Thank you for your understanding during this very busy time.

Jummah Prayer , Friday, Aug. 30, 12:30 p.m., Chapel Sanctuary

Join us for Jummah at the Hampshire Mosque in Hadley! We will meet in front of the Helen Hills Chapel at 12:25 pm. The van will leave by 12:30 pm and return to campus no later than 2:30 pm. Feel free to bring a prayer rug and complete your ablution beforehand. We have extra prayer rugs in the Blue Room if you need one! To attend, email

Music Department Ensemble and Performance Lesson Auditions , Not Listed

Are you interested in joining a Music Department ensemble or performance lessons? Admission to individual lessons and some ensembles is determined by audition, which will be held September 3rd through 6th at Sage Hall. Audition requirements and sign ups are at

'Integrating Revision and Peer Review Into Your Courses' - Register by Oct. 19 to Order Lunch , Wednesday, Oct. 16, 12:15-1:15 p.m., Campus Center 102

Experienced writers make substantial revisions to content, structure, and argument, but student writers often limit revision to line edits. However, students revise more substantially when we build structured opportunities for revision into our courses. This workshop presents strategies for eliciting revision from students, such as scaffolding assignments, commenting on drafts, and using peer review in courses at any level and discipline. Part of Jacobson Center's series on teaching with writing, led by faculty development specialist Magdalena Zapędowska. Register by 10/19 if you'd like lunch ( Email with any questions.

08/27/2024 Digest

Today: International Faculty & Staff Reception , Tuesday, Aug. 27, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Seelye Lawn

The Lewis Global Studies Center is excited to invite all faculty and staff who identify as international or who have had significant experience living abroad to meet and greet the incoming class of international students as part of their pre-orientation programming. We will be offering Maple Valley ice cream on Seelye Lawn to ring in the semester and outstanding conversation to foster a collegial international community. We hope to see you there!

Neuroimaging (/fNIRS) Workshop , Thursday & Friday, Aug. 29 & 30, SabinReed / McConnell Hall, B 10

Dr. Ingo Helmich offers a Neuroimaging (/fNIRS) workshop at Smith College to start his new lab called "Motor Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Laboratory (MNN Lab)". The MNN Lab is dedicated to advancing the understanding of the neural mechanisms of motor control. If you are interested to attend the workshop (August 29-30) check out the program at and contact Dr. Helmich for available seats.

Register Now for 'Toward Equity: Mentoring Across Identities' Workshop , Thursday, Aug. 29, 2-3:30 p.m., Campus Center 103/4

This workshop will provide resources to help mentors develop a meaningful and effective mentor-mentee relationship. Faculty serving in a formal mentoring role are strongly encouraged to attend. All faculty are welcome. In partnership with the Office of Equity and Inclusion. Part of the Fall 2024 Faculty Development Series ( Register in advance (

Request Spatial Analysis Lab Support for Fall Courses and Research

Have a question or idea regarding maps or spatial data? Contact the Spatial Analysis Lab (SAL) for support and collaboration on fall courses and research. The SAL manages two computer classrooms/labs and is available for data collection/curation, co-developing lessons, mapmaking, and more. Please fill out this form ( to start a conversation. We will review and respond to requests on a rolling basis, but requests submitted by August 21 would help us plan. Email Heather Rosenfeld, SAL Director, with any questions.

Parking Decal Sales

As a reminder, Faculty and Staff decals must be purchased online by visiting and selecting the decal type you would like to purchase. Please be sure to use your campus address so we can send the decal to you, as we do not mail decals off campus. If you are a new employee, please contact to submit your info and we will activate your profile in the parking software.

Register Now: How AI Is Changing How We Work - Community Keynote , Tuesday, Aug. 27, 1 p.m., Virtual Event

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into our professional environments has become not just a trend, but a necessity for thriving in the digital age. Our August Community Keynote, led by Smith alum Stacy Metzger, MBA, MS, will share practical insights on how executives, leaders, decision-makers, and employees can harness AI's potential to redefine how we work, innovate, and achieve success. To register, visit:

Understanding U.S. Federal Income Taxes , Friday, Oct. 18, 12:15 p.m., Conway Center, 103 Neilson

Everyone pays some form of tax -- sales, excise, property, etc. In this session, explore one specific type of tax: federal income tax in the United States. Learn all about the basics, some of the most common tax misconceptions, and how pre-tax and post-tax deductions impact paychecks. Part of the Conway Center's Demystifying Money: Foundations personal finance workshop series. *Lunch provided; RSVP required by visiting

Demystifying Money Foundations Concludes: Protecting Your Money , Friday, Oct. 25, 12:15 p.m., Conway Center, 103 Neilson

The final installation in the Conway Center's personal finance workshop series focuses on ways to keep your money -- and financial identity -- safe. From insurance to spotting a scam, a little awareness can go a long way toward keeping your financial future on track. *Lunch provided; RSVP required by visiting

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