
Charles Skaggs Book Jacket Collection
Early Work

Book jackets are sorted by year. Clicking on a particular jacket will open a new window with a larger copy of the image. Close the window to return to this page.

John Bennett - Doctor to the Dead
Robert Graves - King Jesus Montgomery Lewis - Legends that Libel Lincoln
Brook Peters Church - The Golden Years
Johan Fabricius - Hotel Vesuvius T. Everett Harre, ed. - Treasures of the Kingdom Bernardine Kielty - A Treasury of Short Stories Josephina Niggli - Step Down, Elder Brother Dorothy Sayers - Unpopular Opinions
Robert Cantwell - Nathaniel Hawthorne, The American Years
Rose Franken - The Marriage of Claudia Babette Hughes - The Magic Penny Abraham Veinus - The Victor Book of Concertos Robert Weaver - The Negro Ghetto Somerset deChair, ed. - Napoleon's Memoirs
Hervey Allen - Israfel
Eileen Garrett - Adventures in the Supernatural R. C. Hutchinson - Elephant and Castle Bayard Taylor - Eldorado H. G. Wells - The Outline of History

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