Before you leave Smith College, please review the following information covering what to do with computer equipment you are using and your network/email account.
Update your Email Settings
Set up an Out of Office Reply
To alert people that you have left the college, use the Vacation Responder to set up an automatic out of office reply in your Smith Mail account. After your account expires, vacation responses will no longer be sent. For instructions, visit the Gmail Help Center, Vacation Responder.
Forward incoming email messages to an alternate email address
Work with a supervisor or other staff in your department to decide what to do with messages that come to your email account after you leave. You can automatically forward new email messages to another Smith user account or your personal account, or you can forward different types of messages to different email addresses. For instructions, visit the Gmail Help Center, Automatically forward Gmail messages to another account. After your account expires, messages will no longer be forwarded.
Organize Files in your Network Home Directory (H:)
Move files to be retained by Smith to your department's shared drive
1. Clean up and organize files by placing them in folders with meaningful names.
Move personal files to an external drive that you will take with you (e.g. USB flash drive).
3. In your home directory (H:), create a folder with your name on it.
4. Move files and folders to the newly created folder.
5. Move the folder and all of its contents to the department shared drive for others to access after you leave.
Note: Please contact the ITSC, if you need assistance with any of the following: your home directory is too large for you to move; you need a restricted folder on the shared network drive; your home directory folder is going to another staff member.
Review and Organize Your Google Files and Data
Transfer ownership of My Drive files to be retained by Smith
Files and folders that you created in your Google Drive My Drive are owned by you by default. If you have My Drive files that you created as part of you job, you will need to transfer ownership of those files. If you do not transfer ownership, files may be deleted once your account has expired. Only you can transfer ownership of those files and folders. Note for many cases, moving files to a Shared drive folder will be the best approach. See the next FAQ, Move My Drive files to a Shared drive, for more information about this approach. If you have a need to transfer ownership of My Drive files without using a Shared Drive folder, refer to Google Drive Help, Make someone else the owner of your file.
Move My Drive files to a Shared drive
If you have an extensive amount of files and folders, consider moving them to a Google Shared Drive where they can be managed by Smith colleagues after you leave:
1. First, download and then remove any personal files and folders that belong to you and that you wish to take with you. See the next section, Transfer Your Personal Files and Other Google Data.
2. Because you want to move only files you own, delete files (shortcuts) shared with you since you are not the owner. The owner will still have the original file, and other collaborators will retain their access.
3. Clean up and organize the remaining files you own into folders. Putting files in folders will help to move groups of files at a time.
4. Move your remaining files to a new Shared drive: Go to Drive Shared drives and create a new folder with your name in it. Create sub-folders as necessary. Add a co-worker and/or manager as a Member to the new Shared drive folder. (Once your account has been removed, anyone with Manager access will be able to share and manage your documents.) Move files from My Drive into the new folder(s). For detailed instructions, visit Google Workspace Learning Center, Set access levels for a shared drive and Move files to shared drives
Office 365
Create a personal Office 365 account
You will no longer have access to Office 365 through Smith once your account has been disabled. To see offers from Microsoft, visit the Office 365 Personal page. Learn how to switch Office 365 subscriptions from University to Personal. If you are not planning to switch to a personal subscription, you should download any files that you may want to retain. For instructions, see Download files and folders from Onedrive.
Smith Equipment
Returning Smith-owned computers and devices
You must return Smith-owned computers and devices that are assigned to you or are in your possession. ITS will wipe out all data and files on these devices before they are reassigned. To return equipment to Seelye Hall prior to leaving the college, please make an appointment by e-mailing ITS will collect any desktops or other equipment from your office following your last day.
Change External Accounts
Update personal apps that use your Smith email address
If you used your Smith email address to set up external accounts, be sure to change the email address for those accounts before your Smith account expires. Additionally, check if your Smith email is a second form of authentication on other accounts, such as personal email or banking accounts. For instructions on how to change your email address in a few popular apps, visit the following links:
Apple ID,
Office 365
Your W-2s
Obtaining your W-2s after you leave Smith
W-2s are made available in late January for the previous calendar year. Visit Accessing Your W-2s for more information.