Virginia Woolf’s seventh novel, “each character speaks in
soliloquy against the background of the sea.” According to the
blurb inside the first edition, “Several lives thus appear as
in a pageant detached from the framework of daily life, but they change
and grow old as time goes on. In the end one of the characters sums
up the effect of their lives as a whole.” When she began the novel,
Woolf wrote in her diary: “I think I am about to embody, at last,
the exact shapes my brain holds.” Woolf wrote The Waves “to
a rhythm, not a plot.”
Virginia Woolf. The Waves. London: Hogarth Press, 1931.
With dust jacket designed by Vanessa Bell.
to Hugh Walpole’s note inside the page proofs of the novel, Woolf
and Walpole discussed “Reality” over tea at Tavistock Square
on 26 February 1932. Woolf later inscribed The Waves for him. In her
letter accompanying the proofs, she writes: “Here is the Waves,
lacking, I am sorry to say, among other things, a fly leaf. But you
won’t mind that, I know, since you have put up with many worse
deficiencies on the part of your friend Virginia Woolf.” In his
note, Walpole says that these proofs “were the very earliest of
this book.”
Virginia Woolf. Letter to Hugh Walpole, 3 March 1932.

Virginia Woolf. The Waves: page proofs, 6-13 August 1931.
Inscribed by the author to Hugh Walpole.
Hugh Walpole often visited Northampton, Massachusetts. In his notes
for a 27 October 1926 lecture at the Hampshire Bookshop about the modern
novel, “Mrs. Virginia Woolf” is grouped with Joyce and Lawrence
as examples of modern novelists, whose “remarkable writings”
verge “on philosophy and essay.” Many of his thoughts on
reality and his criticisms of the modern novel are expressed in his Letter To a Modern Novelist, which was published by the Hogarth Press
in 1932 as part of the Hogarth Letters series.
Hugh Walpole at Brackenburn: photograph, 1929.
Hampshire Bookshop Collection.
Hugh Walpole. “The Victorian and Modern Novel Contrasted”:
typed lecture notes, 27 October 1926. Hampshire Bookshop Collection.
Presented by Frances Hooper ’14.
Mortimer Rare Book Room, Smith College
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